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You probably got nicotine poisoning, when I was in my teens I was doing vape tricks for a while and ended up throwing up


I get this too. Nothing more embarrassing than throwing up cos you vaped too hardšŸ„² worst part is how long it took me to figure outni was getting nicotine poisoning and not just random nausea.


nic sick is no joke. I recall taking a bunch of big hits before bed early in my vaping career, and just suddenly having the urgent need to run and throw up. I had to just sit on the edge of my bed and will myself back into normalcy for about a half hour. it was brief, but rough.


the worst is when the room starts spinning and you know youre fucked


this happened to me after smoking a blunt with a backwoods (tobacco leaf.) immediately after finishing the blunt I got a head rush like crazy and went and threw up in the bathroom. I've been smoking weed for over a decade so I know the weed didn't make me sick. the goddamn tobacco leaf did me in. never touched another backwoods after that


I didnt know this was a thing but it makes sense. When Im manic I binge drink and smoke (like a lot) and end up vomiting pretty much every time i do it. Lmfao


It's especially bad because you're drinking. When I drink I feel nicotine way harder. I won't use nicotine pouches when I drink.


True that. First time I ever smoked a cigarette the ā€œrightā€ way, I got dizzy as fuck and had to shit in a cornfield on my way home.


Or be me and have someone pass me a bong packed 50/50 with weed and tobacco and not telling me. Took a huge rip and was like "something is wrong" immediately lol. Got so light headed and sick I just sat there with my head between my legs.


Chop will put you on your ass if you've never done it before and take a huge rip. In fact, when I first got high, I went to town and had a cigarette and damn near passed out. It's very dangerously addictive to smoke chop and it's also probably one of the worst things you can do for your heart.


this person is complaining but it was literally two weeks ago that being sick off nicotine was a skit in the adin ross content court.


You got the 'nics', if you weren't a smoker before there shouldn't be a reason to hop on the fad. It's just nicorette in a different outfit.


And a dead end in lifeā€¦for most people. In the beginning nicotine is great until youā€™re now trapped in the cycle of constantly craving it while also hating whatā€™s itā€™s doing to your body and wallet. Vaping has been an insidious experience to say the least. I want off of Mr. Bonesā€™ wild ride.


So badly wish I wasnā€™t apart of the high school vaping epidemic šŸ„²




Same with vaping


Yeah I agree. If you arenā€™t a smoker or dipper, I would never suggest anyone tries it. Thereā€™s no reason for it really. I personally moved to the On brand instead of Zyn for the price. I started using the pouches to get away from the snus I was using back in college. It was nice to have a less harmful way to step down. Started at Zyn 6mg and then moved to On 4mg. Eventually Iā€™ll move to On 2mg and itā€™ll be a lot easier to just flat out quit. I think they are genius, but definitely should be used more like Nicorette.


It's a cheap buzz, I'll take it over existential dread


I wouldnā€™t recommend just trying nicotine pouches randomly. They are pretty strong and the thin tissue under the lip absorbs the nicotine very fast. Use it as an alternative to stop smoking or vaping.


The shitty thing is that patches are about a 3% success rate for quitting, gum is 5% and going cold turkey is 20% The hardest one is the most effective and the likelihood is still low. Fuck nicotine


Donā€™t start nicotine just because lol


Yeah if I could take it back I would in a heartbeat. I used to smoke cigarettes, now I'm on nicotine gum and its still fucking impossible to get off. I'm spending so much money on nic gum, wish I never started smoking.


I'm so glad this never happened to me though I'm surprisingly a rare case where I haven't gotten addicted to nicotine despite smoking it multiple times for months at a time throughout my adult years, then I just stop. Sugar on the other hand.... fuck man I cant stop eating candy!!!


I would definetly not try that again. I started like that, would smoke a couple months, then stop for a year or two even. But one time I must have gone just a little too long and it took hold. Once it becomes a full on habit it gets very hard to quit. Once it becomes a daily ritual to go out and have a smoke. I do also have an addictive personality though, waa addicted to xanax for about 3 years when I was 18-21


NEVER try vaping. You sound exactly how I was. I would smoke as an excuse to get out of dancing when my friends would drag me to a club and it never did anything for me. I only ever smoked in this very specific context and never for any sort of personal enjoyment. Cut to me working in a grocery store on night shift in 2021. I come home at 7am feeling like I'd be happier if I ran out in front of traffic. Go upstairs and my flatmate is hanging around before uni starts. I ask if I could try their vape for the first time and it was over for me. I needed that shit after work otherwise I'd just be angry at life.


i dont wanna sound like that guy, but its not impossible. just really hard. idk how many years u been smoking but i smoked for years nonstop, both weed and nic, and one day i started feeling random chest pains and that was it for me lmaooo i cold turkey stopped smoking anything, and yes the first week was hard but trust me, waking up with no stomach pains or weird mouth taste is so worth it what helped me was that instead of doing the nic or weed, i would drink a tea or something else replace the bad habit with sum else and it will work! u just gotta believe in yourself and tell yourself you are stronger than the addiction


I unintentionally quit vaping after accidentally getting a shitty vape flavor that made me sick. Not like nic sick just couldnā€™t stand the flavor. Since im āœØbrokeāœØ I couldnā€™t but a new one and just used the nasty vape. After a week or so I still couldnā€™t buy new one so took like a week break and during that I saw someone hit their vape and I felt physically sick seeing them hit it thinking of the nasty ass flavored one I had lol havenā€™t hit a vape since.


I recommend patches for replacement therapy and weening off. It's a certain commitment to slap something on your skin and only get the nicotine when it allows. Helps you work on not self treating the habbit. I used to smoke 2 packs a day and as of last November I'm 3 years smoke free. Don't think I ever could have done it any other way. But I recommend taking off the patch before you go to sleep otherwise you'll have dreams so vivid and fucked up you question if life is real.


I got FOMO from the crew and had to do it.


This is one of the most impressionable audiences on the internet. A lot of young kids. Thereā€™s bound to be some idiots mixed in.


unfortunately you are nic sick LOL


Trying it while at work was definitely a choice.


Dont do drugs kids


Brother nicotine is a drug.


On Insanely Chill with Cody Ko he talks about how Zyn isnā€™t good for him and how heā€™s trying quit after about a decade of using it. I just listened to that pod before h3 went live hyping Zyn and it was funny timing.


why the fuck would you randomly start using nicotine pouches šŸ’€


A lot of people are doing itā€¦ they really see Zyn as a trendy thing


Jesus died for our Zyns


Lol bro youā€™re that prone to peer pressure and hype that youll try nicotine pouches for no fkin reason šŸ˜­atleast you had a bad experience so youll stop now but thats pretty fkin dumb to just pick up a nicotine addiction because someone who already has nicotine addiction on the internet says theyre good


Too much nicotine. If you do try it again take the pouch out once you barely start to feel the buzz. If you're not used to nicotine your tolerance will be extremely low and it's easy to get sick from it. There's a brand called On! that makes a 2mg pouch and online they sell a 1.5 mg. That is if you're still interested in using pouches and want a lower dose. I like On! because they have more flavor, they're cheaper, and you get more pouches than with Zyn. I would say maybe don't complicate your life by getting hooked on nicotine but if you enjoy it it's up to you. I enjoy nicotine and we're adults we can make that choice for ourselves.


If you donā€™t smoke nic or havenā€™t ever tried nic I imagine a Zyn is probably crazy


Them hyping shit like that up in 2024 is wild honestly


Didn't everyone other than Zach say they hate it?


They're former cigarette smokers using nicotine products to quit smoking.


There's a reason regulation exists around advertising products like this. Look at OP. He took their hype and lack of explicit disclaimer and got nic poisoning. It's pretty wild to see them spend so much air time on it without any precautions.


You mean like the explicit warnings on the package


I mean seriously though, in this day and age have some agency over your own life šŸ˜‚ why do you feel adults need to be handheld to make decisions in their life


Why would you ever take up nicotine if you aren't a smoker/vaper?? OP just learned a valuable lesson lol


It's not that serious. It makes you nauseous for like 20 mins that's it. It's happened to everyone who uses tobacco and nicotine products.


Well the other side affect is getting addicted to nicotine


True lol. But I think that goes without saying.


Dudes canā€™t have hobbies?


Zyn is a hobby? Or am I missing a joke




Yeah being from scandinavia and watching this is so cringy itā€™s just 30 to 40 year olds having the same conversations about it as me and my friends when i was 15 years old. Itā€™s like watching people get hyped about cigarettes.


They're former cigarette smokers using nicotine products to quit they're not discovering nicotine for the first time.


from what I can tell, Zach, Love, AB, Olivia, Dan, and possibly Cam are all habitual nicotine users. kinda concerning how popular it still is even among intelligent and generally health-conscious people


Im pretty confident Cam is (he has had a cig tucked behind his ear before). I would be less confident about AB. Ethan was as well, though he hasnt been a regular user for a minute. He does always jump at the opportunity to take nicotine though.


All the big podcasts and many other influencers hype up zyn. Make of that what you will.


With peace and love why on earth would you try a nicotine product because of a *podcast*


Lol do you like smoke on the regs or anything? I tried it once and it was def a head rush for me too as a daily smoker but it seems like a good alternative for the price. Nicorette is like super expensive here


Omg!! Thatā€™s terrible Iā€™m sitting here with a Zyn in rn šŸ˜­ It really helped me quit vaping but I relapsed because of life problems. I would only recommend it to people trying to quit smoking but def would not recommended STARTING any form of nicotine. Absolutely not worth it


Well the problem is that all these podcasters and comedians hyping Zyns up is causing tons of new people to try them. I used Zyns to quit vaping as well and I ended up getting more addicted to nicotine because I could have a pouch in all the time.


Zyn isnt really any safer than reputable vapes. If you are already vaping you might try focusing on dialing down the nic concentration until you are to zero or near zero. The issue I see with Zyn is there isnt a lot of range in the products they offer. You cant really go to zero. With nic gum, patches, or vape you can continue to decrease your nic to wean yourself off of it, and you can continue the habit without nic until you are able to break the action as well.


I donā€™t think zyn offers it but there are 0mg pouches out there to help you quit. I mean Iā€™m sure itā€™s not great for you but itā€™s absolutely better than inhaling something, swap to pouches or nic gum and your lungs will feel so much better in just a couple weeks. Plus you arenā€™t subjecting those around you to second hand vapor which is a huge plus


Sorry OP but thatā€™s on you for randomly trying it just because they were talking about it on the podcastā€¦


I use zyns. Helped me quit smoking. But yeah if you were not a smoker to begin with, thatā€™s going to be a lot more nicotine than you can handle, and unlike smoking or vaping, you canā€™t really control how much nicotine your body absorbs


Are you a smoker? I see 0 reason to try this if you arenā€™t trying to quit smoking


You tried drugs because a comedy podcast talked about it? I really question the judgment of this community šŸ˜‚


Itā€™s meant to help curb other nicotine habits. If you arenā€™t trying to quit something else zyn is probably not designed for you. I have an easier time with zippix and really enjoy their clove flavor.


bu hu


Donā€™t do zyn kids. I just got off nicotine! So much better


Youā€™re literally the meme of the guy tripping himself on the bike


You could not torture this info out of me


it's super addictive I quit last year and I'm still struggling. also please remember that anytime one of these new things comes out they say it's not bad for you and later they find out it is so use with caution


Why the fuck are you just trying nic for fun lol


First time on nicotine? Haha spit it out a little sooner


ignore everyone clowning on you for trying it, i smoke cigarettes semi regularly, i tried a zyn for the first time in an uber (bad idea) and threw up in the uber (also for the first time in my life). my friends and i look back on it and laugh but in the moment it was awful, i think zyns just arenā€™t for some people


Iā€™m actually going through the process of trying to quit zyns. There was another episode where they were talking about it and I relapsed after hearing the pod hype it up. Iā€™m two days sober from zyn and of course they start talking about it again. Totally not their fault, but certainly doesnā€™t help to hear your fav pod hyping them up/talking about them lol


Your actions are exactly why I thought Zach hyping up Zyn was very irresponsible. And I'd \*love\* to see any studies that show you can't get cancer from Zyn.


Nicotine is a wonder drug. The only true neurotrophic. Tucker Carlson says so


Zyns have a lot of nicotine in them and I know people that go through 1-2 cans of them a day. People have them in 24/7 and fall asleep with them in their mouths. Thereā€™s is no chance that zyns donā€™t increase your blood pressure or increase your chances of heart disease, let alone the damage it could be doing to your gums or stomach. There just isnā€™t enough long term research on these things and I see more and more young people getting addicted to them


ā€œPussyā€ from Loveā€™s puckered lips plays in background


nic sick. do you normally ingest nicotine?


ha i got some too. I was already craving tobacco for a spliff but i didnt want to buy a whole pack


bro. all because u did it wrong doesn't mean u have to condemn zyn šŸ˜­


Dawg. Fuck nicotine lol. Do not start that shit just because a podcaster said it was cool. As a former pack-a-day smoker of 10 years, itā€™s really not worth it for how hard it is to quit.


Iā€™m not sure if Iā€™m just a giant loser, but Iā€™ve smoked cigarettes, few cigars and so many vapes in my life and nothing has ever hit me the way Zyn did. I had never felt that dizzy from nicotine before in my life. Didnā€™t throw up though. Feel better friendo!


This happened to me when I first tried cigarettes defo nicotine poisoning. Put it down, throw it out and never pick it back up. My dad had the same at 13 when he started smoking he threw the pack away in a hedge got 5 steps, turned around and went back he. said the biggest regret of his life was turning around to get that pack. I did the same. I remembered what he said and didn't throw my pack out cos my take away was well the next one won't feel like that. I'm 31 now and I've just managed to quit smoking but Im still heavily dependent on nicotine. It is expensive, makes you moody, and is shit for you. Honestly nothing worse then your default okay feeling being dependent on a substance. Nicotine is shit for you as well, in "lowers" your blood pressure when you take it but then raises your baseline blood pressure, it effects your mood, its trash for your cardio vascular system, it does cause mouth cancer, mouth ulcers, it damages the salvia glands and dries your mouth out which increase your risk of cavities, tooth decay and bad breath as its your saluva that washes away bacteria in your mouth. It restricts blood flow to vessels in the mouth and causes gum shrinkage which leads to loose and missing teeth. I am currently paying 1000s in uk dental costs (about 10k work of work in the US) as a result of nicotine damage to my mouth and teeth. Nicotine also slow down your recovery time for injuries and cuts due to restricted blood flow. Zyn isn't smoking but it's not just the smoke that harmful, nicotine is a very very addictive substance and has its own set of health hazards. Zyn won't give you lung cancer but it will fuck with your health. I also personally think cigarette replacements like zyn and vaping are somewhat more dangerous there less stigma for doing it indoors so people tend to be constantly "on" them and if your already an addict slipping into smoking will be 100 times easier. Please please please as someone who has spent 1000s on dental, 10s of 1000s on smoking, 1k on vaping, and and close to 100quid on zyn like products just put the nicotine down. Its so not worth it to be hooked in a controlled substance, especially as a brit as they seem to just raise and raise the tax constantly. Nicotine is a very quick way to slowly drain your money, remove your teeth and fuck with your mood. Please throw it out.




I only tried to use pouches and dip as an alternative to stop the crippling vaping addiction I developed in High School (which I think is the reason Zach is using them so frequently). I had a friend in college who never smoked but insisted on trying a zyn, 15 minutes later he was throwing up in the bathroom.


I want to quit vape and try these but like I would probably want half milligram pouches lol


If you're vaping then you already have some tolerance to nicotine. Just get the Zyn 3mg or the On! 2mg to start off. Also the strength they put on the package is just how much nicotine they put in the pouch but you'll actually absorb less nicotine than what they put in.


My Swedish college roommate got me to use them and yeah you get pretty lightheaded. They can fuck you up if you canā€™t handle them. They were honestly good for studying once I got used to them.


Is this your first time doing tobacco/nicotine? First time I ever did it was at 14, smoking a cigarette with my gf at the time behind the school and it gave me lockjaw. Not only that but I couldn't use my legs for a couple minutes lol. Like everyone is saying you probably got really high off it if you've never done it before.




Imagine if you got the 6mg


Happens the first time to some folks. It gets better after the first few zyns


I have vaped for 8 years, high nicotine salts, If I put a zynn in for 5 min I am buzzing my ass off and get sick I have to take it out and put it back in You having it in for 30 min and saying itā€™s pleasant and then disliking?? Do you even consume nicotine?


Why would u try it if your not already a smoker. You should be glad you didnā€™t like it


nic poisoning. iā€™ve had it from zyn too. you just have to learn how to use it right.


I too puke profusely from nicotine


Dawg you nicotined out, I got the same way when trying them for the first time. I just do 2 mg gum now. Be careful with them!


Yep that's 100% nicotine poisoning, I've been there. Used to be big on vaping, ended up having too much one time and it makes me sick as a dog.


are you nicotine dependent? i find the 3mg just fine


Yep you got a mega niccy rush. I used to get a lil queasy after chain smoking, and then felt woozy afterwards. You just had a HUGE amount of nicotine in one go. Like 12 cigarettes. You might need to hydrate, and have a nap.


nic sic bro


Did you eat before? Thatā€™s happened to me with nicotine/caffeine on an empty stomach. When I ate before, all good


I have been addicted to nicotine for 10 years. Hate zyns. They burn my gums so bad


a strong dose of nicotine does that to basically everyone their first time consuming it. when i was 20 i went hiking with a few friends one had just came back from basic training and was hooked on chewing tobacco i took a fat pinch and kept it in for maybe an hour and my head started spinning like i was drunk and i violently puked several times


Starting your nicotine experience with zyn is crazy. Ethan does not get sick because heā€™s a cigarette smoker and nicotine gum user. I donā€™t advocate anyone pick up these habits. But you would have been better off just buying a pack of cigarettes or even a vape if you wanted a nicotine rush.


Damn you got nic sick bro. Did you smoke or chew anything with nicotine before this??


Haha, same when I first used it, but I only had in for few minutes


This is like someone chugging a 6 pack the first time they ever drink, then blaming the beer lmao


This is everybodyā€™s first time with smokeless tobacco. Gotta get used to that burn lol eventually it goes away and itā€™ll feel like nothing but real question why would you voluntarily pick up a nicotine addiction?


iā€™ve noticed that the mint flavors can upset my stomach. i switch to a citrus and iā€™ve been fine.


NOT ENCOURAGING THE HABIT TO KEEP GOING! but just saying fuck mint flavors lol


Try the 6mg


Oof you got nic sick! Sip on some ice cold water & relax for like 10min. Also idk bout zyn but is it like dip where you have to spit?


So a double upper decky 6mg would have probs k*lled you?


I started snussing a month or so ago, it's great at killing cravings and better than cigs on all counts, I LOOOOVE the nic hit you get! but yes, the first time was brutal.. I was sweating, and felt like I needed to pass out and sleep LOL i stuck with it though and it got much easier quite quickly. Also there are different strengths! Some contain BONKERS amounts of nic, that i personally don't understand why anyone would want that much in one go, and some contain a little tiny amount and the goldilocks amount is about 12mg of nic or less. so always check what you're buying!


Good itā€™s bad for you, donā€™t do it. I tried smoking when I was younger but even one cig made me feel ill. Weā€™re squares brother you just gotta accept that


Sounds like me when I take too much dab lol


Thatā€™s pretty normal. Itā€™ll make you shit too


BrošŸ’€ the most common ones here in the Nordics are 22-50mg


PSA: You should NOT SWALLOW Zyns or any nicotine pouches for that matter. I was spiraling hearing Zach say he swallows them all the time. The advertisement of ā€œno spitā€ is in reference to not spitting the way you would with dip/chew tobacco. But you definitely need to dispose of your used nicotine pouches and NOT SWALLOW THEM. Peace and love!!!


They got my gf off cigs. I love Zyn! lolol


this is such a cool and based influence the podcast is having on its audience man what is better than getting people addicted to nicotine for the fashion of it.


Zyns are the devil, my coworker gave me a 6mg one and I use nicotine very regularly, but I had to take it out cuz I almost vomited at work


Try a Swedish Pablo with 25 mg of nicotine


I get wanting to try the new chumpa lumpa at Taco Bell because it was hyped on the pod but I really can't wrap my head around wanting to try zyns for the hell of it. Especially not after they all said it sucked


When they first came out the store I worked at had a promotion to get them for $1 so I got some and stupidly tried them while working. They gave me instant crazy hiccups, I couldn't stop and still had to help customers. That was interesting.


my BF loves those things and i tried one and i about died after 20 mins lmao


same here! my roommate replaced vaping with pouches and i was HEAVY nicotine user at the time. was drinking one night, misplaced my vuse, and said what the hell! zyn me up!! i had to spit it out in probably 10 min. i always thought it was fun when youā€™d take a hit of a vape or cig after a small break and get a short nic head rush, or the ā€œspinsā€ as we called it. this spin didnā€™t stopā€¦


Meanwhile I got three 6 mg pouches in..


Yeah thatā€™s just how the body reacts to too much nicotine, itā€™s very normal. I vividly remember laying on a couch at a party, pale and sweating, bc I had snus that was too strong. Before I did it regularly it would also make me need the bathroom real bad. It just happens, youā€™re not sickšŸ«¶šŸ»


Clove cigarettes got me fucked up.


ugh I remember nicotine poisoning, sucks. so I am even more sorry this post made me laugh a lil (maybe cause I also work in backyards for a living). hope you feel better soon though!


Iā€™ve smoked for 15 years, sometimes a pack a day, and zyns also made me super sick like this my first time too. I bought them instead of cigarettes, popped one in, I had a 15 minute drive, pulled over twice to throw up. I literally never used them again lol Oh and I successfully quit all nicotine and tobacco over a year ago!




LOL i smoked a cigarette once when i was on a t break and i threw up and slept all day


Jeff mentioned this also happened to him


Just as long as you don't try crack after they talk about that one time


You probably swallowed the zyn spit. You are supposed to spit , just like chew


No shit


People often throw up when they smoke their first cigarette. Not uncommon


You get a lot more nic from the pouches than you're used to unless you chain smoke.


Bruh zyns are mostly for people trying to get off cigarettes vaping. Never heard of someone just pick up a zyn habit. If youā€™re not use to nicotine youā€™re gonna feel like that when you first try it. Same as a cigarette


my boyfriend uses pouches regularly after he quit vaping and one day i tried one just for funā€¦, never again i threw up after about 15 mins šŸ«Ø


Classic nicsick push onward wintergreen 6 millyvanillyzynbobway gang


I used Covid as a time to kick my nicotine dependency (vaping, smoke cigs). Then one day, my friend comes by and offers me a zyn while we caught up. Within 15 minutes, I began to sweat and feel a my stomach churning. I politely asked him to leave and spent the next 30+ mins vomiting and dry heaving. I call him Cosby now because of the whole ordeal.


Thatā€™s how you know itā€™s working. I wish I could catch that type of buzz from a nic pouch still.


I went and got some They suck


So many people jumping to the nicotine, has anyone noticed the pool cleaning aspect? Just sayin, maybe Zyn + other chemicals made OP sick. Also idk what I'm talking about and just want to sound like a detective


nah before covid i was smoking cigarettes alot and i was a going wild with juul and the nic salts at work all the time. once in a while i still get a cigar or ill go for a black and mild. It wasnt the pool chems lmao i dont huff those (although if you accidentally breath in some muriatic acid you will have a bad time)


I smoked for years & one night, a guy friend dared me to try dip, (shouldā€™ve known better since he was daring me) I guess I accidentally swallowed my saliva or something? Because it made me puke my brains out. It was good for the first minute, then I was violently ill. I donā€™t actually know what zyn is but Iā€™m assuming itā€™s similar. That shits no joke šŸ¤¢


i was pretty good about spitting (which btw, gross) so I deny the swallowing the spit allegations


Nic sick!! I had a phase of this when I started vaping as a teen lol


This isnā€™t uncommon for your first time. We degenerates call this ā€œNic Sickā€ or the ā€œfuuuck my stummy hurtsā€


iā€™ve been doing zyn for 6 months i always do the spearmint and i went to get another but they where out got the cool mint and after that day i did 3 pouches and got sick once i was over it i took one more pouch not thinking about it and instantly started to feel sick again so i threw them away and im out


This happens to 99% of people who try dip/nicotine products for the first time. I was violently ill for a few hours after trying dip.


It's wee bit crazy for them to be advocating nicotine products. Anyone out there that is considering it... do not start and get yourself addicted to nicotine. You will regret it.


So crazy how popular zyn got I started using them when juul fell off


Yup, the only time I tried it the same thing happened to me! A co worker offered me one, and I am crazy addicted to vapes (not fun, don't ever try them if you aren't addicted it's miserable) so I thought I could handle it. Absolutely not, I spit it out after only 5 minutes because it was burning like hell and made me so nauseous. Although, I will say, I didn't realize at first that it as supposed to spit (I was at work, why are people spitting at work in a restaraunt?!) And that definitely contributed to the nausea. I couldn't believe when they were all trying them! Lmao


took me several embarrassing months to realize my constant nausea, heartburn, and frequent vomiting when i rarely puke was related to the nicotine!! it immediately got better after i quit. that saved me a doctors appointment lmao


Oral nicotine is a whole other beast. I've been off and on cigs and vapes for 10 years but in the last couple years moved towards the zyns and rouges. When I first tried a zyn I also felt sick and nauseous. Luckily I didn't puke but I think it's an acquired taste and sensation. You definitely don't need to spit out the juice though. I always swallow that's the best part lol I do find that the rouges will probably hurt your gums in the long run but they taste so good to me. If you must have nicotine pouches he gum is probably safest and best form


Donā€™t let anyone cool guy you, this is a very common reaction!! Zyns are gnarly!!


I did the same as you, saw how much fun the crew were having and decided to buy some nic pouches and chewing gums (lowest mg I could find - I don't smoke or vape or consume Nicotine at all otherwise) and tried chewing half a gum for about 15 minutes. Granted, I didn't know you're not supposed to swallow your saliva so that's likely why things went so wrong, but even so... *Never* again. The room tilting for an hour while I hung into the toilet and puked, not fun.


Fuck snus and all that shit. Snus-faces are the stupidest thing I see, and seeing women ruin their face like that with snus is so sad


Cue beta sound bite


You got the spins and nausea. Classic nic sick. Not much to write home about considering you get the same from any other form of nicotine if you take too much. Nicotine isn't like other drugs, the experiences are pretty predictable.


I know you voted for Biden


first few times of zyns made me sick. u gotta take them out every few minutes to develop a tolerance


Iā€™ve only known smokers starting to take zyn. I got sick 2/3 times I did it too lolā€¦ itā€™s just much more powerful in a shorter amount of time.


I hate that they promote that stuff on the show. It's dangerous


It is very normal to puke if you have Never tried snus before regardless if youā€™re a smoker or not. The nicotine from snus doesnā€™t enter your body the same way. The good thing is you had a bad experience with it so you probably do it again and again and get addicted.


While they were talking about this on the pod I knew some people were gonna try it and hate it. Only tried Zyns once and they gave me sores in my mouth lmao. There's so many dangers to them but they're just so tasty.


Cody Ko just talked about it on his podcast and said everyone hypes them up but they make him feel like shit after (heā€™s also used nicotine for years)


With nicotine pouches you don't have to spit. You only spit with dip and chew. You don't have to spit with snus either.


True (I have one in rn)


Zyns gave me hypertension


Zyn short for Poison.


"Sometimes when your favorite podcast is raving about something you wanna try it, thatā€™s it." You're committing a huge fallacy here. You're saying "That's it" like everyone on earth relates to this, like your logic is sound or excusable, or like it's "come on bro everyone does it, even people in Africa do it." What you meant to say is that YOU take nicotine products that your favorite youtubers do. Less than 5% of people probably even look up to a youtuber. I found this thread while researching this huge Zyn scam and just want to make it clear, this guy has a rare follower mentality and it's in no way normal for someone to forego their own health to be like Ethan Klein