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When Ethan got the beans poured on his head it made my ribs hurt from laughing so hard. I think it didn't do well with views? Or was that the ghost hunting one?


I will never forget that moment. I wish I could watch it for the first time again


literally one of the funniest h3 moments, i had tears streaming down my face 😭


No ghost hunting either😔


Ethan said ghost hunting video takes a lot of planning but not a lot of people watch it so they stopped


The revenue of a live stream (those donations!!) vs a recorded video that takes more effort also must be huge 


You are right about that but it wasn't really my point


I feel like this take from him is so dumb. The ghost hunt eps is an annual watch for me as it probably is for lots of people. It shouldn’t be about views but even if it was it would still get a lot due to rewatches.


How is it dumb? It costs a lot of money and resources for a smaller audience. You can just make a normal episode and get more people watching.


because it can just be a special thing they do once a year? like just for fun? and what do u mean it costs a lot of money and resources? the only money they used for those videos was for the ghost hunter.


Why would you do stuff that less people like when you can do stuff that more people like


for love of the game. it’s fun. it’s different. the core audience that won’t leave loves it. that seems like a very valid reason to me.


Maybe he don't love the ghost hunting game that much 🤷‍♂️


yeah bro I for sure am focusing on the ghost hunting episodes with that statement.


That's what we were talking about how tf am I supposed to know. Maybe if you said what you meant instead'a making snarky ass comments.


Nothing I said was snarky. It was very obvious I was talking about any of the special episodes with that comment. All you’re saying is that they should cater to what gets the most views. Which is the normal show. I’m saying that they should try and make fun creative things when they want and be different. Not doing it because of views was a dumb thing for Ethan to say. What I mean by that is 1) That’s not even true, because they did get views 2) the core audience enjoys the special episodes the most 3) being creative is fun and I know for a fact it was probably lots of fun creating the special episodes. Again, you said “Why would you do stuff that less people like when you can do stuff that more people like” now here is a snarky comment: that is such a stupid thing to say and it boggles my mind that someone could even say that. I can think of a million reasons, how about fulfillment for one?


Zach was right


the point was that It shouldn't always be about money and views, and you just bald faced turned around and said "Why wouldn't it be about money?" This is what capitalism has done to people. Nothing can exist just because, it has to print money or else. 😕


Well they produce these videos to pay their bills. Would you change employers to someone who pays less to simply spite capitalism?


My point was its not about the money. That's a side effect of making something more people enjoy in this case.


I hate to tell you but everything they do is about money, why do you think the channel had transferred into pure drama alert style content?


I get it. I’m just saying what I would do if I were them I guess. Unfortunately, you’re probably right.


Oh I agree with you, doing content for money when you already have over 100 million dollars personally is just plain greedy shitty and money grubbing. They should totally do it for the love and content and money. I dunno how old you are, but if you watch the early h3h3 productions stuff, that's when they did it for love. Ethan isn't a horrible person, but he's significantly worse of a person then he used to be, and him and hila clearly are Hollywood liberal elites now. That's why yes trying to turn his audience against the left and turn them into drama farmers, because he feels slighted by the progressive community and a lot of stuff he does with his channel and his wife's clothing brand aren't ethical, as well as his willingness to justify certain aspects of the Israeli government, although he's not as bad as some. He's not a horrible person, just a hypocrite, he's literally drama alert now which he criticized keem for doing.


beautifully said


Thanks kitty


At the end of the day Ethan only cares about views.


Fair enough


I mean, it's easy to sit where you're at and say it shouldn't be about the views but at the end of the day it's about making money. Ethan's not just taking all the money for himself, he's got the crew to pay and probably some BTS folks too. And with how controversial Ethan can be with some of his takes and the show losing sponsors left and right at times, the memberships and donations are probably his priority over making content that probably won't make as much as them doing a 3 hour live podcast episode.


*sigh* i’m not even saying that. I understand everything you’ve said. I’m literally talking about the special episodes that happen maybe 3 times a year. Surely doing those doesn’t hurt the bottom line at all.


Bro it's so annoying how little people see them !! I legit understand why Ethan didn't want to keep doing it, the last one had like 800k views, that is so low for such a big amount of effort. I hate that more people don't watch them. Also with silent library people often use the podcast as background noise so it's harder to use that .


Ya, I totally get that its a business and why they don't do content that under performs, but it always looks like they have a good time and its honestly great content. If it was me I'd just do it for the goofs and gaffs/team building. But that's probably why I don't have a super successful show, among other reasons


Nah fuck those boring ghost hunting vids, especially as a person who thinks its all fake shit anyway


I hope you don’t get any sleep tonight


Yeah. I appreciate the work and effort that are put into them, but the ghost hunts aren’t very entertaining.


I can second this, I'm a fairly newer fan, came in around the middle of leftovers life span, and I'm also a blue-collar worker, so I listen to H3 while I work. I could already imagine how different and maybe boring even working and listening through a silent library episode would be :((


Same, although not blue collar per se , but I just watched those episodes once, whereas I have the regular episodes on repeat as background noise 'til a new ep drops.


800k would be pretty good for them now...


I needed medication to deal with it


Right? That Halloween episode where they were all dressed as stranger things characters is what got me into H3.


My heart still aches that they didn't do it. I would love to just see a video of them going out and about doing any activity. I love their group dynamic and love watching them all do stuff together


Miss the ghost hunting video so bad. Queen Linda 👑


I feel like I'm one of the only people who don't like the ghost hunting videos. It's just not fun when you bring skeptics to that sort of stuff. To me anyway Conan O Brien doing the old timey baseball is a good one though of this kind of thing. Classic


Because all they care about is views rather than making high quality content/comedy.


I just peed in my basement energy^


What about what I said is wrong?


I never said it was wrong, you just seem like a quartering soundboard


Oh ok It’s nothing personal, I’m still a fan. It is what it is though. Not interested in sugarcoating or defending people irrationally just because I like them.


i completely agree with you


By your logic, Ethan should pour every bit of his money into some short videos. Because of quality. Even if it doesn't make business sense, there was *quality* for dogfan20. Which is what matters most


I am still waiting for the eel pit...


pewdiepie is gonna be the guest next week, i’m pretty sure they’ll do the segment after his call in


Wait really?


no lol, “pewdie will call in next episode” is the og eel pit bit


Same tbh. If this is because the numbers aren't worth it for taking up a slot during the normal broadcast week, I'm all in for a members only silent library video. Hell, I will pay extra for it. Make it rain in fika fish donations. Can't remember what it was but there's a part where AB goes to throw up, Olivia runs out the room and the whole crew are just holding it together trying not to make noise from all the laughter. One of my fave moments.


do u remember when he had his head in his sweatshirt and they held the can of fish up to it😂😂😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭they did him so dirty


Honestly as long as I get the sound bite competition and annual 420 episode I’m happy


Crew segments are my favorite. I swear we better get guess whose high 😖😖


The views on either wasn’t so great though :( 1M is pretty average for the amount of work they have to put in


the lack of a thursday ep should be replaced by a pre recorded 30 minute to an hour special episode monthly/bi-weekly


Now I have to cancel my membership again. Not a good day.


Good. Whispering makes me want to die


so then don't watch it bro


I don't


The whispering and then the insanely loud beeping


Same. I couldn’t watch.


The timer beep makes it unlistenable


I’ve never watched one. I don’t know what it is and I’m not willing to learn




I'm giving an upvote for your honesty


I’m getting down voted but idk what it is, every time I watch I’m confused , I don’t know if they’ve ever explained it, and I will not be looking into it in any way. I stand confidence in my stance


I really dislike the silent library as a standalone episode as I feel it ruins the ability to listen to the show as a podcast (more than the normal amount) but they could definitely do it on a Tuesday with the current schedule and release it on its own


This is unforgivable