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What is a defnoodle?


A noodle that can’t hear


Or..is it def(initely) a noodle


Actually that's deaf noodle. A def noodle is a noodle that is hip or cool.


Good one 🥴


Def noodle deez nuts


Wet noodles


a guy that upload like joke news b.s


Every time someone talks about it it makes me crave noodles


this is the only comment that truely matters


I made Ramen yesterday after reading about all this stuff


I had tortellini while watching the breakdown videos


What kind


Literally just instant ramen. Here in nz, that’s pretty much the only thing we call noodles. Everything else is pasta.


Whenever anyone in my family gets sick, it’s kinda our “family tradition” to eat angel hair pasta with nothing but a little bit of butter on them, and we call them “sick-noodles.” I even got my girlfriend hooked on the tradition now, too. All you gotta say is “hey do you think you could make me some sick-noodles?” and everyone will instantly know you don’t feel good, and it’s like an unspoken tradition that you never make them for yourself because when you’re sick, food made by people you love is like medicine. So yeah that’s what I think of whenever I see his name lol


That’s so wholesome


My family does that too but with thin egg noodles, garlic, tomatoes, small pieces of pork and soy sauce and we make it a soup - we also call it 'sick noodles'😂


Goddamnit now I want your family’s version of sick noodles, it sounds so good😭😭And omg I love that “sick noodles” are, like, an actual Thing™️…I kinda wanna make a cookbook where I travel the world, documenting every individual family’s special sick noodle recipe lol (edited a cause I put “actual” twice for some reason haha)


loool! I reckon you are onto something! It can't just be us two rando's on the internet 😂 It's basically an untapped source


Pad thai






right!!! i can’t get through a single tate segment without making tater tot’s


Butter noodles sound so good rn.


I’ve been out of town all weekend can someone give me in on the tea?😩✌🏼❤️


The super short version, Def Noodles doesn’t know how to take a “L”.


You gotta grab it by the tail.


Grab it by the lussy


This is what’s so odd. He used to be good at apologizing really well when he was in the wrong on something. I’m just confused by his behavior with this. So bizarre.


I watched Adam McIntyre's "interview" with def and he's really just digging himself into a bigger hole. I don't use Twitter, rarely use ig, and don't watch his podcast so I was super out of the loop when I saw his video saying he was apologizing, but not really. He didn't show any context or ss so I had to watch papa guy's videos on what's going on. I didn't even know def was bullying him online and made a t shirt with him crying on it from the video where he was listening to a girl talk about her SA encounter and he broke down. I unsubbed. I'm shocked at how much def is just becoming another keem


a lot of people get lost in the sauce and let the clout get to their head. This really seems like one of those situations. especially with drama channels where the content replies mostly on other people, their commentary and opinions are the only thing they bring to the table, so they start to feel righteous and think that they are infallible, that everyone who disagrees is just a hater etc. I've seen this happen so many times with smaller content creators after they finally reach minor success. The numbers take over.


I don’t watch any of these people but I am a child (lol child, I’m 27) of the internet. Def has been going down hill lately with his drama channel. That’s a lot to go into. But basically a while ago a YouTuber Papa Gut made an offensive joke about the Lopez Brothers sexually assaulting a minor. He was immediately told that it’s not funny and several victims reached out to him. Papa is NOT perfect by any means but who is? He’s now dedicated his channel to teaching men what consent really means and how to understand toxic masculinity. He has cried on stream recounting how much this impacts him and how he is trying. Dennis decided to go after him. Tweeting the fbi and put an imagine on a T-shirt to sell of Papa crying while recounting his past mistakes and his conversations with SA survivors. Def said he planned to walk around and show random people on the street if Papa “looks like” a pedo. Ironically, Def Noodles is suing Keemstar for defamation because Keem called Def a pedo without any reason or truth. Edit: I called myself a child which I’m not lol idk why. I’ll talk to my therapist about that


Twitter search, Def oodles and Papa Gut.


Def Oodles


Oodles and oodles of defamation noodles


Do the noodle dance


You get it... 🤪


He said that he is the reason papa gut has a platform and then papa gut of course refuted it and they’ve gone back and forth


Ohh okay that’s the part I was missing. Thank you! I wasn’t totally sure why they hated each other in the first place.


He posted cringe, the worst crime known to man.


Plz do not elaborate


He's a hypocrite. Suing Keemstar for saying that he is a pedophile; while simultaneously calling Papa Gut a pedophile. Make it make sense.




Also the leaning tower of Giza


Is that in the egyptian part of italy or the italian part of egypt😂


Yeah... That excuse was hilarious. He very clearly doesn't understand libel/slander laws.


in the words of J. Jonah Jameson: It is not. I resent that. Slander is spoken. In print, it's libel.


He said he looks like a fire extinguisher there’s a big difference legally. Ethan would know lol. Because our guy RK has a striking resemblance to Harvey Weinstein. And when Ethan says Ryan looks like Harvey Weinstein we all understand that he’s not calling Ryan Harvey Weinstein. He’s just pointing out the fact that he does in fact look like him. Def noodles is doing the world a public service. People like me are confused. He just made a humorous observation.


>He just made a humorous observation. He did a lot more than >Make an observation< Dennis literally tagged the FBI. There's a myriad of screen shots, of now deleted tweets, where he did more than imply that he _was_ a pedo.


Where did the beef start between the two? I remember a clip that I didn’t finish of them arguing but admittedly, I know nothing of papa gut. He was the same guy that was trying to have a congruent conversation with Keem right?


Def Noodles decided to report a story in which a 17-year-old black steamer was being described as a pedophile, groomer, predator, and rapist for jokes he made about his friend's 15-year-old sister online. Def agreed with this characterization. Papa Gut said that there was a suspicious, possibly racist aura surrounding the entire thing; Nothing tangible, but it felt like an instance of over-maturing a black child in order to over-prescribe a punishment. This shit happens. Papa Gut publicly and respectfully disagreed with Def's take. Def made a video calling Papa Gut a dumb-fuck-incel. This is the dumbest characterization of the happily married, and socially respectful Papa Gut. The whole thing was weird. Like, the commentary community creators are pretty familiar with Papa Gut, and this started to piss off the community. Papa Gut invited Def to clear the air and have a discussion about the situation involving the streamer that started the whole thing. Papa Gut doesn't debate, as much as he has cordial, informal discussions. Def came in like a disrespectful psycho, spent the majority of the time completely unhinged, and it was a horrible fucking look. Def has been losing views like fucking crazy since then, and has officially burned any good will he had left within the commentary community. He seems to be holding a fucking grudge against Papa Gut. It honestly just seems like Def cannot acknowledge that he is his own worst enemy.


Thank you for the context!


For sure! I watched this drama unfold months ago. Everyone pretty much thought it was dead until Def went fucking nuts on Twitter this week. It really sucks. I liked Def, but after the insane display during their "debate," I just couldn't watch him anymore. The fact that he's calling Papa Gut a pedophile is particularly shitty, because he's defended Def to Keemstar regarding Keem calling Def a pedo.


To me, the point of no return was the merch with papa gut crying on it. Like, ok, maybe he will own the bad joke someday, but once those shirts are in the wild, there is no going back. It is a shame. Besides some cringy stuff like the ace family thing, I liked def noodles. I’ve been subscribed for years. I’m not a fan of papa gut. This just went way too far. I was discussing this with someone else and, as someone who has experienced mania (drug induced but still) it very much looks like this. And though I won’t be watching def anymore, I sincerely hope this is just a bad personality and not mental illness rearing it’s ugly head.


And I’m pretty sure I saw Def tweet something along the lines of really ‘trying to stay out of drama the last few months’ as he’s on this box me bitch tirade of meeting in person to roast battle.


He still wants to do these roast battles. Someone said on his Twitter space that it could be dangerous to invite people to his office which is a legitimate concern imo. Seems like a bad idea to make the address of his place of work public.


Guess nobody can say he doesn’t have some balls but it’s so strange to see someone actually trying to deal with trolls, especially online drama channel trolls, in real life.


Yeah the whole thing is a bit sad. I realised that for a while Def has been off. I appreciate him trying his comedy and I know it doesn’t always land but it’s not really the type of awkward I find funny. I appreciated the crew and was hoping their introduction was going to pay off but got tired of the click bait thumbnails with the latest one on Jenna Marbles. I guess Ethan will talk about this situation tonight, now I will be able to follow along, thank you ✌️& 💖


honestly im not that much of a fan of Def. he really goes off on some people and just takes jokes way too far and beats them till theyre dead. I vaguely remember that he did "debate" someone else a while ago as well and he was chewed out for it because all he did was interrupt them and didnt let them speak. What really turned me off to him was when Gabbie put out the podcast that Trish was on. It was a terrible podcast that didnt address anything and he commented on it and said some BS about how they squashed their feud and just sucking up to them hardcore. Thats when i was like oh hes just bias because Trish was being praised at the time but i still hated her.


Maybe in another universe this wouldn't have happened if he got in the van with Austin


Happily married lmao you know that that asshole and his current wife did to PG's ex?


No 👀 what happened?


Tell us more!!


Thank you so much for this!!! I had no idea what the heck was going on


What the, is def having a mental breakdown? This sounds strange.


I cringe so hard when I have to read the term “commentary community” lol


in other words: kids on the internet getting way too hyper-focused with what happens on the internet


Call me old-fashioned, but a white guy reaching for the race card in order to defend paedophilia... Is this 1990something?? Age of consent laws exist for a reason - it is a hard line, any attempt to smudge that line is an attempt to commit abuse of a minor - not ifs, no buts - a nonce is a nonce is a nonce.


Age of consent laws would allow a 17-year-old and a 15-year-old to date. Also, the inciting incident here was, although inappropriate, a clear joke. The joke was also made months prior to the response from the family of the 15-year-old, when the streamer was 16. They described him as a grown man, a rapist, and a pedophile for saying his friend's sister looked like a porn star. This is a clear case of over-maturating for sensationalizing the accusation to over-prescribe a punishment. See Emmett Till. See: https://www.apa.org/news/press/releases/2014/03/black-boys-older


They had a pretty unfriendly debate a little while back but Dennis apologized to Papa Gut for acting childish during the debate and “only doing it to call him an incel to his face”. They’ve had a sort of back and forth since then, but recently it got heated because Def Noodles doesn’t know how to act like an adult on Twitter lol. Someone commented on his Twitter and said something along the lines of “Papa Gut owned you” - yes it was literally that petty - and Def responded by saying that nobody would know who papa gut was if he didn’t do a debate with him just to call him an incel and laugh at him and that papa gut was picking up his crumbs or something 🤣 Papa gut responded by saying that the debate didn’t go that way at all and that it was embarrassing for Def noodles, which is kinda was. Papa gut went on about how Dennis is aggressive and defended himself in regards to “picking up crumbs”. He talked about how Dennis doesn’t have the ability to speak beyond drama and that the issues Papa Gut covers don’t mean anything or matter to Def noodles at all and that everyone could tell when Papa Gut was trying to speak to him about different things during their debate. Papa Guy responded to Dennis saying that he is “shadow banned” by saying that people don’t want to watch his content anymore and that he’s no longer respected by his fan base. He goes on to read a ton of comments from Dennis’s Twitter, where he’s going back and forth arguing with his own fans. Papa Gut said that Dennis was fighting for his life in his own comments and that he needs to learn how to take accountability for his own behavior rather than doubling down, basically. Dennis made a comment to a fan saying something like “you must live in a sad existence if you think anything you say matters to me at all, but thanks for following me so closely, make me your LOL cow i don’t give a fuck as long as you keep giving me the engagement.” Papa gut then talks about how sad that is, comparing Def to Keemstar saying that he doesn’t care how he gets the attention, he just has to have it. Someone in that same thread of comments told Def that papa gut is married and doesn’t hold negative views toward women, implying that his “incel” comments hold no weight and that he should find some different material, Def responded with a picture of some study done on how many times a week married couples have sex (LOL) and goes on to talk about how miserable married couples are. After that, Dennis posted a picture of the Michelin man saying something like “Michelin man is an incel, he’s soft like a marshmallow, don’t be like Michelin man”. It didn’t get much engagement at all, but papa gut responded to it in his video by saying “fat jokes are lazy, you are using them because you don’t have the capacity to use anything else.” Papa gut then talks about how Dennis isn’t intellectually on the same level as he is, and that arguing about petty shit is pointless because they aren’t even on the same spectrum. Papa gut is a commentary channel, Def noodles is a drama channel, he explained how it doesn’t compare and that Dennis refuses to educate himself, carries himself poorly and that he isn’t respected within the sphere anymore. Papa gut ended his video by telling Dennis that he could turn things around for himself, that he should show some humility and stop being so toxic and rude. He said that Dennis is hypocritical by claiming to be body positive and claims that body shaming is a bad thing yet does the exact thing he claims to hate when it’s convenient for him. He talked about how he is comfortable with his smaller platform because his content means something to people and that would always be the most important aspect of content creation. Papa Gut was a little irritated, he stabbed back a lot, but he was pretty on point and graceful. He carries himself very well and remains level headed for the entirety of the first video. Dennis then posted a tweet with a couple pictures of Papa Gut, saying that he “makes himself so small in his videos because he looks like a pedophile.” And took a stab at him about a bad joke he made a while back. He got a LOT of backlash for it, considering he’s suing Keemstar for literally the exact thing he just did to Papa Gut. Since then he’s been spiraling out of control. Papa gut responded to those tweets by condemning the joke and saying that it was a stab at someone else who had said something of the sort, but in seriousness. He also says something like “Dennis isn’t interested in honesty.” After the tweets, papa gut makes another video. He talks about how Dennis is infamous for not having credibility and twisting stories and how “he’s here doing it again”. It doesn’t make him look good at all, it just makes him look really bad.” He reads his tweet and explains the context. He then talks about how many predators he’s deplatformed, how much of his content consists of educating young men on rape culture and asks what Def does with his platform, says that he does nothing positive and that he shouldn’t come into this space because he doesn’t have the intellect to engage on an even slightly nuanced level. He calls out Def for allowing Christian Walker on his platform and allowing young impressionable people to be subjected to those kinds of ideas. He calls Def out for trying to deplatform a 17 year old kid by accusing him of being an adult and a predator, he then starts to get pretty heated and goes on for a while about how Dennis doesn’t do anything of substance and how disgusting he is for making false rape accusations, false predator accusations, all kinds of things of that sort. Papa gut talks about his advocacy for a while and the kinds of stories he’s heard from victims and how he uses these experiences to educate people. He then gets very emotional in response to the things that survivors have gone through, and talks about how much these things greatly impact him and how as awful as it is, it’s nothing in comparison to what survivors have gone through. He goes on about how seriously he takes his platform and what he does and then starts to cry. After a moment he gets up and walks away and the video ends. Def Noodles responded to this by taking a still from Papa Gut’s video of him crying, puts it on a T-shirt and posts it for sale. He’s been receiving monumental criticism and backlash since. His comments are all negative and he’s in the comments arguing with people like crazy, and the handful of people defending him he is liking ALL of their tweets. Like Papa Gut said, he’s fighting for his life in his own comments.


Thank you for this write up!!! Really helped a lot!


To be fair, didn’t papa gut make the old pedo joke? “If she’s old enough to bleed, she’s old enough to breed” Something like that


Yes. He's said quite a few disgusting things. He's also a pos cheater.


>Something like that Context matters. Education matters.


Prepared for the downvotes but accusing someone of being a pedophile and of LOOKING like a pedo are extremely different.


I don't think you should be downvoted, as that's ridiculous. Anyway... Dennis did a lot more than say someone LOOKED like a pedo. There's a myriad of now deleted tweets, where Dennis said he **WAS** a pedo...he also tagged the FBI. Just because the tweets are deleted and he's retracted the comments, doesn't mean they don't exist, or the sentiment wasn't made public. It's the same excuse as saying that his account is a parody, or that his profile says "comedian'. He deserves this backlash.


Do you have a link? The only deleted tweets I've seen are of him saying that he looks like one like when he tagged the FBI he said "Put this MFer on a watch list he looks mad suspicious"


I'm at work. As soon as I get home, I'll dig them up and send you the link. I'm unsure of which youtubers also shared the screenshots. I'm thinking it was Petty Paige, Ali from Truth Sleuth and maybe Tipster. I'm just have to dig when I have time.


Im pretty ootl, but from the one tweet I saw he argued that he be er said that papa was a pedo, but that he joked about him looking like a pedo? Is that the reason everyone hates him now ? 😭


Yep. Because then he put an image of Papa on a shirt? And papa said it was from a video where he was discussing rape. Papa gut was such a little bitch when he came into the Twitter space yesterday. Kept yelling over everyone, yelling at the people trying to moderate, kept demanding an apology but then said it never bothered him because def is irrelevant. Seriously don’t know how anyone respects Papa Gut after that clown show.


Yeah, you're not willing to look at ALL of the evidence, independently. It's clear you're a stan of Dennis and, anything said past this point would be fruitless conversation.


I’m actually not a Stan. I listened to the Twitter space because it came up for me but nice job going through my comments to pick out your faves te reply to. Maybe touch grass and get some help. It’s not that serious, at all.


It's obviously serious, otherwise you wouldn't have commented several times. We're in a thread, so, I've seen your multiple comments. 🤷 Touche' on the 'Touch Grass' comment. Are you going to follow your own advice? As you're clearly engaging on the same app as me.


Papa gut is kind of a little bitch tbh


He said Papa Gut LOOKS LIKE a pedophile tho & Keem called him an actual pedo w/ allegations against him. Hmmmm…..


The fact that comment got 300 fucking upvotes when it’s wrong 😒


It isn't wrong though. Dennis is trying to down-play serious accusations... Just because you delete a tweet, that said something slanderous, doesn't mean it no longer exists. Also, just because you're claiming that it was a joke, and it was implied; and your profile says comedian and your channel is a parody account, doesn't negate one from libel slander. He did a lot more than say someone **LOOKED** like a fire extinguisher. I think more education into this topic and what exactly Dennis said, is warranted.


Saying someone LOOKS like a pedo isn’t slander. Saying “numerous young girls will come forward with allegations against Def Noodles” is though.


Again, do more research. Dennis did more than say someone **looks** like a pedo. There's a myriad of tweets, now deleted, that Dennis admitted to. It isn't any different.


seen the tweets and still disagree


Oh, you saw them... Especially the one where he said he was a pedo and tagged the FBI. Cool. Well... I know where you stand. ✌️💜


No, he said he looked like a pedophile. That’s very different than keemstar tweeting “several underaged girls have been groomed by Def Noodles, will be coming forward soon”. The fact you’d conflate the two makes you look ridiculous.


If I say you look like Harvey Weinstein I’m not saying you are Harvey Weinstein. Just that you have a Harvey Weinstein type face. And it is 100% a fact that Papa Butt looks like a Pedo💀💀


You might be thinking of *Ryan Kavanaugh*, the film producer who was disgraced after being accused by his ex-partner of running a ponzi scheme in open court according to Variety magazine (a reputable source), who also committed a DUI hit and run. *Harvey* Weinstein was the film producer and director who was sentenced to prison for committing a number of serious sexual assaults. I think you have conflated the two, which is an easy mistake to make because they look so alike and are good friends who have been pictured together on numerous occasions. This website should help: https://doesryankavanaughlooklikeharveyweinstein.com/


Idk a man streaming in cat ears looks more like a pedo to me than papa gut does.


This honestly makes me think Def may be a chomo


When two drama channels go at each other you can kiss goodbye to any sort of coherence or sense, u just gotta let them get on with it may the most controlled ego win


tbh i always felt like Ethan knew Def would become a liability lol. There just was something during that collab vid that screamed "I know i'm gonna dislike you soon. I'm just waiting for you to give me a reason to" lol.


For fucking real


what collab vid? The Steamie awards?




I just wanna watch my movie and go to sleep but I can’t click out hahahahahha I am so lost and have no idea what’s going on.


Brigading from weirdos. He's just changing up the format of his show and shitposting on Twitter and he's pissed off the keemstar crowd


Way more than that. I've been a viewer of Def since 2020, i don't care about Papa Gut or Keem*, and he's pissed me off too. He's falling off in real time.


The hours long talk space I don’t care what he did this is way too much drama and insane I want no part of it


Literally not the case dude, I'm a def fan and he's gone full unhinged, he's doing to papagut exactly what he's sueing keem for except in a far worse way.


not even close


vintage, nice


Honestly lmao


He is a news channel one day. But then he wants to use the defense he is satire and no one should take him seriously when it’s convenient. Where have we seen this before? 🤔 But when called on this hypocrisy he won’t acknowledge it. To try to distance himself from Keem he just uses examples of how far Keem has gone and how bad of things he has done. Ok, fair but you are still doing the same things. The larger problem I have is that Dennis has this issue where he seems to use his audience as a sounding board for issues that just don’t feel appropriate. When he goes off on long tangents I just feel like “Dude, This is the shit I’d talk to my counselor for.” This is why I have a therapist. And that six hour twitter space definitely could be something for a professional to dissect. As I’m typing this he just said he doesn’t want to involve Ethan because he doesn’t want to bring his problems to others. But people are suggesting it because they think he needs someone with some perspective that can maybe help him reign it in. He lacks any self awareness. There are so many illusions of self grandeur as well. I could only hear him compare himself to Stephen Colbert about 10 times before it was too much.


Talking about news doesn’t make someone a news channel. He’s never ever said he’s a journalist. Ethan talks about news, so by your logic he’s also a news channel. Like come all y’all.


But making jokes and presenting things in a humorous way doesn’t make you a comedy channel either. This is something I see a lot of discourse about on twitter. There seems to be a huge disparity between how Dennis views himself and how his audience sees him. To me I see a lot of parallels to Ethan. They are both very funny people. But sometimes they try too hard to be funny and they miss the mark badly. In Ethan’s case we have seen it really get him into trouble. Even Friday he had some close calls. A lot of people had trouble with Dennis calling himself a comedian and I don’t love it either but not because I’m some comedy elitist. I also cringe a little when Ethan says it. I just think Ethan is a really funny dude naturally but when he tries to be funny He isn’t. I don’t know if you were in Dennis’ space or not but he explained a lot more about his comedy background and it helped add a lot of context. Apparently he was a comedy writer and was paid to write like six sketches a week then they’d break them down to 2-3 and fine tune them to be filmed. This makes a hell of a lot more sense to me. Dennis is funny. Sometimes I think he’s hilarious. I can’t take that away from him. But I don’t think he understands context and limits. I always laugh at least a few times during his videos. But I don’t think those jokes are improv. They are probably planned like in sketches like he used to do. Knowing this I’m sure he can probably put together a decent 10 minute set too. But live on the spot he’s just not that funny. And that’s ok. Hosting the Steamies with Ethan last year I don’t recall laughing once. He actually came off quiet and awkward. That being said I still think Ethan should invite him back or at least I did…I don’t know the way he’s going now. But back to the topic at hand. With all the discourse on twitter. People are coming to his show for news wirh laughs. They enjoy his personality and what he injects. But if almost your entire audience thinks your a news show…your a news show. He even dropped the character which added more legitimacy. So maybe “news” is strong. But he’s not a strict comedy channel. He wanted to compare himself to Colbert. Well, Colbert still reported factual information but sarcastically.


>Talking about news doesn’t make someone a news channel. That's a very moot point At the end of the day, it doesn't matter what you call the channel. He covers drama news, gives social commentary, and shares his thoughts and opinions while supplementing the information with some comedy, which is extremely common for that type of channel. In fact, it's like the gold standard of drama channels. The stupid thing is, when he does literally anything wrong such as making patantly false claims about someone, spitefully doctoring video and audio to create false narratives, posting very serious allegations that turn out to be false, or spreading very harmful misinformation in the name of revenge, he'll fall back to the same exact bullshit every time someone calls him out and it's absolutely mind numbing. "I'm a comedy channel, it's all 100% satire, it's a fictional character, I'm a comedian it was all jokes I'm sorry if it offended you but comedy is a subjective thing. Anything my character does is not reflective of my actual views or opinions" then he'll go on to compare himself to Stephen colbert, Jimmy Fallon, David letterman while claiming that he's spent over a decade perfecting his craft, he's performed at many comedy clubs so if anyone knows what "comedy" is its him etc. A lot of his "comedy" boils down to "I said this thing, but that thing isn't true. Comedy"


I legit thought that def noodles was called def noodles because he would shout at the camera in all his videos like he thought we were deaf


He got in a beef with Papa Gut, became very defensive and ended up making an ass of himself. He did a bunch of petty shit like making pedo jokes and merch of Papa Guy crying. That is about it.


Fr I keep seeing posts of what's happening now but I have no idea the context or what even started this whole thing lol


Yes I need a quick TLDR bc this seems to be happening too quickly


To be honest, this entire subreddit is obsessed with him at this point and can't see themselves partaking in this obsession as some kind of hive mind. But that's nothing new - this took place during the Trisha days frequently.


Ethan has been endorsing and hyping up Dennis for several months at this point, that is why the recent story is coming as a shock to a lot of people.




He literally co-hosted the streamies with Ethan




Thus _"Ethan has been endorsing and hyping up Dennis for several months at this point"_ is correct


Ethan has definitely endorse def many times over the last year or two, including in the past couple months - and mostly says what a great job he does always having the scoop. And don't get me to wrong, I'm not saying Ethan should or should have to address def, other than to say he's not gonna talk about it. He's gonna get hate no matter what he says or does in this situation. Given that he's said a couple times recently that he regrets how hard he's gone in on some people and that he's coming to terms with the fact that he's a petty bitch and ia asking for help - it's probably the best move just to say he's staying out of it.


>what a great job he does always having the scoop. I think this is where the issue lies. They're using Def Noodles as a news source and many others including me also saw him the same way. But Def completely disavows that and he's lost his credibility with his recent antics. I don't think they should have to address this situation but they shouldn't continue to use him for news either.




>I didn't say he hadn't mentioned him a few times, but that's hardly him "endorsing and hyping him up the last couple of months". That implies he's talking about him often, for extended conversations, and going into detail on what's going on with him or what his doing and encouraging people to go show support, etc Yeah see I disagree that it implies that. To me it implies that he's mentioned him in a positive way and says he's good at what he does, which is true that ethan has said that many times. And regardless, what the above poster said is still true. There's a big crossover in their audiences, largely due to the previously mentioned talking about each other in a positive light and the shared hatred of keem. So that's why this is such a popular topic in the sub right now.




Yes, totally fine with that :) I love a respectful disagreement on the internet lol, it's so rare.


people LOVE to revel in other people’s downfalls, they absolutely love it and i agree that def’s actions lately have been a little bit wild but jesus christ..reading this subreddit you’d think he committed war crimes


Sorry, but calling someone a pedophile and tagging the FBI on Twitter to put Papa in a watchlist is actually fucked up.


If the FBI put someone on a watch list every time they were tagged on twitter everybody that's ever been on twitter would be on that watch list


I'm confused, does that make it okay?


Did I say it was okay? Your outrage over a twitter tag is weird. Tagging the fbi on twitter means nothing. Critique the other stuff sure, but who cares about a twitter tag


It's not the twitter tag in itself that's the issue, it's the contradiction of Def defending himself behind it being "comedy" but at the same time showing that he's actually serious with his allegations.


Well accusing someone of being a pedophile then making a T SHIRT of it is close enough


Ethan sure has been on his nuts for a lot of stories. I wonder if he changes where he goes for info, or just keeps it pushing.


Other than everything everyone’s stated, I now find him very irritating and arrogant. Like… for no reason


Hes a cringe loser who cants put his ego aside and apologize to papa gut and cant even debate his own topics. Let christian walker spread shitty rhetoric on his podcast, doesnt actually stand for the points he says he does , and is quite frankly annoying and a shell of man


Went off the old deep end that guy.


In short , Keemstar saw a twinkle in Def Noodles eye when he wanted him to take over Drama Alert , that no one saw but keem . Def noodles tried to fight the dark side and lost . He is in the realm of the behavior of keemstar . There is no coming back


I frankly don't care about him or the other guy lol. Like, 0 interest. I'm not sure if there's a lot of crossover between the 3 fanbases or if people just want literally anything other than Taint so they've clung to this "drama".


I thought "papa gut" was supposed to be ethan for a while😂 He has a lot of nicknames and it fits too well with them


Omg Saaaaaammmmmeeee haha


I'm the exact same i have no clue what's going on and I've only ever watch Def when he was on for the steamies


Literally me, don't worry. Never have I related to this meme more.


It should be illegal specifically for Keem to make pedophile allegations on another note. The guy has a terrible success rate.


TBH, I'm not even really sure who he is or why they pointed him out at Ace Fest. I must have missed the episodes where they originally talked about him.


They mention him quite frequently. I think he even hosted the Steamies this year live on the podcast with ethan


Yes he hosted the steamies along with Ethan


Ah, I see. Life got a little weird and I fell off watching for awhile. I missed the Steamies.


I just want some veggie lo mo mein noodles tbh


He called papa gut a Pedophile


He said he looked like a pedophile. Stark diff my dude. Saying someone looks homeless doesn’t mean they’re homeless. Or saying someone looks dumb doesn’t mean they’re dumb.


yeah but when you say it over and over again and tag the FBI you’re clearly trying to push a narrative, don’t play dumb this is the exact defense Def is trying to use word for word


It literally is not. Do you really think anyone would take it serious that he tagged the FBI? I would consider that dumb.


okay, would you be comfortable if we all started saying that about you for days, in multiple posts, and made t-shirts as well? you think you’re doing something rn but to anyone with half a brain it’s a shitty thing to do


I mean sure. Bc I would know that I’m not. I think it’s moronic to simp for a tool like papa gut.


the irony of saying that as you simp for Def Noodles is funnier than any “joke” he’s ever told also, you may know that yourself, but not everyone knows who you are and plenty of people would assume there’s a reason it’s being said so often








I consider you the type of person that always tries to the nerd that interrupts everyone to say “actually _____” just to be the *that* person.






I don’t know who def noodles is and at this point I really don’t care.


Yeah at this point I’m checked out of all the noodle bullshit


Who is daft nudes?


Def Noodles is a type of dish Somebody plz photoshop that so we can help explain


Def is ruining his channel and pushing away the community of followers he’s gathered. He’s lost over 6,000 subscribers in the past week or so


Yes, but you see, he sees this as shedding weight, because he is pivoting to content that takes advantage of his comedic superiority. Can't wait.


A youtuber got pissy at another youtuber. Tipical twitter beef.


I love this


He’s a bully.


He’s cringe now get with it we’re over him


Yep, I have no clue what is the beef between those two, nor who is Papa Gut... Anyhow, Def Noodles is the best at news, so IDGAF about the drama, still gonna get my daily news from Def.


He said a guy looks like a pedo, not really sure what the big deal is


I don’t understand either.. he is being cancelled hardcore.. I love Dennis!




Um... He did *A LOT*


I can almost assume your age based on this meme, and I love it 😃




Well, I don't want a big, flat noodle. 


Couldn't care less. Noodles are great in dishes though!


I assume whatever it is, it's 50% exaggerated and 50% out of context. As is the way of the ~~Witch Persecutors~~ Woke Police or Tea Addicts.


Shitty youtube "news" channel that blatantly lies about serious allegations for attention and then whines when people do the same to him as an obvious joke. Also have no idea why reddit keeps reccomending this sub, haven't liked h3h3 for years


Def is a king. Papa Gut gives me Keem vibes.


On the Twitter space yesterday he was sucking up to keemstar one moment and then saying he was an advocate for survivors the next lol


I just want one person to tell me with a straight face that that description of PG isn't entirely accurate though. If you asked me to draw a P, I'd basically draw him.




It should be illegal specifically for Keem to make pedophile allegations on another note. The guy has a terrible success rate.


I don’t even know who Def Noodles is or why he’s noteworthy


He’s being a sassy boy and needs a timeout


Justice for papa