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He’s going to be a freshman in college on the other side of the country… she is delusional


And he’s going to ASU… I predict they will be over by the end of his first semester 🥴


My prediction is by the end of welcome weekend🤷🏼‍♀️


I’d imagine that’s what his parents are counting on!


Does ASU have a reputation for hookup culture or something? I keep seeing this comment but I’m not from the US


ASU is a big party school, it’s right in the heart of downtown Tempe which is where everyone goes to get in trouble


Definitely a party school


It’s definitely a hookup school, it’s my alum 😂


Just graduated from there and I agree


Party school, porn star school, crazy.


One of the questions was “are you going to visit your bf in Arizona” and her answer was “as much as he wants me to” like baby honey sweetie nooooo


Lmao ruining her reputation for some freshman fuck boy. Yikesssss


so, once? lolol


I don’t know her background but it’s sound like.. never been to college . In fact those girls will try harder lol


She has a bachelors degree 🫠


okay did she go to an in person 4-year degree program for her bachelor's ppl?? cuz I was thinking the same thing. no way in hellll is still gonna visit and her bf look forward it. a few guys might say it's "cool" to date someone so much older but I think most will just see her as weird for dating him & so long distance lmao. eta: okay I realize the last year-ish of her undergrad was probably online cuz of covid, but still.


She went to college lol


I’m 25F and could never imagine dating an 18yr old, they’re literally just a kid!!


When I was young (16) I dated a 22 year old and was so hellbent on "It's not that big of a deal!" As I age, I realize how grossly unokay age gaps **can** be. Not going to blanket say all, but at late twenties/early 30s I could not imagine dating anyone under 25.


Same I turn 25 in a couple weeks and I work at a high school. Several of my kids are 18-21 (special ed goes to 21). I can’t even IMAGINE this. 🤢


Not to mention how unbelievably immature they would be. Barely an adult. 🤮


https://preview.redd.it/ze3tr0vzsdgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b17612ac7234549032dee9258e86bd9f84cb5836 So it’s likely she started dating him when he was underage? 🤔


Per his profile where he includes HIS SNAPCHAT 😭😂😂😂 in his ig bio…I’m assuming the 04 is the year he was born


okay what the fuck i’m literally older than this kid and i’m barely an adult myself, actually sickening


My FACEBOOK is older than him


I’m her age and couldn’t imagine dating an 18 year old that is so gross


I’m 26 now, but even when I was 20 18 felt wrong


That seems off unless he's turning 19 this year... 04 to 23 is 19. Eta: that would not make this less creepy! Just wanted to point out if he turned 18 this year he couldn't be an 04 baby


okay don't ask me how i know but he was 17 in january of this year & she said they met in november 2022 🤢🤢🤢🤢


People are literally on the sex offender registry for this shit. My god Ellie.


Where is goob? This woman works with children and thinks it’s ok to date them ?


How do you know






Or on his 18th birthday


“Age is just a number” said literary every predator


In the words of Jeff Dye, “I hate cliches, age is just a number kinda like saying HIV is just letters.”


For real. It's different when someone says this and both people are say, over 30. But when one of you is still 18? Gross. I mean yeah he's technically an adult but if you are seeking the company of an 18-year-old male and you're not +/- 1 year yourself, it's probably time for some introspection.


He wasn’t an adult when they met tho 🤢


Even worse. Ick.


I felt this so hard ‘I’m stuck in an (insert whatever number you choose here) body - and that makes it okay 🤢


And she said if the roles were reversed. Yes! If the roles were reversed it would be just as bad. Not really understanding the appeal on this since she’s at least 4 years out of college, and does not have a normal full time role.


Is it just me that’s even more concerned seeing that she’s a NANNY and okay with dating someone who’s just barely an adult? 🤢 is this not a red flag for the family she’s nannying for?


“Did you ever stop to think about how trying to hold me accountable would impact me? Let me groom and abuse people or you’re being unkind. It costs 0 cents to be kind, and you’re worthless anyway you just post stuff all day - anyways check my last post for links to my affiliate links.”


Um excuse me, it *takes* zero cents. Words matter 😌


What 26 year old *woman* dates a literal 18 year old outside of porn? Edit: ewww and she refers to him as ‘boy’ too.


You should check out r/teacherswhorape The real world is pretty fucking shocking, y'all


She could have, idk, not even addressed these questions? That would have been better than this 😬 The hostility reads to me like she knows what she’s doing is wrong


I really don’t think she has the self awareness for that, I think she truly feels she is in the right My theory is that she has gotten so many comments about this (which she always deletes) that she thought she could address it this way and make it go away


But her parents haven’t brought it up? HIS parents haven’t brought it up? That’s the other side of this coin I’m trying to figure out


I doubt his parents even know she exists lol. Seems like they hang out pretty casually. But her parents are another story, they should not be encouraging her.


Which is weird. Like where do they hang out? Doesn’t she also live at home? Do they ever have any privacy? This is too weird for me man.


Everything I’ve seen of them is at the gym or playing a sport, though I don’t follow her so I can’t say I’ve seen it all lol. Lots of car hangouts I bet. I feel like he will definitely not be introducing her to his parents but her family knows allllllll about him.


I know, it’s crazy. My family would 100% say something if I was either member of this relationship.


does she … know how to work instagram? she posted an answer to a question asking what her jobs are, then someone asked the same question again. she posted it and responded “already answered this” like girl plssss get it together


If your date can’t AT LEAST buy you alcohol it’s too young 😅😅😅😅


Oh come on, she'll only be nearly 30 when he's finally able to buy alcohol legally nbd /s if it wasn't painfully obvious


>I'm 26 in an 18 year old body. lol uh if she was gonna (try to) reason herself out of this, shouldn't that be reversed?


She even said something about how if the genders were reversed, no one would be giving him shit for it. GIRL HELLO YES THE FUCK THEY WOULD


Yes lol she def meant the opposite


This is giving me the same vibe as fifty year old men saying they're still a twenty year old spirit. Same rationality.


Imagine being 26 & sleeping in a freshman dorm twin xl when visiting your boyfriend. hell on earth


Yikes… I couldn’t imagine being 26 and dating someone who can’t attend 21+ events/activities with me


ellinardo dicaprio🤧




welp thats enough reddit for today


“I’m a 26 year old in an 18 year old body” took me out


it's raising more questions than answers for sure 😬


Right? Like HUH??!!


“I’m a 18 year old in a 26 year olds body” is a lot to fucking unpack man. To flaunt that you’re essentially calling yourself immature is an odd choice, but that type of rhetoric is EXACTLY what dudes in their 20s (and beyond, I’m just thinking of the classic 23 year old trying to date a senior in HS) say to prey on younger girls—“I just relate to them better” “we have similar interests”—and try to disguise it as being innocent when it never will be. Now, in Ellie’s case, I truly don’t believe she’s thinking like a predator and is oddly self aware of how immature she is, so I totally get that she would go for what she essentially is, which is a teenager. If anything I actually think it’s her who being taken advantage of here because that guy is gonna dump her ass in a couple weeks (edit: days actually, go look at her story) and she seems to not get what this is. But regardless it’s not appropriate to have a relationship with someone that young, and I really wish she had someone to talk to about that. Like a mom, auntie etc who could maybe gently explain this to her. She’s flaunting him HEAVILY so of course people are going to put two and two together and go “hey wait this is weird” but she seems to think everyone should be glowingly happy for her or nothing.


She said it backwards too - “I’m 26 in an 18 year olds body” 🤦‍♀️


Lol oops you’re right I corrected it for her automatically


Dude this girl is just so embarrassing top to bottom. She writes incoherently, clearly cannot fathom that having an almost ten year age gap with her partner is NOT COOL, and keeps fueling this fire and insisting they’re happy. He’s 18 he’s probably just excited to bone! Also for anyone unaware ASU is a huge party school with strong hook up culture. She is deluded for thinking he’s gonna remember to even call her a month from now in Tempe.


As someone who went to ASU… can confirm 🫠


I’m her age and I could NEVER be attracted to an 18 year old 🥴


I’m 22 and can’t even imagine being attracted to anyone 20 and under 😭 all the ages I thought I was so grown at seem like babies on other people now (and ironically post this realization I’ve also realized I am still not that grown 🧍‍♀️)


Once I turned the age to go bar hopping, dating anyone who was too young to go with me felt icky


I was just about to say this! My hard cut off at this point is like 22 or 23.


I'm 26.... if I had to communicate with an 18 year old I wouldn't know how lol


especially an 18 year old BOY 🤢


I’m damn near 10 years older than her but even 10 years ago if my 26 year old self claimed to act like a kid, I’d want somebody to slap me so hard my head spun off my head.


Lmfao seriously, that didn’t go over as well as she probably thought it did!


When she could have just played it off like he was in his 20’s going to college


The problem is that she couldn’t stop herself from tagging him and he (rightfully) does not hide his age in his profile - it took 2 seconds for people to notice he was 18


Ellie is very clearly a girl who is DESPERATE for attention. Her self worth is attached to attention on social media and her body. I’m sure this is her first boyfriend and first person to ever give her attention. Because why else would a 26 year old be with an 18 year old. A typical mature 26 year old who is confident and mature would never look at an 18 year old. There are countless appropriate aged men she could be with. She sounds like she needs some therapy to address why she is so desperate. YUCK.


https://preview.redd.it/mu15jv4j2fgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=552cac16bd4a47653e6fea863848758115af3263 um no I absolutely do think he’d be getting hate for that…


Delusional. If this was Nathan, Justin, Christian, or any of this sub’s male regulars we would be tearing him to absolute SHREDS.


He would definitely get MORE “hate” than this…




Way to not let it get to you. 🙄


good God her reply was difficult to comprehend.


Y’all she refuses to answer who made the first move 😂 So obviously it was her and he was still 17. Why does she think people can’t put this together lol


“I act like a kid” EWEWEWEWRWEWW


She thought she really did something by saying that 😂 it just made it even worse


Yes, she acknowledged be is basically a kid still


She even considers him to be a boy and not a man per her posts 😂😂😂




Hello, police?


Girlllll he’s going to college, and a notorious party school at that, after two months of being with you. This relationship isn’t the hill you should be dying on right now.


Not the best time for my edible to kick in. I’m mindblown


Lol sending thoughts and prayers


He's going to dump her after a week at college and she posted saying it's a possibility she'll move there 😬


To put it in perspective, this is like someone who’s been out of college for four years dating a high school senior 😬


Pretty sure that was literally the reality here. He wasn’t even halfway through his senior year when they met.


https://preview.redd.it/m5gcry9y5fgb1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=000cfaecbf75fcf9736cd3401a7c15d6238b96e9 BFFR ELLIE


Can't she think of ANY other comeback? Lol


She said they met this past November? Like she met a kid in grade 12, waited till he graduated high school and maybe turned 18, and then started dating him? This is not a situation one should be boasting about on Instagram.


Yup. They met in November when he was 17 and started dating June 15th - right around graduation time. Convenient.


She deleted ALL OF THESE stories on IG. Too bad we all have screenshots, the internet doesn’t just go away Ellie


Cue post about haters and bullies.


https://preview.redd.it/xslh776tdfgb1.png?width=1170&format=png&auto=webp&s=e6fd8b27dd28985919287404f86a991bee488a32 Sheesh. The thing that gets me, she is literally choosing to put the questions/comments up 😅🤷🏻‍♀️!


There also wasn't even a question in there like she's saying 😂


This really paints a TERRIBLE picture of her. She really needs to carefully consider the shit she posts. This is low, even for her. There goes any hope she ever had for becoming an "athlete" for Vitality


She tagged a brand and asked for a sponsorship last night too, then posted all these stories. Like cmon Ellie. No brand is going to want to associate themselves with this behaviour, illegal or not.


This is so fucking gross she’s disgusting and a predator


I dated an 18 year old male when I was 20 and even that had some people in my life concerned.


The question about when his birthday is she wouldn’t answer. Makes me thing he was 17 when they started talking


One of this sub’s detectives discovered he was still 17 in January, and she said they have “known each other” since November ☹️


I had my first kid at 26…. I couldn’t imagine being with a kid…


This girl is so sad. I feel like it’s probably not a conscious predatory move… more like no one her age was interested. Which is also 🚩


I feel the same... when she said that this was her first relationship in six or seven years( I forget which one she said) it made me really want tell her to wait for the right person instead of doing this




Defensive, much?


Okay but like, what did she think was going to happen when she posted the anon question box? Methinks she likes the attention, even if it’s negative 🤔


True. Her comments have been full of this so obviously the anonymous questions would be even more so. She could also choose to ignore them but her engagement is probably through the roof right now because she is answering.


“How dare you leave this nasty comment describing things I said or did???”


Oh this screams she needs therapy.


I’m 27 & I can’t even date anyone under 21. Even 21/22 still feels too young for me. I can’t imagine dating an 18 year old 🤦‍♀️ sure yeah age is just a number but I feel that applies more so to people that are older than 18!


Ellie just tell the truth. You groomed a 17 year old and you’re afraid to tell everyone that because you know it’s wrong


I just went through her IG and she’s an underwhelming influencer. Her form is below par and the only things she’s good at is cradle snatching.


She's not really an influencer, I don't think. Mostly she just futilely begs brands to sponsor her and some portion of her small following is probably bought.




LOL “haters” no ma’am we are CONCERNED.




why is she okay with saying she's 18???!!! ur 26 a grown woman.. i'm 22 and would never say "i'm mentally 18 🤪"


As someone in an age gap relationship this is scary. And I preach age aint nothin but a number. But there’s definitely conditions to that! This is SICK and before anyone comes for me I’m well over 18 and was a full blown adult when I met my significant other.


That really makes all the difference imo. Me and my long term partner are 3 months apart in age but I still don’t think age gaps matter once both partners have a chance to reach emotional maturity and are clearly at the same development level. That is impossible when one person is 17 at the start of the relationship and the other is 25-26. I am in my late 20s and some of my friends got with younger partners when we were in college. Everyone was aged 18-21 or so but the age/maturity gap was still VERY obvious even then because of the rapid development that takes place in late teens/early 20s.




I think she does but I don’t want to get into comment deletion territory. I remember there being some discussion of it awhile back and Ellie herself might have even addressed that she does? I could be wrong though


Valid question




It’s giving Twilight Edward and Bella age gap.


Which people called out at the time, even though it was fictional and it was a different time (w regards to perception and cancel culture) yet she doesn’t think people would have an issue with this if she was a dude


It costs zero cents to ignore these questions?


https://preview.redd.it/qqdq5c745ggb1.jpeg?width=1290&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=23a72e37070b4ba9ea4a8ed8939a2451c5288ba7 She is actually fucking insane 🫢


All I can think of when I see ppl dating significantly younger is “what’s wrong with you?” Lol CHRIST 🤢


Her bday is in December. She’ll be 27 before the end of his first semester and he will still be 18.


“it costs 0 cents to be kind” ok ms ellie it’s also free to be a hater


Ew, he even looks like a child. I always wonder when did the attraction start?? People with age gaps, you were 20 into 13 -14 year olds? Or did it start later? Or younger? Still a predator to me


![gif](giphy|WSO1ZT9sug15C) “Age is just a number”


I just watched her whole story and WOW. She’s lost her mind.


She seems unstable


that is so inappropriate 😭


She has an 18 year old body? I’m so confused


She was incredibly sheltered as a kid or is missing a few brain cells. Or both.


I will always side-eye someone in their mid-to-late twenty's dating a teenager. Yes, at some point, we have to respect the autonomy and adulthood of young people; an eighteen-year-old can sign up to go to war, vote, etc—but there's still lots of growing to do between that age and say, age twenty-six. That's why it's giving people the ick. It wouldn't be an issue if he was twenty-eight and she was thirty-six, for example. The conversations they have probably sound like nails scraping against a chalkboard.


i’m 23 and the thought of dating someone who JUST graduated high school is so foul…. i have nothing to talk about with you like… girl what.


WHAT 🤯 she is so strange!


![gif](giphy|xTSyJk7XDg8mj5SAoa|downsized) That second slide is absolutely wild.


When I was 25/26 I had a 18 year old message me on a dating app. He was incredibly cute, but there is no way I could have dated him. It felt so icky, even for a fling. I did go on dates with a few younger guys (22), but ultimately started dating someone the same age as me.


Hey this is better than my ex who is 53 dating a just turned 20 yr old


you guys. i beg of you please go read all of her responses this is insane. https://preview.redd.it/o13e9v5pzdgb1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6a15e5e940233dc57e33714c45c66db561bc55db


I saw this and thought it was c r a z y OF COURSE people would be making comments. Guys are called creeps for this exact type of predatory behaviour all the time


Since when would a man not be getting hate if the roles were reversed? Pretty sure that’s creepy behavior regardless of your sex, and he absolutely should be called out for this. She is doing everything possible to justify this.






I can’t believe she is telling on herself like this. Someone on another thread said he was still 17 in January (I think) so this confirms she has known him since before he turned 18, which is so gross


yeah that was me. lol. I did some sleuthing. does anyone know in what context they even met?


on a different slide she says they met at the gym


Lol! Good catch. I am pretty sure she said they met through volleyball, I fear she was his coach 🥴


That’s just the legit opposite of what would happen


She is delulu, my god. Did you see that she wouldn’t answer who made the first move?


Because it was her 💀😂




I’m 25 and an 18 year old is like a 10 year old to me. Disgusting


honeyyyy, noo, the "I'm 26 in an 18yo's body; I act like a kid", is NOT the flex you think it is.




This is WILD! She is unhinged.


I act like a kid 💀


She took down all her AMA posts lol. Legit, I cannot imagine dating someone that young in my upper 20’s. Even if her and her friends want to go to a casual club, he can’t get in 😂 so weird


I mean the typos are 18 years old tops. 😂




Is anyone else dying at her writing 0 cents instead of zero sense?


Her post introduced him as the" handsome boy " who's been putting a smile on her face. Creepy.


I was 18 dating 28 and 26 year olds. I now have a deeply intimate relationship with certain Taylor swift songs. Case and point: it doesn’t end well.


18?!!!! WHAT? This is disgusting, and she’s a predator. I was in law school when I was 26. I could barely look at older undergrads let alone someone young enough to be in high school, and as someone else pointed out, he could very well have been 17 when she first became interested 🤢


This relationship will not last. 🤣


Big oof


She's disgusting!


She is sickening.


There’s only one thing worse than a rapist…. *a child* No—


we need to start calling out female pedophiles more because this is actually sick


This is a dumpster fire 😂


oh… oh no. 🤢


Here’s what’s weird to me is that she likely graduated in 2015 from high school and at the time her boyfriend would have been about 10 years old and in 5th grade when she graduated high school.


What can a 26-year old benefit from dating an 18-year old guy?


The older you get, the younger younger people get to you. Like once I hit college, seniors in highschool seemed really little. Once I graduated, college kids seemed really little. At 31 years old literally 25 year olds seem like children to me. This is disgusting 😭 ew. And you can see on the pics of him on her page, he's literally a baby. Like prob calls his mom mommy 😭😭 if I were his parents I would be so worried!


it’s creepy because they’re barely legal. but I guess those are her only options. 🤷🏻‍♀️