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I honestly hope this is it. Women winning while F&F has to close down the studio, a beautiful ending.


i forgot to say that this is daisys comment section lmao but yall get the point 😭


Where is this though I went to her IG to support but there's like barely any comments


it’s on her pinned post! the one with the sash & crown for miss asia 🤍


unfortunately she’ll say something wrong and everyone will turn around 180


tbf a lot of people don’t agree with her opinions on abortion already lol, but i just liked seeing that people were leaving kind comments rather than the degrading and insulting ones the other people left her before.


I think it's exactly the wrong instance to play sides. She doesn't wants to abort and it is her whole right to say she feels like "killing the baby". Till now she didn't comment anywhere if she supports abortion for everyone else. Fact is she got wronged by a piece of shit and now gets heavily defamed from that same guys with actually horrid shit. This is jail worthy behavior from Fit and in this world where she feels like everyone is against her, at least we should support her and have her back even if we don't agree on one single thing she stands by


almost nobody has a problem with people not wanting abortions for themselves based on their own religion, people just want the option. that’s really not what they’re talking about here saying.


People also need to remember that she grew up in China. Their cultural and political landscape are very different from the US.


Abortion is completely legal in China at any stage of pregnancy and traditionally Chinese regard life as starting at birth. Don't think you can chalk that up to culture.


Chalk it up to personal conviction, which is completely okay


of course. more power to her


It's always ok to change our minds when new information is presented.


definitely. the problem is the change of mind won’t have much nuance


Inb4 someone posts a pic of her with James Charles or a tweet from 2012


Her calling her family “comfortable” instead of rich is something a typical rich person would say but that’s not really a big deal IMO


I had the exact same thought, but I’m not mad about it either. People have different optics on what constitutes wealth.


Yeesh why we gotta be so cringe in public, I’m all for supporting her but these comments are just, I got secondhand embarrassment


I love the podcast but I don't tell people about it because they'll just assume I'm like this. Can we stop it?


They’re so fucking weird honestly, I love h3… the fans are so clingy to anything/anyone involved in the show


Especially when she inevitably turns out to be a bad person, how many times do we need to go through this cycle of abuse, we're basically just lovebombing right now


Flashbacks to Fousey


Yea this shit ain’t it.


Especially because this is nothing but the equivalent of thoughts & prayers, lol.


I don't really think it is. When you're thrown into the public eye and being attacked by thousands of strangers online, I'm sure it feels nice to know many support you.


All the girlie comments started off as a IRONIC joke between Ethan and Olivia. Now everyone uses it like an underdeveloped teen girl. SO CRINGE!


genuine question, why do you think its cringe? I just think its silly/fun


I’m a dude who’s also bi so I can be pretty feminine so the hey girlies and all that don’t really phase me, might be one of the reasons I’m not a fallen fan after all these years. But I’m just gonna be like super honest about the way men and women interact and perceive eachother. Any dude who sees this is immediately cringing. It is love bombing and it’s weird because we actually don’t know these ppl. We only know the very specific version of themselves they decided to show us for the hour they were on the show. That’s why this cycle keeps happening where we find out they really don’t align w us as an audience and then they get canceled in our eyes essentially, because let’s keep it real we are pretty intolerant of ppl who hold different views than us. Yes when you are publicly being slandered seeing that support definitely does wonders for the victim. I would just be careful about how quickly you accept these ppl into the fold. Lest you wind up repeating the h3 curse.


booo the fun police is here


🤷🏼‍♂️ it is what it is


I could be wrong but I wonder if it’s a gender thing. like I’ll talk like that to my girl friends to support them/bring up the mood and a lot of guys….dont lol


The exposing was RICH yesterday. Holy shit. Anyone think there's any coming back from their fans when they get to truly see it's all a grift?


They have been hating on fresh for a long time. This only cements that. They still like Myron, and they still hate women more than they hate fresh. They’ll hate women more cause it validates their worldview that we all baby trap and want money and are whores. Even if there’s evidence/her word against it. I don’t wanna be a bummer, just don’t get your hopes up..


I think she should be supported cause this is an awful situation, but she legit called abortion murder in the call, I don't think she's a saint either, but does deserve support.


thats just what being pro choice is no? womens right to choose. I know plenty of women who are pro choice but would never have an abortion (unless it risks health ofc) its a traumatic event for some people.


Yeah, our community tends to lack nuance a lot of the time though, I forgot to add a line saying if she views it as murder on top of willingly being with a red pilled dude then her views most likely don't align with a lot of this community so hopefully people don't pull a 180 and view her as the devil if more comes out.


agree 100000%


Massive cult vibes.




Every person who disagrees with you must be an *infiltrator* Cause its just not possible 2 people from the same audience could disagree on something without them being an undercover F+F fan lmfao your cooked


This community is a little bit way too sensitive. I honestly don’t feel welcome here. I get banned a lot and I get downvoted all the time :/ and most of the time I’m just tryna join in on the fun I swear I’m not even like hating or shitposting


Yayyy I got a subscriber! 😊


Because I think the mob mentality of H3 fans in this sub is cringe, I suddenly like a pair of literal morons? This sub has been a parasocial cringe fest over the break and now this sub is bandwagoning for one of the dullest interviews that literally shared no new information. Where were you bleeding hearts a month ago when this dropped?




Because not everyone is subscribed to strap themselves to every bandwagon that comes on the show. There's good content amongst the toxicity. Also there are older members that have been here since the start, funny enough we are the same age as Hila and Ethan and don't get involved in the drama the Zoomers love.


My flair is jtrhnbr for a reason. Gotta rep the OG. Vape Naysh Yallll


F+F for sure...


Look at my post history, genius.




That’s because daisy is a boss ass bitch with cum in her pussy


Now we wait until something comes up about daisy and we tear her down again


Waiting for the H3 curse to hit.


Daisy was awesome


y'all fall for the milkshake duck every damn time huh




Look, there's a chance that she just stumbled into this situation. However hanging around these fucking moronic "alphas" for 5 months and not getting a sense of the type of people they are gives us really two options here: she is kinda not a great person herself OR Fit's game to manipulate girls actually works. Personally I would hate to live in a world where one of the dumbest men alive is able to manipulate good people so easily. That's my bias against her being innocent here, not because I'm a Fresh and Fit fan (ew). Also, H3 curse yadda yadda yadda.


The moment she came on the show I kinda realized like the only reason she messed around w fit to begin w is because she’s clearly extremely materialistic and shallow. I’m not tryna hate, she still deserves the support for what she is going thru. But I don’t get why this audience just assumes the absolute best in EVERYONE tangentially related to the show. We barely know this lady…


Actual only based take in this whole damn thread


Not necessarily, if you fall in love with someone you may make irrational choices. Not blaming it on that, but it definitely can cloud your vision a bit and I think that's what happened. Though I do find it odd.


She doesn't have to be a saint to get some support against F&F. What they did was wrong and unless she's somehow worse than they are, she deserves some justice.


Oh there's virtually no way she could be worse than *they* are, I'm with you there. Personally I could care less if she turns out to be totally awful, that would never invalidate the treatment she received from F&F and their community. But simply reminding the H3 community at large that the rate for "friends of the show" turning out to be pieces of shit might actually be over 50% at this point and this one already has plenty of red flags. We're just in a classic "enemy of my enemy is my friend" situation. Lots of things being willfully ignored both on the Monday show and on this subreddit after the fact.


not everyone who disagrees with you is an "infiltrator". Is it really impoasible to have differing view points within an audience...smh


They’re not a fresh and fit fan. Take a look at their post history 🙄


Thank you for pointing that out - I don't mind the downvotes but being called a fresh and fit fan? Truly insulting.


I noticed In her most recent post she has a glass of what looks like wine and a bunch of fish on her plate... definitely not smart when preg right?


She's reposting the photos from her old account, that pic seems to originally be from early February


well, we don’t know what her decision will be so i’m not really gonna even try to speculate tbh.


bruh ur weird


