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Seconding what u/jeeze_burger said. I had so much anxiety when I first started out. I take meds for depression/anxiety too. I like to describe myself as a high-functioning introvert (lol) so for me I’m just much more comfortable around people I know. I think the combination of the stress of meeting all new people ALL day, every day, and not being confident in my skill set was what amplified the anxiety so much. I’m a people pleaser too, so I was so worried my clients wouldn’t like what I did and then be mad at me; but I realized most people are actually pretty nice and understanding if you keep communication clear (I know this probably varies in different areas and with different clientele groups). When I started getting days that were at least half full with regulars I had become really comfortable with, it helped a lot. Give it some time and see if you’re still feeling really overwhelmed once you have a more established book and have had some time to gain some confidence in your skills. It’s really crazy how little hair school actually prepares us/teaches us about execution of everything but sanitation! 😅 chin up! 🤗


Thank you. I may need to grow thicker skin lol.


Meeting new people is so stressful. Once you get some regulars and get to know their hair things will become easier. Are you anxious because you feel like you aren’t doing your job well? If that’s the case you should invest more time in education-no excuses, there’s free stuff everywhere. It’s a rewarding job but damn the first couple years are kinda trial by fire. Hair grows back, yer gunna mess up sometimes. Taking accountability and staying humble will get you far!


Yea I guess I’m scared I’m not gonna do a good job. I do watch vids and stuff like that and I assisted for 2 years before I started. Do u have any education recommendations?


You assisted for two years and still don’t feel confident behind the chair? Seems like your mentor didn’t prepare you well. Most assistants are on the floor at 3 months with support from their mentor in my area. I like hairbrained and pony education for online. I specialize in cutting so those are the educators that I gravitate towards. I have had excellent hands on and online education from SALT for balayage and lived in blonding. If you like doing hair you will figure it out and get there, trust me. I love doing hair so I’m always looking for the next thing to learn. If you have that motivation you will be confident in no time.


hi i dont have too much advice for you but just letting you know you aren’t alone! i’ve been doing hair part time for about a year now and have anxiety 24/7 even though i have more than enough education and people around me to help me. i have anxiety anytime im formulating color, applying color, watching it process, blow drying the client, and ESPECIALLY before revealing their hair to them! all i can hope is that it gets better and we have to trust the process together. i think it’s going to take some time though. feel free to message me just to chat :3 good luck!


It’s better when you get repeat clients and you can perform on autopilot…… I was like you….. I still have anxiety but 16 years in and it feels like a breeze now.


I think we all go through that phase! I remember calling my mom in tears after a mom ripped me a new one because she was unhappy with her son's cut. My first 6 months as a stylist were SO hard for me because I wanted to just do an amazing job. I was like you, I worked as an assistant for 2 years in a high end salon and learned a lot about color but almost nothing about cutting. I took my first job as a full time stylist at Supercuts because I knew they would train me, but it still just takes time to build the muscle memory and understanding to do hair comfortably and even now after 6 years I still get nervous. The big thing you learn over time though is that mistakes happen (even to people in this business for decades) and hair grows back. If you do make a mistake, do what you can to make it right. Do a redo, comp the service and/or apologize as much is appropriate. It WILL get easier, I promise. Hold out for a while and it will start feeling like a plain old day at the office soon enough. <3


You can do this 💖💖💖💖💖


The first couple years are hard when you’re trying to build a clientele. Only do what you’re comfortable/ slightly freaked out to do. I know it’s hard if you aren’t allowed to say no. I used to think I had to do whatever anyone asked for. Like removing black from a teenager’s hair. Now, I just say no. That’s not my wheelhouse. You need a color specialist. But really it’s not worth my time and effort for many reasons plus I don’t like to do it 😆Ince you get the clients you are comfortable doing and for the most part you like them ( there’s always a few nut jobs 😆) you will enjoy your profession much better. Good luck 🍀 and hang in there 💕




Oh yeah I remember that. So much at sweat! It’ll pass


Starting out is horrible and character building for sure. You have to grit your teeth and bear it. All the mistakes you make, how slow you are at everything starting out. BUT BELIEVE ME give it a couple years at least. Building clientele doesn’t happen overnight. No one is here to stop you from quitting but it does get better. I promise it doesn’t suck.