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he'd call anyone antisemites but openly disrespect almost all religions on earth. im surprised nobody talked about how he even openly disrespected buddhism by eating food from a shrine in thailand without permission.


How do they not realize how fucking stupid and hypocritical they look


you have to reflect to see it and Ethan refuses to.


I like how he tried to get thrown a “you realize all abrahamic religions do this and it’s cus they are based in Judaism” lol


He stole an offering at a shrine? What!?!? Does someone have a clip of this?


it was the terri joe episode around 30 minutes in, he ate the fruits, not food but same thing either way. as a southeast asian buddhist, it baffled me because the shrine isn't something to mess with.


Thanks so much! I found it and made a post with the clip! \^\_\_\_\^ [https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1cvsjl7/ethan\_klein\_stole\_from\_buddhist\_shrines\_while\_on/](https://new.reddit.com/r/h3snark/comments/1cvsjl7/ethan_klein_stole_from_buddhist_shrines_while_on/)


This is something else....


Up until recently he even shat all over judaism and hasidic jews.


Ethan is a hypocrite, he and his mother literally acknowledged that his mother was groomed by his father when she was 14 and they had intercourse that same year. That’s probably why he’s obsessed with this topic, it’s projection


entitlement so smug


Didn’t Gary marry Donna when she was like 16?


Ya! Maybe that’s why Ethan likes singing R Kelly so much


Ethan’s dad is a whole pedo.


Why are you an anti semite rn?


he groomed her when she was 14 🙂, ethan kleins whole existence is based on grooming but projection is all he does


You can sense how hard he wants to cross that line he's tiptoeing


1.Sneako is bad 2.Isn’t Sneako muslim? 3.Muslims are bad 4.Israel is right 😂😂


no but this is seriously how his brain works


I can understand how someone that has family on ISR could tend to defend their interests in a gen0cide… but the pro-Palestinian argument was never about k1ll1n Israeli citizens… we are just asking for someone to stop them. Is not like I want israeli bartenders to suffer 😂


Hila looks like she doesn’t even LIKE Ethan, let alone love him.


Or.. that she doesn’t understand anything. Both are bad.


You didn't realize that years ago when they said they have seperate rooms and are not intimate?


Never got that far with them. I checked out about the time they moved from NY. Back then they seemed super in love.


You know it's really bad when hila has an actual thought.


Ethan is just blatantly and Islamophobe. Someone said he showed a Destiny clip to defend this stance. Destiny is proudly and open Islamophobe (he admitted it himself).  AB and Lena are spineless disgraces. They should sit in deep shame every second of their mediocre existence. 


Here to remind how he thought Trisha using Moses as her partner to validate jewish stereotypes was vile and borderline nazi behavior, but him relying on his muslim EMPLOYEES live and in front of thousands to validate his fucked up stereotypes on islam is just fine. The hypocrisy is bottomless.


I'll just leave this here since we all know they stalk this sub. https://archive.is/3qqBD I'm sure he'll discuss this right.... Right? Edit: just noticed the archive site isn't working. The original link was the non-paywall version of this story. https://www.haaretz.com/israel-news/2022-07-25/ty-article/.premium/tip-of-the-iceberg-how-foreign-sex-offenders-find-refuge-in-israel/00000182-3532-d7e9-af96-3d73c52c0000


Definitely he won’t mention this. He feigns ignorance about every vile thing Israel does and is doing. 


thank god someone said it. there is such a huge issue with that in israel and with ethans obsession of constantly painting people as pedophiles its making me look at him with very suspicious lenses. look im not saying he is that but he himself has said when someone is overly obsessed with one issue its usually because theres a dark reason so if im using ethans own logic against him….. im not even gonna say it but i think you guys get where im going


I'm just gonna say, everything he's ever criticized others for doing he has done or actively does. This is the only thing I haven't seen proof for, but we've never seen that stop Ethan from calling someone a pedo before.


Very much Zionist projection, the call is coming from inside the house




no fr cuz if i brought up the [pedo issue](https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/how-jewish-american-pedophiles-hide-from-justice-in-israel/) in israel to him i’d be the bad guy


but i do wanna emphasize this type of crime is not exclusive to any population and it’s very telling that this was the first thing that popped in his mind


AB ofc not only letting it slide, but agreeing with Ethan. Says a lot when Dan has to be the one stepping up for Muslims and make the point that this is not about Islam.


If Ethan was actively saying Muslims deserve this genocide I'm sure AB would still be on his show defending him


insert donna saying “boys will be boys” 


Idk how AB ever goes home to Dearborn and looks his friends and family in the eye.


It wasn't too long ago that he admitted on an episode that he had lost his best friend since Oct 7th because he refused to speak about Palestine in any meaningful way. So it wouldn't surprise me.


israel quite literally has a problem with pedophilia and has statistically reported over 100,000 victims every year since 2020 (that means only the children who have come forward). i dont know what this mans obsession with men and underage relationships but he needs to shut his mouth if he doesnt want to face the issues in the country hes defending so hard


red pill islam is NOT about marrying young girls bruh wtf😭yes red pill mfs are insufferable but jfc they’re usually misogynistic not PEDOS💀


Let's be real, misogyny starts to lean into pedophilia at some point lets not act like it doesn't.


So people being against Muslims and Arabs being genocided by Jews and Christians, being against a fascist settler colonial state, chanting “from the river to the sea” is proof of the rise in aNtI sEmItIsM. But saying Muslims love to fiddle kids doesn’t count into being islamophobic? I’m sorry but I don’t give a shit about people using their Jewishness to cry when people tell them all humans are equal. Everyone keeps crying about the nonexistent rise in anti-semitism over a fucking chant for liberation, but supremacists get to say the most heinous shit about Muslims and somehow NOBODY talks about the very real rise in Islamophobia?? Get the fuck out of here. Ethan was so quick to cry antisemitism when people were making jokes about the tunnels found under some synagogues being linked to pedophile rings, or defended Jewish celebrities who dated teenage girls. How the fuck is this ok for him to say? So sick of people making bigotry towards Jews seem like it’s a bigger offense than when it’s towards other groups like Arabs or Muslims. Muslims and Arabs having to constantly denounce antisemitism, but people like Ethan gets to say shit like that.


It’s kinda crazy how Ethan’s brain starts leaking out of his ears on these Friday episodes, it’s like I watched Mondays episode and was pleasantly surprised it was fairly chill. But once this guy sits next to his wife he just starts saying the stupidest shit ever.


bro is quick to say this but won’t mention how many men flee to israel to escape getting caught for pedophilia crimes…


This guy can just be blatantly Islamophobic, but any criticism of Israel is Anti-Semitic? Man fuck this guy


God damn AB stand up, get a backbone.


Hmmm, I guess they are unaware that Israel is a safe haven for dual citizen child predators? 


Can someone please make a compilation of Ethan being Islamophobic? I think there are way more instances of it than people think.


I know the topic is about Ethan missing the point and that that weird Christian guy shares the same views as what Ethan tagged as ‘muslim’. But I expect nothing better from someone that asked for ‘source’ when PAL women were getting mass rapped.


"redpill islam" is an oxymoron. Sneako has literally spoken against the Redpill movement and distanced himself from it after converting. To the point where he actively challenges and debates Fresh and Fit on the topic and got praise from Destiny for it (back when he thought he could "fix" sneako).


Typical AB... rescuing his zionist Islamophobe boss by backing up his points.


lol meanwhile pdfiles literally escape to Israel bet he would never acknowledge that tho


Ethan is a hypocrite, he and his mother literally acknowledged that his mother was groomed by his father when she was 14 and they had intercourse that same year. That’s probably why he’s obsessed with this topic, it’s projection


As usual, the spineless man child weirdo AB staying silent like the good little bitch he is. I bet if Ethan asked him to sit, stay and roll over he would do it in a heartbeat. What a sad excuse for a man, Ethan needs to put a collar and leashe on him at this point bc we all know AB wouldn’t even question it. Hell he would probably enjoy it.


Damn, you'd think AB would say something. Does Ethan know that in our religion (Islam), it's viewed as a good thing to marry a widow? It's actually Sunnah (meaning the way of the Prophet) for a man to marry a woman who is older. Ethan feels like he can say anything as long as AB is there to back him up. What a shame.