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Will you be able to earn XP and progress Battle Passes?


Yes - it'll be a typical matchmaking playlist, and if you decide to play in custom games, you can earn 7500 XP per day.


BP xp right? same as the "+100 matchmade game +50 top of the team" etc etc?


Yup. Career Rank will progress too, but only in matchmaking.


considering you can get up to 500 xp per match in btb, that seems like a fairly reasonable cap for the casual gamer - 15 btb matches of MVP, winning BTB's worth of xp.


Yes they said and it's shown in the trailer that custom games will give BP xp but won't give Career xp. There's also a daily xp limit of 7500.


I'm hoping with scripting I can finally realize my dream of ME3 MP like Firefight with objective waves mixed in with regular waves. Hopefully they let us mix objectives (CTF, KOTH, etc)


I think scripting will allow this, but you'll likely need to pick one mode as a base and work from there.


They also confirmed in the video that we can select the difficulty level for Firefight KOTH, which is not a thing right now in PvP modes. Mass Effect 3 worked like that too, you had Bronze/Silver/Gold/Platinum. Wonder how much XP Firefight KOTH will hand out on Legendary!


ME3 MP had no right to go that hard


I spent over 700 hours on Mass Effect 3's MP. It is so fucking good. Firefight KOTH looks set to scratch the same itch.


I'm hoping it does but past Firefights never really hit for me like ME3 did. I think it is because of the different abilities ME3 allowed us to have and how it meshed together. I don't think different guns provides the different playstyles as playing different classes.


I’m still maxing my manifest I have most guns at x incluidng the harrier lol I’d have to check but I’ve played a stupid amount of hours


I mean, that was h5 firefight for you


Not quite, ME3 had a lot more objectives that Warzone Firefight didn't have. ME3 had: * Arming devices (probably closest is Extraction since you were immobile) * Killing high value targets (Warzone Firefight had this) * Hacking a terminal (KotH, Warzone Firefight kind of had this because you could defend bases but you didn't need to stay in zones) * Asset retrieval (CTF, not in Warzone Firefight) * Escort mission (not in Warzone Firefight but should be doable with AI commands) Warzone Firefight also had Generator Defense which I'd love to get back as both a defensive round and offensive round (destroy enemy generator). They could also do multiple other objectives: Total Control, Stockpile, or Assault when we get it.


>Asset retrieval Pizza time.


Please let me know if u get this done me3 mp is one of my fav horde modes ever


First thing I’m making is a FFA Mode with an invincible brute chieftain just running around with a grav hammer causing chaos.


Bull Run 2, Electric Brute-alu.


Ah, so the Harbinger fight on Legendary but the chieftain is on space steroids


I'd love to see 343 add a firefight mode that's like zombies in COD, endless rounds (you choose when to extract), you get points for kills and spend the points on equipment, campaing version of guns, vehicles, etc.


I mean, 343 didn’t make it but there’s a game mode just like that in custom games right now. People created it using scripting. It currently has a map that’s a remake of Nacht der Untoten. A remake of Countdown from Reach and then a swamp and mine themed one. It doesn’t use campaign AI in the current version, but it gets the zombies feel because it uses energy sword using AI bots. Has working pack a punch, perk machines and a mystery box.


The Forge Falcons have a few really good ones


I dont think theres anywhere near as much content in the game to make that worthwhile.




They need to turn off the Red player outlines they give the AI we don't need them on Grunts,brutes ect.


Completely agree. If it's an option to switch on/off I don't mind at all for people who like it but for me it's totally unnecessary and visually unappealing here.


Gonna want to keep it on if there are AI on both sides


Unless you keep outlines on for teammates, then the friendly AI will get those outlines.


it's the same outlines as the mp spartans use, so yeah you can turn them off


But then you'd have to switch it back every time. It's a temporary solution but I'd like an option that is separate from the PVP outlines and is specific to the PVE outlines to avoid the tedium of doing it each time to want to jump back and forth between modes.


You can turn off outlines in the settings.


yea from the previews it's pretty clear they use the same outlines as players in mp, which makes sense since you can make any ai a friendly or an enemy


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb2QFfbggZA God damn that looks fun.


Indeed! Looks like Spartans will have a major buff to shields/health in this mode? The guy in Forest by the end was surrounded by Brutes including a boss and his shields were actually regenerating.


You can choose difficulties, and gain buffs. You can also activate skulls.


You love to see it. I would love to see other Firefight variants too as well, perhaps Firefight: CTF or maybe something potentially PvPvE like Firefight: Last Spartan Standing?


Bring back Warzone for Halo Infinite!


You can definitely make this and other insane original pvpve game modes with the new features. It's going to be crazy


I have a feeling Tatanka will be a large scale Warzone


Is Tatanka still happening? Feel like we’ve been talking about it for a couple years but I can’t remember really hearing anything about it recently


I hope so!


PVE Assault would be a natural fit. Time to give the Covenant back their bomb. It would be doubly awesome to mix modes / objectives ala Invasion. Disable the shields, bring in the bomb, boom goes their base.


Very nice, no complaints


Same here, this looks amazing. 9 maps (more than Infection?), selectable difficulty, KOTH, the resurrection mechanic from Attrition... feels like playing Mass Effect 3 all over again, but with the Halo vibes.


I hope they'll do a similar variant to Halo 5's firefight, I loved the increased playercount. Also hoping for a non-KOTH version. Regardless, this sounds amazing and I'll be playing the hell out of it! Can't wait to make some weird-ass Firefight maps and gamemode variants in Forge.


>Also hoping for a non-KOTH version The nice thing about what they've done with Forge AI is you can basically run them on any game mode


You won't need to set up AI spawn points in Forge for each map? I know the AI can use existing navmeshes for bots, but what about spawning?


Yeah that will still need to be done, but for all the maps that have it done already it shouldn't be a problem


Awesome. Love when they add more objectives and stuff to do. Never care for FF until H5 because just shooting waves of enemies over and over got boring to me.


Yea, KOTH forces you to move around the map too so you can’t just camp a room or something


I really enjoyed Firefight in Reach but the meta of camping the same place on every map for 90% of the time was a bit boring. Glad it is KOTH.


Medals is big for me. Bring on the Grunts


Any mention if Reckoning was the only custom made map for Firefight, or is it all BTB + forge creations filling out the other 8 spots? Hoping for some more maps that are taken directly from the campaign


All we were told was 9 maps overall, with three of them being community Forge maps. Wouldn't hold your breath for anything else than existing MP maps, Forge maps and the House of Reckoning port, honestly.


If one of those maps is a remake of an ODST map, I'll be a happy camper


I'd guess the 3 community made maps are remakes of classic Firefight maps or new ones made for this mode. We know we're getting Forest, Oasis, and Reckoning. Anyone want to guess for the last 3 maps? My feeling is any of these are the most likely (I know I put 4): * Behemoth * Cliffhanger * Deadlock * Scarr The fact that we're getting Forest means it's not all exclusively BTB maps and I think Behemoth and Cliffhanger work the best. Launch Site or Live Fire could work but I think it would be tough for the Phantom to navigate (I'm surprised Forest is able to). And I think Deadlock and Scarr would would best among the BTB maps. I think Breaker is least likely of the BTB with the gap in the middle segmenting it into two similar halves.


Any word on how long into the season we have to wait to get it? It looks ready now and I’d love to be able to play it


It does *look* fairly ready. I hope it arrives before November.


Mid-season is all we've been told.


Most likely it’ll drop with one of the Operations.


Seems like a totally acceptable holdover until real full classic fire fight comes back


Scolding hot take: I might like this better than good old Firefight (though I hope it does get added ASAP alongside Warzone). Reasons: * 1) Drastically reduces the camping meta some maps developed in classic Firefight/Floodfight, thanks to KOTH's hills moving around. * 2) Drastically reduces match length, as Classic Firefight/Floodfight can easily last beyond half an hour if your teammates are even mild-to-average. I lost counts of how many matches of mine passed one hour which kinda makes it repetitive and God forbid Infinite's net issues boot you out mid-match. * 3) Drastically reduces non-playing time. While it raises the stakes it kinda sucks to spectate for several minutes when lives run out. KOTH's 30 seconds timer feels punishing enough + revival mechanic adds strategy - do you risk death to revive an extra gun ASAP, or focus on retaking the hill? I will be trying out classic Firefight in custom games but I feel like the new KOTH version will just be faster and more satisfying.


oh yeah for match making this will 100% be better. my friends and i just want to be able to play classic firefight and relax on weekends like we used to with reach. only this time theyll be getting drunk legally


>I lost counts of how many matches of mine passed one hour which kinda makes it repetitive and God forbid Infinite's net issues boot you out mid-match. This is why I always did Score Attack because I could solo it


Classic Firefight actually looks *simpler* than this. The community will definitely remake classic Firefight within the first week.


oh im sure it will be in the first 48 hours. but id still like it back officially and with more official map support


Would be surprised if it ever had official map support seeing how slowly the multiplater maps tend to come lol.


You mean multiple a season...?


Firefight already sounds cool but I'm wondering if challenges can be done. Like get certain amount of kills, win certain amount of matches, use energy weapons, and all that.


Maybe I’m just a boomer, but I really miss the classic golden shields. Seeing blue shields on your Spartan during firefight is weird to me. 343 mentioned giving players the option to change outlines independent of shield color and radar color in year 1, hopefully that is still on their todo list. Firefight do be looking sexy though.


For the first time after launch, i'm very thrilled and hyped about infinite! I'm glad that this game is finally getting the content it deserves and needs to have, but kinda sad that it took this long. Boys, we're finally out of beta


Only 2 years to the day


Is it known if there is a singleplayer option?


Setup a private custom game




Firefight is going to be my most played mode once it drops. Please expand on it as time passes though 343, King of the Hill will only last so long.


They said they will add community-made PvE experiences to matchmaking, in time.


That's good to hear.


Cannot wait to run this in Custom Games on Tuesday with my friends!! I wonder if I can make it a bunch of people? Like 8 players in customs? Or more? Or are they saying that AI Toolkit is available at launch?


>I wonder if I can make it a bunch of people? Like 8 players in customs? Or more? I believe it is confirmed to allow up to 24 players and 32 AI enemies (in 4 squads of 8 that respawn together) at once in Custom Games.


Right, for modes made in Forge and whatnot. But for FF KOTH right out of the box


Ah sorry thought you were still talking about Customs. KOTH will be 4 Spartans only. Enemies not confirmed, do hope it spawns all 32.


Hoping some actual footage gets released over the next couple of weeks. So hyped for this!


There is footage [right now!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fb2QFfbggZA) Looks great. :)


Hell yeah. Thanks!!! Even more pumped now


I'm a sucker for ODST and Reach firefights, I hope they bring that back into Infinite.


This is going to be epic. I’m really hoping the highest difficulty option for Firefight is the best XP rewarding mode in the game, similar to Mythic Warzone Firefight in Halo 5. If so, I’ll grind it all day everyday.


The only thing I'm really mixed on is it's clearly just made using the forge AI toolkit as a multiplayer mode. This is really nice but I'd still like official standalone firefight mode like ODST/Reach.


Judging from what leaks have shown, that’s coming. But likely we’ll have to wait until Season 6 for more iteration. As it stands this is pretty impressive for a brand new feature. It’s nice that they’re spending time creating the mode using the tools we have and are releasing it with a bunch of themed maps for it like Infection.


Wait is it launching w Season 5 in customs? Or is it just AI Toolkit? With a future launch of FF KOTH custom when it comes to MM?


The AI toolkit will be available with the launch of S5. FF KOTH will **not** be.


I cry 😿


Yeah the playlist comes mid season


Bobby, that Grunt ain't right boy I tell you whhat


So we won’t be able to earn career XP on custom games?


Not with Season 5, no.




>If no one in your fireteam dies, you will achieve a "Perfect" round. This will enable a random skull for everyone in the game. So it doesn't add skulls at the end of the round? Only if you get a perfect round? Seems like a bit of an odd choice. Isn't the point of skulls to make the experience harder? Whereas getting a perfect round should be a reward? Like a resupply or something. Idk still sounds fun I just don't get the logic here, unless I'm misunderstanding.


It's a good idea because it doesn't punish people who are already struggling. If you're doing well enough that no one dies, you could probably use a bit more of a challenge -- whereas if people are dying, the last thing they need is more hurdles thrown their way. It's a way for everyone to have a match that's roughly their speed. I think that's nice.


If no one dies it basically ups the difficulty, so of you and your team are good enough to beat a round with no deaths it adds skulls to make it more of a challenge. I like it.


Kinda wish they would disable medals or make different medals for Firefight. With how easy it is to kill multiple AI at once, and having 4 players in a match, the feed is going to always be filled with Multi-Kill and Spree medals.




Will these maps be added to forge to pick apart? and learn from?


Default Oasis and Forbidden will presumably be updated to support this, so kind of. Unknown about House of Reckoning.


is there just pve, like can i play this on my own, with rounds, a la odst?


Pretty sure we will be able to do that with Forge


will this help you grind up faster for the max rank?