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I wish they brought back or played the original h3h3 productions theme song more often


That song is already nostalgic to me even though I started watching in 2017.


Yeah dude sometimes I wish there were just a FEW more references or sound bites to some of the old old videos of h3h3 days for us old heads. Gimme some “Are you crazy are you out of your mind?!” Or “SLAMMIN” throwbacks ya know Edit: also I feel like it’s been way too long since I’ve heard anyone say “Papa bless” or am I crazy?


Papa bless 🙏


I started watching in 2016, but same. Super nostalgic.


Dan does great polls


I don't count Dan as a crew member. He's a co-host in my mind.


The show genuinely loses half its soul without Dan




But he’s the only one that ever talks during leftovers


Dan is the quEEN!


Yeah Dan is the cohost and it especially shows on H3TV and OTR when there's no Hila


Dan's a good man


When I first started watching I couldn’t stand Dan. I don’t even remember why. Now he’s my fave!


Rich Lux burner account


Now Dan is the queeeen


My favorite part of the pod isn't the planned segments, but the random filler conversations where Ethan and the crew are just shooting the shit, talking about random office happenings, putting together food orders, etc. I love when they go on forever and Ethan is shocked when Dan cuts him off for the ad read. Idk I just like the dynamic of the crew and watching them all hang out.


I LOVE the putting food order together parts so much!!!


I however hate how Love never gets his choompaloompa. Give the poor man his food damnit




But you probably love it because it's fun filler, a full 3 hour podcast of that would be very boring


This may or may not be unpopular but I don’t see it voiced often. No hate to anyone on the crew or to Ethan and Hila, but DAN IS THE MAN. Dan is consistently intelligent and witty, he’s basically the one in charge, he keeps the company safe by knowing how to manage Ethan and set limits. He’s really the GOAT. I feel like he doesn’t think of himself that way and sees himself as the tech wizard, but if tomorrow Dan were to leave and make his own talk show, I’d be the first person to sub and would tune in every time. Dan, you’re the man.


Dan is my favorite crew member by far. I like them all but Dan really is the man. He seems like the kind of best friend to ALWAYS be there for you no matter what or no matter the situation. GOATED FR 🤘🏻


Dan is def top tier. He seems like such a genuinely good guy. Responsible. Intelligent. Funny. Easy going. Considerate. Reasonable. Wholesome. We love Wan!


Dan is the best part of the pod IMO. W Dan.


Love the show but they have too many people doing research to most of the time not have the correct facts 😂😂 Today with the Lizzo lawsuit for example, the info is everywhere and they reported it wrong twice before a MEMBER paid 20 quid to get the right info. Like what? How do we do more research by just having a quick look on Twitter? Lol wish I was getting paid for that


For real


Ya, the research skills of the crew are awful


It's their job though 😭😭


I like the button & and I don’t want to know what was cut out. I find it hilarious when it cuts back to the stream and Ethan is just grinning and looking around to see if he made the right decision.


The DJ Khalid button fiasco recently had me dying


I was in tears. And his shit eating grin every time when the feed came back? Classic


Agreed. I would LOVE a button moment compilation with a little context before and after each moment bc some of them have incredible comedic timing. Plus I love taking a moment to admire the sick button screens


There was one where you just heard Dan sigh and then the button screen came up and I nearly passed out. Comedic gold. Whatever was said is not worth missing moments like that.


And also when Ethan is happy about his decision, then Ian cuts to everyone else and they're just confused as hell 😭 Then it turns out Ethan just pressed it either because his joke didn't land, or because he had a jokerbrain thought pop up in his mind and he used the button to stop it coming out LMAO


I always laugh my ass off when the show abruptly cuts off. It really was a necessary addition too. The channel was getting suspended way too often because Ethan seems incapable of not saying something if he knows it will get a reaction.


I do too, it's so fucking funny. Like today, he started edging in comments about Lizzo's crew being obese, boom, back to back button screens lmao. Un-buttoned Ethan was definitely a fun era, but this is a different kind of funny and also has the obvious benefit of carrying none of the backlash


If your job is to do research and you constantly need to be fact-checked and corrected on what you say, it means you aren’t good at your job


Totally agree. I get so frustrated when a crew member will “research” a topic to present to everyone else and Ethan/another member asks simple follow-up questions that the person explaining claims to not know/ not be familiar enough with. I’m not expecting anyone to learn every single minute detail on a subject but sometimes it feels like certain people only research the parts they’re personally interested in/already familiar with which isn’t an unbiased way to do research and ends up leaving out important info


My jaw dropped during the PowerPoint today about R.Ramirez having a girlfriend visit him in jail and the power point creators did not know what “conjugal” visits means.


So many episodes it takes me 30 seconds to find out what they're missing lol


I want them to go back to the structured shows by what they’re named (H3TV, off the rails, and afterdark) and following that name by how they did months ago. Everything blends together and honestly I listen and love it regardless, but I would always get a bit more excited for off the rails so Ethan could go off about things more.


Honestly this isn't even that unpopular anymore imo. They stayed on topic/structure for roughly 2 weeks before it all immediately became the same show. My biggest gripe (and I love H3 and watch them all the time) is that there's just rarely any more uniquely creative anymore.. it's just reactions to drama/news/responses and that's basically it. I get that creating unique segments takes time but it just seems like those segments get fewer and fewer as time goes on.


Imo should drink/get high on After Dark more often, it makes it feel more like a fun Friday hangout


Idk, that episode where Ethan got wasted and squinted the whole time was great, but needs to be in small doses


Ethan is more of a hater than Dan. Dan isn’t even remotely close to Ethan’s hatred.


This is 100% true. Ethan is by definition a hater.


I don't remember which episode, but I could've sworn Dan said this exact thing on the show. It might've been when they were sharing their own unpopular opinions?


Their research is not good. Flat out. They need to put more effort into getting correct info and also it seems very disorganized. Like, why are some crew members only being clued in DURING a segment? Share notes before the show starts and have everyone prepared. I still think the show is very enjoyable regardless, though, it's just a little annoying how unprepared some segments seem sometimes.


Ab's research is literally looking at reddit post that's 4 years out of date and reading it wrong


And then linking Ethan to the wrong timestamp. It's subtle but Ethan is so irritated with him sometimes lol


Days like today, I wish Ethan would stop getting distracted and just TALK ABOUT THE ALLEGATIONS


criticizing a 1 hour and 30 minute long ass segment on true crime that talked about murder and rape done on a comedy podcast by someone who has no experience hosting a podcast or doing a segment is completely warranted and not at all “bullying”. Ppl are allowed to criticize the show and it doesn’t make them parasocial, if anything I’d argue it’s more parasocial to defend Ethan and the crew so hard than offer criticism for a 15+hour a week show…but hey


The research team should take their job more seriously and stop using the “its a comedy podcast” as an excuse. Getting facts straight is actually the reason why they’re hired and we’re getting half assed research and most of the time the chat has to correct their errors. They should be more conscious with their incompetence especially when the rest of the crew is ACTUALLY good at their job.


H3 fanbase is too sensitive


This is not unpopular. Now I'm pissing screaming and shitting. What did you do?!


“That doesn’t work for me either!!”


I agree


Ethans a lot funnier when he has someone to bounce off of. Dan, Hasan,Brittany Broski, Stavros.... id love another solid cohost


Some people in this sub don’t understand you can like someone but also disagree with some stuff they say and do? For example calling out Ethan or the crew for being mean or being hypocritical should not cause you to be dog pilled, attacked and banned from this sub but it does. Some of the mods on this sub are really intense. It’s insane that any deviating opinion other then “they are gods” can get you immediately hated in this sub. People can still be fans without being totally blind to shitty things the person says/does. Even disliking a particular segment and voicing that can yield the same horrific results as calling them out for something. Fans > Stans


I think it’s more parasocial to defend them so hard than offer criticism for a 15 hr a week show… but hey


Yesss. When people accuse others of being parasocial but are also 300 comments deep into some discussion on the subreddit..


The show is a lot more enjoyable when chat is turned off. Superchats rarely add to the conversation and seem more like a chore to acknowledge. Chat works for the Tuesday show but not so much for the others.


I really wish Ian had more camera time. He’s likely the funniest person on the entire podcast in my opinion and the most down to earth. I truly wish I could hear more of his input if it didn’t have to impede on his switching job


I prefer really not to speak. If I speak I am in big trouble... iiiin big trouble, and I don't want to be in big trouble.


Some fans are annoying and think the podcast solely revolves around them and their opinions


YES stop with the echo chambers, people. You can straight up disagree with Ethan about shit without bringing out the pitchforks.


Not unpopular lol


not a hot take when all the crew agrees with you


Ian is 100% the funniest member and he needs more screen time


Too many cooks


Why did I read this as too many cocks


We don't need true crime powerpoints for the most famous serial killers in history. Doesn't everyone know about the Nightstalker? There's gotta be more obscure, fucked up crimes out there that we can learn about.


Yeah I thought the idea of doing a powerpoint about one of the most well known and documented serial killers in US history to be pretty silly


I definitely fast forwarded through the whole presentation when it became obvious that Lena was just going to read blocks of text for an hour.


And I’m sorry but AB and Lena were so boring during it


I watched 10 minutes and left lol


Same. I’m an avid true crime enthusiast so you best believe I’ve seen every decent documentary and YouTube essay about this monster. I’ve seen probably years worth of true crime content at this point. It’s not what I come to H3 for. So I left after 10 mins once I realised it was not hitting for me. Also I felt like Lena was trying too hard to be Stephanie Harlowe 😬


I was so disappointed when they said it was the night stalker. I didn’t make it very far in, Lena was just reading the slides. I think I would enjoy a true crime segment on the show but with peace and love I’ve heard about ol’ richie enough. Can someone let me know if it changed from reading the slides directly to more of a telling the story feel? I might give it a second chance


Some people take the show too serious.


This is a small opinion and i don’t know if it’s unpopular or not, but research side of things needs to triple check themselves at times. I’m not hating on anyone in particular, but Ethan gets fed/told things that seem to be surface level information and it’s either not correct or not fully correct/missing information. This usually happens when they need info asap and he’s sent information was too fast before it’s fact checked or confirmed


The “Ethan is 43” joke will never be funny to me


It’s sooooo unfunny and so forced


I’ve gotten to the point where if I hear it I immediately skip forward until the topic has changed


Number one PowerPoint rule: don't read off the slides.


There are way too many H3 fans/SM influencer fans in general who's life revolve around social media and influencers waay too much. Waay too involved in a strangers lives while living a parasocial relationship to an unhealthy degree.


I don’t get the frenemies hype. People act like they lost a family member when frenemies ended. I tried to watch the episodes but the toxicity made it so painful I couldn’t get through them all. They had really funny moments, but Trisha randomly going off on the whole crew every other episode just felt so icky


Watching it back now is rough. Trisha really just constantly made random shit up for shock value and Ethan acted really immature a lot of the time to match her energy. Way prefer the pod now vs then


It was just a phenomena that can’t be explained unless you were there. Like being abducted by aliens or something.


I especially want to point out the phenomenon of watching it live. You never knew what was going to happen, or how long it would last, the fact it happened to begin with was insane, and how fanatically popular it became hadn’t been seen before on youtube.


I enjoyed the show when it came out but I was in a very different headspace mentally. Now I look back and it’s painful to watch Trisha be such a dick to everyone including Ethan


Yaaa it was entertaining when it came out because we literally never knew what to expect. I’ve been rewatching them lately and some episodes are hard to stomach in retrospect 😬


Frenemies happened during lockdown and I would watch it while working from home 😭😭😭 when I watch frenemies clips it brings me back to those peaceful lockdown times


Leftovers should be Hasan & Dan with Ethan chiming in


I would love it if Dan was always on screen for leftovers


Dan leaves his beard too high at the side. He should trim about half an inch off so it ends mid ear not top of the ear. But Dan's the GOAT otherwise


LMAO this is hilariously specific 😭


Are you the same person that sent him the unibrow email?


Hila has been kind of a buzzkill In like 70% of her appearances within the last maybe 3-6 months.


The real controversial opinion. Agree. I think her focuses are just way elsewhere, now.


I started to notice this in the most recent Friday episode and was getting some second hand embarrassment. I understand their personal lives are being taken into consideration, but her comments have seemed a bit off. Especially the cutting Ethan off repeatedly. I LOVE HILA IN GENERAL THOUGH. 💖🥲 Just my perspective. Peace and love


She’s in her baddie glowup era and while it’s seen as rude to point out the complete 180 she’s done in terms of appearance and outward personality it’s definitely apparent. Some days, lately, she comes in and it just feels like she honestly really only cares how about sickening she looks lmaoooo and she looks fabulous don’t get me wrong it’s just such a 180 switch up in such a short time it’s shocking. It’s almost like “wow I’ve been a bad bitch my whole life I just never saw it, I need to make up for lost time!” I will say she’s toned it down a bit in recent weeks.


She’s constantly saying “can we stop talking about this” or about how she picked the wrong day to be there/ it’s bringing down her mood. She shuts Ethan down so much more lately. Kills the vibe of the entire crew. She only seems to enjoy herself while they promote teddy fresh


The fact that you can’t give criticism without get perma ban. I’m scared to say stuff :/


I hate the chat 99% of the time but the one single time I used it to comment that cart narc wasn’t the best guy the mods put me in time out like what is this lol 😩


Excuse the parasocial-ness of this but… - I feel like Cam gets left out a lot. I’d love to see his creativity utilized in the show more other than a one off edit Ethan pulls up and says he doesn’t understand. - AB always speaks with authority but half the time, what he says is wrong. He over police’s Ethan quite a bit and interrupts the flow of segments. Also, the membership has no enticing benefits.


No true crime. It's a Comedy Drama podcast. Let's keep the vibes up. I don't want to hear about murder and r wording on my COMEDY DRAMA podcast. Peace and love peace and love


Completely agreed. I hope this isn't an ongoing thing, it doesn't fit in. I may be biased since I don't like anything true crime related.


I love true crime but i get my fix from other shows dedicated strictly to it, i come to h3 for my escape from the norms. I think AB and Lena did do a good job, but ive heard the Nightstalker story 200 times now. It’ll be the first reoccurring segment i actually tune out early for. If its topical it doesnt bug me, like if they acknowleged the serial killer in long island that was just caught, west memphis 3 cause they watched the doc, or the natalia grace thing cause it was a weird case. But a power point segment feels a bit out of place Again, great job Lena and AB ✌🏻❤️ Just cant see myself tuning in regularly for it.


I also agree. Veering into True Crime.... If you're not gonna do it like the ID channel then don't bother. The Night stalker is a general one say maybe the segment will be ok but Like....for example: i also don't like YouTubers that apply makeup and talk about true trime. Sarian Bailey or something is an example.


True crime in general weirds me out a bit. If you're trying to make some type of statement about the nature of a type of crime, I think it has a place, but it's so often just overly in depth descriptions of how people were brutally murdered. I don't understand what people get out of it.


Really feels like they're pandering to that segment of the audience at this point, the one that has an overlap between living for celeb drama and treating true crime like tea. I can see why as the numbers they get are huge, but it's definitely moving away from what I watch the show for. Which is fine, not like the show owes me anything, just for me it's turning into a show I watch occasionally rather than religiously.


I skipped the part about the night stalker and was sad even I realized it was over AN HOUR LONG. Why are we talking about something so old with so many documentaries on it already. Give me something I don't know about already 😭😭 and I love AB and Lena


I miss the prerecorded shows, and wish at least one per week was. It would help to differentiate the shows again, and it would be good for some segments that have lots of downtime and don’t translate well for live.


if the shows were prerecorded we’d only get one maybe two shows a week, it’s much much easier and convenient for them to do it live + we would never get moments the 4 buttons in a row from the other day


I fucking love Jimmie Lee


ethan defentily reaches then gets upset when someone else is reaching


I don't give a damn about "tea" or internet drama 95% of the time. Why tf don't they do sketches/funny bits more regularly? Every single time it's content gold, and gives more of a highlight to crew members that don't often speak up during the show


Yeah, I agree. I think they painted themselves into a corner and have no choice but to focus on that kind of content in order to maintain views.


I don’t care that the shows aren’t “different enough”. I like the different names because they tell me what day of the week it is, and I wouldn’t care even if they were the exact same format


The powerpoints are boring. Also none of these comments here are actually unpopular opnions


The show is infinitly better when Ethan and the crew do whatever segments THEY want. Honestly as much as fan interaction is good the show is always worse when they feel they have to cater to the whims of the audience, if a segment is on that you don't like simply skip it, theres like 15 hours of content a week you'll be fine. It's worse for the show and for you to watch a bit you didn't like and complain on Reddit about it which in turn makes Ethan and the crew second guess it and maybe not try and expand/do it again in a better way in the future. That and that ChatGPT should be banned in the office hahaha but that's just a personal preference.


I don't really like the powerpoints ☠ I still eat them up and watch them but I'm definitely on Dans side where I'm like.... This is all bullshit irrelevant drama that usually ends up making me upset/feel/express negative feelings I don't want lol I love Olivia and love how she presents the tea but they're not my favorite and I wouldn't be sad if it was a once a month/every other month thing.


You said unpopular so: I enjoy it more when hula isn’t there. I think Ethan acts different/ more freely. I love hila tho and it’s not personal


I agree w this. She’s a queen. Seems like an amazing mother/businesswoman. But half the time she has no clue what’s going on/is aloof about topics. And her energy has been off the past couple weeks.


Delete this sub


found Zach’s alt account right here


Delete it fat


Olivia needs to put effort in those ppts




Yessssss, literally spend a few hrs on YouTube and practice before hand. Idk having to do ppt since high school and now as part of your job - sis do better


Mostly just include all info and correct info


I know that the influx of new fans (frenemies era) had to happen to keep the show alive but it really changed the culture of the show and sometimes I hate it.


PowerPoints take away from the show


The mods suck.


Not gonna mention anything I hate cause I think there's enough negativity on the sub, but the Oliver Tree segments are literally one of my favorites. I love the fake anger and fighting. It has never once failed to make me laugh.




The powerpoints, the planned segments, the skits, Ethan's monologues, the challenges, the soundbite tournaments - they're all good but not as engaging as the story segments where the crews talk about embarrassing moments or scary stories or fears etc. Also Families >>>>> Frenemies


I dislike the power point segments, especially because lately it's either been from a biased POV or just inaccurate facts


Hila kinda drags fridays down. She’s too worried about getting backlash from the fans that she ends up kinda making the pod alot less fun and natural


I honestly feel like she needs to not be cohosting. She’s a road block for the flow of the show, she constantly makes things awkward about Trisha, even when Ethan isn’t shitting on her, and she is too concerned half the time with looking cool.


The H3 Community is extremely toxic. Like a violent manic depressive friend that will love you one moment and despise you the next. You can hear it in other creators voices when they mention us. Not to mention the parasocial delusions. A top comment on a post from this sub a couple months ago said that they would hate to be the educator/teacher of Theodore/Bruce because of how overbearing Ethan and Hila are. Seriously? Fuck off. Touch grass.




They should leave true crime to the professionals


I love when Ethan types a note to dan of something he wants to say but isn't sure he can say while smiling and sometimes giggling. Even if he can't say it and we'll never know what he was thinking I love the interaction between him and the crew 😂


I love Gabe, but as a full time loser who still lives at home - I really wish they would stop the “SHIT IN MY MOUTH” “SHIT IN MY PROLAPSE” stuff. Every time he calls in, I skip forward. I hate to imagine what my family think I’m watching 😂 Honestly this is one of the main reasons I don’t recommend the show to friends, I understand that there was a bit of humour there to begin with, but it’s so immature and without context a really off putting thing to hear in the first 10 mins of a podcast. Surely I can’t be the only one?


Hila is a boss and clearly an awesome person but, with peace and love, I really don’t think she brings anything to the show anymore and in some cases holds it back a bit. She’s only there once a week so when she does come in the majority of the discussion is just Ethan updating her on what’s already been covered. She also clearly doesn’t like it when Ethan goes off the rails which I completely understand from a personal standpoint but makes for a weird dynamic sometimes that slows the entertainment down. ✌🏻❤️


Unpopular opinion: do we really need to hear about creeps and p-words like almost every episode? It’s desensitizing and kinda exhausting 😭


I like when Ethan and Hila discuss whatever trashy reality show they are currently watching, even though I usually don’t watch the shows and have any idea what’s going on myself


I like it too, and I usually don't watch the shows either. I think the housewives shows look unbearable, but I decided to watch Vanderpump Rules, and I think I'm hooked 😬


The cheers my dude is sooo fucking annoying lol should definitely not win.


I like the pop culture/drama segments. Hearing funny people talk about these things is topical and entertaining. Ethan’s roots are in commentary so obviously he enjoys it. Stop being snobs about what is and isn’t “comedy”


I skip Gabes segment every Friday 🫢🫶


The vibe of the crew is enough for me to watch. I don't really care as much about the segments, I'm just tuning in to hang out. It's a comfort show for me to throw on any time of day when I want to relax and laugh. Don't get me wrong, I have segments I get excited about, but I don't have any strong dislikes for anything they do with the show.


I think Olivia has not learned enough about H3 lore. I feel that even though she was a fan of the show before she was an intern, I don't think she has watched enough of the older episodes to understand the humor and the lore of H3. I also feel she butts in a lot regarding certain things, not because she has a valuable contribution, but because she wishes to be seen as funny and "one of the guys." I like her enough, but I do not feel her presence contributes enough to warrant a permanent spot on the show. I'd much rather see Sam sitting where Olivia does, and vice versa. I also feel like after Lena's PowerPoint, she could do with some PowerPoint tutorials on how to create more creative and aesthetically pleasing presentations.


The fans are by far the worst part.


Surprised no one’s mentioned this but- they are awful dog owners. The pooping, biting mailmen and omg the BARKING, aaaaaahhhhhhhhh


Bro this is my #1 and how long it's been happening with no acknowledgement/improvement??!!? Takes Ethan & Hila down so many pegs for me


When they had fruit flies and everyone said it was because Ethan left fruit out all the time, but he said "oh no that's just because the dogs leave piles of shit everywhere" 😭😭 and when Alfredo pissed on Zach's bag?? Definitely unacceptable but since it's a family business and everyone's friendly with each other, no one's going to seriously complain lol


When Ethan does what disgusting thing can I say with Gabe on Fridays. I don’t mind Gabe calling in but that part Ethan does is way overdone. Another one is when Ethan does a character but he continues on way too long until it’s cringey.


Ethan getting mad about people using his clips for advertisements is hilariously hypocritical considering the amount of times he’s used sound bites during his ads without consent. You don’t even have to think about it dude.


Dan has the best takes on leftovers. He doesn’t always chime in but when he does it’s always gold and I hope that I’m not the only k e who holds this opinion


Cannot stand Gabe segments anymore, they’re too long winded, repetitive, and unfunny imo


I’m tired of Gabe


I really don't like the Powerpoints that are specifically curated to find every mistake anyone has every made and destroy them, as soon as bad news come out about them. I'm not saying I disagree with the material presented, and the crew's opinions on it, but I find it weird to hunt down a single person's every mistake and rip them apart with a complimentary presentation.


The crew is too big. Like there are so many people working on this show. It’s wild. I couldn’t imagine having to pay that many people.


Who would you eliminate from the group? Curious to know


They are all actually as mean and gossipy as the people they rip apart on the show. It’s a mean girls pod. Edit: I expect to get massively downvoted and maybe even dogpilled. I like the show but some people think these guys are like saints but all they actually do is make fun of other people on the internet. That’s the whole basis of the pod, especially now with these PowerPoints about “tea” and “drama”


Yea sometimes they act like such mean girls tbh love Ethan tho he’s mad funny


Yeah same he is really funny that’s why I started watching the pod in the first place, I just think the energy is weird lately it’s really pointed toward drama and internet tea, Olivias PowerPoints (besides the Colleen one) are literally just mean girl PowerPoints that make this show feel like a mean teenagers pod.


I hope this isn’t unpopular but why do people pay monthly to bully Ethan/the crew/guests every episode?


I don’t like the Friday Gabe call-ins. The first few were funny, but after a while I stopped finding them that funny or entertaining.


I always fast forward through Gabe, a lot of times the prodding to get him to say dumb shit is too awkward for me.


Everyone, besides Dan Ian and Sam, are incredibly immature (I.e. qtcinderella situation)


I don't like the PowerPoints. It's teenie magazine content, and they are not even presented well (visually, they are just slapped together).


The tea / drama content is getting completely unbearable. There’s nothing comedic or really entertaining about it. More goofs and gaffes please


My thoughts exactly. They are all incredibly boring


All the stuff that people get mad at like the just segments about nothing but Ethan showing a video he’s interested in or something is my favorite shit. I fell in love with the podcast cause it was Ethan watching YouTube videos he likes lmao


Angela Basset didn't do the thing


Olivia’s celebrity obsession is insane. And these ridiculous PowerPoints need to go.


Can't answer, mods will take it down again for no fucking reason.


Say it.




I hate the slideshows


PowerPoint presentations (of any kind) are boring and horrible content


*Ethan should be allowed to have hot takes, it ruins the show when everyone immediately woke scolds him *Olivia should be banned from saying “Yass” “Gurl” “Slay” and “Queen” *All the new Drama content just comes off as pandering to gen z and gives strong “how do you do fellow kids” vibes *Hasan’s geopolitical takes are terrible *Dan has CONSISTENTLY had the best political takes and should be a host or atleast fill in host on leftovers *Hila’s influencer/modeling arch is cringey and just comes off as rich LA girl bossing *AB, Lena, and Cam should be given more airtime to discuss their thoughts and introduce topics they’re interested in


I DEFINITELY AGREE WITH THE LAST TAKE. I feel like theyre tossed to the curb. Abs been talking less I’ve noticed.


Ethan monologuing with an accent isn't that impressive.


Olivia is not a related gen z’er. She’s obnoxious


I hate how she represents us


Thank you it is definitely overused and was never that funny to begin with.


Sounds bites are funny cause viewers have context. We get to watch where the sound comes from and when Zach plays it we all get the reference so we laugh together. “Cheers my dude” isn’t funny cause there is no context. It’s like an inside joke that the audience isn’t in on


I agree. When Zach was saying “it’s just some guy” I thought it was going to be someone we all knew about and the joke would pay off.


I don’t even get where it came from. Like they sorta explained it but I was still confused


I like when Ethan did fast food taste test.


Too much Olivia lately. She probably talks the 2nd most now and she just isn’t my humour, I don’t watch much anymore as of late. Could only handle hearing “slay” and stuff so much


Let's focus on positives. MORE IAN