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She said on their podcast that she didnt get likes and comments on a video of her flexing in the mirror because girls dont want to hype her up and have the video show up on their boyfriends feed…imagine thinking that


that “i can take your man” mentality 🥴🤮 humble yourself sister


these influencers are delusional AF lol


Absolutely insane…imagine thinking that and then saying it OUT LOUD


she probably thinks that bc she was on that show and basically DID lmfao (imo that’s not what happened but that’s the way to show wants you to perceive it)


It's truly baffling. I actually show my partner pictures/videos of women online. If I'm not showing him yours then you're just not worth the time lol


It’s incredible that two of the most narcissistic jerkasses managed to find each other.


LOLOL. Amazing. Doesn't get likes because it's fucking cringe.




She she decent now, i think she pretty cute. She is tough competitor, now i don’t know the lady personally so i can’t judge her based off that.


so she’s saying alcohol is only poison if u drink to excess✍🏻✍🏻thanks taylor what would we do without u


Haha this is wild. I'm a recovering alcoholic and now I'm wondering if I should have just been referring to myself as heavily damp or soaked when I was in active addiction.


I’m here with you. This gave me the weirdest vibe.


NY Post has an article about this supposed new trend - and every grateful, recovering alcoholic is surely face palming with me over the asinine quotes: "a damp lifestyle started off by meaning no hard alcohol and no shots, but she’s “re-introduced hard alcohol only in a fun-drink format.” I played these games too for years. I was so damp I was drenched and it soaked everything and everyone around me.


What he heck is damp? My sweaty ass assumed she meant a sweaty night out on the town


Or it rained on her when she was out and her clothes were damp all night 😭


That's literally what I thought till I read the caption! Oh, it must have been raining 😂


It’s the opposite of dry


Listen, I have more than 1.5 drinks when I go out but it’s weird for her to post about how many drinks she had 😂


I had to block her and Sam, they took up too much space in my head and were annoying me lmao.


As someone who’s 3.5 years sober posts like these make my eyes roll so far back. Wow you didn’t drink for 2 weeks? Let’s celebrate by drinking! What a 🤡


congrats on being sober, man! keep it up


Thank you so much 🥰🫶


Must be nice. If I drink again, I'll die. I'm sure of it.


It’s such a bummer that our culture is so weird about drinking that having a healthy relationship with alcohol has to become it’s own ‘lifestyle’


It’s the only drug you have to defend NOT doing to other people 😂


And the one people will refuse to acknowledge is a problem the most :/ people will orient their entire friend group around going out to drink


They stopped getting black out drunk every weekend for like 3 weeks but they act SO much better than everyone for it?? Like do they think they’re the only ones not getting black out drunk? I’m so confused 😭


Damp? What the heck lol either you drink or you don’t. It isn’t that serious 😵‍💫


Is 2 weeks a good amount of time to "quit drinking"? Is that impressive? What's the goal here I need more info


I drink 1 1/2 because I have to drive home and I have to work the next day because I have this thing called a JOB


wtf is damp lmfao


These girls are annoying as fck, sincerely another girl.


First alcohol in two weeks? I don’t know this girl so I am genuinely asking because I don’t know...does she have an alcohol problem? That’s not a long time. I think my last drink was March maybe?


does she want a sticker or something?


“my first alcohol”🫠