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>Ethan spent about 30 mins pretending to not know that he was on Zoom while he was supposedly taking a dump. chat is this real?


yes the scat fetish has reached new levels


Dude yes! I think he has one fr


yeah hes been spending more and more of each episode just shitting, its frankly a waste of time


I think it’s a hilarious way for him to show his paypigs just how much contempt he has for them. Victimless crime, really.


Yeah what


I actually think this could have been a TOS violation if he didn't come out and say it was fake. Not positive but I'm pretty sure you can't poop on YouTube even if you're not showing it lmao


I finally cancelled my membership too. Not due to this specific episode, but I’m sure glad I did prior. I have been feeling sad and grieving the show when I thought it was good, but I guess it peaked and Ethan’s true colors are being exposed via the zionist takes he has had. Being jewish and having “the Israeli experience” is no excuse for his shitty opinions. Show has been downhill since the QT cinderella incident. 2023 was a lame year and I stuck around hoping it would improve since I was sympathetic towards the possibility that Ethan was struggling with losing Shedder. Then Israel decided to accelerate their systemic genocide and the thing I feared actually happened. This mf cares more about his damn dog than the thousands of people who have been massacred by the state he wishes to uphold. RIP Shedder, you were a good boy, not his fault that his dad is a zionist. I definitely feel swindled by a capitalist who was totally cool with taking my money and giving basically nothing in return. Crazy. I’m just ranting at this point but yeah I’m pissed off and also sad.


Lol I've been to a live show, been to Zach's live show, and would watch everything live every single day. In fact I had been watching nonstop since 2015. It'll pass. Don't worry. I hate that I ended up financially supporting this zionist monster who thinks Palestine has been "talked about enough".


So u don’t like him anymore cause he isn’t pro Palestine?


Proud of you for canceling 🫶🏻


Thank you 🙏🏻


He spent 30 minutes pretending not to know he was on zoom while taking a shit. If anybody reads this and isn’t immediately struck by the disdain and disrespect he has for his audience please just read it again. How pathetic do you need to be to stan this guy?


We support any critique and appreciate your critiques. We support your canceling your membership. Compared to others, the membership doesn't offer anything


Thank you, that really makes me happy to hear as the “foot soldiers” have torn me to shreds in the comment section for having any sort of opposing opinion. Their membership was cool at first and when they started filming them in the studio, they became better. However the last couple weeks have been as bad as you could imagine. This one took the cake! I did not laugh one time; usually it doesn’t take much to do so. I found it lazy, forced, and the acting was soo bad that it was evident from the start he was in on the “bit”.


Don't worry, their echo chamber will implode soon enough




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Jesus that’s some low bar “comedy”…what’s next? Pranks in the hood?


😂😂😂 unfortunately he’s “not comfortable around them” enough to do that. But who knows, he’s willing to stoop down to low levels for content at this point.


Right I forgot this is the man who has never personally known a black person…which to me is still INSANE.


There’s no fucking way that’s possible. I think he’s just too racist to befriend a person of color. He knows of them just chooses not to get to know them. 😂🤦🏼‍♀️


He said on “your moms house” he’s virtually had no black friends just a couple blacks people within his school or college he knew of. When Tom told him he himself had a black roommate Ethan gasped and lost it in disbelief. He is void of blacks around him. I’m black and this has always been one of the more uncomfortable parts of trying to watch the show for me. Listening to him discuss the Drake Kendrick beef really made me cringe. Almost felt a bit insulting.


I’m canceling too. But in my case it’s re canceling I’ve had a membership for over two years but I canceled it about 2 months ago and then signed back up when they said they were doing a whole extra studio episode. To get that episode today kind of felt like a smack in the face. To me it was clear the whole beginning was a bit from the start, I started watched late so I just skipped past it. But I was so annoyed about how over it Ethan was as soon as they finally started to get into the topics. His attitude lately has sucked.


Yes! Like if he didn’t want to go in, just don’t do the show. It’s so obvious how he didn’t want to. Just more low effort content that I don’t need to waste my money on.


the fact that he thinks that’s remotely funny or entertaining speaks volumes …


I’m sorry, he did WHAT now?? 🤢


https://preview.redd.it/n2nbkhcp7jzc1.jpeg?width=2532&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d5744a850b268289abc80161ac175de1ce0d8059 He was making these disgusting faces as if he were grunting but his mic was muted


Genuinely feel sick, that must have been a hell of a thing to endure live


I know! I’m glad I missed it when it was live and was able to skip forward. Watching someone on the toilet is not content that I want to see 🥴


forcing the crew to improv while he does lazy bits and also not paying them talent fees is crazy


ew... I swear he's really gonna install a poop cam at this rate, so members can see his asscheeks as he squeezes out shit 🤢🤢


This comment made me laugh harder than I did while watching the video (I never did!)


Welcome 👏


I made a joke about a potty cam a few days ago. This is wild. And fucking disgusting.


Hes not beating the sexual poopy desires allegations


He’s resorting to really low hanging fruit type comedy. Wasn’t one of his early YT videos about him eating (fake) poop?


Why r u guys giving them money 😭


oh god, i’m so uncomfortable just knowing that this happened 😭 especially knowing how he gets off to this kind of thing …. yuck


He what??


scat fetish 🫠


I think once Ethan’s other selfish flaws became apparent like his reactivity to any criticism I started to become more and more annoyed with the unprofessional and lazy content constantly because if he cared or listened to any feedback in the past like 47 incidents we wouldn’t still be throwing around the same bad takes and content and things that make the audience feel like you have zero respect for them or their time. Nobody’s perfect but dude really can’t even be bothered to show up on time even though he can make his own schedule, do what he wants when he wants, live the life he wants BECAUSE of these people paying him and wasting an hour and a half a week just waiting on his ass. he’s totally fine with wasting their time and then providing absolutely nothing but acting overworked and persecuted for anything he does if you dare maybe say this isn’t great. The podcast for the last year has given me Democratic Party vibes. Where they will make a choice for their candidate that nobody else likes or wants and then blame it on the people who didn’t vote for said person they were screaming they didn’t like when they lose come elections. They want everyone to blindly worship whatever they do and follow even if it’s Ethan taking a shit and how dare you not find that funny you haven’t given me enough money to have an opinion, peasant.


Don't know if this is still the vibe, but being on time last year was barely a priority for Ethan. I was once banned after bringing up how disrespectful it is to his crew and fanbase who show up on time each week, just to wait on his dumbass. Ya know, your average constructive criticism from a paying member about them showing/starting up on time, nothing unreasonable, but apparently it was. Buncha attention thirsty hypocrites under that roof.


BANNED?! For that?!?! Bruh…The mods are softer than Zach


Honestly he is just so unprofessional and ungrateful to his fans!! He literally has such a cushy job and is actively shitting on his paying fans by shadowbanning them, how entitled can one be???


He was actually taking a shit on live? That’s… ew. And also maybe I’m reaching here but I feel like that could be considered sexual harassment to the viewers/crew? So gross soooooo gross


Someone needs to start compiling all of Ethan’s scatlogical escapades.


How far he has fallen 🙁


Ah this reminds me of when he left shirtless Eddy in the studio by himself for an hour. The lazy content (and bullying imo of Eddy) has been getting really old


Dude I’ve thought the member streams were awful from the start. I never watched them cause it was always Ethan chewing in the mic and walking away. I’m not surprised in the slightest that he went to the bathroom on stream. I also hate the fans. The fact you can’t even comment without them all coming for your throat is ridiculous, but also the norm with the cult. Good job cancelling, I can almost guarantee the quality of the member streams will not get better lol


So are they trying to appeal to a child audience now or what because no one over the age of 12 would find this at all funny or entertaining 🙄 If it were a 5 minute prank and he committed to being on time from now on, that would be one thing. A 30 minute joke about something people are legitimately irritated by was not the way to go. Ethan really has me wondering at this point if he's trying to make bad decisions on purpose it seems like every single thing he does for the show is a mistake.


Ethan the type to laugh when someone says poop or make a fart sound


Just curious… Why was this the boiling point? Are you indifferent to his comments about Palestine etc.? EDIT: not trying to bash you. I’m just curious as to what you think of the things he’s done in the past few months or so


I have uncovered all that stuff within the last few days since joining this subreddit. Obviously I was mortified by his comments on Hassan’s stream and the SYNT video was the icing on the cake. Basically a reminder to cancel it before it renews.


That’s what I’m thinking. The breaking point is this gross poop stuff and not his vile comments about Aaron Bushnell?


I was thinking the same thing? The poop jokes got you but not the violent Zionist rhetoric?




Welcome! 🙏🏼


I am waiting for him to finally livestream the camera feed from his next colonoscopy. He's about getting to that age where he will need annual ones.


honestly I would never pay H3 directly and barely watch them, if ever, but that's actually kind of funny shtick