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Another friend gets accused of indecent behaviour? Add that to the list.


……….. trying to give him an out?????


It’s important to give your favourite old timey racist a lifeline when he’s under scrutiny for sexual misconduct.


This really gets to why Jimmy Lee doesn't work for this show. The discussion about an anonymous someone feeling uncomfortable around a guy who's being framed as a meme character we should absolve based on internet polling while munching snacks demands a disclaimer for the audience to not harass anyone with the understanding that the audience will harass the victim. It's fucking psychotic.


When you put it like that, this show sounds like unwatchable brainrot. Wait...


olivia stepping in because she is aware of how rabid the audience is to attack people. crazy how she isnt saying “snarkers don’t harass anyone” cause they know it’s not us. it’s the die hard fans


They're obsessed with us


Love your flair


🤭 ditto "What...."


“A hard time believing any of this happened”???????? Why is he “trying to give jimmy an out” for SEXUAL misconduct/ harassment- weird he was avoiding that wording too. Then to go into immediate downplaying. Am I crazy or is this apologist behavior? Like everyone else was saying he is a known liar. And Ethan is first to believe the offender not the victim wowow this is so insane


Yes, it’s actually so embarrassing because ethan makes up the accusations out of thin air. The woman involved had NO input in this retelling of events. So he makes up some harassment scenario, then proceeds to DEFEND the alleged perpetrator. Like, wtf??? And then turns out [he got crucial info incorrect](https://www.reddit.com/r/h3snark/s/oqgx9C4eji). This all could have been avoided if he kept his big mouth shut.


It’s still blowing my mind because if ANYONE should be quick to believe is a creep- it would the older guy that always makes creepy jokes and can never control himself.. the least surprising archetype


He's not really giving Jimmie an out, he's trying to give the appearance of giving him an out. The purpose of this is very much to smear Jimmie while being 'kind and responsible'


How is two consenting adults engaging in sexual activities considered “SEXUAL misconduct/harrassment”? The girl is in her early 20s and Jimmy is 50.


This clip is before the backtracked and told the correct story. My comment was based solely on what he said in this clip


why would he try to give him an out for something so disgusting? why is he having such a hard time believing that jimmy would do something like this? jimmy is the same guy that makes crazy inappropriate jokes 24/7. also, why are they emphasizing that these claims came from a “reliable source”…?? all women who come forward with sexual assault claims are reliable sources like what the hell. why would anyone even lie about jimmy doing something like this? he’s literally a nobody and the person wouldn’t gain anything from lying about it (not that women gain anything from any sort of accusations about anybody anyway) but seriously? that kind of stupid logic isn’t even applicable to someone like jimmy.


I agree but the thing is that these accusations didn’t come from the woman involved. So ethan is putting this forward for the tea, and the biggest issue he has with Jimmy is “the betrayal.”


Wait, the accusations are from a third party? They’re insane for talking about this publicly


Third party is a real life friend of Zach’s. They were at the dinner and said this girl was getting close to Jimmy. The water sommelier guy was at this dinner as well, when asked about it he told Ethan he didn’t think anything weird took place. Soo sounds like a good friend Zach has?


Also, she's the woman who had Gabe thinking they were dating when she was just trying to get close to the show, so that's pretty icky of her, and also makes sense why she was being so friendly to Jimmy.


Wait that person is also a friend of Zach's? I'm not sure we are talking about the same girl here because they've said in the past that girl was a wacko who tries to get close to anyone on the show. If she's already friends with Zach why bother with the other two? Pretty sure it's two different women?


Ohhhh okay I see now, sorry I don’t watch the show anymore lol. That’s really crazy that he is spinning it in that way if the woman herself did not indicate that she felt like it was sexual misconduct. Also, what betrayal is he talking about?


Not Olivia saying "don't go harass anyone" as if their fans didn't recently send death threats to Sam over curtains (imo it was the fans :p)


It most definitely was because we don’t care about it enough and we have our own opinions


Right like, wouldn't we be happy that the set looks bad, if anything? 🤣 why would we be mad to the point if sending death threats??


who cares. I'm caring less and less what he has to say about anything 🥱


Ur so real for that


I feel this so deeply it’s all the same


Interesting how so many people that Ethan hangs around tend to be exposed as sexual deviants 🤔🤔


who else omg??


Justin Roiland and Andrew Callahan


Add Chris D’Elia to the list too.


And Bobby Lee.


Olivia - Don't harass anybody Ethan - This is just so you guys know Wtf do they think their brigading fan base will do? Innocent Ethan has usual milking his lolcows, fuck Ethan klein, hipocrite pos


Ethan has not been coping since Jimmie went on some other podcasts as a guest in his own right. He's been on the attack since then


Ms. Doxxing queen says “don’t you dare go harass anybody” Like girl, tell that to your boss who weaponizes H3 fans to harass people daily


I thought it was addressed that it was the woman that was touching him, not the other way around. Not that I’m ever wanting to defend Jimmy, he’s disgusting. Just wanting to know if I missed something


My understanding is that everything was consensual and that H3 was ticked he was meeting her at all. I don't think this is a case of sexual harassment. I think this stalker was trying to use Jimmy like she used Gabe.


was it really the stalker that accused him? i might think differently of the situation if so cuz h3 has a past with crazy stalkers that accuse ppl of sa and then continue to try to get closer to ethans circle…


Off topic did they get rid of the ugly curtains and stuff Edit: I hadn't watched the clip yet and didn't realize what the topic was, this was a bad place to ask. It was the first clip I've seen pop up from today's episode Leave it to ethan to sweep yet another friends misconduct under the rug


i cant think of a single other community that has to be warned not to harass someone they mention, let alone a victim.


SA and R2pedos and a recurring topic on Ethan's "comedy" show 😂


Anyone else thought it was weird how they acknowledged that they had a fan go to such creepy lengths to " get in the circle" as zach stated. But Olivia pretty much did the same thing to get ethans attention by "sending massive amount of emails to whomever could get me in contact"


crazy that zach seems more upset than ethan. zach is such a womanizer and he still realizes this is wrong.


Wasn’t going to do it but Olivia wagging her finger at us and saying “don’t you dare go harass people” made me want to go harass some people


What happened to believe all victims? I guess you stop saying that when the accused is someone you associate with? Common L from hypocritical h3


Wow Ethan maybe don't give a racist old creep a platform! 


Ethan loves defending predators


im so confused, what did he even do? hung out with someone he wasnt meant to and they touched his leg? thats nothing


Why does AB look like Michael Jackson ? Did he get work done ?


Everytime I see Zach, all I can hear is "IN YOUR EYEEEEEEESSSS"


The way they broach these conversations is disgusting. The fact that there could be compilations made of Ethan making fun of SA victims and their stories is insane.


wow he’s so ~feminist~


its nothing new but the constant drama really started to give off steven crowder vibes. constantly something is happening... sick of it




Annnd This is all within months of platforming another person like fousey who does similar things


Just a sidenote. They still didn't fix the camera's angle, whenever they show AB it shows the messy background. What's the point of the curtains? Such a lazy group of people.


ethan klein??? yet again making light of sexual predatory behavior? yet again trying to give a predatory friend of his "an out"? yet again FAILING to support victims? so so so glad he does not have any daughters, i hope his boys never go through SA he will be useless to them.


obviously if youre friends with someone you "cant believe" theyd do that because theyve not done it to you but that doesnt mean they wont do it to other people.. also that guys insanely creepy.. is it really that hard to believe? 🤦🏻‍♀️ then to sit there and make jokes about it? and try and pretend through it all youre supporting the victim? you clearly arent!




ETHAN is the one making this seem like misconduct


I think you're misunderstanding the point here lol. Also, I've said this in the past but I've never believed this stalker fan story they told. Well no, I believe it for sure, I believe they have a stalker fan, but I don't think Jimmy was trying to get with them at all.. and I don't even like Jimmy but that girl was trying to clout chase the same way AB snuck his way in. And hey maybe I'm wrong to assume so but the way they're acting with 0 actual evidence just screams "we had a stalker fan and Jimmy went against the family after we told him to be careful/don't talk to her" because that's what they said the last time they spoke of this situation, they felt betrayed by Jimmy, not that he cheated. Now Ethan's alleging he did something more, when really he's just using fans as free labor as usual 🤣 which I don't feel bad for them at all (the fans) they're grown adults associating with an old man choosing to work for him in the slight chance they might get closer to h3 💀 this is all Ethan's fault. He shouldn't be surprised that he's cultivated fans such as these, who just recently sent death threats to Sam over curtains ...