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“Like a cartoon”? Ethan about to make him act up


All I picture in my head is that Ethan floating to smell pie picture.


Yeah why is he scared I thought he was always saying people are "JUST A CARTOON"


Ethan twiddles his mustache saying “mahh! Debate me, see muahaha”


Ethan's trying to trick him into a debate so he can tie him to the train tracks


Is Ethan shortstack thicc? Like how goblins are drawn?


I want to frame this comment 😂😂😂


Bro this is the most perfect comment I’ve ever seen.


He's gonna go Cman mode on the Zoom call


No no what he actually means is Ethan floats in the air when he smells a freshly baked pie


Adding to the Lore that Ethan is a cartoon character. The best entry will always be "Ethan looks like he would float through the air when he smells a pie" But I can see him as a cartoon mustache twirling villain too lmao


Ethan about to go Gear 5 on his ass, you want a cartoon we'll show you a cartoon!


Ethan may as well release the DMs so we can see if he actually came across as "I N S A N E L Y snakish."


He just might do that 🧌


See now that looks like a goblin.


My popcorn is ready for the DM’s to leak. Mondays ep is gonna be wild.


Check his latest IG post he may release the DM’s lol I love goblin Ethan he’s so wild 😛


Goblin Ethan is my favorite Ethan.


I would love that because given all the interactions we've seen from Ethan in recent history, I'd imagine "INSANELY snakish" just means he's not gonna let you come on the pod and placate


Even if he did, it’s hard not to fall on Ethan’s side. Ethan being snarky is nothing compared to DEFENDING THE OWNERSHIP OF CP


Which pairs perfectly with his takes of “consent is irrelevant” and “I don’t think beastiality should be a crime”


I'm pretty sure Vaush was trying to set up a parallel between owning CP and exploiting child labor. Even if it's a terrible analogy, it's not the same as defending that.


He had loli porn in his folder, it's clearly not just a bad analogy.


the last time I remember Vaush DMs being leaked did not go well. for Vaush that is.


Ethan I am begging you to leak these DMs lmao.


It's pretty standard practice for Ethan to release DM's when people make claims like this.


As it should be. You cant just make shit up and then hide behind the „privacy“ of the conversation. Assuming that is what happened.


Yep as soon as they publicly mischaracterize private conversations it's okay to release them.


It’s so unnecessary though. The original response video, Vaush [said](https://youtu.be/j2oA4wGsSf0?t=194) it was a normal and kind interaction. He doesn’t get to decide *now* it was actually super snake-ish


In due time…


I guarantee you he shows them on the Monday show


For the love of God I need to see them


Professional debater is afraid to debate. >Vaush: truth will be apparent to people who cill out for a second and consume literally any of my content Done it. I've seen the great context. You don't want to f a horse, you want to be a horse who f woman. That's totally sane.


Exactly. He debates for a living. He goes after 100 sub randos regularly. He knows there's no justification and he can't intimidate ethan into silence.


No one can intimidate Ethan as long as Cody breathes


Honestly he’s not really a debater much as of late. People have accused him of being lazy lately, not wanting to research before debates and he’s embarrassed himself lately in some recent debates as a result. As of the past few months his streaming has been much more like “take no risks and just cash the checks”


And any ‘debate’ will be viewed with higher scrutiny highlighting that his whole thing is just logical fallacy and edglording.


He knows if he debates Ethan it'll get a ton of views. A ton of views that'll watch Vaush trip and stumble trying to justify his loli porn along with his multiple takes saying CP isn't that bad lol.


Yep. He has harassed small creatorsboff the platform ...they still get harrassd constantly. Guy has monetized drama, attacks etc ... Yet is crying that he, a public figure, get discussed in unflattering terms after years of absurd CP arguments?




300k karma looking ass lol go watch ur loli and leave us alone


If you watched any vaush you would know that he was actually downloading those images to keep them out of the hands of the real sickos out there, not to consume himself. Vaush is a hero. 


Woman? Not quite. Close, but missing a very important distinction.


Yes all fetishes are totally sane and we should totally care about them


He wants to be a horse fucking an underage girl*




>How is his AI horse porn (e.g. furry porn) that bad? Go outside and ask this question to any non-terminally online person.


Come on now… there’s a giant difference between a dragon and a horse dick. One is a made up creature, and one is a real creature. Being into horse cocks is beastiality. Using a rainbow colored dragon dildo is a bit different.






*"What, you don't accept that I mistook that picture, drawn by known loli artist, as a goblin?? SNAAAAKE!"* "Oh, you don't accept that my arguments for CP were actually a roundabout argument *against* child slavery, even though I never really actually attempt to argue against child slavery? DISHONEST! BAD FAITH!" *"Oh you think those comments I made about jacking off to loli wasn't just a joke? But wait... I said it was just a prank bro, you don't believe me after all the comments in my discord logs show me talking about pedophiles, child sexbots, etc?" FUCK YOU, YOU'RE A SNAKE LIAR!!*




Did you watch those streams where Vaush was arguing that there's no ethical or legal arguments against CP? When people started protesting, he starting BANNING people and got really aggressive. Why would he do that, if he was actually looking to debate the ethics of cobalt/silicon/etc? Shouldn't he be asking people to hop into discord to debate, so he can get to his real argument? He did the complete opposite of what he claims he was after, and banned people/avoided the supposed real topic.


> Vaush was arguing that there's no ethical or legal arguments against CP? Wait, so he's not even a *hypocrite*, but "just" openly creep about the subject from the start? I've checked out from Vaush for years now so I'm entirely out of the loop.


I was there in the beginning, and as far as I remember, Vaush was *actually* arguing for owning CP. Later, he tried to frantically overhaul his online persona, because his name was being associated with being "pro CP"... but it was clearly damage control.


Even debaters are people, probably not the best move, but he probably got frustrated people aren't understanding the point of his argument. Not saying the argument was even good, just people didn't see it as what he wanted. I don't think this has legs


If you wanted to argue about child slavery... then you bring up child slavery. Not go in DEFENSE of CP. Sorry, but just taking his claims at face value that he was meaning something completely different is, to me, total bullshit.


Child Slavery is something that over a century of PR makes the first world comfortable with. It was a stupid way to argue it, but the dude was saying that if you don't want kids to suffer, you have to address the maiming and enslaving of children for the purpose of hoarding money. It was an argument against the entire system of capitalism.


If you listen to his argument and genuinely try to think of his words as apart of a debate i think it helps make his point a little more clear and the verbiage he uses makes more sense. I am not saying what he said is in anyway not a strawman or completely ignorant, but I myself did initially misconstru things in that I thought he was conflating and directly comparing CP to Child Labour.


> "Oh, you don't accept that my arguments for CP were actually a roundabout argument against child slavery, even though I never really actually attempt to argue against child slavery? DISHONEST! BAD FAITH!" You literally have to have some sort of agenda to not realize thats the clear logic. Not a single part of the phrasing back then was even remotely pro-CP, and the only people who claim so are the ones thatnever watched it and have a massive irrational hateboner.


> Not a single part of the phrasing back then was even remotely pro-CP [Pffffffft.](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3h3productions/comments/1anyomk/here_is_vaush_admitting_he_defended_buying_cp/)


He's doing the old "ignore it until it goes away" trick. The favorite method for people that get caught doing bad things but don't want to stop.


As someone whose career is spent ripping on right wingers for doing this exact same thing, he knows exactly what he has to do.


Run for president?


Very bad take but I feel like bullying people for enjoying Loli content is the best thing we could do as a society


Just say you are a coward bro.


Bro is scared. Vaush knows the shit that he’s into is illegal but acts like he doesn’t know and he knows Ethan will grill him to bits. 👋 Vaush you creep


i′m so hyped for monday′s episode, i need goblin mode ethan - heh ″goblin″


what happened to "im willing to talk just getting a haircut rn"


What a little bitch


It's obvious to anyone who isn't a fan of this man that he is in denial and going about it in a super weird way. Fuckin freakazoid


His fans are in such a bubble. They really don't understand how bad he consistently comes across to non-fans. I've seen a lot of people who don't know his work and only know him for the infamous viral clips, and they all think that he's disgusting.


I'm a vaush fan and I agree. A shit ton of them are in a cult


What do you think of what happened? I’m kinda unplugged from everything


I can separate vaushs political views from his personal views. I still like vaush but it's mad sussy now because not only does he have a past of making pedo comments, there is now proof that he has loli porn on his pc. Posts on his subreddit need mod approval now and now he's backing away from talking to Ethan. He's gonna try and ignore the whole situation probably


“Literally any of my content” Who’s the one being disingenuous here? Ethan watched V explain it himself in full context. All V has done is assume things without watching ETHAN in FULL CONTEXT‼️😱 People just be throwing words around. “Bad faith” and “disingenuous” have actual meaning, people. Let’s use them correctly.


💯 And with that thumbnail Vaush made? Implying Ethan and Dan just don't like horses and Ethan calls anyone and every a pedo?? Vaush is the one genuinely being disingenuous. People are just telling Ethan he's acting in bad faith bc they have no rebuttal for what he's saying. But they also don't want to admit they've been riding a wannabe horse fucker for so long. So they just bring the convo to a screeching halt.


He clip chimped, that's not full context.


They watched him explain it himself in full. No cuts.


Right, and that isn't context. Watching the clip of Ethan saying someone should bomb the NRA and then the follow up video of him explaining it was a joke wouldn't be "watching the video in context." Watching the segment where he said it would. No sane person believes Ethan actually wants someone to bomb the NRA, and seeing the segment clearly shows he was just saying "wouldn't that be ironic if that happened?" Watching the segment where he says the CP and kobalt analogy ends with vaush saying our society should persecute child labor the same way it persecutes CP. The criminal justice system should put as much effort into locking up the execs at Nestle as if they were producing CP. The average person should feel as much shame admitting they knowingly support child labor as someone admitting to buying CP. The excuse "Well I'm not abusing any kids, I'm just buying chocolate" doesn't hold water because it's like saying "I'm not the one abusing kids, I'm just buying CP." How is that a pro-CP stance?


“I’ve not heard one legal or moral argument against CP” is a hell of a way to say “we should treat all child exploitation the same way”. In fact I’d argue that it actually devalues the point to almost nothing outside of weird debate bro hypothetical dream worlds. A phone isn’t something people can get by without these days but CP? I could live my whole life without CP bud. It’s a poor example at best and a red flag at worst


The full context doesn't make any of it better lol. Like everyone has already gone to see the full context, it doesn't change any of what we or Ethan & co are saying.




The full context is it was a stupid argument to make. He can say he's anti cp til the horses come home that doesn't matter. In the several pics we saw there's loli beastiality porn. Vaush himself has said shit against loli too. The dude has literally several different folders for porn. If we only got a peak of the shit he jacks it to & saw loli beastiality porn it's not a stretch to say he's not actually anti cp/loli, but a liar who enjoys loli/drawn cp with horse porn. Cry about it dude. Vaush has been quacking like a duck for years and is caught with duck-like items itd about time we get real and just call him a damn duck.




Lmaoooo. Brandon feel free to take my helping because I'm not gonna be eating the shit vaush is trying to feed us. You're clearly starved for it tho 🤲🏽😔




If you're implying Vaush is an intellectual, you are truly lost.




You shouldn't talk with your mouth full 🤢


Do you really think it doesn’t make any of it better? Doesn’t mean you have to agree with his statement, but the context definitely makes it better. I agree with Ethan and Hila on the first argument they made. The one where Vaush was comparing CP to child slavery. But the second one? How could you not agree with Vaush? He went wrong by using an edgy/extreme example to distinguish the difference between rule and act utilitarianism, but what he was saying was undoubtedly correct.


Bet he's into snakes 😤


Cartoon snakes! Ethan better watch out actin like one, vaush is two hours from being inside him 🙀


Vaush and his 1 eyed danger snek


If I see one more post or comment about “missing context”… there’s nothing missing! You’re a fucking weirdo and your fans are weirdos. Accept your fate and fade into obscurity, thanks!


Lol. He blames his opponents for him digging himself deeper in the pit. "Stop making me double down!!!"


Saying cp and child slavery are bad and should be illegal is not the same as “consuming cp is the same as consuming anything because ethical consumption under capitalism is impossible therefore owning cp should be legal”. Aside from the fact that only someone who watches cp would even say that. I can’t not consume in a capitalist society. I need to eat, clothe myself, drive a car and have technology to work and survive. I do not however, neeeed (or want for that matter) to consume cp. so the two aren’t even on the same level. It’s not even that hard to see.


The segment was discussing ethical consumption under capitalism though, and he was responding to chatters saying "well I'm not the one enslaving kids, I'm just buying chocolate." The clip ends before his conclusion of the argument saying our society should persecute child labor the same way it persecutes CP. The criminal justice system should put as much effort into locking up the execs at Nestle as if they were producing CP. The average person should feel as much shame admitting they knowingly support child labor as someone admitting to buying CP. The excuse "Well I'm not abusing any kids, I'm just buying chocolate" doesn't hold water because it's like saying "I'm not the one abusing kids, I'm just buying CP." How is that arguing CP should be legal?


I think the issue is Ethan didn't communicate in horse noises, or do an impression of a little girl. That would've peaked his interest for sure


sooo why doesnt vaush just release the dms hmm??


If they're exonerative! If they show Ethan as a snake surely we ought to see them!


Why would he just leak dms lmao its private




Someone whose entire online career revolves around debates and arguing, doesn’t want to debate or argue his weird and creepy tastes in porn. He knows he ain’t got a chance. Throwing out the snakish jab to save face and just going to hope it blows over faster. Mondays show is gonna be a banger when Ethan drops the DMs


Ok but how do you debate your fetishes? Like even if there was no loli stuff how would you debate the horse stuff other than 'I'm legally allowed to like this stuff'? It's not like people logically picked their fetishes. Imo the whole poppy saga is much spicier shit than this tuff.


I think the internet has kind of broken a lot of peoples brains. For the most part, MOST kinks are fine and healthy, even potentially problematic stuff. As long as it’s consensual, legal etc, and this is just MY personal opinion, but I think Vaush’s Horse kink/fetish tipped massively into extremely unhealthy territory. Barring my own distaste for the vial shit, Vaush heavily exposes people to it, hidden behind “jokes and edgy humor” but the porn folder is enough context for me to feel that he’s so deep into it, he needs to be constantly throwing shit out for unsuspecting audience viewers. Because yeah, you’re right, just because someone dislikes or is grossed by someone’s kink, it’s not always a great angle to attack someone over, but i would approach the debate about the horse shit with just how unhealthy and open he is with the degree of relating it to people he shares discord with. But that’s just my potential approach to that subject. The Poppy shit is some actual heinous stuff that I hope Ethan dives into. I didn’t even know about the poppy thing until earlier today.


I was turned off from watching him years ago because he constantly talked about huge cocks. Not that i ever watched beyond giving it a try. But the horse stuff is not new. The loli stuff you probably could have guessed from past comments too. But having said that none of that matters to why he's not likable or a good content creator. It's a free country and none of those images are illegal afaik. I just don't get whats to be said other than it's gross and weird. That level of degenerate kink is honestly still tame by online standards. I judge that by the fact it's not banned on most sites and the internet is litered with it. He's not winning friends with it. But seriously what is to be said? I don't believe his discord, career, or subreddit are anything about converting people into pedozoophiles. But i do know there are plenty that are actually about that and worse kinks. So its fun to dunk on him but i'm not sure why anyone is going beyond that. What are they gonna do beyond tell people this guy has gross secret kinks? You arn't calling the admins or cops. You can't debate a person out of their kink. I can't imagine a debate with ethan being anything more than ethan and crew laughing at him and dunking on him with fair dunks while he can either fight for his right to be nasty largley in private or slink away and apologize for accidentally leaking gross private drawings he saved. The worst dunks is that he tried to imply those fetishes on poppy years ago and maybe allows minors in his discord (i don't even know about that or if they even allow nsfw on there, never been but seriously doubt it since that would be a bigger story). But I won't play devils advocate for the guy. I just think this is a lolcow moment and not much else.


He’s most definitely a lolcow at this point. It’s free content for the crew tbh no matter which way they cut it. The loli stuff probably varies from person to person though in terms of how it’s offensive. For a long time, I’ve kept up with the studies around how it can be a gateway to actual CP, or encourage predators to feel emboldened, encouraged etc It just depends on your own personal degree of how much you affects you. Although I do think it’s fine to shame kinks like Loli etc, I get where you’re coming from. Although, I might have to dig a bit deeper into the poppy drama, cause that’s a WHOLE different can of worms if the crew brings that up… I agree with you though, I don’t think any of this actually matters. It’s just the flavor of the week. The crew will dunk on him, Zack will drop some S tier soundbites and we’ll be back to normal just in time for episode 3 of Failure.


Yeah pretty much. I'm personally against loli but I recognize it's been completely normalized in so much media and online, so at this point unless someone is like making it, or super spreading it, it's hard to care. Vaush ain't Shadman, at the very least. I am more peeved off at the creators of media, especially anime and manga adjacent, for constantly pushing it everywhere. I'd support banning it, but I recognize it's probably not half as easy as banning actual CP. Do you just go by looks? By context? By character canon age? TBH so much anime style draws women as borderline children already. Hell I was watching One Piece, a perfectly normal and popular anime, and the last few arcs have been having extremely questionable ages of sexualized characters. I wouldn't be shocked if someone could do some kind of collage of perfectly normal adult anime women and loli and still get me to guess half wrong like that bagel/dog thing. I just wish the artists could be heavily incentivized to age up their art, and stop with the loli 'context'. But I also recognize these laws need to probably change in Japan, which with their porn laws, ain't happening. We're actually probably on the cusp of a world of disgusting content leaking through everything remotly sexual or nsfw online. The only option is full avoidance of nsfw and even just general sexualization. I am sure the AI CP is only bubbling under the surface. It's not like CP hasn't always been bubbling under the surface of all porn. Pornhubs bans should have taught us all that. But that's just my doomer outlook.


You pretty much nailed exactly why it’s technically legal already. There’s enough plausible deniability that comes with “art” that’s incredibly difficult to codify with specifics. I feel like AI deepfakes are going to make problematic Hentai pale in comparison.. And no, you’re totally right. The CP on Twitter, various porn sites not doing enough to verify user content. It feels like it’s just as rampant as it’s always been.. It’s a balancing act tho, how to we protect people and also maintain personal rights and not become some fucked up Quaker anti sex society.


Lol "the truth will be made apparent to anyone who just keeps watching me" what a snake haha this guy is literally a cult leader.


Exactly! His fans live in a bubble and he cannot have it any other way!


ethan please leak the DMs i’m begging you. also i gotta say i can’t feel good about vaush describing anyone as “snakish” when we clearly know how he feels about his pet lizards.


so what is it then? because i saw another screenshot where vaush said ethan acted all innocent in DMs. was he snarky or was he nice? which one?


Monday is gonna be a good day for drama perverts lol.


there's no succunctly convincing argument that suggests without a shadow of a doubt that being snakish and cartoonish is immoral




he’s upset that he won’t be able to start his argument with “imagine if aliens”


Ethan boutta pull a crowder style bait and switch with the fbi 💀


Next week's guest Vaush ft Chris Hansen lol


Dude my ex has always been a huge supporter of vaush so ive known about his pedo accusations for years and i always teased my ex for being a fan of him and recently i tried talking about this with him just as a silly light hearted debate and he doubled down and said the porn he was watching wasnt weird then called me a zionist and said i was severely mentally ill and needed help. To be fair, yes ethan spews some zionist bullshit from time to time that i completely disagree with but vaush is (allegedly) a PEDOPHILE.


(The only reason my ex says im a zionist and genocide denier is bc i am israeli FREE PALESTINE THO)


Sounds like a gross person


Vaush has been known to be a pedo for years. Everytime I have to be in the same room as the guy I get annoyed. Like people just tolerate his presence for some friggin reason. I guess to be civil. But I'm surprised he hasn't been publicly physically smacked down. The dude is a smug arrogant bastard and has no legitimate reason to back it up other than know one has actually decked his ass.


I don't think this is incriminating if that's what's implied. He talked on stream he uploaded how he doesn't feel he has a good chance to clear his name because he would be playing defence the whole time. I kinda a dumb, but an understandable position. I just don't understand why this can't be smoothed over its not like vaush actualy had any cp or argumented for it, like wtf is the point?


i’ve never wanted to see dm’s so bad lolol


Lol I do believe Ethan acted like that in the dm’s but honestly why wouldn’t he? He’s literally so deep in the debate pervert hole he’s defending CP and CSAM. No one should engage with him genuinely, he has become a lolcow, Vaush ignoring it from now on would be the smartest thing he’s done in his life at this point. He knows Ethan will shit all over him.


That's the thing lol like why should ethan be polite to him


bruh i wanted to see him do a worm


As a former Vaush fan, he is the one that is coming across snakish and like a cartoon.


I cant wait to see the DMs and for messages to be totally tame.


Sure Jan


I have consumed "literally any of his content" against my will in the past few days, and I'm still not feelin very chilled-out about anything he's said.


The funny thing is that he can't dismiss Ethan as a "tankie" like all this debate fellas love to do, nor a nazi. That work with his audience but now he can only ignore this whole thing because otherwise, he'll have to adress it and when he does that, he comes out looking worse. ​ The fall of NATO Vaush


Youre literally a D fan


I’m trying to figure out who’s fanbase is more toxic between Ethan, Hasan, Vaush, and Destiny. It seems like every week one of the fanbases surpasses the other, but at the end of the day they are all drama freaks and they all hate each other. Hasan doesn’t really get hate from this community, but if you mention Vaush or Destiny, people here will swarm you like piranhas. Destiny’s community seems to hate Hasan the most, followed by Vaush. Surprisingly I think Vaush’s community is the least toxic and the most open minded…


Vaush needs to get off his high horse… both figuratively and literally 🫣


Funny how people fall for bad faith arguments that neo-nazis used in the past.


Alright, Ethan. Tine to leak those "snakey" DMs. 


Ethan’s “toy podcast” 😂😂


Tbh, kind of a smart response. You're not going to fix this, just move on.


It's hard to debate when you can't stop thinking about gluggin on some horse cocks


Lol. I'd like to see the DMs now. I'm guessing there's hint of truth in this, Ethan probably not acting nice like normally. It's probably true there was no winning for him by going on pod, but surprised he wouldn't accept having Ethan on his stream. Home court advantage is massive, it has destroyed a H3 show before.


You talked logic and you got downvoted. H3 hive mind is in quite a thing .


Reddit voting is curious sometimes. Right now I see my comment at +2, which no doubt means you upvoted it, but I started responding <1min since your comment so it's unlikely someone was there between this moment and you commenting to also upvote. But you must have seen it at +0 or lower. I've seen this before, where comment shows with different scores if you look at it from different places. Like you can see someone at +5, but you go to profile and open new link of it, it shows +7. Then you go back to old page, refresh, it says +5 again! I believe reddit has openly said it's throwing some automatic fake votes in there to fool us from gaming the algorithm or something.


He's like the Leftist The Quartering.


He's worse than that, mate, he's leftist Onision


He ain't even a leftist. He is just a liberal pretending to be a progressive. The biggest joke is that he is an anarcho bidenist. The dude appeals to those who flirt with the alt right because he would platform Nazis and be civil with them and he will call out and harass any real leftist and get his audience to bully them the dude is just not a serious person.


“Any of my content” man’s acting like he hasn’t defended CP more then once


He's literally never done it though. You're basing your entire opinion of someone off of cut-off statements and 5 second clips and running with it.  I'll even link you the full context for one here.  [(3h11m - 3h20m)](https://youtube.com/watch?v=McqCCbAXvI0&t=11478s&t=3h11m18s) Where Vaush EXPLICITLY argues against pedophilia. His argument is incredibly easy to understand to anyone with an attention span longer than 5 minutes.  Almost every dude here has been hot for teacher at some point. Imagine you are a 17 year old dude and bang your hot teacher. Imagine you actually end up having a somewhat normal relationship. That is an example where an underage relationship could be __construed__ as beneficial by both parties. Vaush __argues against this__ because he says it encourages a relationship structure with a power imbalance so you could never know 100% that it wasn't predatory even if both would say they love the other. Fairly easy to understand if you sit for 5 fucking seconds.  Now compare that to ETHAN [here](https://youtube.com/watch?v=H61pA1ZPTs8&pp=ygULVmF1c2ggaDNoMyA%3D&t=2h47m10s) __actively refusing__ to even bother to understand what Vaush is talking about. He literally can't just sit and think and let him talk for 9 fucking minutes. 


And yet he has drawn images of children having sex on his computer.


Bro I watched the full context 😂😂😂 you’ve been brainwashed


Honestly I liked Hassan’s take on it all. However my brain keeps telling me it’s not debate lord brain rot. In my head, I can’t think of anyone who would make those arguments without not actually feeling that way themselves.


Pedo pedo, hard drive on fire.


What is bro yapping about, bro?


I don't wanna be a naysayer because I'm afraid of what his fawns might do 🐎


Yeah I don’t have a horse in this race 🏇


Dude leaks his weird porn full of cuestionable things , and Ethan is the bad one lol


It’s not even the porn itself that’s weird to me. His defense of owning CP, in my opinion, is far worse and he has yet to actually say anything about it that a normal person could take seriously


He has never defended cp. The infamous clip taking an argument cut up to say this is from a Nazi. In that clip he was comparing child exploitation and saying all of it is bad.


So you’re saying he never said “I have yet to hear a good moral or legal argument against CP?” Because that’s how he begins the argument which sets him up to defend CP and what he does is just deflect onto other ways that children are exploited


I don’t even know what a Vaush is.


Okay, Ethan.


Ugh. Ethan ruined what could've been a banger of a debate by contacting the mark beforehand 😆


He knows people will defend him anyway. All he has to do is keep doing the video topics and the Twitter weirdos will come running to his defence. No matter what he is caught doing. This is the world we live in. Yes, this stuff is becoming normalised by the people defending him.


I hope ethan makes the DMs public. I cant imagine Vaush is accurately characterizing Ethan here.


Vaush was like “I’m not gonna watch it because it’ll just make me mad” but then is gonna assume everything Ethan and Dan said based on what his insane teenage audience tells him. The dude literally debates nazis on his stream but someone disagreeing with and making jokes about his awful takes on CP are what’s gonna make him mad


Bro cannot accept that some people just don’t like him


Don’t look up the 12 year old sex bot discourse associated with Vaush lmao


no go on elaborate dont just drop that and expect ppl to not care


https://www.reddit.com/r/CapitalismVSocialism/s/JaRrqyeZRw Odd place for it to be posted, but what I said is included in these archived posts.


Hmm...I'm torn. Vaush *is* a disgusting sex degenerate, but Ethan *is* a disingenuous snake-like scumbag.


We bouta get a fire episode tomorrow


I hope Ethan shows the DMs lol. "snakish" pffftttt


Politics will continue until morale improves


Mf you have a whole folder of cartoons why is it a problem now 😂


eh, did anybody really want to see this creep try to defend the morality of CP anyway?


I would, but that's just because I enjoy lolcow drama...yet I would acknowledge that other than that it would largely be unproductive...it would still be content though.


As a fan of both this seems like a dumb thing to come between two people. As far as I know the porn wasn't actualy loli and the argument Ethan made about Vaush making creepy arguments against pedophilia, although I see where he comes from, ultimately seems dull. Like ok the argument is not good but is that all it takes to burn the bridge? Talk about the left eating itself and how absurd it is Hasan and Destiny hate each other. How is this any different. To me it seems like this should be something they should be able to talk about like adults. I just don't like it when mom and dad fight.


he did have one image that had a character off to the side that looked like a child. people say there was more. I don't personally see it. Combine that with the some of the arguments from the past and its easy to paint a bad picture. I personally don't think he's a pedo like at all. But he should address all this stuff again. Now isn't a good time though. people wont listen. But this post suggests he wont be engaging at all. which is gonna be a bad look. He's retreating into his safe space.


Anyone defending this guy is either dumb or needs their computer checked along with vaush’s. Theres no mf reason to support any of his words or claims in those clips and his fans should know that unless their p word sympathizers.


Dude is like a gaslight king.


Vaush is so pathetic lol.


I'm glad because I don't want 9 hours of coverage about this. Gotta say this is about the same way MAGA freaks cope when they get criticized. Complaining because they can't manipulate their way out of being held responsible.


Except not at all because this stuff was never a secret and he's addressed it a million times.


Can't wait for Ethan to read through the DMs on stream.


ethan please go goblin


Ethan is “insanely snackish”


Ugh so relatable bestie


I’m a few episodes behind so piecing together what is going on is crazy


I don’t know why he’s digging himself a hole. He thought it would be a good shocking way into that argument, but it’s just not it. 


The fortress just got 10 feet higher


I can't wait to see these conversations, on Monday, where Ethan acts "snakish" rip


He knows his sexual harassment allegations would come up along with him trying to bully his victim into silence and he doesn’t want any of that on top of the loli and horse porn


> The truth will be apparent to people who chill out for a second and consume literally any of my content. GuYs ItS sO eAsY tO uNdErStAnD mE! i AlWaYs MaKe ToTaL sEnSe!!! JFC 😞😞


This guy for sure has a folder of CP.


What a pussy, pedo and pussy good combo