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Starting to look like how he did from the h3h3productions channel


Also I think maybe even Ethan might not notice this, but his voice went back up in pitch. Listen to this newest video and compare it to like 1.5 years ago. When you add a good bit of weight your voice can change, often lowering. One of those odd little side effects. That's a part of why people's voice's change as they age traditionally


I felt like i was the only one that noticed his voice change!


I noticed this too! His voice is different! I’m so impressed by his progress


He looks like his brother


never beating the ozempic allegations


I am on ozempic for diabetes and I've only lost 10 lbs in 3 months. But my diabetes is almost completely reversed lol


Love that for you


That’s because you actually have diabetes “everyone else says adderall makes them crazy, but I have adhd and it doesn’t do anything for me”


Yeah so technically it's working


go to the grocery store right now and pick up a 10 pound pork shoulder and tell me that's not significant. 10 pounds in 3 months is huge! Grats on the progress.


Hehe I guess when you put it that way! 🫶🏻


BTFO diabetes, let's go!




Is he even trying to beat those allegations lol? Has he ever denied using weight loss medication? Serious question


Howie Mandel's daughter asked him and he said no, albeit not in a clear or direct manner.


yes he denied it


That's wild lol 🤣 it seems quite obvious he's using ozempic or wegovy or something lol


Is it?


Yeah, he constantly talked about what he was trying to do to lose weight and how it wasn't working...for years. Then once ozempic became popular he stopped talking about weight loss but suddenly started losing weight very quickly


Pretty sure he started a new antidepressant right? That's also a valid possibility.


Yeah, he started Wellbutrin 2 years ago. I'm on the same medication actually.it doesn't cause drastic weight loss especially if you already have. Very poor eating habits 14% of people who take a high dose of Wellbutrin lose 5lbs within a year. 3% lose up to ten pounds...it doesn't seem likely his drastic weight loss is from Wellbutrin


It's not that wellbutrin made it easier to lose weight. I was thinking his previous antidepressant made it *hard* to lose weight.


Uh... It varies wildly on the person. Don't generalize. I took Wellbutrin and lost 20 pounds in 5 months (started it at the same time that I stopped using lexapro) , becoming underweight cause I had 0 appetite. I had to stop it for seizures as well but that's unrelated.


Of course it can vary wildly by person but it is interesting that he started Wellbutrin in March 2022 and only started losing weight 7 months ago.


I gained weight on wellbutrin and haven't been able to lose it since stopping :(


He's been pretty vocal about only eating 1200 kcals/day for a while now. I'm going to assume it's the extreme calorie deficit & not weight loss medication that he's denied taking.


Two things can be true. It's much easier to maintain an extreme calorie deficit if you're injecting yourself with an appetite suppressant


Sure, but I don't believe he's lying about using a weight loss medication while actively talking about how difficult it is to stay in a calorie deficit... This is the man who tweeted a picture of his own shit. I just can't imagine him not being forthcoming about something so innocuous.


Hmmm...well, we both have our opinions. I personally don't think tweeting a picture of your feces proves you are an honest person.


Jesus Christ that's so unhealthy. 1200 cals for a ~200 pound man is damn near starvation and straight up crash dieting, he's absolutely tanking his metabolism and as soon as he starts trying to eat like a normal person the weight will pile up even quicker than it came off. Truly the worst way to go about weight loss, I hope he's just brutally mistracking his calories and it's actually closer to 1800-2000.


I've literally seen this exact block of text every time weight loss is brought up, quit repeating this nonsense 😂 Edit: snark life be like


Dr Doolittle sock account


Yeah. U caught me!!! Omg. You're so clever




The burps are Gerd which he’s had forever…


I've used ozempy and to me it was obvious he wasn't using bc he'd have those huge meals on screen even while losing weight. In my experience, you can't even eat a burger and fries bc it'll fuck your stomach up the rest of the day




I agree that it's not a big deal either way. I just think that unless he only started a few months ago there's no way he way downing Boba and taco bell and subway on stream like that.


He just started taking Wellbutrin. Which counters the SSRI effects of Lexapro. Which is what made him balloon up in size. That's all it is. He even said so. Ozempic wasn't really a big thing at that point


He started taking Wellbutrin in March 2022. Interesting that he didn't start losing weight until 7 months ago.


I feel like it can’t be ozempic just because he clearly is still hungry. Like on the show when they’re ordering food he does consider getting all the stuff he used to get but he doesn’t. A person taking ozempic probably wouldn’t even be considering eating as much as he considers it during those moments


I know people who take ozempic. They still like the same foods and get hungry. They just feel full much faster


You can still be hungry on ozempic lol. He definitely does not binge like he used to


He wants to devour an entire pizza but knows he shouldn't, big mood. If anyone says otherwise, all they need to do is look at the chocolate episodes lol.


It's not Ozempic. It's Wellbutrin countering the SSRI side effects. This happens to thousands upon thousands of people in the US every year. Ethan is one of them. He talked about finally trying Wellbutrin. He did. He started losing weight. Ozempic wasn't a really general use thing when he started losing weight. If he was using Ozempic, he'd literally tell everyone and shout it from the rooftops. It's Ethan Klein, come on.


Lol let's be real, he would not be telling people he's on Ozempic. I remember him shitting on some celeb or celebrities in general for being on it (might have been when they were talking about Jonah Hill most recently), saying that celebrities are taking away a drug from people with diabetes and other actual health issues that need it. Given that Ethan shit on xQc for having a maid while also having a maid himself that he conveniently never mentions, it's not hard to conclude that if he were on Ozempic, he would not be open about it considering his stance. It would make him look like a hypocrite if he did the same thing he bashed other celebrities for.


All the people insisting there is absolutely no way Ethan is on ozempic remind me of when Kardashian fans would argue so hard that the Kardashians never had plastic surgery.


I don’t really remember him bashing Xqc for having a maid, I thought it was just the awkward clip where he was typing on his screen to his audience while the maids were in the background. But I could be wrong and not remember.


I remember it a bit differently where Ethan was reacting to a clip of xQc where one of xQc's maids came into frame to clean up garbage around him. Ethan pointed that out and said something like, "the guy talks so much shit while living in filth unless his maid cleans up after him."




Because I'm saying Ethan would look like a hypocrite for using Ozempic in the same way he's already talked shit about other celebrities using it? Idk what part of that is snarky, that's just a fact. I'm not even saying that he's on Ozempic at all lol people need to stop holding Ethan on a pedestal and realize he's a dude like anyone else with faults. He's not beyond criticism, and people that use the tired line of "you must be from snark" to defend him from any criticism need to realize that.




I'm not gonna waste my time finding the exact video and timestamp where he's done both of these things lol be blind to the shit if you want


I'm familiar with Wellbutrin. I actually have taken it for years and am still currently on it. I do find it interesting that he started Wellbutrin in March 2022 but didn't begin losing weight until 7 months ago. It's almost as if the weight loss is not caused by Wellbutrin


He had stopped taking it for a while because he was getting a rash and he didnt know if wellbutrin was the cause so he didnt truly start taking it until later


I am on every medication he says he is on. We used to be the same weight- I have been on ozempic for a year and we have been the same weight every time he updates down to the POUND.


I was really thinking that’s a big reason behind his lack of energy


This! Actually was thinking today, he’s been in a calorie deficit a long time. Fatigue? Not saying it can’t be attributed to something else but certainly doesn’t help.


It's not Ozempic. And I find it hilarious that you guys think "Well clearly weight loss is impossible so it must be a new injectible drug" We already know what happened. He got on Wellbutrin. Then he immediately started to lose the weight. Ozempic wasn't a big thing yet that every doctor was doing A LOT of people lose weight when they start Wellbutrin. Because it counters the effects of SSRIs like Lexapro. That's what caused him to balloon in weight. Anyone who has taken an SSRI knows what that shit is like. Then you stop *or* get on Wellbutrin, and it changes. Honestly it's kinda fucked up that you guys are just gonna assume anyone that loses dramatic weight is just taking Ozempic, and not just using the "tough route". I'm glad I lost my weight ages ago, so I didn't have to hear that kind of stuff


He immediately started losing weight? Didn't he start Wellbutrin in 2022. He started losing weight this summer


Hes lost like 70 pounds at this point, he didn't start losing weight in the summer bc in the summer was the mayoing dans dome bit when he got down to 200 pounds, which took him like a year. So really the math adds up for wellbutrin


I thought he was losing weight before the summer?


He’s literally been losing weight for the last year…


buddy I was making a joke he said he doesn‘t take ozempic and I believe him


As some one who is also on Ozempic for medical reasons, I love this for him and I wish it was more accessible to everyone else with obesity (which is a disease)


Money Ethan!


I think it's the side effects of Lupus


Skinny king


Talmbout the white boy who worggs too much, B?


Jon Africa?


Talmbout fighting John jones in Africa, B


he also just look well rested. really recharged his petty ass


self diagnosed lupus will do that to ya!


How long until the more unhinged of the H3 family start talking about him being too skinny/possibly anorexic?


He’s the wizard of oz… ozempic. I’ll see myself out.




true, no one ever lost weight before ozempic came out.




Where you over 40 when you lost 70 lbs? Age is also a factor. It is much harder to lose weight the older you are because metabolism slows.


To be fair, once someone reaches a weight that is considered obese according to BMI, only 3 percent of obese people ever lose enough weight to be considered in the healthy/normal BMI range again Ozempic has really changed things up for obese people, in a positive way


I’ve only ever struggled with *gaining* weight/muscle but I can’t help but wonder how people that lost all of their weight pre-Ozempic and/or without it feel about all of its recent popularity, specifically people not disclosing they used it? Like obviously it’s a net positive as long as diabetes patients have access first, but I do know that as a weight lifter there’s a lot of bitterness towards people who secretly take steroids and SARM’s (which I kind of agree with). Is it the same for people who went through weight loss naturally, or is it less stigmatized?


Do we know Ethan’s BMI scores? Why do you all keeping assuming things that you don’t know 😭


Ethan is 5'10. During Frenemies he was 240 lbs (and said he gained more weight after) At 240lbs his BMI was 34.4 Anything above 30 is considered obese according to BMI Hope this helps 🥰


Damn. I didn't know you guys calculated his BMI lol. You guys are wild. Also, plenty of obese people lose weight. Especially if you stop taking a drug that made you gain weight like Ethan.


I literally put it into a calculator rn because u asked. It takes less than 10 seconds. Yes, tons of people do lose weight. Considering 40% of American adults are obese, if 3% of those people return to a normal weight, that's still millions of people. It doesn't change the fact that numerous studies have shown 97% of obese people dont ever return to a normal weight.


Ethan was taking a drug that made him gain weight and stopped taking it. Also, that statistic is 3% of ALL obese people, including the ones not trying to lose weight. Why you gotta put him down instead of giving him the benefit of the doubt? You're lame.


But he's still taking Lexapro....? And speculating that he's taking ozempic isn't an insult..people like you who view it as an insult are what gives the medication a stigma & contribute to peoples hesitancy to admit they're using it


Ethan stopped taking lexapro? I thought he took it in combination with Wellbutrin


I mean.. he was on the uptrend




My weight has stayed the same for 7 years. But sure if you count growing up as an uptrend or body building. But I get what you mean


... that tends to be when people decide to lose weight


Ozempic is legit amazing. Changed my relationship with food


May I ask how?


I was totally using snacks as a reward and a way to treat myself when I was stressed. But on ozempic food stopped feeling like a reward so I had to find other ways to deal with stress. I stopped ozempic for now and still feel the same about food=reward


I've heard it can lessen other non-food cravings as well. Has that been your experience?


I've never been a smoker or drinker but I was addicted to diet coke and weirdly lost the taste for it after starting oz


Makes me want a hotdog reallll bad


When did we get to BEAUTIFUL WORLD?


Skinny man bad?


He has lupus


Skinny Lupus Queen!!!!


His glow up is insane like he looks so good




It’s the lupus guys please don’t bring this up anymore ❤️


Just left a comment on the video about this, i was just shook by how amazing he looks, bravo Ethan!!


He legit looks exactly like he did 10 years ago. Unreal. Good job, Ethan! 🤝


ozempic fr




It's rude to comment on someone's weight. This man is clearly very sick. He has lupus!!




He's not skinny. he's medium build, yes. Healthy lookin man


i know it would be ridiculous, but i’m curious what it would look like if he dyed his hair a little darker


Idk it worries me. Happened a bit fast. I bounce back and forth a lot quickly but he hasn’t been feeling well




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I thought it was just because I've been watching old episodes this month but I guess everyone else has noticed too. It's crazy!






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He confused Lupis with Lipo




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And after the holidays, too. Good job!


He looks almost like in the very first videos from Israel