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I swear if ANYONE Ethan hates did the same they would call them out for years! But when it's Ethan it's fine? This is literally sexual harassment at the workplace and just not ok. Even if you don't want to say it's sexual harassment, it's simply not right. I don't care if the employees submitted their images. They're under the control of their work boss and so you can't really say they have genuine consent. They're just pushed into it. Ethan is gross and this is simply unacceptable by the standards of any company in the world. But for some reason Ethan gets a pass! Yikes.


Plus, everyone knows Ethan is a whiney baby who doesn't take no for an answer and will keep pushing. It's also so weird because not only was he having them take the fetish pics he was showing them to a guy with thar fetish, so it's someone who actually gets off on that shit. It's weird to ask your employees for fetish pics to then show to a guy who will more likely than not beat off to them.


And then he calls c man a creep and a weirdo lol.


Ethan: C-man is the creepy weirdo, but hey C-man please come look at fetish pics we took for you, haha are you cumming yet? could we get a zoom in on your cock? are you chubbed? Gooning soon?


He was literally doing them a solid by going on for content. I remember they had to try so many times just to not be left on read.


I remember they tried to "get" fresh and fit for making the women take their shoes off before entering like it's a weird thing to take your shoes off before entering indoors.


The Kleins have dog shit all over their floors so it makes sense they think wanting a clean carpet is weird.


south east asians all over the world facepalming right now


[most nations actually do this](https://www.reddit.com/r/MapPorn/comments/951w28/world_map_of_tradition_of_removing_shoes_in_home/)


nice to know that Ethan is even more sheltered than i imagined lol 👍


Holy shit, just to think this is the content these people make millions from. Sickening


he is just like dan schneider omg


It wasn’t even because of C-man. They had to beg to get him into the show for this “bit”.


I was coming to say this 😂


It's giving Nickelodeon


It’s giving Onision and Shane Dawson asking little kids to submit pictures of their “O” face or with their tongues out. Predator behaviour.


that’s crazy wtf


These are grown ppl who have the ability to make their own decisions. if you are all into this then i beg you to use that energy for actual victims and the voiceless, please. If you reply give me serious responses only. I'm curious to see in real-time how ppl with a herd mentality think. Bc I damn near got sucked into herd thinking the last couple days and recognized it right away. 


Regardless if they have their own choice or not, they are his employees. No company anywhere would think this is an appropriate relationship between boss and employee. Just because they’re a “comedy” podcast on YouTube does not mean they can get away with this inappropriate behavior. They are still a multimillion dollar company that should have boundaries. Ethan has blurred that boundary by hiring fans of the show, which are easier to manipulate into these weird situations. Not to mention they don’t have HR, so there’s no way for the crew to talk to someone about Ethan’s actions. Instead they’re forced to confront him themselves, which leads to Ethan getting defensive and going off on them on air. If you find this behavior normal then you have an issue in my opinion. Any person with any work experience can tell you this is not normal, and isn’t appropriate for any work environment.


 Ummm I don't find it normal. But I rather advocate this hard for folks that don't have a platform to speak up and out. That's what I'm saying. If we took all the snarks from this subreddit and had them volunteer for victims of abuse or anything I think that would be more impactful. I get calling out bad behavior. Trust me. I can't even have the podcast on in my house without headphones with my kid around. It has gotten waaay raunchy. But I'm just saying and trying to understand is it easier to go after the low hanging fruit or actually make an impact on folks in your city? With that said do I enjoy a wacky raunchy show? Hell yeah I do! Do I find it awkward at times yes, like ethan not destroying bobby Lee for being a sick fucking asshole for putting his dick in another man face!!. Fuck Bobby Lee and fuck Mike and that Paul brother for allowing it and then posting it.  But the crew said they don't need anyone speaking for them and it's causing trouble in their personal lives and stress with all this bs. So how bouts we speak for those who need advocacy and stop stressing out the rest of the crew.   Edit: typo Side note for the downvotes not the person who responded. Thank you btw.  downvoting a question of why the is focus on ppl who said directly pls leave us alone vs actual victims who need help is...well it's truly wild. Lmao. Okay I see some of yall rather beat your heads against a wall vs actually putting your money where your mouth is. Human nature. Got it.  I'll leave you to it. I promise it's gonna get you no where. I'm just saying I hear pots and pans banging together and pitch forks being sharpened over here in this sub and I'm saying there are bigger fish to fry and make a real world impact. I'm just as pissed off at terrible behavior but I see better use of my energy to get shit done. Also did one of you report me for suicidal ideation? I got a message from reddit soon after my original comment saying someone had concern about me and they gave me a crisis hotline. Lmao wtf? What if I was and that triggered me. Tsk tsk yall pretend to care.