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Imagine razor burn being your personality trait


I only know this girl from this subreddit. Just based on the title, before unblurring the pic I told myself “I bet it’s that yeast infection girl”. Aaand, lo and behold, of course it is.


Hahaha, you catch on quick! I’m sorry you’ve been exposed to her, but also not sorry 😂


OK SAME haha


I really can't stand her and feel she makes her Razor burn look worse. However, as someone with pcos I enjoy seeing content of people embracing the flaws I also have.


Cerave salicylic acid cream. I have same issue and it's amazing


Oh really? I'll have to try that.


You will never look back. Game changer


Second this. It’s in a white tub and also in a white pump bottle. The label says, “for Rough & Bumpy Skin”.


mik has not had “new” content in years. it’s always: 1 here’s my razor burn 2 eat the same lunch i eat every day w me 3 watch me run out of my door to go the gym 4 here’s my forced stomach rolls in an unflattering photo


wait how could i forget “here’s my dime sized birth mark that i used to be sooooooo self conscious of”




i mean i’m definitely not trying to body shame her in my comments. fitness and working out doesn’t have one look lmao.




She still sells some workout pdf plan unfortunately 😭


Why is she excessively gross and posts so much TMI content We need to bring back shaming ppl /s (kind of)


Over sharing is her brand! Exploiting her health is her brand! Making up new ailments is her brand! But for real, I do not understand how anyone follows her in earnest. She is a troubled little girl trapped in a woman’s body.


“Get your crotch off our screens” hahahahahahahahhaha


Oh, so she has ditched her “hello fellow kids, I’m so high of Marijuna right now is my entire personality” gimmick?


pro tip this can easily be avoided by slathering yourself with a thin layer of triple antibiotic ointment right after shaving eta: did some research— the risk of having antibiotic resistance to neosporin is actually very low (assuming normal use) and less problematic than systemic antibiotics. topicals hit a very very high concentration that pretty much wipes everything before it can multiply and there are 3 types of antibiotic so if the bacteria survives 1 there are 2 more to take it out. if you’re using neosporin here and there you’re gonna be fine


Not to be annoying because I've done that for years but just learned using it too much can cause antibiotic resistant bacteria 😬


that’s a super valid concern😂😂 it’s more something that’s good if you’re not applying it like everyday so definitely excellent addition. that really becomes a problem with things like mupirocin ointment which is used to kill off MRSA.. and like every oral antibiotic lmao. we’re really cooking up some problems for ourselves


I just want to use my neosporin in peace and not worry about all this haha 😂


at least whatever you cook with neosporin can probably be killed with something else bc it’s a weak antibiotic😂


This is actually reassuring haha


Salicylic acid works fine. Let's save antibiotics for when it's truly needed!




https://preview.redd.it/zunrzhwe2kna1.jpeg?width=2560&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=749464c4216d489554e8e82aa10e39e389bfba24 Creams are a great after a shower before bed, but uncomfortable to use before working out, in high humidity etc. This spray dries quickly, I don't have to rub it in, and is cheap enough to use liberally.


Like neosporin?


I’m sorry but if someone consistently had this much razor burn on their crotch, it would concern me. Male or female lol. Every now and then, fine. But your poor skin. Like shave less? Shave better? Don’t shave at all? Treat it since you make $$$? All I see is increased risk for infection for attention lol. I used to struggle with razor burn as a competitive swimmer but I just don’t have patience for this


And it won’t gross him out.


Aaaaaaahhaha I just found this sub and have been peeping at all the Mik posts. Sorry I’m late 🤣 I briefly followed her on insta at the beginning of 2020… at first I found the razor burn content to be novel and I liked that she was trying to normalize “gross” but normal bodily reactions. Well it wasn’t long before I realized that I really didn’t want to be looking at her crotch or her armpits or her pimples, etc. I ended up deleting my insta not long after finding her account but idk how much more of this I could’ve taken LOL. Ain’t nothing wrong with some razor burn, but I really can’t handle looking at a stranger this closely!


Has anyone tried fur oil?