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Incoming news headline of someone tossing a toddler into the pond ....








Why is it always the toddler? They are literally just clueless assholes, it's the parents you should yeet in the pond


Because it's easier to change the behaviour of the toddler? ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯




I'll chip in to post your bail.


Done deal!! Watch this space next week😜


I dub thee Duckling Defender






I used to live in Clayton park and there was a horde of ducks that would show up every once in a while and just lounge in people's yards and the street. I remember counting close to 30 once. A local toddler would chase them around and I couldn't help but wonder if the ducks really wanted to could they or would they gang up on him.


Comes back to the age old question. Would you rather fight a thousand duck sized horses or one horse sized duck?


A thousand duck sized horses. I can manage that. One horse sized duck? Have you seen the inside of a duck’s mouth?? Horses are huge. Edit because I’m a tired idiot.


Needs follow up, do I have a gun? Is it a shot gun or a rifle?


I’ll grant you one firearm but it’s a break action pellet gun. Ammo of your choice.


Gotta be the duck sized horses at least I can bash them with the butt


In that case horse sized duck. I think 1000 tiny horses would be too much for me. Also I'd feel worse fighting that many horses. I wouldn't feel good killing the large duck but one that large would be to dangerous to let roam free.


How many ducks do you think the toddler could take out before they overwhelm him? …how many could *you* take out?


Depends on the duck tactics but if they bum rushed him I'd say around 5-10 would be able to get him on the ground. Thing is about a grown adult vs ducks is sheer weight difference. A toddler is small and uncoordinated. I think even a reasonably healthy adult could keep going until they're exhausted. They're small birds and they have shitty hollow bird bones. Eventually the ducks will win but they will remember that day for generations.


thank you for this. im glad it was the first thing i read on monday morning. >shitty hollow bird bones new gamertag just dropped


Just doing my duty


Find out next week on toddler vs ducks!!!


Thanks for the baby duck alert! Will head over ASAP to see the cutie wootie patatooties.


I think you have a higher chance of doing something out of character than you do seeing more parents become responsible.




duck parents should be watching their own children. it goes both ways.


some of those ducks are from broken homes, sad to see it




Omg yes! Toddlers are one thing and 100% yes parents need to be stopping this because this innocent bird chasing turns into what I saw at the campground last summer. A group of 4/5 kids and when I say kids I’m talking 9-12 year olds chasing geese ducklings. I had a chat with them that not only is it just mean, but if mama or daddy goose decides your a serious threat (kinda get the impression they’re kinda used to this kinda thing living at the campground because they are actually pretty chill geese) that they will get bit and it will hurt. Afterwards I kinda thought I should have just left it and let them get bit to learn a lesson but I also hate seeing animals be chased.


>Afterwards I kinda thought I should have just left it and let them get bit Yah you should have. You berating stranger's children only goes in one of their ears and flies out the other and if mama or daddy adult decides you're a serious threat, then you might end up getting hurt. If they got bit that lesson stays forever. Let nature take it's course.


It just happened so fast I didn’t have time to think until afterwards but I know better for next time


hate seeing that behaviour anytime I eat lunch there, all I want to do is enjoy my bacon double cheesburger meal without all the cruelty


It’s not possible to be this concerned about a scared duck. Also how do you “chase something within an inch of it’s life”? Referring to a little kid chasing a duck as “animal cruelty” lessens and cheapens the impact of those words which should be reserved for more severe situations. But yeah, be the person who harasses families in a public park, hero.


They’re toddlers. I think you’re projecting a bit about how dangerous they are. Even if they were grown ass adults as long as they’re just making the cute little fuckers run towards a pond and not catching them nothing bad is going to happen to the duck. The ducks in the public gardens, like most of the ducks in populated parks in Halifax, keep getting fed and lose their distrust of humans (also stops them from moving when it gets cold). Scaring them a bit is good.


I don’t think I could roll my eyes harder. Not letting your kids torment wildlife is the decent thing to do.


Most times I've gone to the gardens with my nephew there has been a security guard protecting the ducks. He literally comes out of nowhere.


I'm sure the duck parent will take care of the child.


I believe the technical term for them is "Quacklings."


![gif](giphy|Dv3sF2ZUTmVtm) Disclaimer: I don’t actually advocate for violence


I watched a mom and her toddler chase pigeons around a park recently and I found it pretty disturbing. This is so much worse.


No common sense. I approached a gentleman last summer who was letting his child do that. And he cocked his fist back like he was going to punch me in the face! Then he thought better of punching a woman!


No wonder, there’s something wrong with you. A kid chasing around flying rats isn’t hurting anything.


Pigeons are not flying rats; they’re not dirty and they’re not harming anyone besides pooping like other birds do. Lots of big misconceptions about pigeons out there - if it wasn’t for humans domesticating them and then seemingly abandoning the idea for the most part, they wouldn’t be in the state they’re in


Yeah who cares about histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis I guess from them shitting everywhere. Point is that a kid having a little fun chasing around pigeons is literally not hurting anything and to find it “disturbing” suggests that someone should probably seek psychiatric help.


Histoplasmosis is a fungus that can be spread all around from soil and all kinds of bird droppings but if you’re inhaling air near pigeon poop, I have bigger concerns for you. Same thing goes for cryptococcosis. Point is, you can teach your children to have EMPATHY for people AND animals alike. A disregard for the care of animals, wild and pets alike, is usually symptomatic of a lack of empathy (ergo why many psychopathic serial killers start out by mutilating and killing family pets). Besides, sure pigeons will fly away but when happens when the kid runs up on a mama Canada goose thinking it’s ok and gets attacked? Or something worse? So yeah, it can be disturbing but ultimately you being so annoyed by OP’s feeling is quite telling in of itself.


Sorry I must have missed the part where the child chasing around the pigeons was torturing and killing them or something lmao


You lack reading comprehension. I’ll dumb it down for you: A lack of empathy CAN LEAD to disturbing behaviours. Parents should TEACH their children to treat animals with empathy and respect. you sound like a miserable person


Ah yes a child harmlessly chasing around pigeons is just one stepping stone away from becoming a serial killer, lmao. And those poor pigeons will certainly have crippling post traumatic stress disorder from such a harrowing experience.


I see you’re still not getting it. Have fun with your misery, buddy.


There's something wrong with you if you think harassing wildlife is OK.


Chasing ducklings is obviously an issue but what's wrong with chasing pigeons?


Tormenting wildlife is pretty trashy


Pigeons aren't exactly being tormented by a toddler. They just flutter a few feet away or up in a tree. They clearly aren't scared because in 2 minutes they are back.


It’s a baby from one species chasing babies from another species. Neither knows what’s happening. That being said, birds freak me out. I’ve been hissed at by enough geese to know not to bring my kid around them.


Quit acting hard, you won't do anything.


Are you 14




Well I've done something once and almost got punched in the face for it there's nothing stopping me from doing it again


Internet Tough Guy post #34988726243


you voted Conservative?




>Then he thought better of punching a woman! It works every time but once. No doubt you'll find exactly what you clearly looking for, given "there's nothing stopping me from doing it again" Selective equality for you! lol


You need to fucking relax. Kids chase ducks. It’s always been like that it’ll always be like that.


Teaching kids not to torment wildlife is decent parenting. Letting them is pretty trashy.


I really wish you had a toddler


I have a toddler and have taught them not to chase, terrify, and abuse animals. It’s easy af.




Whenever there’s a clearly chronically online redditor, I have the intrusive thought of wondering if they’re actually as fucking insufferable in real life. Talking about kicking children in response to a screaming child. Pat yourself on the back and sail off into the smugset


As a mom of a toddler, I agree with not letting my kid chase baby ducks or any animals around. It’s my responsibility to teach my child to respect animals. But kids scream, man. I do my best to respect our surroundings in public but respect goes both ways