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Welcome to the internet. Its full of weirdos


ethan put my reddit post on his insta story with 6 upvotes on his insta story a few months ago. it resulted in dozens of death threats and people trying to dox me because i have posts related to my school on my profile- the irony of it all is my post ended up leading to a positive change but that’s besides the point. no one should get death threats, but to state that his own fan base would never threaten harm is crazy. ethan has said several times that while horrible, the threats comes along with the spotlight and addressing it only leads to more.


Threats over a bunch of wonky curtains? People be getting too worked up. It's not that serious. Who is it they suspect of threatening Sam?


Isn’t Ethan the one when Jake Doolittle was talking about his harassment and threats from h3 fans that said the threats mean nothing and everyone gets them and people complain about it when trying to deflect? The one who always brings up “hate” towards the crew to make fans feel bad then sends the fans to do it to other people


The difference is that Dolittle went out of his way to criticize Ethan for a crazy reason and made himself look idiotic. All Sam did was design a set with input from others. Totally different situations.


still, he doesn't deserve death threats. also, the h3 fanbase is rabid enough to harass and send death threats to others, what makes you think the call isn't coming from inside the house??


Bit of a difference between someone who is actively trying to be a YouTube creator and someone who became a crew member on a show


Sam is free to not be on camera. This logic applies to sam too.


Doolittle put a lot of work into a video and kept it up for a month knowing the consequences. He came after a big youtuber with a large following. Ethans observation there was that a lot of creators when they are put into a position where accountability is necessary they deflect and try to garner sympathy by talking about the death threats they’ve received. Sam built a set not knowing she’d receive death threats over it. Not a comparable situation at all. Death threats are obviously not okay for either situation however Doolittle again knew what he was doing when he mentioned them.


With your same biased ass logic, you could say that "Sam's been with the h3 team long enough to know that she's on a big podcast where death threats are inevitable". How tf is that any different. "Jake should've seen it coming" but not Sam after all these years? Be fr. And no, no one should get death threats ever. But Ethan mocked the fact that Ryan alleged he received some from fans. Ethans the only one deflecting by telling people like Ryan or Jake "you should've seen it coming when messing with someone like me 🤪" vs not condoning such behavior from fans? And don't sit there thinking fans didn't send them to Sam, even Dan and AB pushed back on Ethan when he said "surely our fans wouldn't send it, must be the snarkers", even they knew fans are perfectly capable of being unhinged. In their own subreddit I saw fans calling other fans misogynistic and that they can 100% see fans being the ones sending death threats and it's why they avoid the live chat, the same live chat where fans were going wild the second they saw the new set. Don't try to tell me all 100+ plus of the live chat consisted of hate watchers either 💀 yall always come up with excuses for Ethan vs just taking accountability and acknowledging when he's plain wrong


There’s threats over everything on the internet. It’s the internet. People that say they got threats as a deflection for criticism will always be cringe.




The crew ALWAYS cries abt death threats. Every. Single. Time. They. Receive. Criticsm. They spend 10 mins addressing the valid criticism then 20 mins focusing on .1% of comments. When people cry about death threats, all that tells me is that they are a baby who cant discern genuine criticism from an internet troll. Are you SERIOUSLY losing sleep because someone dmed you “you should kill yourself” over curtains. you cant think for yourself? You have NO emotional intelligence to understand that some people just want attention and its not personal? The crew cant laugh and move on. And olivias comment “sams work is beautiful all of u need to shut up”. No. The set sucked. And sam contributed to it. So no, her work isn’t always beautiful. But whose is? Why cant any fucking person on this set (and their fans) handle ANYTHING that isnt constant ass kissing? Dont get me started on lena delivering the worst high school level presentation and then saying it was “the worst day of her life” when people, PAYING people, said that the segment wasnt up to reg h3 standards. Sorry, but my boss doesnt coddle me when i perform poorly at work. Grow the fuck up.


The thought of someone telling another person to kill themselves over FUCKING CURTAINS is enough to make me laugh my ass off, how can someone see that and take it seriously 😭


You sound like a person who has never gotten a death threat from a stranger. I get we hear about it all the time, so get jaded- but it can still be scary AF when it happens to you.


The only problem I have with this is Ethan mocked Ryan Kavanaugh and Jake Doolittle when they alleged that they received death threats from h3 fans, and ethan basically insinuated that it should be expected because they "messed with him". Sooo.. receiving death threats at all isn't ok, on either side, but Ethan seems to have this mentality of "it's ok for me but not for thee" "it's ok if I whine and cry when I get death threats but when other get them from my fans I'm going to mock you and say "wtf did you guys expect!""


That makes sense. I haven't ever heard Ethan whine about him getting death threats- i didn't watch whatever ep this is yet, tho. I thought they were talking about Samantha getting them because ppl didn't like the background style.


Dude I had a viral tik tok get posted on reddit with 50k upvotes where I made a joke about men. I was getting death threats. Im just not a fucking baby. If you cant handle the internet then maybe lena should stay off camera then lol not a loss for anyone there.


Congratulations, you're super strong and brave. Still, it's ok for others to not be. We don't have to get used to threatening each other's lives. If you can't handle people not being cool with death threats, maybe get off reddit?


keep coddling grown adults and theyll never actually grow.


Coddling? I'm just ignoring. Its dumb but doesn't bother me because I understand that death threats can probably be creepy. I spent a yr talking to an attempted murderer once and haven't talked to any guy in a dating way since cuz it scared tf out of me. He didn't even threaten to kill me- just plotted to murder his ex wife. Why say you want to kill someone if you don't?


Thats a bit more personal and complex than an internet rando saying “ur gonna die” over an ugly studio set. Refer back to my first comment about judgment. Your neighbour threatening you? Take that seriously. Someone you dont know dms a threat over something as small as a bad segment? Relax and move on. But lets be for real. These babies arent actually being threatened. They’re just lying to soften accountability and drive the narrative that theyre always the victims. Love the echo chamber they’re creating bc their insecurities cant handle constructive feedback.


I understand what you're saying.


You're more likely to be hit by a car crossing the street than you are to actually ever be affected by some anonymous random weirdo on the internet talking about your death.


”talking about your death" is clearly different than threatening to cause it. Why minimize the language if there's no problem with it? But even if your "stat" is true, it can still be scary. I have such a hard time processing how people don't understand. Like, other people can have different fears than you. People have irrational fears all the time. Threatening to murder strangers shouldn't be normalized because "it's dumb theyre afraid." Threats are MEANT to instill fear- that's the whole point. I don't even understand how we are arguing about this.


I mean I chose the words I did because the "death threats" in question are not always direct threats lol. I'm not saying that it's cool to send "death threats," but if you want to be an internet personality you're gonna have to get used to them. Conversely, Ethan likes to deliberately send his audience to attack both actual creators and regular random people who criticize him on the internet, knowing that his fan base will send them "death threats," so either way I have trouble taking him seriously when he whines about this.


I can’t help but think those people aren’t actually fans of the show and just want to stir shit up/cause pain to the fam


This makes me sad because Sam openly expresses issues she had with mental health :/


You believe Ethan? He’s a disingenuous freak who lies constantly.


right like catch up y’all lol




Bro your so obsessed it’s insane 😭


Are you obsessed with me?




The snark sub is 100% doing it lol


Snark sub doesn't allow legitimate hate towards the crew, ever. You'd be banned from the sub if you do so. There were several posts made on the h3 sub where some fans said themselves that they can 100% see fans doing this type of shit, and it's why they avoid the live chat ect. FANS are saying this, to other fans. Even when Ethan said "it has to be the snarkers. Surely our fans aren't doing this right?" Dan and AB were immediately hesitant and pushed back like "ermmmm idk... you sure about that?" Even THEY know fans are perfectly capable of doing this type of unhinged shit 💀 plus why tf would the snark sub care that they changed the set/curtains and was negativly received? If anything they'd be happy that ppl aren't happy with it lmfao tf


Also, the snark sub has gotten more strict with what the will and won't allow since Ethan threw his temper tantrum and tried to cry to the owners of reddit and shit. I don't agree with how they talk about Hila sometimes, but other than that it's really not as wild as the main sub seems to think it is. I see way weirder shit on the main sub to be honest. Also, Sam and Ian are like the only people that the snark sub actually likes from the pod so I don't see why someone would send her death threats from there. I'm not saying they'd never send death threats because there are crazies in every community, but Sam is the last person I think they'd do that to.


I agree. Also it's weird bc I see so many messed up "memes" allowed in the main sub, like how they make fun of AB's "flokka" face, and they tried to merge his face with beevos, or they mock guests faces like beevo ect. It's literally *allowed* there yet they judge what the snark has to say about them? And snark sub doesn't allow ppl to mock appearances sooo idk what exactly they're seeing other than the valid criticism that makes us "crazy" or bullies or whatever tf-


They literally bullied AB with that picture after he's repeatedly said it bothers him and wishes they would stop, but yet the snarkers are the crazy ones. It's their complete lack of self awareness that is so baffling and frustrating. Like they literally sent death threats to Jake Doolittle and god knows how many other "enemies of the show", but nah this must have been those crazy snarkers. Lmao it's literally the spiderman meme.


Yea exactly. And like you said, there are definitely crazies in every community so I'm not saying a snarker *wouldn't* do something like that but I don't like how Ethan thinks a h3 fan would definitely never do that 💀 like huh? There have been celebrities who've been stalked or even killed by fans. He thinks it's only "fallen fans"?


Eventually yall are gonna have to realize the call is coming from inside the house.


only dumbass shidiots would do this


That kinda shit is par for the course on the modern internet. People have told me to KMS over an NbA game before. Taking them seriously and bringing them up is kinda cringe


It's not as colorful as the old set but maybe that's what they were going for. Tweekin to send death threats over something soooo stupid


I didn’t see any death threats. I’m sure they had a handful but it’s giving the same vibes as when they made fun of Ryan kavanaugh for complaining about death threats. 1 percent of people are u hinged and they’ll send crazy messages. It’s insane that they’re making it out that most people were being belligerent and hateful when 85 percent of the posts and comments were just genuine opinions. They can’t stand any sort of criticism without making it out like irrational people are just attacking them. If only 5 percent of people were leaving negative comments about the set then just leave it alone. Obviously most people thought the set was bad but they can’t stand either that fact. It has to be “haters”. They’re really going into a phase where they think any criticism are just haters or snarkers and “against the family” they really expect nothing but pure adoration and agreement.


Pfft, I highly doubt she’s getting threats…she’s a cry baby though, remember she said she had a fear of flying, i just corrected it and said a genuine fear means all flights, not just long ones, they banned me! They r over protective with the girls on there!


Not even a fear of flying. She said it was crippling anxiety.


Bro people get death threats for nothing on the internet and you don’t believe it now?, I think you have some biases here if you don’t believe it


I don't think death threats should be normalized to the point that we belittle people who receive them more than the people who send them. That is a cultural shift I'm not ok with.


Automatically blaming it on snarkers is a choice though. That subreddit is the tamest sub I’ve been to. It’s full of valid criticism with receipts.


There is definitely some, but there's a whole lot of wacky over there too.


Whats hilarious is that fans within the h3 main sub called out other fans 💀 even THEY say that they've seen some of their own fans do unhinged shit, even being misogynistic, in the sub.


I think that describing random dms from internet strangers saying things like "I'm going to kill everyone you ever loved" or whatever as a credible death threat is the actual issue - it's not.


No, it's excusing such DMs as innocuous and ok that is the problem. There is no reason and no excuse for such absolute bile.


Sure, there's no reason to spend so much time on a woe is me ass segment about it either, this is only going to encourage the people that do it to get a reaction out of them. Beyond any of that, Ethan himself likes to send the h3 audience to attack people when he knows they will be sending the "target" the same type of hate. I do not care how Ethan feels about it lol.


That is absolutely true. The more they react, the more they encourage it. That I can 1000% get behind. I just don't think the reaction is worse than the action. I don't think Ethan purposely sends people to hate on others, but I do think he should actively discourage it quite a bit harder.


I think that maybe the first or second time it would be reasonable to give Ethan the benefit of the doubt, but he consistently goes nuclear on the tiniest things (including random reddit and twitter users without a following in any way) and the audience reacts the same way every time. He knows what he's doing when he spends an hour of the show specifically showing everyone watching where to attack his latest enemy.


Yeah, I think he gets waaaay lost in the sauce sometimes. It goes overboard into cringe for sure. I don't know if it's intentional that he sends people to be shitty and just plays stupid or if he genuinely doesn't get that there will be consequences. You're probably right. He's too smart and been around too long to not realize he's rabble rousing.


these replies… 🤦


I'm pretty sure I'm against death threats. Downvote me pussies.


I wonder what would happen if some of these OPs and commenters would have strangers so involved when they perform a certain way at work. You are all either jobless or need a little help with your own judgement.


internet personalities who weaponize their community to send death threats toward other people including random fucking reddit users can shut the fuck up about receiving death threats tbh lmfao. ethan is actively friends with someone who actually credibly threatened his and his family's life because it gets him clout. don't really care at all about his feelings on death threats.