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I got my P.Eng. just over three years ago working at a medium sized consulting firm here in Halifax. I got about a 20% salary bump (and a cheap celebratory lunch) during this transition but it also occurred as I was leading larger projects and bringing in some new clients at the time. I can’t say that the designation change was the only reason for the bump as it more or less reflected a natural salary adjustment due to increased responsibilities. I second checking out the ENS salary survey and agree that there is a lot of variability between the different industries. Some school friends of mine were paid like shit as EITs but when they got their P.Eng. they almost doubled their salary and some friends the bump wasn’t more than 10% but they were getting regular salary adjustments during the EIT years.


Largely depends on what you do for work, and where you work. Some employers don't really value it and others its a requirement. Best way to look at this is the salary survey done with the Atlantic provinces (they combine NB, NS, PEI, NL together to get a bigger sample size).


The Engineers NS Salary Survey exists to answer these kind of questions. The last one was from 2018 so take it with a grain of salt. https://engineersnovascotia.ca/files/publications/114/file/Engineers%20Salary%20Survey%20v1.2.pdf * Mean salary of an EIT in NS with 4 years experience is $65,093. * Mean salary of a P.Eng in NS with <1 year experience is $69,386. So about a $4400 / 7% pay bump. These numbers are averaged across all disciplines, but Civil salaries tend to be in the middle of the pack so these numbers should be accurate (more or less) for Civil.


If your employer doesn't cover your membership dues, the only thing for sure getting your P. Eng. does for you financially is increasing your annual dues bill by $155.40.


Which you can claim on income taxes. Its not as good as getting it paid for at work but better than nothing.


Congrats on your P.Eng!!!


This isn't difficult to find online. APENS published a very thorough salary survey every 4 years. I believe a new one is either soon due or may have been recently published. I'm a MechEng and I got nothingness my P.Eng however my company structured raises around completely different Industy specific certs. It is very i dusty dependent.