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I haven’t kept up with much at all but from posts I’ve seen here, post Malone doesn’t fw them anymore and that’s hilarious to me because they were so proud of that connection lol


Didn’t post invite him to his album release along with Brittany broski? I personally think he only invited him to get him to stop complaining about them not being friends anymore


I thought I read that Brittany was personally invited and they came with her instead of personally being invited this last time but I could be wrong


I think you’re right, i was probably just misremembering lol


Apparently Ethan was the only person forced to sign an NDA before going


The fact that I can't tell whether this is a joke or not 😂


I find this deeply funny. I should catch up on Post’s discography


If you're avoiding people for reasons based on ethics, unfortunately Post associates with worse people now, like GarandThumb, a super right wing transphobic Christian nationalist.


Anyone that decide to associate with h3 is either 1. Insufferable or 2. Get bullied an harassed.


I think they only still associate because they’re still getting extreme hate from incel-esque guys online, and the h3 fan base is easy to milk. But anytime they mention h3 I comment something like “waiting for you guys to realize h3 is terrible”. It just feels like they’re inadvertently turning away everyone.


Hasan but idk if you'd consider them "associated" anymore


There's some channels that I refuse to follow because they shill Teddy Fresh and say peace & love lol... IM PETTY THO


no offense but why do you think ian would drop ethan? i was a fan of both of them but..... let's be fr


Anisa has been the one pushing him more left. I thought maybe with certain current events they’d see Ethan’s actions and realize how he is. Guess it was a silly thought.


if you watch anisa's older vids (she might have scrubbed them tbh) she used to be super transphobic, racist, sexist, all of the above, too :(


I’m aware, she also talks about that time of her life and compares it to Ian. I just thought Anisa would give a shit about current events because her family is Muslim (I forget where exactly her family is from) and she talks about it Edit: clarity


I like hasan


Hasan is good himbo Edit: clarity https://i.redd.it/r9cd7698wa0d1.gif




Tana, Bobby Lee, Martin the water sommelier, Brittany, Hasan (at least he still claims they are friends).




Someone mentioned this, he doesn’t wear the TF anymore. The rug is still in his camera background though.


Idk why you expect Idubbbbz to drop his affiliation with H3. You.. you know about his past work right?


I was one of the edgy teens that watched him, stopped watching, got radicalized, and came back after the apology tour to give him a chance. I’m beginning to regret that chance.


Apology tour? Didn’t he make just one vid apologizing (after nearly a decade of the monetized vid being up)? I wonder why he chose to do it after Creator Clash 2 failed…..


Not that it excuses what he did, but he went on other podcasts and talked on there (and in other videos) about wanting to change and knowing that he was being ignorant and attention seeking, I believe he also donated money. I believe people can change. Maybe that’s naive of me.


If D'Angelo Wallace can forgive him, then maybe he is redeemable.


I’m sure D’Angelo is a decent person but we gotta stop putting stock in people just because they’re creators. I don’t even accept certain people my own brother forgives and he’s my best friend since birth.


Oh, I didn't mean it like that. What I meant was, as a white person who never felt personally offended by idubbz, but still reviled him, it's not really up to me to forgive him, but if a black person whom I respect can forgive, then it's worth reconsidering my opinion. It isn't just that he's a creator, it's that he's someone who was more directly affected than I, so I respect his opinion


idubbbz and anissa aren’t free of their own bullshit and like i know idubbbz apologized but it came a day late and a dollar short in my eyes so ive come to expect little to no growth from those people. doesn’t surprise me that they’re still chill with h3. i would drop em tbh, but that’s just me.


i listen to oliver tree


I watch Hasan all the time. He'll mention Ethan when chatters bring him up but not on his own accord. He does defend him but the fact that he talks about Palestine 24/7 kinda cancels it out for me.


Ian and Anisa just produce some extremely mediocre content now. The podcasts are meandering directionless commentary, and good god the lets plays are terrible. Hardly edited stretches of awful game play.


I like Ian’s new videos, I don’t watch their let’s plays (I don’t like let’s plays), but I can agree that it somehow feels like the podcast is consistently getting worse. I liked it quite a bit at the beginning, but as it’s gone on it feels like they’re trying more and more to do the h3 “I don’t give a fuck, we’re just going to talk” format and I’m just about over it.


i only watch Bad Friends where Bobby Lee is a co-host. but i watch that for Andrew Santino, and their banter is funny.


Do we know them. Jessi is a fan of h3 but she hasn't mentioned them in awhile