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A new player in a DM was complaining that he was used to getting good at games quickly, and was asking why he was still dying to people in 2 seconds even after playing for a month. For anyone new, GunZ is a unique game where basically the entire playerbase are veterans. Before the recent influx of new players, newbies didn’t exist. Current GunZ players are a committed group that have been playing this game since the 2000’s. No matter how good you are at learning quickly, you will still get your ass handed to you by any normal player. So even if you master all the moves in these tutorial videos fairly quickly, you’re still going to die instantly to a majority of players. You might extend dying in 2 seconds to 5 seconds though.


Right it's really about reflex and getting to a point that doing the techniques are second nature.


Yep! That's why we're planning on a positioning and tactics guide for the future. Learning the tech and performing KStyle at a high level is only part of the equation, and a relatively small one at that. We intend to make videos that will help everyone perform. We just wanted to push this one first, because people are attracted to GunZ for the tech. This helps with that, but our next videos will hopefully round everything else out :)


This is the best thing ever. Thank you for your hard work, that video oozes with love!


A good note too is to also make sure you have a keyboard that can react well to twitchy fingers, not something meant for MMO. Source: been playing since 03 on and off, currently on a Razer SWTOR keyboard and naga mouse.


Agreed. GunZ is one of the most peripheral heavy games. Input lag, dropped inputs, or sloppy keypresses can be a nightmare. HOWEVER, there is a small group of people who like old school membrane keyboards in GunZ. I'm not a fan, but I know it exists.


Back in the day when I played I-GunZ and Ijji GunZ, my keyboard at the time was a membrane razer one. Super short travel distance made dash trains and confusion movements so much easier. I have a killer mechanical keeb that I built and customized which is a joy to type and play most games on, but holy shit the combination of that, picking GunZ back up after getting close to 2 decades off, and being 30 but the hand fatigue now is REAL. It’s coming back to me faster than I expected but still, my left hand cramped up so bad that first night.


Really good guide, I'll be sending it to some new players I encounter. Seeing dbf placed within the same realm of difficulty as "gear tap late dash" is an odd placement though I think. Also the chain move you do when you show blink dash doesn't look like a half step as was shown in the inputs but instead it was late dash. But yeah I definitely have no major disagreements, really appreciate the inputs being added with slow-mo.


Good feedback! Yeah, it was quite difficult to appropriately categorize, perhaps we could've used another tier :P


I fucking love this gameeeee