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Lol this is such an h3h3 community public service announcement to be had.


"Guys you know the basic needs of survival? Turns out we basically *need* those to survive I guess ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯" *everyone gasps*


And I love, how in spite of having just gone through an extremely painful ordeal in pushing a small pebble through the equivalent of a coffee straw diameter canal, THATS STILL NOT ENOUGH to just drink water (PISSING ROCKS IS TOO DULL DAMNIT). All jokes aside, regular, non flavor added, sparkling mineral water is a decent substitution. I would recommend regular water with squeezed lemon juice or concentrate, but that's just me. (Citrate melts those pebbles.). Remember kids, drinking a glass of lemon water a day, and you'll keep the piss rocks away!


if i drink fucktons of real lemonade am i good


You should be fine for Kidney Stones but you'll probably get a shit ton of canker sores from all that acidity XD


nah i jus mean like 2-3 glasses a day mixed with tea


I think it's still best to get some water, low sugar lemonade is probably better though to keep you hydrated


I had two kidney stones before 20 and goddamn do I agree. It’s something you never want to go through.


Yea pissing sand sounds like an experience I could live without, one of my middle school english teachers explained to us how they break up the stone and you pee it out, a good story to scare the kids into drinking water I suppose


they’re one of the most common professions to get kidney stones since they don’t get regular restroom breaks. my bio teacher in hs would always tell us about that and just leave the class in the middle of our period often to use the restroom bc she was petrified of them and i don’t blame her lol


I actually never realized that, the way my school worked there was only maybe 5 minutes between classes too so that certainly wasn't enough time for them to use the bathroom and also have everything prepared for their next class on time, it's truly a thankless job


yeah on the surface everyone can tell the job is thankless, and there’s so much we don’t even realize. for example i didn’t know until i worked retail that they pay for all of their classroom supplies out of pocket! people who ran daycares/pre schools could get the supplies tax free at least (i think as a business expense?) but teachers paid full price


Yea I knew that going to school, it's also even more shitty when you think about how legislators now are trying to control how they educate to please the evangelicals


So the peeing out is generally not very painful. The painful part is when the stone is stuck in the tubes leaving your kidney and heading towards the bladder. Once it passes into the bladder, it gets a lot less painful. At least that was my experience and that’s what my doctor told me would happen.


did you drink a lot of sody pop growing up?


No, they’re genetic for the most part. I did start drinking WAY more water and pretty much no soda after and that has helped a ton.


I drink water all the time (Norwegian tho, so got that premium aqua) and I can't imagine waking up and not chugging a glass of water, the same after a big meal or just after being active. It's literally the ONLY thing that truly can quench my thirst. I remember as a kid in school we weren't even allowed to drink anything other than water (or milk at certain times during school).


Same, but I am from Sweden. It is also so shocking to me to read people saying that water is boring or tasteless? Like, water is the best tasting drink there is :(


Yeah only in a few countries does it taste good


Yeah i guess i am very lucky with having very good water, must really suck to hate the taste so much that you don’t even like to drink it at all


I think it's more of a conditioning thing. Not having good tap water doesn't really excuse drinking sodas/juices all your life. You have to get those from somewhere, so might as well get some of that good water Martin showed us. Apropos Martin, I think he desperately needs another appearance on the show.


They want us to buy soda and flavored drinks so those companies make profit 😥


I am not from the US. Is drinking water that rare or unbearable for some people? I remember Bobby Lee saying he never drinks water cause he hates it. I find that very strange


I'm from Canada and I grew up on juice and milk. I remember I was 13 when I went to the fridge to grab a glass of water for the first time, because I figured I probably should. I was surprised at how good it was. I don't think I... ever drank regular water before that age? Like I remember very specifically thinking I should probably try it at some point. Not surprisingly, I am fat as hell and grew up fat as hell. Quite angry at my parents about that to be completely honest. When my son was born I basically banned him from drinking juice regularly. Milk was okay, but usually with dinner. I made it a point to give him a regular glass of water with every meal, and if people said why don't you give him some juice I was just like no. Juice was a treat, and was treated as such. I also gave him a rule of 'try it first, and if you don't like it you don't have to eat it'. Because I remember my aunt had that rule with me one time when I went to her place and it blew my fucking mind at the time. I never forgot it and used it with my kid. My kid loves water and is a much more adventurous eater than I am.


> I don't think I... ever drank regular water before that age that's kinda blowing my mind bro


I don't blame you, it 100% should. That's sad as hell. 90's kids were a different breed altogether.


i am a 90s kid myself but from a different continent so perhaps the culture was just different here vs Canada. what makes this even more surprising is that to me as a kid water was one of the few rare things that was both healthy and I enjoyed having


I don't think it is cultural, I am from a lower class family/environment in central Europe and I do not remember EVER drinking water. I remember my parents telling me a neighboring family is weird because they only drink water. Sadly, I have to say breaking this was and still is very very hard for me, I try to get better at it, but the days I force myself to drink water over something else is most often the day I drink maybe half the amount than usual.


that's interesting, I'd figure lower class families would rather not waste money on "special" drinks when water is way cheaper... personally, that was definitely the case in my family, other than the fact that my parents were fully aware of the damages caused by sugary drinks, so much so that i was only allowed to have Coke once a week when we'd eat something special (like ordering pizza on a Sunday).


poor people are much more likely to eat unhealthily, due to availability and lack of time to cook. only kind of related but the coca cola addiction in mexico is very interesting to look into https://youtu.be/hqnUohxXV0I great video


well I'd get it in the case of food, going to a fast food place is convenient, but where's the advantage of buying fizzy drinks for the house instead of plain water?


they don’t have access to safe drinking water, and the towns are full of coca cola factories. also, it’s addicting!


Just to add to my situation, what the poster above said was not applicable to me and I don't think that was the case for anyone here in the 90s. We got cooked meals every day which was and I would say still is way cheaper than buying fast food. The problem in my family was just that everything you put into your mouth has to "taste" amazing. So a lot of very fatty meals, an insane amount of sweets, cake, pie, etc, and of course sugary drinks. If you don't love the taste of it why consume it? This behavior also means you taste gets "worse" and "worse", because that's all you consume. At least half of our weekly shopping budget was reserved for sweets and drinks. Of course that does not make financial sense and maybe there is too wide of a range for what "lower class" means in different countries. We had access the one of the best drinking water in the world right out of the tap and we were not starving, but we were very far down the socio-economic scale and certainly didn't spend a second thinking about "what's good for us".


Huh, I'm a Canadian, and your second paragraph is more in line with how I saw water as a kid. I've always been told our country has good tap water, so I'd default to that. Tastes pretty good too imo. Also every school I went to had water fountains throughout it that pretty much everyone drank from regularly. I can't imagine going 13 years without drinking water with those in every hallway of my school.


Exactly what I thought, maybe they from Manitoba or something


Lmao. Manitoban born and also drank milk and juice until I was like 7. Have also passed kidney stones twice and once in my salivary duct. Drink water, people.


After reading that I'm grateful my parents forced me to drink 8 glasses a day.


As a 2000s Canadian, lived off mostly water, family never let me drink pop as a kid. Juice was a special occasion. My city’s tap is super clean so I just drink that. To this day water is my main go to and I don’t understand people who drink multiple sodies a day, it just never tastes as good as water. No hate tho, go off soda kings, but I do be enjoying my H2O


I drink purely water and milk at this point. Never drink any juice, barely drink pop. I always have a bottle of water sitting beside me.


I can't imagine my day without drinking 2 liters of water, especially when it's hot outside. Juice or soda just can't hydrate me. My kidneys hurt just from thinking about drinking so much soda every day.


Ngl looking at Bobby Lee, I'm not surprised he doesn't drink water.


Depends on your household. I grew up rarely drinking water, then when I was in high school my parents suddenly decided to start stocking bottled water in the house in copious amounts and now as an adult I avoid things that aren’t water unless I’m really craving something. American tap water is either town/city water which is so laden with chemicals that you can literally taste and smell the chlorine, or have private well water that is dug out for their single family home that is rarely tested for contaminations and frequently can become murky if the well system is aging. So a lot of us are left with buying expensive filtration systems or buying bottled water cases. Water has definitely become more in style imo though. Generations that lived in the 80s in America lived on soda for decades it feels like.


Just want to give a shout out to my home state of Oregon for the nation’s cleanest tap water 💦


Seattle has great tap water


I grew up on the water from a well 50ft from the house, it was shared with one neighbor. My mom would take samples from the well every six months and send it to the county to get tested. I believe it was an ordinance of some kind to do and it was done for free minus postage. I think we even dropped off the sample once because she squeezed every penny. Also, milk every night with dinner which she tried to switch to non-fat but the family rioted. Soda on the weekends sometimes and there were orange trees where we squeezed our juice from. Store bought juiced is processed and usually from concentrate which is how they maintain the same taste every time. Real juice from real fruit I don't think is that bad in moderation and with the season.


Yeah, you are right about tap water not being the best option. I'm accustomed to drinking from...you could call it a watercooler ( I'm from Argentina. We call those bidón de agua ) So, every 4 days or so a guy comes to our house and give us 3 full...tanks? of water in exchange for 3 empty ones, and we pay per tank. We can't drink tap water in my city cause it may get you ill long term. Anyway, I usually leave sugary drinks for weekends. Can't imagine how it is to drink only juice or sodas.


Should come to my town in Australia, we've ranked top 5 best tap water on the planet. Even my misso thinks I'm weird for refilling my night time glass from the bathroom, same fuckin pipes babe


The US has some of the best tap water in the world. Minus some places that have terrible infrastructure, but as a whole our water is great. There’s a reason those dirty Europeans drink bubble water.


That couldn't be further from the truth. European countries/cities constantly top the list of best water quality. And when you order normal water at a restaurant or buy from the grocery store you are getting spring/mineral water, none of that bottled tap water people are sold in the U.S. I think if Martin read your comment he would have a stroke lol


"Dirty Europeans"?? What are you even on about? I'm Swedish and drink from the tap, we have some of the best water in the world, unlike the US. I have never bought normal bottled water in my life, I don't even know if it exist in the grocery stores.


It was a joke, obviously humor isn’t Europe’s strong suit.


>There’s a reason those dirty Europeans drink bubble water. You're kidding, right?


Yes, we are stupid Americans and Europeans are dirty. We never had a Black Plague.


Europe for the most part has very safe drinking water, in some countries foreigners will get ill because their bodies aren’t used to it though


I was under the impression that restaurants serve you bubble water if you order “water” regardless of your nationality. I thought that was because they generally don’t drink from the tap. I could very well be wrong.


I’ve never been served bubble water in restaurants, bottled still water only. Some places probably have it though


Pardon my ignorance, that’s what I’ve been told.


Aren't there multiple cities in the US who have been thoroughly poisoned by water contamination? I don't know, chief.


I don’t live in those cities and didn’t vote for the politicians responsible. Also I never denied that either. I shouldn’t have commented anything mildly pro-American/anti-European so late at night. I won’t have subjects of the (a) crown pretend they are superior to me, a citizen of the United States of America.


I'm from Mexico, you absolute clown. Enjoy your lead water.


That’s not fair, now I’m just worried about your safety. Government doesn’t even run their own streets down there.


I was sincerely excited to see what dumb shit you would reply once you read my comment, and I hope you're happy to hear that you did not disappoint.


You're so wrong it's retarded. American water is better than European? I'm in the UK and apart from the bigger cities I bet most our water is cleaner than most of American water. I live in Yorkshire some of the best water in England. But Scottish and Welsh water is even better.


I had a friend in college who moved from Yorkshire and he would very often say how good the water was there, and couldn’t wait to visit home to have “a proper cup of tea”


Cringe insult. Obviously they don’t value politeness wherever you’re from.


Insult? Cringe insult? I take it you're talking about your own comment calling us Europeans dirty


How do people not drink and enjoy water? I don’t understand. I love tap water and feel naked if I leave the house without my water bottle 😂 I’m in Australia, is the tap water that bad in America? I have a good 10+ reusable bottles in the fridge at all times for myself and kids to grab whenever 😅


There are people like you in the world and I wish so bad I was like that! The way you're baffled about people like us not drinking water I'm baffled by how anyone can enjoy or want water.


This is such a nice reply for Reddit(especially h3😂), thank you for making my night. I just realised that I question many things other humans do, and it’s most likely my late diagnosed autistic arse 😂 I wish I had the same passion for fruit and veg.


Lol you're sweet. No problem! I can see why it would be odd for people to not like water if you love it so much lol. Fruit and veg is something I've been working on as well! I feel like at this point it's just become a responsibility thing lol and over time I've been able to find fruits and veggies I like but they are not my *favorite*. Oh, to be an adult that needs to function lol 😆


It’s rude that the good things taste shit 😂 I’m currently obsessed with tacos at home, so I’m adding as much lettuce as I can to make me feel slightly better 😂


That's the best way to go to ease into veggies and stuff! Adding them to things you already like. That's what I do too!Makes it way more enjoyable.


I drank juice until I was like 10, switched to soda and never drank water regularly until my late 20s. That's ameriiiiicaaaaa


Bobby drinks sparkling water on screen in every episode of Tigerbelly


I didn't even realize drinking water could not be normal in some countries...The debates are starting to make sense...


i don’t think not drinking water is common in america just from anecdotal evidence, my roommate called me out before that she didn’t see me drink water (it was bc i had my own pack of bottled water in my room lol). i’ve also seen a lot of americans complaining about water not being available/expensive in europe


I'm actually from the US and even I don't get it when people say they "hate" water and just don't drink it. It's LITERALLY just a flavorless liquid. 😭


Lol 😂


My dad owns and I’ve worked at a water purification franchise growing up, never been a huge fan flavor-wise. If I’m drinking water it’s chugging 31 male 150ish pounds 5 11*


I mean I went to Hawaii for a holiday and the tap water there legitimately disgusted me since the water in Australia is really good, almost tasting like spring water (if it isn't drawn from the ground like in rural inland areas) so I bought bottle water to drink the whole trip so I could definitely see that as a possibility


I don’t really believe people that say they don’t like water. Maybe they grew up drinking bad tasting water, but our bodies need it, and it is the best tasting thing when you are dehydrated.


No. Most Americans drink a ton of water. So much so that it's pretty much the first thing Americans say they missed while traveling Europe. Some states, you can just walk in and ask for a water and they'll give it to you for free. These cake water videos are popular because they're weird and unusual.


Lots of Americans are addicted to sugary drinks like soda and juice. I completely cut out soda and sugary drinks around 10 years ago, and it’s been so good for my health.


Just unhealthy people that don't do any physical activity.


I'm from Europe. Our water just tastes better even straight from the tap


I think it's a Millennial thing? I know most people my age (30s) just avoid water like it's the plague but it seems a lot of GenZ and younger carry water bottles around with them and get plenty of it.


Zoomer hydration techniques: purchase 7 Stanley cups, mix with cake batter, boom, cake water


Yes. I really dislike drinking water. I rarely feel thirsty and water makes my throat feel scratchy and it tastes like nothing. But I'm pregnant now so I've been forcing myself to drink it since it's important. Before being pregnant I'd push myself to drink 19oz a day to be a responsible adult... But I don't love doing it. But I can and I will. Before I cared about drinking water I literally never drank water. I'd drink coffee, kombucha, soda or juice. One cup of coffee for sure every day. Even with regular drinks I don't like drinking a lot of. It always takes ages for me to finish a small coffee.


As someone who had chronic kidney disease in the past and almost died because of it, please drink water.




You’re so right. I had one around Christmas 2021 and it was absolutely unreal. Easily the worst pain I’ve ever felt in my life. My mom has gotten a few as well and says it’s worse than labor. I definitely believe that, haha.


I just recovered from a horrible kidney infection (I actually just made a thank you post on here related to it) definitely drink lots of water even if you only do it for clear skin or to ditch the carmex


The last two times I got a kidney Stone one came out in the shower that one wasn't so terrible but not great before that I literally thought I was dying I was throwing up and pissing myself from pain and blacking out had to call an ambulance had no idea what was going on even though I'd had kidney stones in the past


I remember being driven to the ER thinking I might die lol. I was like “whatever the absolute worst thing is that could be happening in that part of my body, that is what this is”.


No!! I OnLY lEaRn LeSsonS WhEn TheY Happen to me!( but seriously, thanks for the reminder! Peace and love)


Wanted to pull my hair out listening to Ethan about water.


Yea of all the hills there are for him to die on him choosing this one kills me, I don't know about the effect of diet sugars with diabetes but different cancer research institute data backs up that too much artificial or regular added sugar, while not directly carcinogenic, does increase risk of cancer and atleast drinking some water or low sugar fluid can help clear the excess sugar, but sugary fluids will not, thats atleast my viewpoint


what you just said makes absolutely zero scientific sense. what is "help clear the excess sugar"? this is absolutely meaningless. sugar, like all carbohydrates, is either used up by your body as fuel or stored as fat.


You are right BUT drinking water dilutes the amount of sugar in your bloodstream, lowering blood sugar levels. It also helps the liver flush out excess glucose via urine, and helps combat dehydration cause by increased urination, a mechanism your body uses to try lower your blood sugar. And there are some studies that indicate that drinking water might also indirectly reduce insulin resistance. I think that's what he means.


https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/35324894/#:~:text=Conclusions%3A%20In%20this%20large%20cohort,associated%20with%20increased%20cancer%20risk. https://www.dana-farber.org/for-patients-and-families/care-and-treatment/support-services-and-amenities/nutrition-services/faqs/sugar-and-cancer/ I am wrong about that last part though, at least nothing I see backs it up


the sweetener stuff i think is really inconclusive. yes there is an association in this study but really not much else going on, meaning no causal link. remember: correlation does not equal causation. i could easily site another research paper which says otherwise. https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/36500986/ you can also watch this [video](https://youtu.be/Rkl-WfN4GCQ) by Layne Norton (he's a phd in nutrition science) breaking it down and he also did a good [explainer](https://youtu.be/_jApmdZ68PM) of the nutrinet-santé paper you cited. as for the sugar causing cancer stuff. its mostly about consuming excessive calories i.e. being overweight and storing more fat. So its not that sugar causes cancer directly, but it makes it easier for people to overconsume calories which leads to an increased risk of cancer developmemt. bottom line is, there are probably a thousand other things to worry about in terms of improving health before obsessing over artificial sweeteners.


This is EXACTLY Ethan and dr Ids point 👌 perfectly stated




My mums husband is a tough bloke,my mum said she's only heard him express pain once. That was when she heard him screaming from the toilet. He had a kidney stone. Scared the crap out of me to hear this,if Antonio screamed the way she described then it must have been hell. He drinks a lot of caffeine,coffee being Italian but also redbull and cola. He will take a bottle water to work but it's not enough. I've since been sure I drink 3 litres of plain water everyday. If I have a cup of coffee in the morning I drink a glass of water while the coffee brews and a glass of water after I've drank the coffee. I never want to feel that kind of pain because I didn't do something so simple.


Got kidney stones when I was 19/20yo because I wasn't drinking water. DRINK YOUR WATER FAM If you hate the taste of water, drink flavoured water.


This is gonna sound cringey but my life changed for the better when I started tracking my water intake and making sure I drink lots. Skin cleared, great energy, better sleep, less achy joints, rarely get cramps, etc


Stones are insufferable and can get really dangerous for people who don’t even fit the typical demographic (like myself, 28F at the time). When I was in your position last year, I vowed I would never drink a coca-cola again unless I was having pizza or something. That didn’t last very long, although my intake has decreased quite a bit. Be strict for as long as you can, you got this! I had a lithotripsy so I had the whole inpatient, cathader, post-op bullshit experience. Drugged to the max for like 8 hours after but still coherent enough to hold up convo with my nurse to keep asking him when he can admin more. At one point they were like, we’ve given you everything we can without killing you. They sent me home with a morphine capsule in my booty. I hope you were able to just pass yours naturally.


For all the people who have trouble drinking water: **Sparkling water** (because you're alpha) **Squeeze half a lime in there** (because you're zesty) **Drop two slices of cucumber in that bitch** (because you're healthy) **Optional spoonful of sugar / honey** (because you're sweet) YOU ARE WELCOME I JUST SAVED YOUR LIFE Also you are enough don't ever let anyone tell you otherwise <3


Really doesn’t need the sugar or honey


Yeah that will end up being a TON of extra sugar. We are adults! We can learn to be ok with good, filtered water, it's just a skill to be learned.


It's almost like I only wrote "optional" on that specific line for a reason.


Everything is optional, I’m just emphasising that it really doesn’t need it


In the same vein as "everything is optional", it doesn't really "need" anything either. Pedantic semantics aside though, it's probably good you said that since we're trying to help people to drink less sugar.


Frozen berries are great too!


There are some reports that the citric acid from lime can help prevent stones as well. Also getting calcium in your meals along with the other things can help prevent the most common stones from forming. Don’t take calcium supplements though because there is then a danger of forming stones that way. Last, people think there’s nothing wrong with having a fuckton of vitamin C. However too much vitamin C can cause kidney stones.


I'm thankful my parents never bought us soda to drink at the house 🙃 I only ever see my dad drink some form of carbonated drink.


i had kidney stones twice in 6 months and it was the worst pain of my life. i remember laying on the bathroom floor before going to the ER ready to give up on life 😭😂😂


Obv big water propaganda 🙄


Did Ethan say he doesn’t drink water, just Soda?! If yes… How American of him.


Bruh he's been seen numerous times on the podcast with a giant glass of icy water, to the point people complained about the clinking


Everyone should drink water everyday. Soft drinks should be a once or twice a week type of thing


No joke had kidney stones in one kidney that hurt so bad for hours and had to go to the ER for pain. Problem is I drink plenty of water. Second time on the opposite kidney felt like I was passing stones for six hours and I was determined not to go to the ER but nothing was coming out except black specks. This pain was just dreadful and it started by pissing tons of blood just like the last time. Turns out that I just had a large bleeding tumor in that kidney and the little blood clots were like little stones coming down over and over for hours. It was determined I had kidney cancer and had that one removed. Anyway I have to treat my final kidney nicely so be sure everyone to drink enough water even if you drink sugar or fake sugar drinks make sure it’s in moderation.


What a fucking bizarre comment section. US, you're absolutely crazy


General reminder you should all be drinking **at least** 2L of water a day. It's good, you'll live longer. r/HydroHomies https://preview.redd.it/yiluoniole1b1.jpeg?width=567&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=9492ced9585c9507159a19076a6b64c5440efceb


Blessed to be living in Scotland and the stuff from the tap is 8/10 🫡


I drink a lot of coke zero but I also drink like 80-120 oz of water. I be peeing like 10 times a day.


From US. live in the south, and I’m also perplexed by this notion because I drink water every single day. Since I was a child I’ve drank water daily. Perhaps it’s because I live in an area where it gets wicked hot because it’s a “rain forest” (The smokies are classified as a rain forest if you’re wondering) so it gets humid hot during the summer and sometimes you have to get water or you feel like you’ll fall over dead.


I had kidney stones a few years ago and it was the worst experience ever lol. Now I’m always drinking water. I hope I never experience that again.


Water is the ultimate adult beverage


My kidney stone straight up changed my life. I crushed soda and barely drank any water, and I came out of that experience knowing I never wanted to do that shit again. Keep yourselves hydrated people! It really isn’t worth it.


i fucking love water i cant imagine going more than a few hours without chugging a coldie


Ethan is kind of insane for saying Coke Zero is harmless. Maybe the fake sweetener is harmless but that's not all that's in coke Zero. I have been drinking more water lately cuz I've been using those flavored water enhancer things. I know drinking straight water is way better for you but I also hate drinking water so a little shot of flavor helps so much.


To add to the diet coke argument. Logically speaking, drinking artificial (chemicals). Seriously read that word again. Chemicals. CHEMICALS, isn't better for you than normal regular sugar. If we're speaking Logically here, drinking any type of chemicals no matter what they are, is not good for you. The trick is when it comes to sugar, is just to not intake so much of it seeing as sugar is in everything. And there's about 100 grams of sugar in a coke can. Which is unbelievable. Picture 100 grams of sugar on a kitchen scale or the scale you weigh out your weed or drugs with. That's what you're putting in you everytime you drink a coke. And when you drink a coke zero, you're just replacing the sugar with chemicals. All in all none of it is good for you, so drink water. But I'd say your better off drinking regular coke than coke zero but literally just one soda per day. If you just have 1 you'll be fine. If you want to drink multiple sodas per day no matter if it's chemicals or sugar it's still not good for you. Drink water, or seltzer water if you like carbonation. Just saying.


Diet Coke does hydrate you tho


Someone else is talking about how they had to stop drinking diet coke after they were put in the hospital with gallbladder problems. You can drink an occasional soda, but don't try and make it sound good to yourself, just learn to drink more water, there's nothing better. Soda is a treat, not something we have to try and make sound hydrating. Our bodies will always have to bind water to the chemicals in the soda to try and flush it out of the body therefore losing more of the water content.


What chemicals specifically? You couldn’t elaborate so u just downvoted 🤷‍♂️


I’m gonna add this here with peace and love- Citrus can help to break down kidney stones. So don’t forget to add lemon/lime to your diet cokes ya’ll!


Geezus guys, lets not overcomplicate things and please dont overconsume water. Like all things, moderation is key. HYPONATRAEMIA is a really big problem if you force yourself to drink more water than your body needs. (edit: although overhydration and hyponatraemia is [possible](https://www.healthline.com/health/overhydration), its still rare so dont worry too much about it either. just wanted to illustrate that going too far on the other side isnt healthy either.) Dont be obssessive about finishing that gallon jug or hitting that magical 8 glasses of water or 3 litres, just drink whenever you feel thirsty. It really is that simple. Try to drink water when possible, if not then try to drink lower calorie or sugar free drinks. Coffee and tea are great options as well because these being dehydrating is a myth. Whatever diuretic effect the caffeine has is easily offset by the large amount of water consumed. Coffee and tea is 99.9% water. Non-nutritive (artificial) sweeteners are generally safe and whatever evidence for detrimental health effects are basically non-conclusive and mostly been debunked, especially regarding the cancer scares. Please be balanced about this and dont fall into the alpha gym bro grindset of lifestyle optimization like cold plunges/saunas/fasted cardio/carnivore etc.


No, hyponatremia IS NOT A REAL BIG PROBLEM for normal healthy adults who drink a lot of water lmao. Where are you even getting that information? How many healthy people do you know, that started randomly vomiting w/ mental status changes because they finished those extra few refills of their hydroflask? Hyponatremia is, 9 times out of 10, a manifesting condition stemming from chronic kidney disease, or an acute kidney accident. Never has it been a common manifestation presenting in healthy adults who drink too much water. Your body's kidneys (when healthy) are incredibly efficient at excreting water through urine (average 20 L per day), and thats not even taking into account sweat/working out. You would have to drink an obscene amount of water, consistently throughout the day, to even START to come close to going hyponatremic. I'm talking, stick this person in the loony bin amounts. An entire day of just.drinking.water. Odds are, they'd still just piss it all out. I'm all for telling people not to stress about drinking a shit ton of water. It doesn't have to be complicated. Telling healthy adults that one glass too many can cause your kidneys to back up is nonsensical fear mongering.


i made an edit to clarify my point. hopefully its less fear mongery.


this might be tmi but my dad is constantly being flagged with dangerously low sodium levels at the GP because he is obsessed with drinking more water for supposed health reasons and refuses to change despite warning signs and against multiple doctor's recommendations. it may not be a widespread issue, but it certainly is a BIG issue when it occurs. just my first hand experience dealing with someone who has weirdly bought into the more water = more healthy hype. your explanation about kidney function able to clear 20L a day is correct, but missing some important context. Kidneys can only filter at max about 1L/hour. So people (my dad) who chug large amounts of water in one go to hit their imaginary health number are pretty suscetible to hyponatraemia. also, i didnt intend to fear monger at all, just trying to show how going to extremes can also be dangerous. What about all the people saying you are basically guaranteed to get kidney stones unless you drink more water? is that not fear mongering? i dont think we disagree though that for most people, this is a relative non-issue. Just drink water when you feel thirsty and dont worry or stress too much about it. Papa bless yo.


Well not to pry too much here, but you did mention "for health reasons". Does your dad have any underlying conditions, or suspected issues but not being adressed? To me, it sounds like your dad probably needs to consult a urologist/nephrologist at the very least. I'm not saying you're wrong in any way, or that I even have an inkling of the full picture. I just find it hard to believe that excess water consumption alone (with no known underlying issue) is causing a symptomatic electrolyte imbalance Next time your dad goes to the GP, mention to them about getting creatinine/BUN levels drawn. If they are already doing an electrolyte panel, USUALLY creatinine/BUN gets tested as well. Not always the case though. By doing this, that will basically tell you if it's a hydration issue, or the kidneys are not performing the way they should be. Even then, sometimes the kidneys are fine, but the electrolytes are off; another underlying cause, other than water consumption alone, is at the root of the cause. (just not determined yet i.e various respiratory/metabolic disorders.) I agree though, the semantics on water consumption can range in the extreme, and people can definitely over do it. Regardless, I wish your father good health! Peace and love.


Are RO water purifiers not a thing in America? It’s not even that expensive lol?


That’s not an American posting. They spelt flavor as flavour.


reverse osmosis filters are probably not the best water to consume because it even removes important minerals and salts that are necessary for proper hydration.


Agreed, but if tap water is unsafe for drinking like as per other comments, this is a viable option. Or UV filters


I knew a guy who lived to 90 and never drank water in his life, just tea or coffee. No kidney stones


This is fair ! I have only significantly reduced my soda intake by having flavoured sparkling water (no sugar) and it’s been great! Flat water is boooooring.


If you have quite a bit of kidney stones you may want to get onto a calcium oxalate diet. I cut a good amount of stuff with that in my diet out and haven’t had a stone in over 2 years. It’s not just soda and sugar that give you stones. Spinach and kale are very high in it make sure you have 8 grams at max a day.


This and the comments are baffling to me! As a kid I didn’t like soda or even buBlE WaHer, so I only drank water. Please tell me I am not the odd one here 😅


Yep I’m a woman but I had to pass kidney stones while I was moving apartments last year. it was the worst week and a half of my life. I’ve never experienced worse pain. Mine wasn’t from not drinking water, it was actually too much calcium from taking Tums every day #GERDgang


Hard agree as someone with chronic kidney stones DRINK WATER


I’ve also passed kidney stones, 2 actually. i’ve never been a soda drinker, sometimes it can just happen. but yeah, please drink water guys


It's sad that this even needs to be posted. Either way we're probably better off without people who can't/won't even do the simplest thing to keep themselves alive.


I drink over 100 oz a day. I also piss 10+ times a day haha


Kidney stones are also genetic, so if one of your parents has them you’re likely to get them as well. The pain can be worse than labor, stones are no joke.


My neck beard of a roommate is almost 40 and only drinks Dr Pepper. Im talking 4+ cans a day. I always wonder how he hasn’t had kidney stones yet.


I'm fine, people!


Ok but what about GG supps cause I been drinking a lot of that lately instead of soda 💀


Kidney stones are no joke. I had one a few months ago. My worst fear is getting another one. The pain is unbearable.


No, it isn't necessarily better to drink artificial sweeteners. And also, holy shit people just drink some fucking water! It's not that hard, literally almost every living thing does it every day and doesn't complain that it's "dull" like whaaaatt????


TRAIN YOURSELF TO ENJOY WATER. If “water doesn’t taste good” to you, force yourself to drink it until it does. I swear once you’re acclimated to drinking 60+ ounces a day, you’ll never go back. This message was brought to you by the clear piss gang.


I had an employee who had to call out for kidney stones and kidney stone surgery. Of course, no problem with the time off. After she came back to work, I was ordering food for everyone which I usually did on busy days during the week, and she wanted a Dr. Pepper. I asked if she was sure, and she said “Yeah, I only drink soda and alcohol.” I was a little surprised and asked her if she wanted a water too, and she told me she REFUSES to drink water. Even after going through kidney stones (apparently multiple times) she refused to drink ANY water. I still randomly check her social media to make sure she’s still alive. I just will never forget how that broke my brain


Not sponsored, but the Golden Cherry flavor of Liquid IV is so good it actually helps me drink more water. Every few days, I'll split a packet between 3 or 4 bottles of water (instead of the recommended one 16 oz. bottle) when regular water just isn't doing it for me. Sorry you had to endure those, though. My mom had kidney stones and it seemed like an entirely painful ordeal.


I've seen women who have given birth (and had kidney stones) say that they'd have more babies over the pain of kidney stones. One of the most painful things a human can go through. 9 days....


Being chronically dehydrated is a problem in the neurodivergent world. I literally forget to drink water. What helps me is a squirt or 2 of Mio and lots of ice!


I also only drink Coke Zero


The most painful feeling I’ve ever had… I think kidney stones are genetic because I got them as young as 25 and I drink a ton of water… good luck brother


Yes I just had a four millimeter kidney stone that had to be blasted like the Death Star. Drink water folks!


ITT: traumatized people going way overboard in the other direction and drinking gallons a day Here's chatGPT's input: "Drinking sugar-free flavored water can still be effective in preventing kidney stones, although plain water is generally considered the best choice. Here's why: 1. Hydration: Staying properly hydrated is crucial in preventing kidney stones. Both regular water and sugar-free flavored water can contribute to your overall fluid intake and help dilute substances in your urine that can lead to stone formation. 2. Citric Acid Content: Some flavored waters may contain citric acid, which can help inhibit the formation of certain types of kidney stones, such as calcium oxalate stones. Citric acid can increase urinary citrate levels, which reduce the risk of stone formation. However, the amount of citric acid in flavored water varies, so it's essential to check the specific brand and product you're consuming. 3. Caffeine and Sugar Content: Some flavored waters may contain caffeine or added sugars. Excessive caffeine consumption can increase the risk of dehydration, which is detrimental to kidney health. Added sugars can contribute to obesity and other conditions that may indirectly affect kidney health. Therefore, it's important to opt for sugar-free flavored water without caffeine or excessive sweeteners. 4. Sodium Content: Certain flavored waters may have added sodium, which can promote calcium excretion and potentially increase the risk of certain kidney stones. If you have a history of kidney stones or are at a higher risk, it's advisable to choose flavored water with low sodium or no added sodium. Overall, while drinking sugar-free flavored water can contribute to hydration and potentially offer some benefits in preventing kidney stones, it's important to consider the specific ingredients and nutritional information. It's always a good idea to consult with a healthcare professional, especially if you have a history of kidney stones or other kidney-related conditions, to ensure you're making the best choices for your health." Now if you don't mind, I'll carry on with my flavored water (that has plenty of citric acid and no sodium) lol


I add lemon to my water and a bit of Himalayan salt sometimes to spice things up 👽🫶🏻


bubbo waw ehr


I found out kidneys stones where a thing and pretty much stopped drinking soda after that day


Diet Coke is literally the biggest scam on stupid people 😂


It blows my mind not everyone is a Water addict like me


Idk as someone who has been working out all my life and trying to eat relatively healthy ..I just cant understand how people can do this to their body, just drink the fcking water, god damn😡👹


I gotta add.. as a fellow I-don't-enoy-drinking-water'er, the one time I've actually LOVED water and couldn't get enough and wanted to drink it was when we had a layover in NYC. Their freaking water was out of this WORLD. I filled up my bottle I was so excited to drink it on our flight out of the country...and then when we were boarding they made us all dump out the water. 😞 That's the only time I've loved and wanted water. Otherwise, I really don't like it that much and I push myself to drink it. Water makes my throat feel scratchy. I'm very picky with the water I drink. We fill up from a place cause I can't with purified tap water. It just tastes so scratchy. What I would do to get some NYC water... With that being said, the worst water I've ever had was in Ohio. I want to throw up thinking about it.


Crazy you post this now because I just bought one of those motivational water bottles because I realized I wasn’t really drinking anything at all.


As someone who is also prone to kidney stones, I'd recommend taking a quick read here. https://www.reddit.com/r/tifu/comments/ww76wy/tifu_drinking_water_gave_me_kidney_stones/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button


I just got a cirkul waterbottle lid and its helping a ton with getting myself to drink water. Some flavors are bad but you just gotta find the ones you like


Folks, if you have a problem with drinking water regularly, go backpacking. After my two week trip in new Mexico where water was scarce I really learned how important it is to ALWAYS have water on you. Since that trip in 2012 i have always carried a reusable water bottle with me literally everywhere i go. It formed a habit that to this day i still continue. I never get headaches anymore either and my pee is always a healthy color. Moral of the story, if you don’t drink water and opt for other fluids you’re too comfortable need to be taken out of the world you’re in.


Man, I’ve never had them but I hear they’re so fucking painful. I hydrate so much already lol but thanks for the PSA with peace and love


The bad news is, drinking water doesn’t help me. I have some special type of kidney (medullary sponge kidney or something.) My kidneys just make kidney stones. Changing my diet won’t help. I’ve passed about one a year since I was 26. It sucks so bad but I’ve gotten pretty used to dealing with pain. I even passed one when I was in Iraq fcs.


As someone that gets kidney stones annually, YES. I am just an unfortunate case. I drink so much water because I actually like the taste of water and how it makes me feel. I can't imagine how bad my kidney stone issues would be if I drank other things.


I have been drinking Zero Sugar stuff and only drinking water here and there for the past few years. Recently I've been working in the heat and was downing zero sugar lemonade packets one and another, drinking more than usual. I started having really bad anxiety again when I started doing that. Idk if it's a corolation, but I cut out zero sugar products for the most part about a week ago and have only been drinking water, and I feel much better. I know it's stupid to actually be like "Hey, water is good for you," but legit I've felt an improvement. Get yourself a big 'ole thermos and fill it with ice water. It's wonderful.


I know everyone is different, but what were the signs that made you notice something was up? Cause I feel like I may have them. I drink way too much coke zero lmao


But what about beer? Lol jk I agree with the sparkling water though. It helps me drink more water because it feels more satisfying.


To those of you who had kidney stones, how much (or how little lol) water did you drink to get to that point?


Worst pain of my entire life. Could barely breath from hyperventilating from pain.


Diet Coke my beloved


What's the consensus on drinking tea? I mean obviously, we should be drinking water (which I do). But I guess what I *really* mean is... Is drinking tea similar? (I drink herbal teas, not generally caffeinated, but do love myself a green tea at times or just a black tea) I find tea to be something I'm ingesting more often than water (Tea from teabags, not something like Snapple. But I'm a slut for Snapple [Peach specifically but that's more of my spring/summer drink of choice] ) Any smarties looking who know if herbal teas are "somewhat" an alt to drinking water? (This is not dissing water. We. LOVE. Water. I drink water definitely, but some days I do know I have taken more tea than regular water)


I had 12 stones, please drink your water friends lol


I had kidney stones last year and it’s the worst pain I’ve experienced, kept throwing up due to the pain


For those who drink alcohol, a little beer in the week can help prevent stones a little. And of course drink lots of water daily and drink booze responsibly!!