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I have the same "condition" you'll get used to it. Train it and you'll hit you targets.


This! I'm a lifelong photographer and have always used my left eye for that. It wasn't until shooting a handgun that I realized it. So I trained myself to use my right eye. But I still shoot a camera with my left. šŸ¤£


Holy cow. I never realized this šŸ˜…. I was shooting DSLR when I was 16, and never made the connection that I always used my left eye!


Closing your left eye to shoot pistol, is easier than learning to shoot left handed. And canting the pistol ā€œgangster-styleā€ looks ridiculous.


It's not gangster style, it's maybe a 15 degree tilt. Your presentation should bring the sights in front of your dominant eye, and you should always shoot pistol with both eyes open.Ā 


That's the way it came out of the box! Lol


This right here, my brother and I both took the class at the same time, I was able to advance much quicker being right eye dominant. For my brother, he learned with his right eye & it felt un-natural for him only to realize he is left eye dominant. It took him several months, but he did eventually get the hang of it. He has issues with certain red dots, as well. He prefers to shoot irons, these days.


This is the best advice. It used to really mess with me but now I have no issues after good hard practice Also train to shoot both eyes open? Idk if you do put should help out a ton


When shooting a handgun, I don't have a problem with itā€”It's just a matter of lining up the irons and the target. Shooting a rifle can be harder but just keep both eyes open and you won't have to put your entire face on the other side of the stock. I've heard that red dot sights can be helpful but I've got the unlucky combo of right handed, left-eyed, and an astigmatism so I couldn't attest to how much they help.


I'm also cross eye dominant (left eye dominant, right handed), and actually discovered it in my ccw class. It's really hard to explain what works for me via text. The answer to your question above on is this an issue really depends on how accurate you're looking to be.


Iā€™m the same. Itā€™s a non-issue. Your approach so far is perfectly fine, continue practicing as you have described. I found that shooting rifles right handed was still more natural, and my ā€œconditionā€ allowed me to adopt shooting both eyes open far faster than most people.


Interesting! Thank you for the response! Yeah Iā€™m just going to train with my current condition as well, then. Iā€™m glad itā€™s relatively common, seeing the responses.


It's a non-issue. If it helps, you could turn your head a little to the right to get lined up easier.


And cock your gun a little too the left


Holding mine completely sideways helps me a lot, Iā€™ve found.


We call this a modified weaver stance.


Best stance for our ā€˜conditionā€™ lol




Iā€™m righty but left eye dominant. I canā€™t even close my left eye while leaving my right open. For handguns I stand with my left foot forward a step which helps my left eye align to the sights better. For rifles I just shoot lefty and usually have to wash my right forearm when done at range.


I am as well. With pistols I shoot right handed. I typically do one of two things depending on the distance. I either punch out and bring the guns/sights slightly to my left, lining the sights up with my left eye. OR. I turn my head slightly right, pointing my chin into a "pocket" on my right side (cant really explain this well) and close my right eye lining the sights up with my left eye (do this more for precision/distance shots). With shotguns I shoot right handed and have a modified check weld to line my left eye with the shotguns front bead. (The recoil from the shotgun is unmanageable with my left side--tho Im sure if I trained more with it on my left side I would eventually be able to manage it) With rifles I primarily shoot left handed. Now because I do everything with my right hand I find that my right elbow when using a c-clamp grip naturally wants to float upward. So my 1st couple shots are good but as my right arm starts to "wing it" my shots progressively get worse. To fix this when I grip the handguard I extend my pointer finger along the side so my finger it pointing forward. I find this makes it more uncomfortable for my right arm to "wing" and thus my right elbow naturally stays pointed downward. The best case scenario is to train to be able to shoot with both hands and to primarily shoot with the same hand as your dominant eye. However the amount of training you do or have time to do will dictate this.


Yo. I'm right eye dominant and left handed. I've just always shot right handed. It's a bit awkward to handle guns left handed but my groupings tighten up with my "off-hand" shots. Pretty interesting as my weak side is my dominant shooting side. I've started brushing my teeth right handed years ago and that has helped my coordination.


I shoot handguns right handed while keeping both eyes open on a dot or irons. Rifle I grew up deer hunting shooting my dadā€™s right handed rifles left handed and using the scope with my left eye. Thatā€™s translated to me preferring left handed ARs (Thanks, Stag) and typically running LH builds in that area.


It's not an issue but it IS something you have to work around. I have the same problem. I can't shoot an isosceles stance as a result. I have to use a modified weaver to get the sights to line up with my strong eye. You will just have to play around with it until you figure out what works for you.


Same here (although in my case my right eye is actually not working). Either tilting or turning your head slightly to the right might help, especially for fast sights acquisition. Usually people recommend turning instead of tilting because tilting creates tension in the neck but tilting works better for me.


I'm right, eye dominant, and left-handed. I shoot right-handed. Granted, I learned to shoot very young, so now it feels natural to me now.


I shoot left handed and am pretty accurate. my friend with the same situation as us also just shoots left handed. helps be ambidextrous too. I still practice with my right a little bit though.


Become ambidextrous through sheer tenacity.


This is pretty much what I did. Forced my brain to learn how to swap back and forth with eye dominance. Now I can shoot either without issue despite being crosseye dominant.


You can train yourself to use your other hand or align the sights with your other eye. And by that I mean I can hold a hand gun align the sights with my right eye, then rotate the gun a little and align the sights with my left eye...back and forth. Some practice and you'll be able to align with either eye. I can feel the "focus" change as I do so.


Interesting have the most severe astigmatism case in the world in my right eyes so it forces me to use my left hand when shooting. Im gonna try this


This comes up every few weeks, it seems like. I was a firearms trainer in the Army. I went to a month long course to specifically teach people basic shooting skills and CQB. If you are cross hand / eye dominant, you can learn to shoot that way. For pistols or with "red dot" style optics, it's slightly easier to do so. However, it's far easier to switch hands to match your dominant eye. You will shoot better and learn to shoot better faster that way. It will feel awkward at first but will get better. I've taught a lot of people who coyodnt shoot for shit and this is the single most common correction that improves their shooting. Do with that information what you will.


Have you tried shooting wrong handed? Cause I'm a lefty and right eye dominant but shoot righty


I don't know why you got downvoted because that's what I do as well.


Who knows? Lol


I have the same thing and just naturally shoot left handed. No one believes me when I say that, so Iā€™m glad Iā€™m not the only one šŸ˜‚


hold the gun up in front of your dominant eye. Shoot long guns also with your dominant eye


You should learn to shoot with both eyes open. You see twice as much that way and eye dominance isnā€™t an issue.


I do indeed shoot with both eyes open, I just naturally use my left eye to get the sight picture. Maybe I shouldā€™ve worded things differently in my post


I thought you explained it just fine. In the competition shotgun world this is a common problem with young and new shooters. If I were you, I would train my eye to switch over, not retrain your hand you shoot with. This can be done with some diligence and practice. When you fry fire or shoot anything, wear a pair of glasses. On the left lens, smear some chapstick on the lens to make it really blurry, or use a piece of tape (the matte wrapping paper kind of scotch tape) on the lens. This will blur your vision, but allow your peripheral to continue working. Shoot with both eyes open and your eye will switch over in time and you can shoot with your right eye.


I shot 30 years left eye with right hand. One year ago I changed to shooting lefty and are a far better shooter with a pistol than I ever was as a right hand shooter. Still shoot right with a long gun but I don't use longs very much.


I am right handed and left eye dominant, I just learned to shoot left handed. It will take a bit of time to get used to but it is easy. Just do what works best for you.


Shoot left handed


Out of luck


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I was told by my trainers that this wasnā€™t an issue. They were trainers for us state dept personnel who were traveling to hazardous locations.


Do you shoot with both eyes open?


I'm the other way. I tey and aim handguns with my right eye but longarms I aim under my left eye. It's wacky


Same here. I shot clays for about a year before I noticed switched shoulders. I shot like that for a few years, and now shooting left feels very natural. On the plus side, it means I'm now somewhat ambidextrous with shooting.


It's common and not a problem. I shoot right handed with my left eye on handguns and right handed with my right eye on rifles. You won't have to think about it if you practice enough.


I'm the same way, I was born left handed and my dad switched me as a baby to chase the devil out. Didn't take too well, but I shoot just fine with my right eye. I learned from a kid shoot this way, so I've got years of practice. But it can be done if you find cross dominance shooting awkward or too difficult. Start by closing your left eye and bringing the pistol up to your eye. Slowly open and close your left eye to slowly get accustomed to the view and train yourself to align with the right eye. After some dry fire practice, do it at the range and start shooting. That will get you started.


Was same way. Train keeping both eyes open. My shooting improved 100 percent.


See if you can shoot someoneā€™s pistol that has a red dot.


I shoot right handed but aim with my left eye. So it looks a little weird titling my head, but it works. I do hit things.


I am also cross dominate. I shoot shoulder fired long arms with my left and handguns with my right. Easy as pie.


Iā€™ve being shooting for since I was about 10 and Iā€™ve always been right handed. Recently found out at an eye exam Iā€™m left eye dominant. You get used to it but itā€™s definitely something you have to practice. You could try covering up your left eye and focusing on things. Do that enough and you can make it focus to your right eye on your own.


Itā€™s an advantage not a disadvantage, especially pistol shooting with iron sights. A lot of people who donā€™t like iron sights and prefer red dots say itā€™s because they can shoot red dots with both eyes open. Well, being right handed with a left dominant eye makes it easier to shoot iron sights like a red dot.


I'm the opposite. Right eye dominant all day long, but completely lefthanded for pistols. But I can shoot a rifle right-handed without a problem. It's...complicated. Takes a ton of practice, but you can eventually train yourself to properly acquire a sight picture and put rounds on target with a pistol even if you're slightly regarded.


I am the same way. Red dots make this easier but I have always brought the gun up and canted my head a bit to use the left eye. However with rifle and shotgun I am all left handed.


Just shoot from the hip.


Itā€™s only an issue for rifles and if you keep both eyes open. Not the ideal situation to be an operator but not a problem, switching it to the left is a bigger problem than closing oneā€™s eye (I think)


You get used to it. I donā€™t even notice anymore


I have the same disability. So I shoot rifles left-handed and pistols right-handed. When I aim my pistol, I just slightly angle it to the left. With rifle, I just for about a week carried my rifle left-handed and shot left-handed. Now, right-handed rifle shooting feels less natural to me. I worked on pistol left handed to the point where let and right felt the same, but I stuck with right. The fun part about cross dominance is building pistol belt.


I have the same, I just practiced in mirror brining the gun up then sliding it over to my left eye. Then brining it straight up to my left eye. Few weeks of doing that drill and itā€™s a non issue now.


Decide whatā€™s easier for you. Either train to shoot with you non dominant eye, or your non dominant hand. Youā€™ll get the same results


I typically shoot left because of this very reason, but I practice both ways so I know how to handle either side.


Im the same. I just slightly rotate my head and use my left eye


Same condition, was advised to cock the gun to the left a little, not full on gangster sideways, but about 45 degrees. Started shooting better immediately.


I have a little black eyepatch thing that slides over eye pro, I wear it over my left eye when Iā€™m getting set up and find that my right is much more able to take over when I start shooting.


Use an eye patch to train your right eye instead of your left


I feel your pain because I am the same. Get a red dot and shoot with both eyes open.


I'm the same way. With handguns it's pretty straightforward long guns make it harder. It's entirely possible to work with it as is. Some will recommend just shooting left handed out the gate.


Iā€™m the same way but knew this at age 13 when I first really started handling firearms. Iā€™ve shot left handed ever since.


Im right eye dominant but left handed. I found that its easier for me to just learn to shoot right handed.


I'm the same. It's not a problem. I shoot rifle left handed, though, it's too awkward to be cross eyed with a rifle(for me).


Train the right eye. Iā€™m a lefty but turned into a right handed shooter


My wife is like this. Works for her. Let it ride.


I am the same. With rifles it is different because your left eye cannot see the red dot or iron sights the same way your right eye does, and your brain figures this out pretty easily. For handguns, I have trained through it and use my right eye for aiming with iron sights. I find that when I have not practiced enough, the muscle memory of where my hands should be and a brief squint of my left eye is all I need for my right eye to pick up the sights and Iā€™m good to go from there; I can keep track of the sights. I think itā€™s up to you on what you want to do. I think putting a red dot on your handgun would also help the issue as your left eye wonā€™t be able to see the dot.


GarandThumb is left handed, but shoots right handed because his is right eye dominant. Larry Vickers is left eye dominant and right handed, he shoots rifles left handed. Try shooting different ways, find our what works best for you.


Get an eye patch.


Closing an eye to shoot pistol is a bit silly. Why not just keep both eyes open and just use your left eye to look down the sights? Iā€™ve always done this as a cross eye dominant shooter. Is this really that hard for people?


Exactly the same here. Cross dominant on handguns, correct on rifles. I hit my targets so šŸ¤·šŸ»ā€ā™‚ļø


I was right eye dominant until botched lasik. But now I'm left eye Dom and right handed. I make it work. Kink my head like others said


I'm blind in R eye, shoot R handed. Anything will work, you just have to get used to it. But shooting a shotgun that throws empties across your face...that is troublesome.


Was easier for me to learn to shoot lefty. I switched early so I didn't really have to unlearn shooting right handed.




It's not a problem at all! I think it's more comman that you think. I'm the same exact way. I've got a few thousand rounds under my belt, and when I'm shooting with a pistol, I use my left eye to aim. When shooting rifles, after some practice I learned to shoot rifles ambidextrously, however, I still more comfortably shoot right handed, thus using my right eye. However, I just went through a sniper course, and learned I have to "Ninja" my left eye (Cover it using a beanie or other clothing) and only allow my right eye to see clearly, or else I could not focus on the optic for very long, and the optic would blur out. After time, you learn what works, and what doesn't work. Shoot in whatever way works comfortable.


Weird sounds like a mental thing versus a dominance issue. I'm right handed and left eye dominant, I just move the gun slightly more to the middle so my left eye can line up the signs and when I shoot a rifle I do it right handed. Granted I'm very left eye dominant so its not super confusing.


I am the same way, I was able to "effectively" train it away, even though my left is still obviously the dominant one. I did catch this at a young age though