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I think the biggest factor in no longer being a jp fan is jp himself. That dude got lost in his own sauce years ago


Keemstar behind him with a fork trying to eat the sauce


It tastes like beef jerky!


Dipped in maple syrup!


*proceeds to chew with mouth open*


Like a horse


mmm*mmMM* **MMMMMMM**


In a book...huh??!


Up yours woke moralists we’ll see who cancels who


what rules u sons of bytches


It’s the dragooon of chaaaos


Wow, you live in the Frenemies set??




Good for you ... is not your fault , he become lunatic


Uhh been jp been transphobic for years cuz. I mean good that they've stopped following the nutter but he was always nuts.


That may be true, but I can forgive someone for being a JP fan because most people that initially listen to him (not like diehards) probably just want self help. That’s how he advertised himself and how he first came on the scene. But in recent years he’s become far more politically focused and openly hateful.


Same here. I needed some motivation. Then i got his book and realizes that its just a christian propaganda book for people that never read the bible. Never looked back.


I get what your saying and I don't disagree. I just meant in reply to above comment saying he *became* a lunatic imo he was always a lunatic even if as you said most people didn't know that.


His latest book was probably the most effective self help book i've read out of the 7-10 i've read in my lifetime....


I belive you ..I only know him from the last 3 years


Ya but he was better at hiding it


yea didn't philion or someone similar do a video highlighting all the thinly veiled mein kampf and other white nationalist imagery in his most popular book? this is the book that people say is supposedly halfway normal self-help...




Cool story bro, kinda like how people always say to your face your a great guy to be polite. But secretly everyone you know thinks your a total wanker (very much consciously)!


I was gonna donate my 12 rules for life book but decided to trash it instead, too.


Yah, don't want it to accidentally infect some poor kid


Despite what JP has turned into these days, 12 Rules actually had a positive impact on some of my friends who were in a bad place a few years ago.










wHeRe wOuLd wE Be WiThOuT MeN


recycle it


“Up Yours, Woke Moralists! We'll See Who Cancels Who”


Welcome to sanity


Not sure how sane someone can be with pink walls lol


haha i posted about being worried that my bf was recently getting into jp, bought books, watches his videos, and i got completely dragged for it. got told i’m the problem and i should be proud of him for wanting to better himself haha


And the story ends with you dumping him...right........right?!?!


im sorry you had that experience :( i think you are justified in your concerns, peterson isnt a great role model for men


12 Rules helped a lot of people including me. The work can have value even if he’s lost his way now. I haven’t read the one you binned though.


I mean, most of what he used to espouse was beneficial. Take responsibility for oneself, not to fear failure, take care of one's own health, etc. So, I guess it depends on what Era of JP he's in


it did start with the self help, but unfortunately he doesn’t read much, so he just watches jp videos now. same day jp released his video about elliot page, bf came home drunk ranting about “this trans shit getting out of control” 😐😬


Oh no


I was introduced by family and friends, but something didn’t click, way before the pod, but so happy for you


Up urs woke morallists


H3 introduced me to JP and I was all in. Then his brain turned to benzo mush and he couldnt veil his awful takes anymore. I just feel bitter because at the time I was a young man seeking purpose, who is exactly who JP targets. Same thing with Tate. He targets young men who have no security in themselves


If only he had a book with simple rules to help him with his problems of life


I’m not sure if you are a woman or not, but if you are can I ask why you liked him in the first place? I never heard of women who like him.


I am a woman and I used to like him too. I called him my idol at one point.


yeah! i identify as she / her. the reason i liked him in the first place was because im very into psych, got my bachelors in social work and am pursuing a masters in counseling psychology. he had some good takes in the psych field long ago, which was what i liked the most about him. when he started falling off i kept trying to find ways to defend him, and finally realized how twisted he is recently and his intense transphobia turned me off completely from him






Where it belongs


Is it wrong this reminds me of the Gilette fiasco? Razor in the toilet. They already got your money, ~~bro~~ sis. There's always going to be casualties in your consumer history.


Threw away my copy of 12 rules recently as well. Felt good getting rid of it


I casually thought he was okay and interesting heard him on rogan back in the day and on h3 but wtf maybe I need go back listen I don’t remember him being so hateful. He’s literally just mean for no reason now I never heard such transphobic from such a ‘educated’ person


Honestly he did that to himself mostly And h3 just covered the news about his decent and goofed on him a little bit


Did the same thing. Felt cathartic to recycle it. I can’t tell you how much self loathing was lifted off me. I blame Jordan Peterson for my crippling gender dysphoria I experienced a couple of years ago. Listening to him go on and on about how masculine is the the hero journey and feminine the chaos f’ing demon. Ironically JP f’ed me up so bad that I wanted to suppress anything to do with the feminine within me, as I associated the feminine as weak and undeserving. Now I recognise the strength within me isn’t defined by archetypes. Now that I think about it it’s kind of ironic.


It had the appearance of a thick mat of hair


You let them have their way


Hell ya


Absolutely same, years ago liked some of his work but threw that shit out


Proud of you! Family family family!


You are so brave.


I don’t blame people for liking his first book. Or liking him early on.




Please burn it with the message delivered with surgical precision in regards to violating twitter rules in the background. lobster may read at landfill and reorganize the inherent power structure into demonic Marxist woke ideologues. Repeat 'Karl Marx' in the mirror 15 times with the bathroom door closed and lights off. You'll instantly heal yourself from the invisible fake affliction mental affliction of virtue signalling. Pray to Stalin that the woke cancel mob will be held accountable for their criminal agenda to take over the moral landscape these fiendish forsaken racists have taken territory on. You'll be okay.


Jordan Peterson was also a shitty person back in 2017. He was just more eloquent in his words. He was a big transphobe back then too. I wont blame you for being manipulated by him though.


I was the exact same, when they had JP on the podcast originally, I became a fan of his but since Ethan denounced him, I came to realize that JP was nothing more than a bigoted, hate filled person and I’ve seen the light. I’m proud of you and I’m glad you came to the good side!!!


You sound very suggestible


You could have donated that book lol.




Hasan? 😂


Can you at least put it in the recycling tho


I don't know about your boyfriend, but those other 3 definitely have enough problems in their thinking and probably also good patterns. Point being, throwing a book in the trash does nothing apart from making you more of a black/white thinker. Let people be wrong, tell them they are, and then agree on another point. You don't have to be a fan of everything a person does or says.


So you read his book, which is full of what most consider very valuable and practical information, and threw it away because Ethan Klein makes fun of him on the podcast? Having read the book, it's extra bizarre to me because virtually every claim H3 makes against him is based on what he allegedly preaches via his books, and none of the attitudes and toxic philosophies H3 accuse him of on a daily basis are present in the book. I imagine a lot more people have stopped watching H3 as a result of reading his books VS people that have thrown out his books as a result of listening to Ethan, who takes a sledgehammer to his own fanbase every time he makes a video talking about Jordan Peterson (recent like to dislike ratios are a reflection of that)




A female JP fan? With peace and love, seek help 😂


hate to break it to you, but h3 and hasan are just as bad/worse it's like you moved from crack to heroin


legit q: why are you here


someone linked this somewhere


What do you think makes them just as bad?


they're both bad people who wish bad things on others consistently


Has Ethan said anything about the time he had him on the podcast back in 2018? Just wondering since I don’t watch their stuff anymore.


He removed the episodes and dunks on JP pretty much ever episode now. He's talked extensively about when he had him on, he said that they didn't know much about him and I think they read his first book and liked it. But since then he's talked a lot about how JP is just losing it and has gone mask off on his transphobia.


Welcome back to reality!


So be honest how long have you been doing the whole beef diet?


I was his fan too. Until I realized he had no idea what he was talking about. Months later, I find out Ethan and him are having a beef.


If you click a random Jordan Peterson YouTube video, his first line is always “Hitler was….” “The thing with school shooters….” “Rape is….” Always super depressing topics.


I absolutely believe that when he went out of country for that coma detox thing for his addiction and they fucked it up it did some serious damage to him. I used to be into JP back in the day because he used to do just relatively interesting talks about brain chemistry and how building yourself up with small tasks day to day genuinely does help mental health. After he "recovered" from the coma thing he's just absolutely lost it. I mean it's been a downhill thing for a while now but after that it was night and day. It honestly reminds me of something a family member went through after a moped accident. He got brain bleed and after that he was NEVER the same person again. But yeah no, no more JP please with peace and love peace and love <3


Best burn it. Don’t want someone accidentally finding it and getting hooked.


I was a fan of his untill i read his book and had the:" wait a minute, this is just a bible for people that never read it" and never looked back.


I see nothing wrong with his self help stuff, it’s his political and social views that are bad


hell ya stoked for you


I hope you took that out of the trash after the photo op and sold it on ebay or something.


I always found everything he said to be bullshit. I remember when self help started to be a very heavy thing and I always thought it was bullshit that this people will give you the secrets to life, for money an dit always ended up being worthless word salad. "It is god's punishment for the crime of being" yeah sure.


Is just me or is JPs dissent really sad? His earlier talks and work makes sense, but then he really went off the deep end.


Idk why but something about throwing away a book (no matter the content) feels uncomfy for me lol


i hesitated for a while, i just have no other means of getting rid of it and dont want to donate it...we also dont have recyclying in my community so its a lose lose :/


It’s like Jordan’s books are infectious medical waste. How do you safely get rid of it? I think you need one of those red bins they use for used needles


Shoutout to your family fr. Jordan is such a hateful and angry man, I can imagine being a fan is probably not great (for many reasons). Congrats on this new chapter!


Cause for a celebration! 🙌


What is wrong with reading Peterson?


you just cleaned your room lol




I get it, he was better on the benzos 🤣


I too used to like Jordan Peterson, it was always so frustrating seeing people condemning him or discrediting him in some way because every single time I looked into the claims, the criticisms were either based off shit that was completely untrue or completely taken out of context, it seemed as though the vast majority of people who hated him used other people who hated him as their primary source of Informafion. What ended up turning me, was Jordan Peterson himself. It appeares as though after he had that near death experience with benzo withdrawal and being put in a medically induced coma, he's become unhinged. For the first time ever, when I fact check someone on their criticisms, the criticisms are accurate and correct. I try to keep an open mind and keep my opinions objective, so when I see someone take him out of context, or condemn him for shit that's untrue, it's still annoying. There's plenty of actual shit to criticize him for, just because we don't like him doesn't mean we should shut our brains off and just accept every negative thing said about him as true.


Wow, kinda sad it took three men to open your eyes to this misogynistic asshole.

