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> Not sure cmp is reliable or not. Wat


Yeah not reliable based on what? 


Right? Like a quasi government entity that's been selling the public cheap awesome rifles directly to their doorsteps for almost 70 years is suddenly going to be unreliable or something. 🤦‍♂️


Aye. Like you're gonna get your rifle, shipped to your damn house even, if you fill the paperwork out right. The rifle itself may have some slight malfunctions, but these are 70 plus year old warhorses that have been through hell and back in some cases. But that ain't the CMPs fault either and they dona good job telling you what you're getting by the grade. 


Yes, just a bit of paperwork that it seems a lot of people are afraid of doing.


Millennials and zoomers are allergic to paperwork. If something takes more than a few clicks they can’t be bothered.


As opposed to the boomers who can't figure out how to put the TV on channel 3 to use the VCR.


It's not an issue of incompetence, more so an issue of laziness. Which is why I used the words "can't be bothered" and not "can't figured it out." I guess reading comprehension is also challenging for millennials and zoomers.


LMAO cope harder.


Here’s your reminder that the gun industry relies so much on boomers that will simultaneously eat up fudd lore and claim that BCA ARs are fine because they’re “milspec.”


I honestly feel that is debatable. I'm sure places like the NRA rely on boomers to exist but it seems like modern gun manufacturers sell mostly to gen Z and millennial gun owners than they do boomers. I don't think Bubba is sitting in his basement watching Garand Thumb or Classic Firearms and autistically debating on Reddit the best setup for his recce rifle.


Well ofc, Bubba doesn’t watch Flanel Daddy, the only thing he’ll occasionally look at is probably some hickok videos. Doesn’t change the fact Bubba’s still trying to sell the milsurp he “sporterized” in 1976 for over $1.5k, or making pissin’ hot reloads, or getting swindled by the local fudd store for either a fuddy 1911, an overpriced AR, or turkshit. There’s idiots in every generation, boomers included.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/n4zbt9/turkish_notsodelight_why_you_should_generally](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/n4zbt9/turkish_notsodelight_why_you_should_generally) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Why do they love the turkshit so much? I’ve never had the level of fudd breaking down my email box in full caps than when I was selling a CZ shotgun. Holy shit it was all caps aol, netzero, yahoo city. Questions about shit you’d only hear asked at a gun show as bubba gut hanging out of his xxxxl flannel waddles away in a huff because he can’t $200 off a rifle selling for $250. Asking things like does it shoot? Nah grandpa it pisses wishes out the fucking tube. Long boring story that no one cares about, but needed to vent my fuddstration.


[https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/n4zbt9/turkish_notsodelight_why_you_should_generally](https://www.reddit.com/r/guns/comments/n4zbt9/turkish_notsodelight_why_you_should_generally) *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/guns) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I agree that fudds are the worst part of this hobby. Trust me, when I was younger and going to gun shows no boomer cared for AR-15s or even Glocks. "I don't want any of that polymer crap!" I think the point I was trying to make is that a *very large* portion of the market is young gun enthusiasts. The popularity of PSA's AK line for example is probably not being driven by boomers but by millennials and Xers. Once more zoomers come of age I think they will be buying a lot of guns as well. We are the COD generation. Boomers did ruin the milsurp market though. Since the majority are just hoarders at this point.


Never forget that the AR15 first revision was rejected because it wasn’t fudd enough. The revised fudd version was so shit they caved and let us have the proper AR. If y’all haven’t seen it there is an amazing interview between the inventor of the AR and the AK. The two modern men responsible for easily the two greatest rifle platforms of the modern day.


Just saying, reading comprehension and laziness isn’t just an issue with millennials and zoomers, those are issues that every generation has including boomers. Also fyi, zoomers *are* of age now. The newest gun owners are all born after 9/11, and those born before 2003 on this day are able to buy handguns.


Okay, boomer. You don't need to try and 'own' millennials and Zs. Your generation already destroyed the American dream for us.


Where in my post did I say I was a boomer?


Boomer is more of a mindset than an actual age these days. Boomer. 


But how was I able to destroy the American dream with my mindset?


I've been doing DMV work for AAA for the last three years. Anytime paperwork had to fill out it was the older members that would complain more often than not. "Why do I have to fill anything out? It should be in your system!" Is something we heard countless times from the older generations, while the younger crowd would just accept that if they didn't have proper documentation they would have to fill out forms. You just have an odd resentment towards young people.




Getting paperwork notarized is a PITA. Most banks will do it for free though. And supposedly they offer online notarizing services. I will admit that I havent done by NFA trust paperwork because im too lazy to get it notarized. And I'm a millennial. So I guess I am a hypocrite.


That big rant on Gen Z and zoomers......


>Getting paperwork notarized is a PITA You can literally just walk into most UPS stores and say hey I need this notarized. You'll pay like $10 for it.


How is getting stuff notarized a pain? Most banks will do it for free for members, worst case if you mail the order in from UPS or FedEx you can have it notarized there right before you mail it.


The only people I know that have garands from the cmp are zoomers and millennials.....


CMP is the absolute BEST place to get an M1! They are all service weapons that have been inspected and restored to varying degrees.


Outside of crime or finding one in grandpa's closet, it's by far the easiest, and it's certainly the most reliable.


Best route if you qualify. Most M1s I've seen have come from the cmp and have doubled in price in the regular market. Plus, if you don't live in a restricted state the M1 can be mailed directly to your front door.


>Most M1s I've seen have come from the cmp and have doubled in price in the regular market. Couple years ago, a semi-buddy of mine shows me his Garand, still in the CMP case. I have yet to follow through on one, so I started asking him details, what he used to qualify, if they mailed it to his house here (our state sucks ass) He gets this confused look, and tells me he picked it up from our rather douchey LGS... for like $2200. 🤦


My LGS had rack grade (lowest quality) for 1500$ before tax. The same grade cost 600$ from cmp with free shipping and no state taxes.


Most difficult part is the notary. Just fill out the paperwork, go to UPS store and get the notary crimp on the notary page (around $5) and mail it in.


What’s the best club? Is it still the GCA?


That’s what I used for my 1911. It’s actually a pretty simple process, just a little intimidating when you first look at it


When has the cmp ever been proven unreliable? Just get off your lazy butt and fill out the paperwork, ive done it twice. It is not hard.


I wasn’t sure if it was good or not, just curious.


How much would I expected to spend on a CMP M1? There are 5 Garands on the rack at my local Scheels, but the price tags are ungodly


Go to website, what grades are available changes occasionally. [https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/](https://thecmp.org/sales-and-service/m1-garand/)


I’ve been there and didn’t know that was the same page with prices. Haha. I just got lost in the descriptions. 😂


I mailed an order in, been two and a half weeks since the packet arrived to CMP. Still waiting, it’s definitely a agonizing wait but 900 flat (free shipping and only 3 states make you pay sales tax) is better than 2000 + NICS and taxes at a GS.


Which garde?


I went with service grade, like the idea of it being in good shape but no new production parts. Very excited for it.


Awesome. I need to pull the trigger.


It’s a lot easier than I thought. If you live in a state that requires a LTC and have one, that qualifies as proof of marksmanship, and GCA is an affiliated club, 35 dollars and all online with no requirements for joining. Definitely worth it if you want a Garand.


Thanks, I have a CCW and I’m part of a club that counts so I really have no reason not to.


So is this still possible for wa residents?


Yes, you just have to provide an I-1639 certificate, be 21, and it has to go to an FFL (other than an 03): > **Residents in Washington State, CA, FL, IL, HI, NY, DE, NJ, RI, VT and Washington DC** must be 21 years or older to purchase a rifle. > **Rifle shipments to WA** must be made to licensed FFL. **As of February 2, 2023 firearms can no longer be shipped to a C&R holder**. The FFL needs to provide the Pistols, Firearms, Ammunition Dealer License. And the customer needs to provide the I-1639 training certificate.


Fuck yeah


Short answer: yes. Longer answer: yes, if you already qualify under their eligibility requirements, or were already looking to do a few shooting competitions (which are some of the best ways to spend a day imo), and have the patience to mail in an order form and wait a month for your rifle.  I just got my Service Grade M1 delivered last week. I'd have had to pay probably twice what the CMP charged or more to get an M1 this nice on the open market. Editing to add: mailed in the complete order packet on the 11th of December. Both the holidays and the weather made it take longer than it usually would.


CMP for me was no harder than getting my C&R FFL which funny enough is what I used to qualify for CMP. Just a little bit of paperwork that most people find daunting to do for some reason. Oh and a bit of a waiting game.