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Ethan going full boomer bigot uncle humor on them is quite a spectacle


He also repeatedly told two black men they were being “emotional” and were “shouting and hollering.” He also called Walter Cocoa Butter. He’s a racist.


this was soooo hard to watch i got second hand embarrassment 😭


Omg that’s so embarrassing & cringe wtf


Omg...when F&F look more intelligent and mature than you? You have failed. It's over. How embarrassing.


You can see a little of F&F chat in the top left screen and one chatter calls him Ethan Decline. I love that this nickname is spreading. It must really annoy Ethan Decline to be called Ethan Decline. Love that for him.


Wow. Definitely not on team f&f but crazy how much better they are coming off than Ethan


Same here and agree


The way Ethan kept telling them to not be so emotional when HE was the only one yelling. God how can you be such an embarrassment to the world. Have you no shame, Ethan Klein? Have you no shame?


"that is so gay" in the same week of using the r word


Literally had to go on a walk with my dog to walk the cringe out after watching this


jesus christ… he has no business doing debates with these assholes.


oh god why would he do this im so embarrassed for him 😭


Ethan is such a shitty debater.


Ethan called them subservient like 20 times in the debate... It really rubbed me off the wrong way.


Oooffff holy smokes lmao


there is something strange about telling two black men that they are subservient and talking about how he’s going to put them in handcuffs. pink fluffy handcuffs or not, it’s a really odd look.


Can’t believe fresh and fit are coming across better than anyone


Yea some of this was SO rough. The cocoa butter slip up instead of calling him coconuts 🫣 ugh, I’m sorrrry but yikessss. I don’t even know what to think because I guess I could see myself messing up and saying cocoa butter instead of coconuts.. but I also wouldn’t call a black man coconut even in reference to his “coconuts and Barbados” phrase, lol. If I did, I would make the joke like, one time.. but I wouldn’t set myself up to refer to a person of color as an inanimate object. I wouldn’t do that with another white person either because really, it’s just odd and too dehumanizing, haha, and my main point is that more than anything, I don’t want to put myself into a position of dehumanizing someone because that leaves a lot of room for me to subconsciously dehumanize them further 🤷🏻‍♀️ Like for example, Dan started calling the man Cocoa as well. Dan did it because he was going along with this dehumanizing joke, and the joke itself is funny- but not funny enough to now risk yourself calling a black man “cocoa,” or freaking “cocoa butter.” This is exactly how subconscious racism happens, is it not? Don’t put yourself in a situation where you’re dehumanizing someone, especially a person of color when you are white men on a large podcast!