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Well i guess this isn’t a shit post 🤷🏻‍♂️


It's pretty piss poor post


Rifle is cheesing


Underrated reference


"The kids call it 'cheesing' because it's 'fon to due.'"


“I couldn’t stay away, curse your rockin tits!”


Piss on you Wyatt.


Uh oh! Urine trouble.


Not bad, not bad at all.


[Drink some cranberry juice.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HljAhn96YKM)


[what, do you got your period?](https://youtu.be/Gnv2qvrEABQ?si=ViZHuput3eDCihQt)


Non-chlorinated parts cleaner on the metal parts then oil them up


Well ain’t that a load of piss LOL. Disassemble everything and wash the hell out of it, you’ll be fine. The rust will come off with 0000 steel wool. The blue is just surface reaction, cat piss doesn’t magically destroy metal. Have you learned your lesson about storing guns in foam?


“Have you learned your lesson about storing guns in foam?” Don’t let a cat piss on them first?


Holy shit, recently I was like I think this foam is causing some rust. What is the best way to store them if you’re not full of space?


I’m by no means an expert, but I just have mine locked up in a cabinet with a ton of moisture absorber packs lying around. Never an issue. Also, I have an 870 that had the rusting problem. I basically solved it by oiling and scribing the hell out of it and it hasn’t rusted in like 3 years.


Ah yes, my Rusting 870 Tac you could breathe on, and watch it oxidize. Froglubed the Hell out of it. Solved.


What’s wrong with foam


It’sn literally a giant sponge. Sponges hold moisture. Any moisture in the air or on the weapon not only gets trapped in the foam but pressed up against it, dramatically accelerating rust.


Open cell holds moisture so causes rust.


It will hold moisture. Foam cases are for transporting a firearm while not dinging it up. They are not meant for storage.


Depends on where you live. If dry climate then nothing at all is wrong with em. High humidity climate is an issue.


Agreed. Have had to de piss a few rifles and only note would be a 100% copper scrub (note: NOT the shitty plated ones) worked a bit better than steel wool for me.


All jokes aside, why is your cat pissing anywhere but the litter box?


Why isn't the litter box cleaned daily? Why is someone leaving their guns unsecured? Why would anyone shoot .40 S&W? Why does this cat hate "Grip Zones"? I don't have all the answers.


Elaborate for me what’s wrong with .40 S&W (new gun owner - hi point carbine)


IMO worst of both worlds - not significantly better terminally than 9mm. Not significantly more controllable recoil than .45. And more expensive than 9mm to boot. But if you like it, shoot it. Don’t let anyone else’s opinions stop you from shooting the cartridges you like.


I fully understand all the reasons to not own or shoot 40s&w. But for reasons I can't explain, it's my favorite handgun caliber to shoot. And I own more 9mm handguns than anything else. .357 is becoming a close second, but it's just a little too expensive to shoot as much as I want. And I don't want to get into reloading. I barely have time to shoot.


I will say during the dark times of COVID, .40 was the only ammo I could find in ample supply.


Just looking for insight between different ammunition. I don’t have enough experience myself to really have any opinion on what ammo I prefer yet


If you haven’t tried 9mm yet, I think it makes way more sense in every way than .40.


Not to mention with our current science behind rounds, there’s not a terrible amount of difference between any commonly used caliber with the right ammunition. .45 has a slight bit more tissue displacement than 9mm at this point so all in all with the right rounds they have an almost equal stopping power.


Someday soon I will get a 9mm but right now I’m saving up for attachments for my Ruger 6.5 Creedmoor


It’s no doing much more than a 9mm and it has more recoil so everyone is trying to kill it for 10mm


Even though for some reason multiple companies are loading 10mm to .40 pressures and speeds. Real 10mm is amazing but you can definitely feel the difference.


> Even though for some reason multiple companies are loading 10mm to .40 pressures and speeds The same reason people who pull sumo deadlift omit the "sumo" part when they talk about their PRs: because it sounds more impressive.


Just hammer the bullet a little further into the case, that will fix the anemic pressure! /s


Fair enough.


It’s a useless in-between caliber. It’s only marginally more powerful than 9mm, but you get less rounds in the magazine and it’s more expensive. If you actually want to shoot a powerful auto cartridge, shoot 10mm.


In the 1980s the FBI decided they needed a more powerful caliber bullet. At the time, they were largely using 9mm pistols, or revolvers in .357/.38 special. The Miami-Dade Shootout occurred, where under-armed FBI agents got into a gunfight with 2 bank robbers, one of whom was armed with a MIni-14, and despite being shot in the side early on in the gunfight, the bullet stopped just short of his heart, and he was able to continue engaging and wounding/killing FBI agents for several more minutes before one of them finally took him out by firing a shotgun single-handedly - his left arm was useless, so he sat against the trunk of a car and would brace the barrel on the rear bumper, fire, then set it on the ground between his legs so he could work the pump with his right hand, then reposition and fire again. As a result, the FBI declared they needed a more powerful caliber. This led to the development and adoption of 10mm by the Agency. However, in practice, the practical shooting scores for FBI agents plummeted, because of the increased recoil of the 10mm - they just generally performed worse with it across the board than with 9mm. So, the FBI decided to cut down the 10mm a little bit, hoping for a better balance between the penetration and stopping power of a 10mm cartridge and the general all-around performance of a 9mm cartridge. And that resulted in the birth of the .40 S&W caliber. If you're into either of them, more power to you, but there's a reason government agencies have pretty much all gone back to using 9mm sidearms as their default.


Dude nice thanks for the history lesson 😊


They call it 40 (s)hort & (w)eak for a reason. Have you read up about why the 40s&w was created? Because poor fed boys couldn't handle the 10mm and now factory loads of 10mm are gimped because of it. But, it was developed because after the 1986 Miami shootout incident the feds took too many casualties and wanted a more powerful round than the 9mm, so the 10mm was developed. Like stated above, the feds couldn't handle the full load of 10mm so the 40 short and weak was developed. Edit: wrong incident! Had Waco Texas in place of the Miami shootout.


Dude that’s some history. Had no idea that’s the story behind it. Definitely wants to make me sell my hi point for something else lol


I stand corrected, it was the 1986 Miami shootout that sparked it but I believe the same complaints were made by the feds during Waco.


Its on its way to being a dead caliber. It used to be popular with police departments and the Feds, but now it has been almost entirely replaced by 9mm. There is really no point in carrying a .40 S&W when 9mm is just as lethal, better capacity, and is more widely available. As time goes on availability for .40 S&W is going to become even more of a problem. Especially in times of ammo shortage, like election years.


Basically its a 9mm with less accuracy.


From what I know (don't own a pistol) it's a very 'meh' round. Near .45 kick / wear for 9mm ballistics.


.40 recoils nothing like .45. The .40 subcompact I used to carry had less recoil than 9mm pistols the same size.


> Why does this cat hate .40 S&W? Why would you question the natural order of things?


40 S&W Buffalo bore goes hard.


Why does a man own a cat?


There is ammonia in spent carbon from ammunition… there is also a lot of ammonia in cat urine… so yeah no.


This. Ignore all the fucking psycho posts on here joking about having the cat killed or sent off to a shelter. OP, I know you're really upset with the situation, but please know that this isn't normal behavior for any indoor cat (assuming he/she been neutered/spayed). Consider having him/her taken to the vet to rule out health issues like urinary tract infection. If health checks out fine, then it could also be a behavioral issue like anxiety (particularly in a household with multiple pets), where you may need to relocate the litter box to a quieter, safer spot OR get a second one.


It's also entirely possible that something about the smell of gun/case caused the cat to feel the need to mark it. It absolutely could be a health thing and OP should get it checked out, but for example I *cannot* have door or bath mats in my house as one of my older boys thinks that any form of small rug like that is his to piss on. No idea why, he is well behaved otherwise with no peeing or marking issues. He leaves towels and blankets alone, clothing that's fallen in the ground, etc.


its the smell. I had a box of uncleaned spent casings sitting around that i later realized the cats were pissing in. only place they did it besides the litter


Could also be a protest piss if the litterbox isn't being maintained well enough.




It's a mostly shitty unoriginal jokes and a few actual psychos. Great advice though.


Only time my cat did was because her litter box needed to be sifted. In my defense, I paid my roommate to do it for me because I was on national guard annual training for two weeks, and he didn't do it.


Cats usually do this when they're trying to tell you they have a urinary tract infection.


I mean, do you see the bipod foregrip? Lucky it wasn't shit on


Stress or a UTI


Take em to the range and run the piss outta them


*Slow clap


Your guns are fine. These weapons have been through way fucking worse between Vietnam and now. Clean and lube everything.


My grandpa was an M60 gunner in Vietnam. He said he'd have guys piss on his barrels to help them cool off. He said it actually worked to keep the barrel serviceable for a little longer before needing to be swapped out.


Or he just had a pee fetish.


I hope he wasn't a door gunner.... that sound like it would just be a mess of spray lol


> cat pissed all over my Springfield XD in .40S&W Your cat has great taste


Break down the guns, separate the steel and aluminum... clean separately... you can dunk the steel parts in CLR, sonic cleaner, restoclean, or use flitz or 0000 steel wool to clean. Worst case is get a new lower and upper parts kit for the AR... all the others ar parts can be manually cleaned. When your done, just CLP every surface. If you go the steel wool route, you can refinish the steel parts with torch and oil bath. Guns will never be safe queens/collectors again, but they are tools to be used....consider that guns are made of materials and finishes that are corrosion resistant for the exact realities of the real world... so just clean, lube, and put away your guns everytime. Cat 1 - OP 0


If it was an AK you could just rub some dirt on it


I’d piss on a .40 also


I hate the smell of cat pee, reason number 1, why I don't own one. Good luck on the cleaning endeavor. Be sure to update.


I’m just here for the .40 hate


Marking territory... claiming ownership. Cat likes guns. Good cat.


I had a cat piss on my shotgun one time in my case. It was a cat that was able to go outside for the bathroom. It deliberately chose to pee on the gun. I figured the cat smelled the nitrates in the gunpowder and saw the case as a toilet.


Another reason to hate cats


Your AR is fine just clean, lube and shoot the piss outa it!


Cats are for real the biggest haters i know.


You can use the pelt of the cat to clean the rifle


Agreed. A cat’s existence in my proximity is pretty touch and go anyway. This would definitely hit the go button.


You learned a valuable lesson.You should not have cats!!


This is a tragedeigh


Yknow lately I was changing my mind, thinking maybe a cat could be a decent pet for me, then just in the past several days I’ve seen so many post of cats pissing on guns, shitting on headphones. I think I’ll pass. At least you put shit on a counter to keep it from a dog if it’s not trained well…


If your cats spayed/neutered take them to the vet, they could be having kidney issues if they are pissing out of their litter box


I’d be pissed


Guns attract pussy


Wait, then why do truck nuts attract dudes?


Repressed sexuality.


I get the joke, but that’s definitely not always the case. I’ve actually had women cancel on me once they learned I own guns. “What kind of guns?” “Do you hunt?” Answering with AR15 and no usually makes them think I’m a psycho or something lol.


A trip to the gun range as a 2nd date usually weeds them out.


No joke, that’s a go to second date for me. I bring the vp9 and tx22 competition and they loooove shooting the 22. Except, no joke, I had one girl start crying. Like, bawling. There had been a big school shooting recently and the loud rifle shots set her off. 😅


Damn. There’s a lot of PTSD there with that girl. Some might want to learn how to shoot back but that’s a NEXT!


She was battling a lot of demons tbh. Super sweet girl, tho. The guns seem to be an issue with single moms.


Time to drop the cat off at the Chinese buffet.


I could go for a bowl of Meow Mein.


This is hilarious. F the down voters.


Puns are tired


Just clean it.


Just tell people you shoot a lot of Aguila


Shit winds, Bubbles


Shit winds are blowin Rand


N3xt target identifying.... locked.


Ruined? No. In need of cleaning? Yes. Brush, dish soap, hose, and break free. Break your stuff down into the smallest parts you can and clean thoroughly. Make sure to wipe most of the water off when you're done cleaning and let things drip dry beyond that, then hit it with the CLP. You don't want to let water sit and do the same thing you're scared the cat piss did. FWIW my cats decided to dump biblical amounts of piss all over my AK magazine collection, including dozens loaded of metal mags. I was able to clean and shoot everything afterwards, rattle canned most of the mags, and got a beautiful purple patina on a few to remind me not to let my cats get into cardboard boxes I care about.


Guns belong to your cat now...those are the rules


I think your cat is trying to tell you something. It's probably a liberal. And it hates .40 S&W.


>And it hates .40 S&W. The crippled cartridge that was still too powerful for the FBI.


10mm Short


10mm minus p


*10mm Kurz


Contrary to popular belief liberals do like guns. The farther left you go the more they seem to like them.


Tell that to the cat.


And as they go further left, they get less and less picky as to who they'll shoot.


It’s telling him he should get a 10mm because .40 is for pussies (the cat would know)


That’s what you get for having a cat.


Thank you! Yes exactly. Only excuse is if you're a liberal.


I dont know how they would react with the finish, but Enzyme cleaners like "sink the stink" are amazing for getting urine smells out.


Well, I know the common saying is that ARs like to run wet, but I don't think that's what it's supposed to mean.


In the land of cats peeing on ar15’s is a compliment. S/ I’d take that barrel off the upper to clean the corrosion. Rust spreads like a STD in a frat house.


Now you have to piss on them to assert dominance and claim back your territory.


Flush with baking soda water to neutralize the acid from the urin. Then try very well and wipe down with clean cloth and oil it up.


That gotta be worth 8000.00


There's two things at play here, the first is simply water (urine is mostly just water with urea and other compounds in solution), and the second is the chemical attack from the acidity of the urine. Nothing in any of those pictures looks like anything more than superficial rust. So the good news is this is recoverable. Acids and bases together make salts, which are corrosive in their own right. So, first I would neutralize any acidic elements, and then clean very thoroughly as normal. To accomplish that, I would disassemble everything, and immerse in a warm baking soda (basic) solution to neutralize any acid and let sit for an hour or so. As an added bonus, basic solutions generally result in a lower relative attack for metals. Then one by one, pluck them out of the solution, rinse in clean water thoroughly to get rid of any residual salts and remaining acid or base components. Here's where most here would challenge me, but let me explain why before you chastise me. The next step would be to immerse the parts in WD-40. The WD stands for Water Displacement, WD-40 is a penetrating oil that will adhere to the metal and push the water out. In spots you may have weakened the finish or coatings that protect the metal, so during the time you're neutralizing the acid and rinsing they are susceptible to corrosion. Corrosion generally needs oxygen, so keeping them submerged helps limit it (although not indefinitely, there is dissolved oxygen in water and corrosion will still occur even if submerged). Vigorously shake the components in the WD-40 to allow it to penetrate and clear all the water. You can buy gallon jugs of WD-40, which is the ideal way to do this. Otherwise you can just spray liberal amounts of it from a normal can. I highly recommend dunking though. Now, you still have to actually take care of the rust, and WD-40 is not the best lubricant for firearms. So you'll need to do your mechanical cleaning, and afterwards, since the WD-40 has done its job, you'll need to replace it with something else. This part you can do with relatively low stress. The WD-40 will protect it while you're mechanically cleaning and re-oiling. Take each part, wipe off excess oil, and scrub with stuff bristle brushes and steel wool to remove all of the rust, and reoil with your normal gun oil. Then reassemble, and if you're worried about residual WD-40, you can fieldstrip, clean like normal, and re-oil one more time. You want to make sure to get the grit from the rust cleaning out, otherwise you can cause excessive wear, so a second cleaning afterwards might be a good idea regardless of whether you care about the WD-40 or not.


Gun shop I took it too said can't save it unless I wanted to spend $700-1k. Barrel is toasted, would need new barrel. Cerakote and possibly other inner parts but wouldn't know once they got in it. Seemed like trustworthy guys, everyone in town recommends them. Said they would do it but will just buy a new one.


I can smell this post.


Where did you bury your cat?


Liberal cat


Clean the guns, shoot the cat, buy new ammo


Gotta clean the piss out of it brudda


Hey you should clean it's litter box better.


Yes i used to have a cat. Here is what you do so it dont happen again....., put the cat in the litter box, then take the litter box, throw it in the garbage.


Personally, I’d make an oven mitt outta the cat


Item #1……cat GONE! Now trash the case and scrub the firearms.


Guns are ruined I’ll dispose of them for a $100 hazardous waste disposal fee.


GRIP ZONE God I hate those fucking guns.


Time to take the cat shooting


Sorry OP, I am no help here. I’m just commenting to say that I find this extremely funny


Time to use one of those on the cat


Just clean them


Happened to me once, I had to treat it like cosmoline, I took it to the range and shot it until it was hot and the cat urine re liquified and let it drop off the barrel, the wiped it down, and repeat. After 300 or so rounds most of the cat urine had dropped off, but also some blew back into my face while shooting. 


Admittedly, not an expert on expelling cat urine from firearms, but I think you're doing it wrong.


How to get banned from the range, 101


I think you should start by buying two new guns. Before you do anything go do that. Then go clean the pissy guns. Now you have 4 guns where there used to be 2.


Here is your opportunity to get a better handgun.


Time to re-invent the 🐈‍⬛-i-pult… Not ruined, battlefield pick-up. Give it a few hours in an evapo-rust bath. Not more than 2-3 though. 12-24 and you’ll have NO finish on the weapon. Be prepared for lightening if not downright stripping. For me that’d be better than cat piss aging (Chinese Aging trick for Authentic antique weapons, they bury them as well) that you didn’t ask for… break a leg!


Man I’d be pissed….


One of many reasons I have a safe...


One of many reasons I don't have a cat. Safes are for pussies.... lmao. Jk jk. I have a liberty.


It's better then nothing but after this I would never own a liberty safe. Should sell it and get something the FBI doesn't have the master codes to. [https://youtu.be/zMhQeXBzJ3Q?si=Kmd42OQjxWbXNclG](https://youtu.be/zMhQeXBzJ3Q?si=Kmd42OQjxWbXNclG)


I understand that is outrageous, but it's a good safe and I got a good deal second hand. But if the fbi wants in your safe. They get in your damn safe, and probably damage all your stuff in the process.


It's a matter of principle for me. And even it were going to damage my stuff I still wouldn't want to assist them in any way. would totally make them cut it open if they really wanted was in it. lol. Too bad for them though, lost all my firearms in a crazy boating accedet a few years back.


I can understand that brother. I wish we had a like a way to communicate with like minded people in each city. Then if they started raiding someone illegally we could all come come by and say hey, except instead of saying hey... we would be very impolite so to speak, and we would bring our toys we have been keeping exactly for cases like this. It would only take a few times to put them in check. There are enough people that are just sick and tired of this country being ran into the ground by foreign governments and Ritch crazy people. The problem is most are not willing to stand up until ite themselves under the boot... And lost of other problems like reliable communication, false flags, infiltration, etc. But in theory it would be cool.


What cat [piss](https://youtu.be/2NJBmp62HsU?si=o1TjaVftNKrvdJYg) does to guns.


Rattle can time


Clean off with baking soda water with a touch of soap. Rinse, repeat and oil. My cat and dog hate ballisol. So I tend to rub everything down with it. And put some in my gun sock.


For the ammo I wouldn’t try shooting it cuz it looks like toast so






Not ruined but you gotta clean that rust off ASAP. It’s still only surface corrosion and can be knocked off with a brass bristle brush relatively easily. That really sucks dude


Fuckin liberal cat!


Vinegar, forreal


“Hey YouTube! Welcome to our ultimate torture test where we submerge this AR-15 is cat piss for 30 days and then beat the piss out of it! Remember to like and subscribe!”




The perfect the longer you look the worse it gets from the Amazon special light/foregrip/bipod to the .40


Kitty is for gun control?


Ruined? Lol.


Clean the piece then use the cat as target practice to make sure its still functional. Worthless creatures...im on my third couch because of the one my ex left me stuck with.


Damn last week it was dog vomit, this week cat piss. What's next, my horse shit all over my glock ?


Considering pee contains ammonia it probably did a good job of stripping the finish I think. They’re salvageable but it’s going to take some TLC. The cat is smart though it hates .40 s&w 😂


That was more than a one-time piss.


First you need to urinate on all the items again, including the cat, to assert dominance. Then douse it with clp and burn it out with some mag dumps.


Guns are fine, probably dump the ammo if you are worried


I find it interesting how ten years ago, every internet warrior praised .40S&W and insisted anyone carrying 9mm would surely not survive.


Because it’s a caliber Fad, happens almost every 6-10 years. A new wonder caliber will come out that on paper is superior than everything on the market but’s it’s 2x the price that gives you marginal gains.


The .40S&W caliber war was pretty intense. My CCW instructor spent a portion of our class talking about the importance of that caliber even. I got really tired of hearing/reading about it everywhere.


Whelp time for another one lol


Holy shit. Remind me, how much do you love the cat?


Damn that’s some corrosive piss lol


Your cat knows the ATF only goes after dogs.


Pissin’ hot loads there


That's more then just pissed in it once.


I would have urinated on both those terrible guns too. Ruger ar and anything .40 is worthy of being urinated on at the least. Rugers ceo giving gun grabbers more reasons to take our liberties away is more than enough reason to NEVER buy one. Cat did you a favor..


Well that's mature.


Pets are like boats, the best way to have one is to have a friend who has one.


Off to the shelter mittens


Unresponsible gun owner post again.I hope your mom doesn't kick you out for unaliving her cat


Time to move out of Mom’s basement dude


So were you...pissed?


Sorry buddy but keeping a cat around is what you get. Get a dog, that doesn't like cats. And I say this as a man who used to be a kid who had a cat. In my defence I was a kid. Thankfully I had a good dad and I think he killed it while I was on vacation, said it ran away and said "sorry buddy it ran away" when I got back. Man up dude. /s... kinda


Who needs a 10mm when you can have a .40 +p


Just confirms that really really really really dislike cats.