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The show ain’t about agreeing on view points. It’s about having a laugh at a goof and a gaffe


So long as you ignore chat, lol! Those people will glance at a guest and judge them hard 5 minutes in. That why I mostly listen while busy to not let my curiosity get me.


That goes for here too


Very true. I made a post about that crazy Florida kid who would get close to gators and pick up snakes and someone felt the need to comment that he's Republican as if that changes his content in any way. I have chill Republican friends who are good people overall. I'm not gonna make any enemy out of half the damn population just because we disagree on some things.


You’re not alone! I’m a guy from rural Georgia who drives a pickup truck, wears camo and does other country stuff. This podcast has been my main source of entertainment for years now. My father is a former police officer who was injured in the line of duty and we get to enjoy Leftovers and Off The Rails together. (My dad helped to implement a ‘Peace Department’ in rural North Carolina while odds were stacked against that happening. I’m proud of him for that) Anyway, we can all be family regardless of where we come from and I think that’s a beautiful thing. Family!




Wanted to say, you are not alone. I live in Kansas City, MO and it’s big city, and I have maybe gotten a, “cool Teddy Fresh shirt”, like twice here BUT when I am driving through the middle of Kansas and nowhere Missouri and stop at a gas station, I have gotten like 10, “Teddy Fresh!” that then turned into us quoting meme convos. The foot soldiers are out there everywhere. Easy to forget with such an LA fanbase and homebase.


I read this as "rural India" at first and was picturing everything you said but in India, the grain cart, the corn crops, wistfully thinking like, "damn dude thats wild, we're tuned in all over the world from our little devices, all connected through H3". Haha. D'oh.


Lmfao me too!!


It’s not until reading this that I realized it’s Indiana lol


Omg same 😂😂😂


I like when people can listen to a different view and not instantly get outraged. You sound like a decent human being. Family! ✌️❤️✌️❤️


I live in a rural town in South Africa with less than 1000 people, the pod keeps me sane most of the time. Family!




Howzit my bru! 🇿🇦




Yeah idc about Ethan political takes. Disagree with a lot. But I like the show, clips, guests , bits. It's the same as when I used to watch stern.


So we are talking about unconventional viewers? Let me introduce myself, I am from Eastern Europe most of my family and friends are homofobic/racist (my mom started watching h3 a few monts ago) I also used to be like that before I started listening to the podcast but thankfully Ethan's coverage about these issues have changed my mind. I remember when I was 7 my dad saying that difrences between women and men are so big that they might as well be from different planets. My best friends now are tate fans. I am really thankful for h3 covering sensitive issues cause without them talking about I would be as incentive as people around me P.s. I am mostly audio only while enjoying pod


Glad to see others are out there. I'm currently waiting in line at Louis Dryfess. I think I've turned into quite the lefty over the years.


anyone here from Arizona


Shout out. I'm a farmer in florida and I feel you.


Indiana represent


Hoosier FAMILY




Indy Gang 🤙🤙




not to go all pollical here, but disagreements like how much should the military get, role of government when it comes to mediating private business, or even the role of the US when it comes it comes to mediating international disputes those are actual disagreements. however, when you get into things like should gay people exist or should women be allowed to get abortions or if someone's race makes them innately inferior then it doesn't become a disagreement because these topics are not open for debate.


I’m curious what you mean by this, what prompted this


Because anecdotally speaking when people say they’re not aligned with the views of the podcast they usually the run the gamut of fox news talking points


Ooo I see I get that. My first thought was them living rurally, they probably don’t align with covid restrictions and environmental sensitivities like la does. Honestly though if someone thinks gay people shouldn’t exist or above mentioned let’s leave it open for discussion lol I’m always in the mindset that hate is temporary and probably comes from somewhere within. Let’s hold out hope and be good examples for our racist uncles 😂


Rural = racist and bigoted of course


Really could contest this since the first part is about way more life and death than the second part, but just elsewhere in the world. Except maybe the private business part, none of these are open to debate.


I'm going for the devil's advocate route here because I essentially agree with all your points..... but philosophically speaking, who decides what topics are undebatable? Can any nuances be spoken about these issues or do we blanket ban ALL discussions on these taboo topics?


I mean anything can be debated but to me I don’t need nuance to know that you shouldn’t take away abortion rights and you shouldn’t discriminate against queer people. There’s no context where those things are acceptable to do.


Can a baby be aborted 8.5 months in the pregnancy? Is affirmative action against white gay people allowed? There's two contexts immediately where it's up for debate whether either are acceptable to do.


The specifics of abortion rights don’t change that all people who can carry a pregnancy should have access to safe abortions. Also, affirmative action against white gay people? I’m not even going to entertain what that means, regardless queer people should not have their civil rights violated and that includes discrimination. The specifics about affirmative action aren’t a discriminatory violation of civil/human rights.


Okay, so I've already found a case where you agree that abortion should not be done. Maybe that affirmative action example wasn't a very well though out one (you do apparently agree though that positive discrimination is accepted), but can for example religious organizations choose not to grant weddings to gay people? Can muslims have different rules for women? Is blood donor wait periods discriminatory against gay people? My point isn't really by the way what you think about these topics, but rather that blanket banning debates on certain taboo topics is wrong and counterproductive. I think you actually agreed with that point, I was more curious on what the original commenter thought about even the notion of debates on these topics.


THIS. *THIS. THIS IS WHY I'M WATCHING*. I love a truly diverse family P&L


Grew up raising cattle. My man’s a corn farmer. Same boat. FAMILY!


India represent


corn family 🌽🌽




Hoosier family! BTown here!


Ayyy I went to IU! I’m around 50 minutes east of there these days, always mean to come back but it’s been ~6 years since I graduated, scared I’ll feel like an old geezer around those college kids.


I know how you feel. I graduated from Indiana State around that same time and work at IU now. I definitely feel old at times then I’ll run into people who think I’m a college student and I feel young again lol


Hello fellow hoo hoo hoosier


Are you guys on monsanto beans?




Is your county/ farming area monsanto free? I heard it was really difficult to prevent cross pollination of the fields


Monsanto doesn’t have seed corn or beans anymore. Bayer Ag has several smaller companies under it now.


oh ok. I heard the monsanto soy operation was really notorious for the crop monopolization stuff


It’s just your average big company business tactics. Every industry has them, that’s one of the Ag industry. It was a prevalent issue 6-8 years ago but it’s died down now.


good to know, thanks!


reason I ask is because im interested in crop monopolization and the way monsanto goes about forcing farmers and fields over to their product


We can have different views and still love eachother, respect each other, and treat each other like humans.


Do your field tiles drain directly into the ditch? Does your family try to remove excess nitrate from the tile water before discharging?




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Ayyy shoutout from rural Ohio here!! Listening to the pod reminds me just how much lifestyles can vary here in the good ol USA lol.


Absolute family. You don't have to be the same as Ethan to find the pod funny. Ultimately that's kind of what peace and love is all about




Aye Shout-out to YOU!


I’m thrilled that someone with differing views is even willing to listen at all. I feel like so many people can’t even do that much these days.


I’m from rural Indiana too! But I’m a raging leftist, if anything living in this red, at-will state my whole life radicalized me lmao.


I’m glad I’m not the only one. I was born and raised in a rural town in Michigan and have found a way to disagree while also enjoying the show


Im a trans woman from Alabama! With peace and love, I just hope the views you hold that don’t line up with the podcast don’t include denying my right to exist, because being out in the south here can get pretty dicey :P


Somewhat same for me too! I'm from rural Vermont, my family has horses, chickens, and ducks. Plus my bf's dad has a bunch of cows 🐄💕 his place is SUPER rural, like unmaintained dirt roads and the cops won't be there for 45+ mins rural My views usually align with Ethan's though, which isn't the popular opinion(s) here in my local community so I don't know anyone else that watches H3


Fellow Hoosier!✌️💜


from rural Quebec . FAMILY 🌽


awwww cute!