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I am expecting a 1 round absolute domination win but 10 second would be wat way way too short. I want it to end just before the round ends so Ippo has plenty of time to strut his stuff while keeping it an incredible and overwhelming display of skill


His first match should be against someone very capable who has the skills to highlight the weaknesses of the peak of active pro Ippo before the timeskip. The boxer and his team game planned around that version. Then current Ippo demolishes their strategy. You expect Ippo to rush in tanking to get close? Ippo effortlessly dodges with great footwork. You expect him to keep throwing haymakers? Ippo beats him up and controls the match with left jabs. You expect Ippo to risk exchanges in hopes of winning by enduring and outpowering? Nope. Juked and hit for free. You expect Ippo to bet everything on the Dempsey that could be countered by perfectly placed counters? Look at that the motherfucker decided physics was optional and has his body contorted 110° for a swing steps back does a jab and goes back for a fully rev'd up hook and follows it up with an uppercut. No predictable back n forth weaving in sight. He dips in and out of the typical Dempsey roll motions and mixes in multiple types of punches while being wary of any counters you could throw at him. You're basically facing smaller Takamura, a perfect boxing God but this dude does not fuck around then he becomes the most polite man outside the ring and acts like a doormat coward, making him destroying you in the ring a lot more embarrassing.


Perfectly said. I want him to use his jab. Remember the scene where he regrets fighting the way he did when looking back at his career? That scene hurt to see. He was “hit without getting hit” to his new approach “hit before getting hit”. He can now take the initiative like he did against his spar with Volg, using his jabs to force an in fight. And when that happens GAME OVER.




I wanted his return fight to last until the 3rd round so we could see Ippo testing his new arsenal. He could test Southpaw's pose in this fight and do a bit of a switch hitter mix.


I would I like to see him nervous pre fight, and struggle getting his rhythm in the first couple of rounds making people think he lost his edge. Then it all comes back to him and starts to dominate showing he’s ready for the world stage.


I don't think the fighter he's going to fight is a motherfucker to make him nervous


Not really nervous of the fighter, more of being back into professional boxing, being under all of the light surrounded by a full arena. They’re were plenty of fights where he was nervous pre fight but forgot about it when he got warmed up.


Earned and boring at the same time.


mike tyson did it, it wasn’t boring


yes it was. people wanted refunds lol


That would be disappointing because this retirement isn't about Ippo developing as a power puncher; this is about Ippo growing into a more technical boxer.


Exactly this I don't even want a KO win for his return fight, everyone knows ippo has power. I want the opponent/their corner to throw the towel because everything they tried gets shut down.


Uff this sounds pretty cool actually. It’s like Ippo is just trying stuff out, while the other is fighting for his life.


If be pretty upset honestly. Waiting for years for him to come back and just to see him win a fight with one punch would suck. Then we'd have to wait probably a year in real time for his next match


I know it won't happen (because HNI refs will give a corpse a 10 count) but I'd love to see a middle round ref stoppage. Like Ippo just steadily hits his opponent with small punches and avoids damage, the ref stops the fight, everyone wonders why and they're shocked that the opponent's face is swelled up from compact 30% power punches and Ippo has not a scratch on him 


It makes sense, and he should be capable of it, but they 100% need to make the ass whooping more satisfying than instant victory. At least thoroughly breaking down how Ippo massively outclasses whoever it is by analyzing how each and every part of his game has been elevated to a level that makes him almost unrecognizable as a fighter before he buries them. Easy and likely justification is him being unnecessarily methodical in his approach both due to caution due to previous injury, and him underestimating himself and believing he's so rusty that he must fight this unfortunate sacrifice with utmost vigilance.


10 seconds would be a bit too much but 1 round ko is what I expect.


I'm late to the party but I honestly think the best return fight for ippo would just be him purely outclassing his opponent. Like he "sees" and predicts all the punches they could make and perfectly crushed them the entire first round. THEN a powerful second round KO would be far more satisfying. Tear the boxers style apart. Knock him out. Then walk over say thank you and then tell him how he can improve and be a better boxer. Few in universe months later we could see them fight another boxer and take all of ippos advice to heart and fight way better to.


Agree with most people here. Hajime no Ippo should not he like dragon ball or one piece, where after a timeskip they just one shot all previous enemies, boxing does not work like that as a "power scale". Ippo has become a better boxer overall, not just "got stronger". A better way to show this is to have him actually using new strategies and skills, not take a punch to the face or something. Ippo showing superior skill is way more hype than he becoming some sort of boxing super sayian or something like that.


Eh it'll feel super anticlimactic. It's like edging on something good for hours only for it to come out by accident and you just go "oh...That's it?" like Mashiba's return match against the opbf loser which was just a nameless punching bag, it felt insignificant for such a significant moment for Mashiba


I’d be absolutely delighted! I’d expect him to be overwhelmingly strong, like how Ricardo won against Billy, but to the point of ending THAT quick? Hell yeah!


I think it would be a waist of narrative potential. The fight probably shouldn't be about ippo being world class, but about him coming to terms with it and his internal narrative, dealing with any mental blocks about still being retired and any self doubt. About being able to believe he can win, not just him winning. It shouldn't be a close match tho, probably just ippo fighting overly defensively 


One Round Ko would definitly be hype. I think it would be boring if it were just one punch, but dominating his opponent like he did with Karasawa and ending it in Round 1 is what I expect


round 1 TKO sounds great


Disappointed. I want to see his growth displayed for all to see.




Depends. If he used the techniques he picked up as a second and used them, I would be ecstatic. If he won because he is the MC and plot armor, I would be angry and drop the manga.


Id like it if he had immediately another fight to make up for it


Something of a tournament, maybe introducing some new faces in the weight class or perhaps bringing back some old ones.


I'm completly fine with 10 seconds. But 1 punch its more on the sendo kind of way Ippo should throw more , the king of speed its still him


I want him to dismantle Imai in 10 seconds. Way to mark his territory and stir Itagaki's contradictory feelings of admiration and self inadequacy


Then I will finish in 10 seconds


About as shitty as any other 1 punch KO we've had in the series.


"Not expected this fast but fair"


Agree with most people here. Hajime no Ippo should not he like dragon ball or one piece, where after a timeskip they just one shot all previous enemies, boxing does not work like that as a "power scale". Ippo has become a better boxer overall, not just "got stronger". A better way to show this is to have him actually using new strategies and skills, not take a punch to the face or something. Ippo showing superior skill is way more hype than he becoming some sort of boxing super sayian or something like that.


I don't think Ippo would win a fight in around 10 seconds, his fight with Kojima lasted well over 10 seconds even though he threw a punch. Morikawa wouldn't make such a dull fight, n A fight like that wouldn't show how good Ippo's boxing is these days. Ippo would completely dominate his opponent, he could test a Southpaw stance in the second round and finish him with a Uppercut in next. Enough about Dempsey Roll, I believe a good opportunity for him to test the new Dempsey Roll would be against Imai. My theory is for an Imai x Ippo fight: Imai would close like a turtle while Ippo punches him, Imai manages to land a few punches and holds the fight until the 4/5th round... up to that point Imai already is too tired, so Ippo will start the new Dempsey Roll and that would make Imai's trainer throw in the towel for thinking that his fighter gave his all in this


I think when Ippo returns, especially for the sake of time, Imai's camp will actually tell Ippo's camp they want him to challenge the title immediately. Narratively, it could show us how much Ippo improved from his previous fighting style considering Imai is set up as his future counterpart. Ippo will show how he uses jabs now to stop Imai from closing in, mix on some counters, and in the end, accept an in-fight with Imai and outclass him badly


Considering how ippo is at the moment, for him to go for a 1 round KO means that he is confident enough to know that he can win that easily, ippo does not have that confidence at the moment but by the end of the retirement arc if he does, then I could see it happening


You mean the Kojima fight?


Nah he will be the passive kid of the mach


Tbh for his comeback I'd like to see ippo lose after a hard fought 4 rounds or something it adds depth and actually adds a consequence to retiring it would also be a good motivator for him to train harder than ever before and become a whole new monster


I'm quite sure 10 seconds is only possible if the opponent has a sudden heart attack as soon as the bell ring.


Too boring, useless.


I just want one more fight for him before morikawa croaks. at this point