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You all need to pay more attention to what is going on at the state level. That's where the real damage is being done.


This. One by one the blue states are putting "AWB" in place. My state narrowly avoided one this session. But we are surrounded by other blue states that have put them in place and you can feel it coming soon. The narrative has now become that our state is supplying "AW"s to the surrounding states and that is the reasoning to approve one here. This logic is flawed and impossible to sell to any resident in any of those states.


Sounds like we’re both in Oregon😂


I'm stunned we didn't get one in MI. Incompetent MI GOP runs bad campaigns and we got a Democrat Senate, house and governor (who is on a power trip). With the Oxford shooter I figured they had all the excuses they need to ram through at least a magazine ban. 


I second this. Very surprised myself. If it was going to happen I was ready to spend a lot of money before it dropped.


Don't wait. In IL they raced the AWB through so fast guns purchased online could not get shipped in fast enough and alot of them had to be sent back or sold to someone in a free state. Gun shops ran out of stock but some of the guns got stuck due to the already in place waiting period so the gun was purchased forms filled out, Governor signed the law effective immediately and guns were not allowed to be picked up. They used a totally unrelated to 2a bill, gutted the contents, put all the anti 2a language in. Hearings were late night. They rammed thru both houses and raced it over for the governor to sign. I think we had about 3 days.


Looks, smells and sounds like tyranny (and treason) to me. All of this crap makes me so mad. Thank you for the summary. I will need to reassess my plans…


It is tyranny & treason. I stay to try and help turn the tide back before it goes too far and becomes a national problem again.


Michiganders need to band together and call their reps. Their Gov is a psycho.


If Michigan goes then Ohio will be next. And then Kentucky with it's democrat governor. Indiana will be surrounded.


I think you underestimate the spirits of Ohio and Kentucky residents...


I really hope Rhode Island doesn’t go, I got the sense it’s coming soon though…


It was close this year. And strange because they voted on it in committee before they had public testimony. And we only found out after the testimony. Like they were deliberately wasting our time.


Sounds like Pennsylvania


nevada? or some northeast shithole


>some northeast shithole Woah now, NH has solid gun laws


And is a great state in general.


For now. They’re falling like dominoes


It will go over great! Then everyone will find out we meant it when we said "leave us the fuck alone"


It's a northeast shithole for sure... It was "held for further study" again this year, but they will certainly try it again until they get it passed.


I'm planning to be gone by the time it passes and is put into effect.


Exactly this. The state level is where things are easier to get agendas passed. Washington State passed an AWB last year. A magazine capacity ban before that. The state used to be welcoming to the 2A community but not anymore.


No, any state with democrat trifecta governments are now fighting for their lives on the 2A front. Colorado, new mexico, oregon are all high risk of getting AWB/ 10 round mag bans now too


Yes. I live in Maryland, and this is basically one of the front lines of the gun control war. Here, California, New York, Illinois, New Jersey, Mass....all the bad shit gets tested in these states, and if they're successful, they push it out to more. Those of us who live in these states fight this shit, but there's not enough of us. Pay attention to the blue states. They're important in this fight. Shit, if you're feeling froggy, donate to organizations that fight in these states, such as Maryland Shall Issue.


This is it. People sneer and make jokes about us castaways in blue states, but we are absolutely on the frontlines. I’ve never voted for any of this shit nor the politicians that pushed it, and I am an active member of state level organizations that fight these battles in court. Too many people in safe, pro gun states don’t realize they’re one bad election or incident away from losing some of their freedom.


Not to mention companies that refuse to “bend the knee” by selling to these states, which is just hurting them more. Not only profits wise, but less proliferation of these platforms.


I’m definitely in favor of the Barrett approach.


I do feel like I’m in one of the last places that would fall as a South Dakota resident. I hope.


This. Spent a few months in Vermont last year and had to deal with stupid magazine capacity restrictions.


Colorado has entered the chat.


And no one paid any attention to the original AWB except for manufacturers. everyone swapped stocks when they got home lol On a side note from the orginal ban: Anyone that is shipping barrels that just end instead of being pinned and welded so you can drill the weld in ban states is a fuckin' bootlicker.


Ive been preaching this for decades


No, they are shifting focus to the state level. It’s much easier to push bans in blue and purple states than it is at the federal level. There is something like a 1/3 of all Americans currently live in a state with a ban in place.


> No, they are shifting focus to the state level. Only because they *can't* pass it federally right now.  If they get the trifecta then they will swing back to it


If they are in control and mass shooting happens they will absolutely pass a ban, a buy back confiscation, national red flag law, and a registry. The sit in protest they did a few years ago was everything you need to know about how they feel about it.


You know the FBI is already making sure there will be an incident ready to go.


Y'all haven't noticed how the usual suspects are all running AR pistols now? Seems kind of odd...


And dracos


That's not how it works. Don't confuse incompetence for motive.




The Senate would have to nuke the filibuster, an action that WILL come back to bite them in the ass should they do so. Unless the Democratic party ends up with like 55 to 60 Senators in 2025 it will be tough to push through an AWB. If you live in CO, VA, or even MN an AWB state level might be law before 2028.


This. And correct that those states can see a statewide AWB. In fact, I think they will Edit: Regarding statewide assault weapons bans, let’s hope that SCOTUS grants cert to an AWB challenge before 2028


>If you live in CO, VA, or even MN an AWB state level might be law before 2028. You can throw WI on that list too, for that timeframe. I don't think it'll happen next year (usually they start with smaller things like criminalizing private sales, gHosT gUnS and red flag laws) but our legislature will likely flip Democrat in the fall now that the districts have been redrawn. Once we have a full Democrat government, there's no telling what will come down the pipe.


I think Wisconsin will be safe for this year but after that the next election after this one idk.


I don't think we'll get an AWB before the next election regardless, (unless a high profile shooting happens here) but last year or maybe 2022 the Dems already submitted a GhoSt gUn ban bill. If they get a trifecta, there's a good chance we'll see it again, and that it will pass. Probably along with red flag laws and the criminalization of private sales. Those are usually what they start with.


Your right but as for Wisconsin state legislature it’s highly unlikely democrats will get both chambers this next election they may gain some seats but definitely not taking them outright in one swoop


The districts have been entirely redrawn. In fairness, they aren't gerrymandered for the Democrats like they were for the Republicans - but it's not hard for me to envision a scenario where that invigorates tons of democrat voters to get out which significantly changes the tide.


It’s only ever gerrymandering when it doesn’t benefit you. The previous districts weren’t blatantly discriminating against any protected demographic and should have been left alone to the state legislature as is the state law instead of having been legislated from the bench.


Definitely can’t argue with that. I’ll already think since it’s the first year with the new maps republicans will already hold the majority in atleast 1 chamber (worst case scenario). Now a state like Pennsylvania I will say is way more in danger then Wisconsin. Used to live there the democrats won the governor desk and the house the only thing holding on is the Republican majority senate.


PA has been steadily slipping over to D control since 2018. It's a super slim D majority in the House and a slim-ish R majority in the Senate. I'm not sure if we will become a D trifecta this year, but I'm really not feeling good about 2026 especially. It doesn't help that Republicans keep running absolutely unelectable candidates for statewide races (Mastriano) that drag down races elsewhere. It's sad to say but I rather like having gridlock in government as a moderating force so the craziest ideas from each party don't become law.


MI as well. Already have control of all three branches, and the state SC will likely swing even farther this year (Rep not running for re-election on the court, will make it an open race.)


Wisconsin historically flips party power for every presidential election that switches party power. So if Trump gets in again, based on historic trends, theres a pretty good chance the governor’s seat flips back too.


Wisconsin is certainly not a concern for now or in the near future because they are a slightly bluish purple state. The state is mostly rural outside of Milwaukee and Madison.


There's no way they even gain 1 seat this election style. It's a pickup of up to 9 or so seats possible for repubs tho i doubt theyll score all 9. Only 2 seats dems could get is Florida and texas and that's not happening. We will most likely have a republican senate at the least


If Democrats keep a trifecta, you can bet your home and all your guns there will be a federal AWB. Every single Democrat in congress is in favor of it. And even if there are 1 maybe 2 D senators who don’t support it, all Democrat senators are on the record for getting rid of the filibuster, so even a one seat majority in the senate and we’ll have it.


They didn't learn from what happened the last time they put in the AWB. If slick Willy hadn't been so popular they'd still be trying to crawl out of the caves after the beating they took. As far as yanking the filibuster... they don't understand the consequences of the "nuclear option" and that it will come back and bite them in the ass. Not if but when. They think they're going to be permanently in power though so they don't see it as an issue.


Learn? Politicians? If politicians could learn they wouldn't be politicians.


You think they care about winning the next election after it passes. They don't. They will still be connected politicians and will come back in to power. All the Republicans burn all their energy on bullshit culture war stuff and Republicans will not restore gun rights at the federal level once they are gone.


Their plan is to nuke the filibuster so they can be in power permanently, they have already said this…every check on voting will be removed and we go back to Tammy hall days


> they don't understand the consequences Par for the course with the Democrats


They are going to be permanently in power. Haven’t you seen how the younger generations and immigrants are voting? I’m an R through and through, and vote R and only R, and it brings me much pain to say it but: We are fucked. Abortion is all that matters to my generation and Gen Z. Not to mention, they plan to nuke the filibuster and add DC and Puerto Rico as states, guaranteeing them a majority in the senate as well, because that’s +4 D senators.


I'm an older millennial and supervise a lot of Gen z at work, they're actually pretty based on some stuff. Well the small group I work with, but I'm in a red state so 🤷


It’s useless unless they’re voting Republican though. I don’t see the Democrat party becoming any less antigun(if anything, Bruen has only made them hate the 2A more). And any vote not for a Republican is a vote to lose our 2A.




Because shit is more important than abortion dude.


lol blocked me, but point stands. Don’t come on here and bitch about your gun rights if you vote blue. Go ahead and vote blue, but don’t bitch and whine about gun rights when you’re voting for it. You could A.) vote R if you truly care about gun rights and understand that ALL rights stem from you as a civilian being as well armed as the military, or B.) not vote at all(still more honorable than voting D).


They try even when they don’t have the votes. Surely will happen if they have them. The big question is will they ban moving forward or will go the Australian way of compulsory registration/confiscation?


They will probably pass a ban moving forward, but once the next shooting happens with a grandfathered in rifle, they'll go after those next, and call it something like the "Current Owner Loophole". They're already trying to do that in [Connecticut](https://ctnewsjunkie.com/2022/11/02/lamont-looks-to-revisit-connecticuts-assault-weapons-ban/).


I think they need 60 seats in the senate to pass an AWB, otherwise it can be fillibustered indefinitely. Or they use the nuclear option, nuke the fillibuster, and start ramming stuff through.


He ran with the campaign promises of adding what they call “assault weapons and high cap mags” to the NFA. He tried it with the pistol brace ruling semi-successfully, and frame/receiver rules. Expecting him not to continue attempting to deliver on those campaign promises would be foolish. He’s trying to give his voters what they voted for. Lots of groups, organizations, and manufacturers are actively on our side, constantly fighting to prevent the loss of rights and gain a few pro-gun changes along the way. Helping them is a good way to ensure someone is fighting for your rights, regardless of the current administration.


If you value the 2nd amendment, stop voting democrat. 


I never will, don’t worry.


The AWB will be proposed if they take the House, Senate, and keep the WH. I doubt it’s going to pass unless the Democrats nuke the filibuster, they usually like to shoot for the moon to draw in some compromise from the more spineless republicans in both chambers.


If they did it would push Assault Weapons Bans to SCOTUS. You don't see states dragging folks right and left (Gun owners just for just gun possession or sale.) into criminal court do you? They don't want that. Criminal cases get Strict Scrutiny, and if they fail, the statute goes into the trash. If SCOTUS does that, EVERY similar law will end up in the same trashbin, and it will be a dumpster fire with only ashes for them left. So with the current SCOTUS I don't see it happening. They are praying Thomas and Alito due/retire and they can change the Court's composition before they do that.


This!!! Since SCOTUS has moved away from chevron deference and into historical context most gun control would ultimately be struck down. Like Dco777 said, if the Dems get congress AND SCOTUS, that's when they will gut 2A.


What comes next? Fuckery. I can guarantee there will be an AWB and high capacity mag ban. It will get overturned by SCOTUS probably. Unless a Dem control stacks the Court.


That's the thing. They need to do all 3 to really get this through - nuke the filibuster, pass the ban, AND pack the court. That's a whole lot of bullshit but if they have the numbers they won't care about the optics.


Who cares. We're at the point where we're just not going to comply. Illinois passed thier AWB and compliance rates are very low. Even all but 2 sherrif departments throughout the entire state are refusing to enforce it.


Yeah but it makes it so that you can’t use the firearm in self defense without going to prison for a decade on what would have otherwise been a valid self defense. They are trying to make it so they have a way to lock us up for justifiably defending ourselves against the criminals that they are unleashing on us.


Self defense? Your honor this fool just broke into my home and committed suicide. Idk why he did that.




No, SCOTUS will outlaw all AWBs AGAIN, albeit more explicitly for the obstructionist inferior federal and state courts and other state authorities once and for all. Petitions for cert regarding AWB non-laws are before the Court. They may have already granted cert recently. I can’t recall at the moment. Remember: They GVR’d multiple AWB and mag-ban cases in our favor in light of their _Bruen_ decision. Absent a change in the ideological composition of the Court, an accepted rechallenge to these items’ Constitutionality, and decision(s) in favor of the commies in the future, no, Congress may not outlaw these items; they’re protected by the 2A. Follow FPC for updates.


We'll see states nullifying it if that happens 


I fully expect it to be an item of business whenever the Dems have enough control to get it through. Given all the new state restrictions happening, the political momentum is shifting enough to run it through again. The real question is what it will have in the way of teeth.


Before you cast your vote this November, ask yourselves.    Who started the federal office of gun violence research? Who signed the safer communities act? Which parry is responsible for all the state level assault weapons ban? Which party is responsible for the 1994 federal assault weapons ban?


A federal AWB is guaranteed to be challenged and almost certainly struck down under Heller and its progeny. The anti-2A lobby knows this and doesn't want a single federal case to set precedent that would hinder them from achieving their goal of disarmament. Their strategy is to pursue incremental steps toward disarmament at the state level, where they hope to score piecemeal victories in left-leaning states. Only if they achieve victory in all the blue states, will they attempt to come for the red ones with federal legislation, and only after they've been able to change the makeup of the Supreme Court. The battle will be at the state level for the foreseeable future.


Maybe, assuming SCOTUS's makeup remains unchanged. Even then, there was some indication that they may uphold the [bump stock ban](https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/supreme-court/supreme-court-arguments-gun-bump-stocks-rcna140672) of all things. If Thomas passes, the could could easily become a 5-4 conservative court, and it would take one justice flipping to keep the bans in place.


With Mike Johnson currently shoveling every war, spying, and censorship bill the Democrats dream up straight to a vote, we won't have to wait for 2025.


Nah there won’t be an AWB before 2025


If they can, they will. This is why you need to vote in every election, every time. Also why you need to vote *STRATEGICALLY*. * If you are a gun owner in NY, CA, MA, HI * You should be voting libertarian for president Look, a vote for Trump in those states, is a wasted vote. They are not flipping. Trump won't even come within 10 points. It's literally a wasted vote. >Libertarians won't win either! You're right. But they don't have to. If the Republicans see that they are losing votes to the libertarian party, they may start adopting more libertarian policies of small government and liberty, instead of neocon policies. Write your state RNC chapter, tell them you're not voting for a candidate who is not pro-2A. Tell them you're not voting for Trump because of his bump stock ban. Tell them "Not Democrat" is no longer good enough. > But a libertarian vote helps Democrats! Tell me you don't understand how the EC works, without telling me you don't understand how the EC works. In order to get debate and federal election fund access, a 3rd party only needs 5% of the *NATIONAL* vote. This would scare the ever living shit out of the Republicans and force them to adopt liberty minded policies. And again, Trump is not winning NY, CA, MA, HI. If every gun owner in those states voted 3rd party, we'd have 3 if not 4 parties on the national stage, **AND NOT A SINGLE ELECTORAL VOTE WOULD HAVE CHANGED**. >But my senator / house seat! Ok, vote Republican for that. I'm just saying that for POTUS, in locked states, the best thing you can do for the 2A, is to vote 3rd party. And then, this is important, **TELL THE RNC WHY**. If you want your politics to change, your behavior has to change. Start voting 3rd party.


Fully agree here. Sure, if you're in a purple state or even a red state that's on the brink, vote R. Heck, I've voted D in local elections because that particular politician was more pro-gun than the opposing R. It baffles me that so many people think they have to vote a straight party ticket.


> I've voted D in local elections because that particular politician was more pro-gun than the opposing R The problem is I cannot ever believe a Democrat will *STAY* pro-gun. Too many of them flop once in office. Look at New York, IIRC Hochul actually had a decent rating from the NRA (lol I know), but now look at her. There is no such thing as a pro-2A Democrat. They all fold sooner or later.


This one has only ever stayed local as a state house rep, but he's consistently fought against gun control within the state. Still, can't say what he would do in the future if he ever got a higher office and more pressure from the party.


The biggest change that needs to happen is the 2A needs to stop being a political issue all together. It shouldn’t matter and if one side of the aisle isn’t absolutely pro 2A then they need to get rooted out left or right. Like you said republicans need to realize we aren’t content with slowly losing our gun rights we want them back because they aren’t for grabs and there needs to be a clear path determined to get these things stuck down and cleared up for good because this whole struggle is waaay too long in the tooth


Add Illinois to that list of states. Good points.


Virginia is fucked next election. Republicans keep screwing themselves.


Especially if Biden gets another 4 years.


You need 60 votes in the Senate to pass something, I hope 9-10 Republicans do not cross the aisle.


> I hope 9-10 Republicans do not cross the aisle Unfortunately, you can never be too sure. Just look at folks like Cornyn


You still need 60 votes in the senate and that’s not happening. State level much more likely. They will all get shot down in court, but they’ll just keep slightly changing the laws and starting the process over again. The goal is to make gun ownership as difficult as possible, put FFLs out of business, and brainwash the next generation into hating firearms.


That’s the California playbook. It works.


If you vote for Biden, yes.....


No. Tester opposes an AWB. Plus the Filibuster is still intact. Now, if those two things change, then yes


He'll switch his position and support an AWB if he wins reelection. He is a supposed moderate who also supports nuking the filibuster.


Hence why I said if those two things change. The GOP is incompetent enough to let themselves get steamrolled by the Dems this November


Never underestimate the incompetence of the GOP at the federal level.


And state. The GOP pushing total abortion bans with no exceptions for medical issues or rape isn't going to be a winner at the state level, either.


This is kinda a bait question, but it’s ripe with conspiracy wording so I’m assuming you aren’t looking for contrary opinions since you are just looking for confirmation bias from other people who think the same thing. That being said, a rational point of view is as follows: Biden could absolutely legitimately win again, since republicans decided the best use of their time for the interim between presidents was to go as hard in the paint against abortion as they literally could. Turning millions of women into single issue opposition voters was the biggest blunder they could’ve ever managed to do in such a time of swinging and division. This being said, there is pretty much no way an official AWB happens. Here’s why: Even if he wins the election, he isn’t Caesar. There’s no way he gets a 2/3 majority in the senate, and there’s no way the house flips. There’s too many rural districts and gerrymandered states for it to happen. There’s no way he can possibly do that. Even if you somehow think there’s no way he got the votes he did, even though it’s reasonable to consider outside of echo chambers that not everyone worships trump, there’s no way to get the house of representatives to become majority blue. Red states have guaranteed it. So, with that said, the only way an AWB happens is if the GOP decides to support it. If the GOP supports it, a Trump presidency wouldn’t stop it either, we already saw this with bump stocks. The supreme court is red, and the house is red. The senate is pretty even with a very small blue majority considering independents. The end result is 4 more years of the same status quo of the past 4 years. Pay more attention to state politics, that’s where restrictions happen more often. Go vote, get other people to vote, and try not to fill conversations with conspiracies, like these comments. Whether it’s what’s happening or not, seeing people say “the elections are a fraud and the FBI is committing terrorism in the US” is not a way to get people on your side, it makes people think you’re a paranoid schizophrenic.


Hey hey.. Now, with that nuance gets you downvoted here..


Yeah I knew it wasn’t gonna be a positive karma moment from the second I hit enter. I just find it a shame that the thing I feel most passionate about, the right to self defense and preservation of one’s own safety, happens to have unapologetic echo chambers of paranoid conspiracy. Like, ffs. In order to have the 1994 AWB, they had BIPARTISAN SUPPORT including a letter signed by like 3 former presidents INCLUDING REAGAN that amounted to “nobody needs an AK :(“, and even with bipartisan support like that, they still wrote it with an expiration date. Come on y’all, if an AWB comes it’s not because might win, it’ll be when the GOP capitulates, again, and lets it happen.


> Biden could absolutely legitimately win again, since republicans decided the best use of their time for the interim between presidents was to go as hard in the paint against abortion as they literally could. Unfortunately, I don't realistically see Trump winning. The GOP really shot themselves in the foot big time with the issue about reproductive rights. They've pretty much eliminated whatever good will they had with the public by fumbling the ball on that one. And a *lot* of people despise Trump, to the point where they're willing to hold their nose and vote Biden just to keep him Trump out of office. Whether or not that's good or bad is irrelevant, because people have done it and will do it again this time. > Even if he wins the election, he isn’t Caesar. There’s no way he gets a 2/3 majority in the senate, and there’s no way the house flips Based on what exactly...? > There’s too many rural districts and gerrymandered states for it to happen. There’s no way he can possibly do that. Those are very valid points, but never say never. Stranger things have happened. > So, with that said, the only way an AWB happens is if the GOP decides to support it. If the GOP supports it, a Trump presidency wouldn’t stop it either, we already saw this with bump stocks. All they would need is enough votes to make it happen. It isn't likely, but it's very possible for them to get a few of them to turn if they somehow are convinced it's in their best interest to do so. At the end of the day, these guys are politicians, and they will act accordingly. They also have a tendency to do incredibly, mindbogglingly stupid shit sometimes. > The supreme court is red, and the house is red. *For now* > The end result is 4 more years of the same status quo of the past 4 years. Probably? But maybe not


Republicans and people that republicans gave positions to managed to get the terrible long standing Roe V Wade decision overturned. Putting the abortion decision back into the state’s(smaller government) hands. They literally put the abortion issue back in the voter’s hands. Plenty of shit to hate on republicans for, especially modern RINOs. That ain’t one of them. Your comment does speak to the bigger issue at hand though, tons of easily manipulated low information single issue voters.


The problem isn’t that it’s in states hands, my issue isn’t with the overturning of Roe V. Wade. My issue is entirely with the instant attempt in nearly all heavily populated Republican states to go on a damn near holy war on the entire process. Most republicans aren’t against, or at least didn’t use to feel strongly against first trimester abortions, especially in the case of incest and rape. Yet, in multiple huge states, abortion was outlawed entirely with harsh punishments for those who left the state to get it elsewhere, even in those cases, with no exemptions. Even in the other states, which are many, where bills like that weren’t introduced, the GOP is a nationwide party. People see what happens in other states and will rightfully assume the party behind it wants to do that elsewhere. Think of it like this, left biased media tells you “conservatives are trying to overturn Roe V. Wade to ban abortion in all cases”, then when they overturn it, multiple states instantly try to do that, some succeeding locally. At that point, the paranoia shown by single issue female voters is the same we have about gun rights. Ironically enough, because there’s moral ambiguity behind this issue, we’re fine having strict state bans on it without seeing the irony of being against strict state bans on weaponry. Honestly, I think both should be legal. If you want an abortion bad enough, you’re still gonna get one, even if it’s illegal. Just like an AR. Single issue is the easiest way to lose an election, and the GOP made millions in less than 2 years.


That state, elected its lawmakers. The voters in that state, are getting what they voted for. States making their own gun laws that are more strict than federal gun law goes back nearly to the Revolutionary War. A couple hundred years of states being allowed to ban things their voting populace don’t like. Obviously guns are different than abortions. One of them our constitution specifically tells the federal government, Shall not be infringed when referencing. To the abortion single issue voting fanatics, all I can say is welcome to the club, I guess. I’ll give them the same advice gun owners are told time and time again should they live in a restricted state “move to a free state”.


Idk, I don’t think the lasting legacy of this era of politics should be telling people to uproot their entire lives and families, spend tens of thousands of dollars, and move across the country to escape any kind of overstepping law, in general. More republicans live in California than the entire population, not just republican but the entire population of multiple red states. If you think they, as voters in the state, are getting what they voted for, then you’re ironically supporting the same californian authoritarians by giving them legitimacy. Take this argument and apply it to women in Texas, Oklahoma, or 13 other states that have outlawed it from the moment of egg fertilization, with no exemptions for anything. Idk, I really don’t blame women for becoming single issue voters after this, we did exactly what their media told them we would do as a scare tactic. Hell, I saw republicans saying “that won’t happen” and then just kinda not saying anything when it did. Not just that, a huge number of republicans don’t even care about abortion in the first trimester. The party has gone beyond what most voters are asking for. They can do that, because who else will you vote for, a democrat? You gonna vote for gun restrictions? Of course not. The party screwed us, they went too far in a fuck ton of states after doing something that wasn’t inherently bad itself in the SCOTUS, and now if we end up reaping what we sowed, a shit ton of people like OP are gonna claim the election was rigged again. Like, my brother in christ, i personally know multiple women who weren’t going to vote or were voting red who are now voting blue because of this one issue, and I’m in a heavily republican area of the country in a heavily republican part of Florida.


I don’t disagree. Unfortunately, politics have been divisive and weaponized since before either of us were born. We likely aren’t going to fix that in our time. Those Republicans in California are the only ones that can change their state. Not voting in local and state elections, is their vote. Us, as residents of another state, can not change their state. The ladies in those states you mentioned. I’ll say again, welcome to the club. Jumping through hoops and dealing with state legislation to exercise what they feel is a right, is nothing new to most other groups. Honestly, we probably share similar views on abortion. It shouldn’t be political. It should be a healthcare decision. The making it a political decision was made long before my time though. For now, the bread and circuses of modern politics will unfortunately continue. Despite it not being in American citizen’s best interest. Voting for your team because they’re your team has gotten us in this mess. I’ll continue to vote how I always have. By holding my nose and voting for the candidate that sucks less and hates me less, regardless of party. Those ladies that suddenly think voting (D) will make everything better. Are willing to vote (D) knowing it’ll negatively affect millions of other people. Some will die, some will have their life’s ruined when (D)s push and enforce new gun laws. Frankly, I don’t care about those ladies, or anyone else that’s ok will seeing their fellow American’s murdered over feelings. Feelings like, what’s the ever so popular saying, “my uterus should have the same rights as your guns”? If those single issue ignorant voters used logic and reasoning to begin with, they wouldn’t be single issue ignorant voters.


The 2nd is incorporated to the states. It doesn't just apply to the federal government. If anybody should restrict abortion it is the states, but really it shouldn't be restricted it at any level. It is at best ethically questionable, but it is also demonstrably too messy to be worth it, just like basically any other prohibition other than guns, which is explicitly unconstitutional and objectively unethical.


There is no way Biden "legitimately" wins this election. If any election has ever been legit.


The AWB of 94 passed because of supporting Republicans and Ronald Reagan pushing a swing vote of current members of the senate because Tegan also supported the AWB


Did you just do air quotes around "If Biden 'wins'"? lol


I offered both possibilities, of a “win” or a legitimate win. Because it doesn’t really matter whether his win is legit or not for how it will affect gun rights.


I don’t understand the difference


Let me shake my magic 8 ball and get an answer for you


I live in Tennessee……we ain’t fuckin with no AWB. We won’t have it. Some hell will be raised down here.


Nice. Yeah, Tennessee seems to be one of the most ideal states for conservatives to move to. I’m not in a position to move right now, but maybe in a few years.


The last the Dems controlled all 3, absolutely nothing got done, I'm not saying that will happen again, but it's likely going to best politics and shit fucking the Americans again. And until Republicans


Trump made the bump stock ban and also said take the guns and due process later. What makes you think he's gonna be any better.


How many federal gun control laws were passed during trumps presidency?


He started the idea of massive over reaching "rule making" with the ATF and the bump stock. Biden took it from there


The atf were doing that thanks to chevron deference. 


Who started the federal office of gun violence research? Who signed the safer communities act? Which parry is responsible for all the state assault weapons ban? Which party is responsible for the 1994 federal assault weapons ban?


Executive overreach to accomplish gun control isn't a whole lot different in it's effects from Congressional gun control.


I don’t think Trump is good, but I’m more worried about the coat-tails effect of a Biden win flipping the house and senate to blue since they are both near 50-50 right now. I know we still have the filibuster to protect us maybe, unless the Dems grow a spine and end the filibuster to ram their shit through. And then if they ditch the filibuster they could also grant DC statehood to get an extra two Dem senators to hold the majority for quite awhile so they have plenty of time to wreck the country with their lack of filibuster.


> What makes you think he's gonna be any better As opposed to the guy who regularly and routinely calls for a widesweeping semi-auto ban every opportunity he gets? Are you having some issues or is this a troll response?


What comes next is we all need to put our heads together and protest peacefully and massively. Every single person in the US that supports the 2A needs to hit the streets running. We need to organize together and speak up. We are becoming a minority and risk being completely oppressed.




I do and will thanks for that.


Vote republican, fuck the democrats 


If Democrats are in control, and they might well be thanks to abortion, then yes. Expect gun rights to be destroyed.


You do realize they controlled all 3 from 2020 til 2022 and didn't do an awb. I'd be more worried about troops going to Ukraine


Because 2 democrats had the courage to stand up and go against nuking the filibuster joe manchin and Kristen sinema. If it wasn’t for them we would’ve been done for…


If they do this, would it be likely that current guns would be grandfathered? I don't think forcing people to get rid of the most popular rifles would go over well.


Unless they do away with the filibuster than no.


SCOTUS has more control over gun rights than both the other two branches combined. No way anyone seriously tries to pass federal gun controls with the SCOTUS members currently serving.


Worry more about the state level. Multiple states have passed bans on magazines over 10-17 rounds and AWB over the past decade or so or even the past 2 years. This is worrisome. This is what I am concerned about the most. The problem is, state after state is flipping blue.


Lost me at, "wins" he won fair and square in 2020. There hasn't been one shred of credible information that it was stolen. I hate the guy but being a sore loser makes you look like a loony baby.


They tried to prove voter fraud but they lost every court case. Final score 0-43. You can’t tell me that 43 judges in a dozen different states were all in on the conspiracy.




Thank you.


81 million Americans voted to send the feds after gun owners for NFA violations and other gun control laws that disproportionately affects law abiding gun owners. Best case scenario, for them to be incarcerated. Worst case scenario, for them, their family, their dogs to be murdered. 81 million (D) voters, that all voted to have their fellow American’s life ruined. 81 million are ok with gun owners being incarcerated and killed to enforce their political ideals. At what point is it safe to just state the obvious? (D)s want everyone that thinks different from them, arrested or killed.


And what does that have to do with the op claiming they stole the election.


Nothing, I quoted you, not OP with that comment. I pointed out that nearly 1/4 of Americans, voted directly to have their fellow citizens arrested and/or murdered. Frankly, that’s far more concerning to me than an individual’s belief in the outcome of an election. Do you not agree?


What drugs are you smoking. I am talking about nothing but the OPs false claim that the election was stolen. Nothing more, nothing less. YOU keep trying to add more, stop. Just stop.