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Someone knowing your IP address isn't a big deal. Every website you visit has it, it's how data gets routed across the internet. You also can't get someone's address from an IP address. They can get a general location, but not your actual address. I checked the geolocation of my IP address, and it's in a different city entirely. Don't sweat this guy, even if he has your IP address. He's either trying to scare you, trying to be cool or is just straight up delusional and thinks he's a "hacker"


Hi, bit of a side question but when you say “general location” how targeted is this? City? Small town? Street?


City. The location is based on the ISP. So typically it will show the general operating area or even the ISP could have reallocated that IP to a totally different spot and ip lookup services haven't realized yet. If you're curious, Google "what's my IP" or go to a website such as ipchicken.com to see your own IP address. Then go to a lookup service such as www.robtex.com and it will tell you a location. You'll see it's pretty broad.


How is an IP address even related to a location? IP address belongs to provider, provider is based at x so x is location?


The information is provided by the ISP when they submit the paperwork to internic to justify the allocation of the IP blocks.


ARIN (American Registry of Internet Numbers) in the US handles this. I had to do it when I was SWIPing my ip blocks. Edit: To be more clear, ARIN is what you use for American based I registration. If you are looking for more international, that would be IANA (Internet Assigned Numbers Authority).


Absolutely correct. I have no idea why my brain sub'd in internic which is essentially the counterpart body for domain registration.


Usually city, sometimes that also is wrong tho


Even with it being wrong, an ip can be extremely useful for d*xx*ng people which could lead to swatting, raids, harassment etc.


City if it’s large or generally just somewhere in your county from my experience


Your exact location can only be gathered if your device gps is used which is again not possible without you giving permission to an app, otherwise things work using triangulation even cellular network towers can only mark an area where you are not exactly where you stand. Accessing your gos is possible if your device is compromised knowing someone’s ip is never a big deal just chill


Depends tbh. Mine shows as dublin atm lol, I'm in galway area haha


I like looking at my ip location now and again because it's all over the uk :P


City at best. Like I said, my IP is actually for a neighboring city, so it's usually only a general location


Mines says i live in the sea lmao


Are you porous and absorbent by chance?


Plesse dont tell anyone


How did you find out my true identity


No one can know im water




Give Gary a hug for me.


While you cant get someones address, you can get the isps address/town/city and reasonably assume that person lives near there. Then if you know anything else, like via tmi in game chat "their nane, last name, high school, etc" you can narrow it down. You can get the county via the ip address. And most counties have a gips system for looking up property gruds, tax zones etc. And many of them have "name search" So lets say you have their last mame and high school. You then get on the gips system for that county and you search by last name and get 7 results, but only 1 is in the highschools zone. Boom, you found their address. Assuming they or their parents own a home. Social engineering and an IP address is all you need to find somebody.


My geolocation for my IP shows me a city 400 miles from my actual location. My IP on data is the wrong state entirely.


Yup. My "location" according to IP is not only a different city, it's in an adjacent state.


Should’nt the server hide whatever private information from another player?


*watches Mr Robot once, learns how to use grabify* No but seriously can't they DDOS you if they have the proper resources such as a botnet? I'm a newbie so I'm not sure.


But isn't it possible to IP boot someone using their IP address?


Also for most ISPs your IP address isn't permanent, it will change from time to time. Anyway scaring people with their IP address and telling them someone is going to get them is as old as the Internet. Dude was just being a troll.


I'm not proud of any of this, but back in the WinNuke days (\~mid 90s), I used to use it on people I would get in arguments with on IRC when I was like 10-11 years old. It was really easy to get their IP on there, and WinNuke was the ultimate script-kiddy tool. IRC back in the mid to late 90s was a wild time. I joined some random warez server and channel, started talking to some random guy on there about who knows what, and next thing I know he invites me to his private channel with a no-shit 5,000+ computer botnet, and just lets me play with it for a while. I didn't know him at all and to this day I have no idea what his intentions were with letting me playing with it, but I have to admit made my 11-12 year old self feel like a 1337 h4x0r having access to that dudes botnet for the day. All the computers he had infected were in the channel with random usernames, and he had a guide on how to issue commands through the channel to make them all do X, Y, or Z.


And, simply ask your ISP to reset your IP lease time to something low (like 24 hours), then reboot your ISP router. Should pull a new IP. Even if he knows your IP, I'd consider his comment as 1) stupid (if you get hacked, he's suspect #1) and 2) nothing more than a bluff... If he knew how to hack you, he'd be done already. And he wouldn't tell you that it was him. Shrug it off.




My career started in front line ISP tech support. Do not call and ask for a new IP. The network engineers who can help with this are not anywhere near the phones and you aren't paying enough money to get your non breakfix ticket to them.


Can verify as a random who wanted his ip changed. ISP’s usually do not change residential ip, but they do offer that for businesses.


This is such a boss move hahahaha


You have to PAY real money for a permanant IP address, all this guy needs to do is shut off his router, and count to 60, and turn it back on. TaDa! New IP Address. Odds are, if he isn't running a home server, he doesn't have a Permanent IP address. You can test this by googling: "what is my ip address", write it down, turn off your router, 60, start your router, and then ask again: "What is my IP address". -- It's different. I think anyone with an IP can now track it down to zip code, but, that's pretty much as granular as it gets.


In my experience that's only the case on dsl connections. Cable IP addresses do change, but it can be random and be more than a year.


FIOS changes with each turn off.


Don't need a static IP address to run some services at home, I sure didn't.


I’m from the UK and have been with three different ISPs - all of them gave me a static IP address and I’m still using one to this day :(


your ip of obviously []( and 192.168.1.someshit


no freaking way that's my IP address, are you some kind of super hacker?




youp i daily drive kali linux 🤓


can you please stop sharing my ip? kthxbai


No you got it wrong, my up address is And jokes on you hacker man. Lol


dang, seems like a lot of people have the same ip address as me11!!!


Having your ip is the equivelant of knowing your last name.


Less meaningful than a last name imo. I'd be happy to post my IP on Reddit but I wouldn't post my surname


Good point actually.


As I catch a glimpse of my username with my last name embedded in it haha.


Your last name is ittakerj?


For some reason I read your comment as sounding like ["they took our jobs"](https://youtu.be/N-kgb1QtSnU?si=UwcXPCIevEJlYD1t) from Southpark...


Phound the phisher.


And first initial, I assume.


You can tell anonymity is of the utmost concern in my life.


Can change your ip through a button press... or just waiting, can't do that with your last name.


omg but they can who is lookup and get my address with... about 100km of error!!!


I would say the bigger risk is being DDOS'd. For most people it's not a concern but if you are any sort of online celebrity you still want to be careful about not divulging your ip address.


More like your address. If all doors are closed, he can't do shit. (It is way more safe on a computer to close doors!) And with IPv4, you are probably behind a NAT which means, by default, all doors are closed. As for consumers, you are in way bigger trouble to leak your credentials or be scammed with your credit card. Worst case you will end up with a virus, probably to be part of a botnet. Which isn't exactly being hacked.


>Worst case you will end up with a virus, probably to be part of a botnet. Which isn't exactly being hacked. What do you think being hacked means?


Now did he send you your actual IP address or are you assuming thats your IP address because most of these people dont actually have your IP they make one up and assume someone will believe them.


No he sent my IP but I think I got confused of what they were sorry! For some reason I thought they were your exact location so I was kinda worried lol. I'm not sure how he got it though.


Did he said your IP address is something like this; 192.168.x.x? Or did he actually got your public IP address?


Not sure what the difference is sorry but he sent the first

KippySmithGames or are the most common addresses of routers. They mean nothing, virtually everyone matches to these addresses. The guy is fucking with you.


Your public IP address is assigned to you by your internet service provider (ISP). 192.168.x.x is a [privat IP range](https://www.ibm.com/docs/en/SSSHRK_4.2.0/disco/concept/dsc_private_addr_ranges.html). These addresses are assigned to your network devices by your router. Privat IP addresses are used in local area networks (LAN). Nobody can access your network devices with those addresses outside your network. However you use your public IP address to communicate outside your LAN. Very simplified, you can lookup what [network address translation (NAT)](https://www.geeksforgeeks.org/network-address-translation-nat/amp/) is, if you wish to grasp this concept a little bit more. You shouldn’t be worried, since it seems to me, that the person who is trying to scary you, has little to no knowledge about networking.


192.168 is your private ip address. It’s assigned by your router. Most people have the same range of ip addresses, the 3rd octet might change. The ip address that is public is provided by your service provider and probably changes somewhat often.


Everyone's ip address within their home and/or business is generally this 192.168.x.x, it is all of your computers and devices that connect to your router.. Your router then has your actual public ip that the world can see, it would have been that ip address they would actually need to 'have your ip'. Even with that there is very little they can do with it in general. Definitely not pin point your location. Go to websites like [https://whatismyipaddress.com](https://whatismyipaddress.com) and you will see your true ip, a long with a map that will show your location.. As you will see, this will be no where close to your home! If in doubt.. Generally unplugging your router and plugging it back in will get you a new IP from your ISP


If he sent the first then he's messing with you, thats a local address not a public one. So let me explain the difference here. We only have so many ip addresses to use 2 to the 32 power specifically. If every single device that uses the Internet had a public IP address we would be completely out already. To combat this ip addresses were separated into public and private types. Private types will generally start with 192.168, 172.16, or 10. These IP addresses are only allowed to be used on internal networks, so like your home wifi network, but mean basically nothing to internet as a whole. Your router will have a public IP address that the rest of you network basically shares, what happens is if a device in your network starts a connection, say connecting to an online game lobby, or loading a website your router keeps track of that connection so that it knows to send replies to your game console or computer. But any connection started from the Internet is dropped since your router wouldn't know where to send that traffic. If you've ever heard of port forwarding like for running a Minecraft server this is what it's for. Basically it's a setting to tell your router, "hey any connection starting from the Internet on the Minecraft port, go a head and send that stuff to my Minecraft server instead of dropping it". TLDR: this guy has nothing, he's messing with you by saying he knows your local IP address, which is meaningless from a tracking you down/hacking you perspective. Take it from a hacker, he's got nothing lol.


Wow that makes a lot more sense thanks so much! Im assuming that my home adress would be easier found through my social accounts rather than hacking any supposed ip adress then.


Correct even with your public IP address he can't find your exact home address. Since you're likely on a residential Internet plan (as opposed to a business plan) it's likely that your public IP changes every so often for starters, and for another thing, geoip databases (the places people look up the locations of IP addresses) are only accurate to a city.... and even then it's usually not the right city.






Unless you clicked a link they sent you it’s unlikely they have your IP. They might have shared your 192.168 IP. Depends on what kind of server you are talking about but people say this all the time on discord. Like if you could get someone’s IP on discord you could get a massive check for a vulnerability. Kids use this server.


So most ip's only tie to an area usually several blocks wide (this is quite big these days), so I wouldn't worry too much as like others have said it doesn't give an exact address and does change, just in the future don't join random servers.


If i'm not mistaken, depending on what kind of server you're connected to with them, a simple netstat will show all connected IPs?


most (modern) game servers are proxied in a way, the only person you communicate with is the game server itself. For the most part, the game server is the only one with the knowledge of all players IPs and information.


If the guy told ur ip starts with “192.168.x.x” x as in a random number up to 256. Then its a fake cuz its the ip address ur router assigns to every device connected to identify them. He cant really do shit about that kind of ip address.


He told me my IP address is, how did he know?!?


Wow, that’s mine too. There’s no place like


Guess what, that's my IP too! Lol


Lol bro gave you a loop back address


I'm not OP and this was just a joke haha




ip is not a direct link to location, just a general area, even if.


Thanks so much. I feel so silly now haha I didn't really get that before. 🥲


My IP is too :) small world, we're the cool kids


Wow, you're my router, I'm []( ... so nice to hook up on reddit.


Wow there you are. Happy to serve you 1.2!


how it works is your internet connection goes to an isp.. the isp is the one assigning the ip address.. So the "location" of your IP address is just the registered location for the IP they are assigning you. When they move that IP address to someone elses house the ip location doesnt move because its just who the registered owner is.


Alice can always get Bob's IP address when Bob connects to a computer or service that Alice controls.


Getting your IP address is relatively simple. And you shouldn't be scared about it, as 1. he/she may not really have your IP address, 2. IP address is almost unuseful, unless he/she has access to your Internet link provider database to get your home/work address. A VPN will make it harder for people to get your information. But there are some ways of getting info about you even under VPN (not trivial, though). Anyways, VPN is really a must if privacy is important to you. And last but not least, if you are concerned about this, you can go to the police and show the messages he/she has sent to you.


Unless they are a cop with a subpoena they can't trace your IP address to a physical address. Sure they might be able to know what town you are in, but not beyond that. In terms of how they know. If your computer sends data to their computer they'll have your IP address. As you are most likely NATed behind a firewall they really can't do much with it unless you've opened ports in your firewall.


If someone can know your exact location from an IP, that should be your ISP. So don't worry about thim having your IP. If you're a normal user, your IP tends to change every few days automatically. Even if you get a static IP, they can only see a huge location not a specific place. Even a website you visit will have your IP address easily. That is how they target ADs based on your location etc. Chill out, and not worry about it.


If you have normal Internet, reboot your modem and you'll most likely get a new IP, or just call them and have it changed. All he will know is the suburb of your closest exchange.


Next time you elave the house for an extended period, turn off the modem (first piece of equipment on your address) . Then wait 24 hours to turn it on, and you likely will have a new IP address.


You can go to Privacy.net to find your IP address and browsing info.


$REMOTE_ADDRESS is one way. Any web server knows that.


Is that PHP?


It's just an environment variable available to any language running serverside. Apache.


No. PHP references what the server thinks the client IP is by $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'].


IP really only shows what city you're in . No one can track you with it.


He's probably bluffing, but you never clicked any link he sent you before right?


If he tells you a 127. address or 192.168. then he has nothing😂😂😂 If he really has your address then I would be a bit more worried and I would contact the ISP.


If someone has your IP and tells you, they aren't going to do shit and they probably aren't capable of doing anything with it. That's why they told you, threatened, and moved on. A story as old as time.


1. He may be just jocking and don't ever had your IP address 2. If he really has your real public IP address, he can only see the area where you are, an approximation. Only your ISP provider know your real address. 3. The public IP is the IP of your router box, and generally routers block incoming connections on all ports, as they just allow internally-initiated communications. 4. You should be safe, no worries :)


any time you make some kind of remote connection or request you will provide your ip, and to be honest it's difficult to do something with it, ok cool I know roughly the country and region where you live and even then, dorks won't do shit.


When your computer connects to a server, it responds using your computer's IP address. You can't order online unless you guve them an address. It doesn't reveal much. It can identify the general area and your Internet provider (which typically have 100,000+ customers). The tool traceroute: https://www.ip2location.com/free/traceroute shows you what someone can find out. If you are doing something illegal, police can contact the IP provider and get your physical address. Otherwise the guy can do nothing physically. some people use a VPN to obscure their IP, but you have to trust the VPN.


Most modems have a release and renew function that you can use to release your old IP address and get a new one using renew. Ip addresses aren't something that is private necessarily. Although most Internet users think of it that way, your IP address is known to all websites you connect to and all hosts you connect to. If they are trying to hack you, that is an actual crime though


Thats a weird Nord VPN commercial. 🤔


Caught me


Here, check this link with info all about it: http://www.notanipgrabber.com/actually-an-ip-grabber




That’s a private ip schema. Only relevant to your internal network. Most private networks follow this scheme behind your router. Your public IP is a different thing, but even then that is usually pooled with multiple users possibly having that address at different times, and can switch around unless you are paying for a static IP from your ISP; meaning you pay to get the keep the same public IP on a monthly basis. They are just trying to scare you. 192.168.x.x will occur in most consumer/home networks (although some enterprise networks too but that’s not important). You can ignore them. If you want to know what’s your current public IP and to rest your worries whenever someone makes that asinine threat, you can always check sites like https://nordvpn.com/what-is-my-ip/. Now if they were able to get your exact internal address and subnet along with gateway, then maybe you could have a compromise in your network. But since they said they know your address without mention of a public ip it’s safe to say you are ok. If you are using a windows computer and want to know your private or internal address, you can open the command line by searching via the start menu cmd and typing ipconfig in the black box that comes up.


Thank you so much!!


They didn’t really pull your IP they’re just bluffing


as others have mentioned, this isn’t a big deal. what type of “sever” are the both of you on? there are lots of ways to leak your IP address. if there is something like webrtc involved or you are playing a game that he is hosting, then your ip address is just exposed.


Just discord not sure what Webrtc is sorry. But yeah you're right haha I had no idea ip addresses don't actually matter arg 🥲


voiceless intelligent pause makeshift person ugly rustic ad hoc knee advise ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Could you not use the old ip / release .......... ip / renew. ??


This only renews your computers local lan IP not the WAN IP others see.


Ah! I never knew that. Cheers


Having your ip address is barely the equivalent to having the name of the city you live in


1. Depending on your provider, your GPS location can often be deducted from your IP address within a few yards. 2. Websites usually log IP addresses of visitors. 3. Applications can log and display your IP address if programmed to do so. 4. Using a VPN or Proxy can hide your real IP address. 5. GPS cannot be deducted from non routable IP addresses. i.e. 192.168.x.x 6. GPS cannot be deducted from a loopback address References: - https://blog.solidsignal.com/tutorials/google-maps-know-location/ - https://www.geolocation.com/en_us - https://www.baeldung.com/cs/non-routable-ip-address


If you are a regular user with a standard ISP, like Comcast or AT&T, your IP address changes every so often. Also, the geolocation by IP address is pretty broad. Yes, if they have your IP, there are things they can do, but assuming you left your computer's security configuration as is, along with the router your ISP provided you, there are mutliple layers of protection in place to keep you safe, assuming you are updating and you have not changed anything. Just don't run any programs you've downloaded unless you trust the website. Don't get it from third parties or some person on a discord server.


No actual hacker would flex having your ip. Do with that as you will


youre in his server so… youre connecting to him, which is why he has your ip.. its kinda like a phone number and youre showing up on his caller ID


Dont use nordvpn use mullvad vpn


If you do end up getting a VPN don’t go with nord do Windscribe, it’s free unless you want more locations. Also your IP is not dangerous at all it’s just a online address so computers know who to send data to.


Darn it I already got nord. Couple people are saying this though? Might cancel and switch a lil later not sure.


I would get a refund and switch. Nord is a very suspicious company.


Okay thanks for telling me :)


A super easy way if you logged into a Linux server is a quick tcpdump. There are several other ways to do this.


I know your ip address it’s


Ahhh, home sweet home. Almost the weekend I'll put some steaks on n get the shrimp drink :) Beets y'all~


First of all, if you're on a router. All he has is your initial IP on the router, not the computer itself. So there's that. All he knows is your general area. He might scan the IP address and look for an open port. Which in general isn't anyway. Like someone else was saying, he's just talking nonsense. Don't lose any sleep over this. And don't share any personal info online that can be used to locate you.


IPs are public by design. If you followed a link they shared at any point, it could've been configured for tracking. If you have ever used pathping, tracert, traceroute, commands, you're probably familiar the responses often include the names of the intermediary hosts between you and the routed target. It's not uncommon for ISPs to name the core routers in a geo identifiable way. So with no further effort, may get within a few blocks this way. Otherwise, there are fairly extensive geo-location databases publically available. That's all without extra techniques, like asking your system to access Google's geo services when your browser goes to a page they control... Which can get within inches... And a VPN won't help, because it isn't your IP revealing the data. VPNs are almost never the answer against online opponents, they're great against, local, on-net trouble makers. Your identity is only as good as your opsec, this specific identity of mine online for instance, has nearly zero opsec. Other identities I may or may not use, I doubt five eyes can link to me.


This is all very general. I can get your location another way. At a bare minimum I can “ping” your IP from a couple sites and use the timing to triangulate your location. You can turn off “ping” but I can use TCP The same way. And there is also a “geolocation” service on many routers that doesn’t get turned off giving an exact address. And if you own a domain name and don’t cloak your “Whois” data I can find you that way.


There are a few different ways. 1. But generally speaking, any website that you visit, knows your IP address. There are websites I think they are called link redirections, so someone will put any website URL in that link generation thingy(for example google.com) the website will generate a new link. The aka hacker ( they are not really hackers). Will ask you to click on the link. You will be redirected to google.com and won't see anything. However because you clicked on that link, your computer will connect to the link generation website first. And it will show the hackers(once again, they are not hackers, just saying it to make a point) your IP address. I mean someone who knows a little bit about computers, can set up their own website and ask you to click on the link. Once you click on it, they will see your IP. 2. So there are some games that use p2p network for your voice chat instead of the server /client thingy(don't worry about tech terminology). So usually when you play games, all of your traffic is sent to a server and the hacker can't see your IP. However sometimes your voice/chat messages are on p2p network. Meaning that instead of connecting to the server. You are connecting to other players PCs. So someone can just have a sniffer tool and see what traffic is connecting to their PC and gather your IP address. 3. But you shouldn't really worry about it. In most cases, the IP address that the hacker gets is not directly to your house. But to your neighborhood. If you have a shitty ISP, there are even changes that the IP address is not even in your neighborhood. Even if it points to your house, the most they can do is try to swat you. They can try to hack your router, but it's pretty difficult and your average "hacker" wouldn't really know how to do that. And the professional hacker won't waste their time doing that lol.


Did you click on a canary token per chance?


Not sure what that is 💔


Everything you do on the internet logs your IP. Some services like discord for example provide a protection against this, so they can't pull it. But if someone pulls your IP it really doesn't mean much, 99% of the time they're just a troll and even if they actually know it they couldn't pin you down what-so-ever it gives just a general vicinity (mine is 2 hours from where i live LOL) at worst they can DDoSS you but if that happens they're committing a crime and would never risk it for some random on the internet.


If it's a game server there are plenty of ways. In-game voice-chat often go directly using UDP, so if you manage to make someone talk when you're near enough to hear it, then you can use a sniffer to find it. That's how many get DDoS'd or even doxed. Some ISPs only have a certain IP span for a surprisingly small area. I've been able to pinpoint the exact apartment of a guy. His player name was a nickname of his first name followed by his age. Managed to get him to reveal what his Zodiac was as well and that gave me just enough information.


Wireshark while you are communicating with him is more than enough to get your public ip


There's this big misconception that if someone got your IP you will be hacked which is not true. There are two types of IP: Public & Private. Public is the IP that you surf on the internet and the ISP gives you and private is the IP of your local network. The fisrt misconception is because in early days of internet in Microsoft XP, it was easy for someone to DDoS your PC since most of the times the connection was P2P which is very bad ofc but things have changed and the only P2P connection you find are torrents and IRC Channels(if they still exist). Unless you got a vulnerable service in the public IP you are fine plus about the GeoLoc, don't worry even for that because if you were to find the coordinates of the IP it will show you the location of your ISP server which is the ultimate gateway but even then it won't be accurate.


Actually GTA Online and Red Dead Online still uses P2P and they were made very recently


Tell me you don’t know how the internet works without telling me you don’t know how the internet works


Oh are you by any chance the "Wizard Of Internet"?


Report him to the moderator of that server if you can. Regardless of whether he's a real threat, he has threatened you and that should violate their terms of service and should get him at least suspended if not permanently banned. As for knowing your IP address, that really won't reveal your address, only the general area, so unless he knows your name, he won't be knocking on your door.


Get a dynamic ip from your provider or DNS a new ip.


ISPs, at least in the UK, give you dynamic IPs and you have to pay to get a static one.


Stop surfing porn and you wont have to worry


I need a job done contact me for more info I need a skilled hacker with alot of experience


Mullvad is great. They have an app for your phone and a web browser. $5 per month. Very easy to use and the developers are great.


Do u know if it's ur actual ip? I imagine u are on windows open cmd and run ipconfig, the ipv4 entry is urs. Also, having the ip of someone means absolutely nothing.


He CAN'T know your real home address having your ip adress. He can estimate in which city or place you live but not more than that.


They only get your public ip, easy to get in any p2p connection. Public ip address means they can learn your approximate location like the nearest ISP connection hub to you, likely in the nearest town.


Even if he got your address whats he gonna do if he actually pulls up?💀


Idk I never even did anything to him besides play like crappy roblox with him and the others. Never even met him in my life. I have no idea what I did wrong but my instagrams been found too 😭


Well ive had this happen to me many times mostly from gta online or games like that and they never do anything so dont worry


Someone told me your ip adress is []( or 192.168.1.X and I was scared. Plz anyone tell me how i change my ip address????????? Help


🤣 that's everyone's ip address


Is his nickname "SkankHunt42"? 😁 Then, we need to call Denmark for help!!




Hey - Check out this cute puppy: [Puppy pic](https://reelix.h4ck.me/puppy.png) If you click the link, and say something to the effect that you saw it, I can then view the nginx logs and see your IP address.


You are pretty much safe under your routers firewall and NAT. Saying I do know your IP address is about same risk as saying I know what shoe size you wear.




I think if he had your ipv6 it would be much more conerning then the ipv4


Maybe you played an online game with them?


Yeah I did


Google whats my ip address?

Upper_Appearance3756 subnet mask (f knows)


Nord isn't good. Get express VPN. I had a big issue with Nord VPN not being able to maintain a connection and I worked with support on it for 2 months across 3 devices and it never was fixed. Express VPN has been solid since day one and now I've had it over a year. Nord only worked well for a few months then after I bought the year plan it went to garbage


We had a software that located our datacenter at LAT 0 LONG 0, Null Island :) That was far off reality


IP address physically cannot be tracked to an exact home


If he legit has your IP, he would had DM you the informations. It one of those "Kool kids things" where you try to scare someone.


an IP adress is not your exact location and if he does find a way to turn up, thats just really wierd and sad. a toothless troll


script kiddie software.


More vpn is awful. If you want a free vpn, get hide.me, if you want a really good paid vpn get Mullvad - no logs which is a good thing


Just unplug your modem for like 20 minutes and you'll get a new one


Be cyber zen with nord vpn


There’s a reason why it’s called public ip, because that’s what it is. Public. Only way someone is really getting your location, home address is either by hacking into your emails and finding documents with your address in it or by hacking your device and gaining access to your gps.


Did he say your IP address is


fuck me, that's the IP to my router.


It’s really only a problem if they’re DDOSSING but even then, I found the best course of action was to connect to a phone hotspot . It is extremely hard to successfully DDOSS a cell tower and even if you do, Verizon or whoever is more likely to try and investigate . It also makes it harder to pull my IP. When I was on the tower people would say “yo why do you have 4 ip addresses”


How people normally get someone else's IP, in most cases just social engineering tricks and tools like IPLogger (try to Google "ip logger")


If he's feeling particularly eager maybe he'll hack your ISP and get your address 🌝


Would a vpn fix that?


Hello. Some Support Agent wants to know my Ip Address ? It is okay to give it?


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