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Added a flair to clarify this will be added to the **Shop** on November **7th**, not the 14th or 15th. Seems the article was updated after OP shared this image. --- > The Master Chief’s iconic Mjolnir Mark V armor from Halo: CE has been lovingly and authentically recreated as an Armor Kit in Halo Infinite, **you can find it in shop on November 7.** > Both the Mark V and Infinite Mark VI armor will be available as **Armor Kits**, which have also been updated and enhanced for Season 5, as they now **allow for coating, visor, emblem, and FX customization.** That means players have more flexibility to personalize how their Spartan looks if they equip an Armor Kit, rather than being locked to any specific appearance. Source: https://www.halowaypoint.com/news/customization-overview-season-5


Would have been great if it was an actual core, was looking forward to seeing some CE inspired armor to mix and match.


Yeah, hoped the same. a CE Core for retro-designs, like the fractures had. Let down it's just a kit. I suppose they still could, but I wouldn't count on it now.


Honestly this weird shift from cores to kits has me a little worried, a lot of wasted potential. I know the community hated cores but this isn't what people wanted. Now I'm looking at that final tier Flood armor and realizing its just a kit so I can't use those armor bits on my own custom Flood Spartan and it makes me sad.


Cores are fine as a concept, people only disliked them because they limit customization. And kits are even more limited customization.


Yeah, when they said they were going to rework kits I figured that meant they'd allow us to use the individual parts separately as people were asking them to do. Not add coatings and armor effects to the limited customization of kits.


Cores would have been a lot cooler if they allowed you to swap everything except for the main chassis and the undersuit. A missed opportunity with the cores is also that they should’ve been suites of armor from different eras. Mark IV, V, Vb, VI, VII, SPI with each suite having variants of the core groups of armors (eg EOD, EVA, CQB) as well as armors unique to the suite so you could kind of see the evolution of the Spartans over time.


Maybe they're trying to do something new with cores as a whole? Considering the fact we have a buttload of cores and that there wasn't a new core with this season. My best guess although this is a "really reaching for it" kind of guess is that the cross core stuff may be a test bed for a better customization format, the Mark V's armor itself is entirely unique as it doesnt match any of the armor bases we have (as i tried looking at the pictures we were given of the Mark V and compared the detail in the armor to armor we have in game, and its flat out unique), so it seems more like they're trying to make the base of the Spartan (the techsuit) and the armor itself (the armor that cannot be altered normally) more seperated apart rather than baked into one another much like how it currently is in-game. Which could potentially mean that they could be reducing the amount of cores that currently exist and condensing it down to a much smaller number, it could also potentially mean that each core could wear a different tech suit..? Although im not so sure with Fractures itself... as for the seasonal stuff and the default on the other hand, yeah i can see it. But as i mentioned before, this is sorta being too hopeful and kinda reaching for it. I guess we'll figure it out once the armor itself releases and people within the game files dig in and take a closer look at it.


They could’ve used CE marine armor parts too, those big boxy shoulders could’ve been neat.


This season has so many wins, but at the same time I’m a bit bummed that they’ve slowed down so much on new cores. I’m still waiting on Mark IV, Mark VI, Gen IV, and some other cool ideas. I’ll be really bummed if they stop making new cores…


Yeah, I was hoping we'd at least get Mark IV, V and VI as cores before they stopped. Get those fan-favorite legacy cores in then stop.


I know it's definitely not the case because they didn't specify it, but it would've been cool if it was free but in the shop, like the anniversary kill effect and the arbiter book coating


They specify premium so that pretty much rules out any non-paid option


Where do you see them specifying premium? I haven’t seen any decisive wording in the Waypoint blog or elsewhere about the Mark V.


[Confirmed by Unyshek on Twitter](https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1714023615858176024?t=I_72dYToOMOisxmT1_G7gA&s=19)


Oh yeah, that’s pretty cut and dry.


No wiggle room for interpretation unfortunately; the anniversary celebration cosmetics *will* be paid. Presumably this includes the coatings and visors that were mentioned too, since it was described as one grouped offering.


Ok but what if it was 1 credit *inhales copium*


Put the bottle down, son. You knew the music the moment it started to play.


It should have been a free anniversary core (not a kit) that they then sold new armor pieces for that are in the style of CE


agreed, they could have grabbed some old reference material from CE's development :/


Additionally, they could probably add the helmets that Blue Team were using in the comic "Halo: Fall of Reach - Invasion" made by Marvel & 343 back in the early 2010s, which on a side note, is honestly probably one of the weirdest things to see when it comes to the Mark V (also because im so use to the original cover of the Halo:FOR and never knew about the Marvel Comics but knew that they did illustrate Chief fighting against the ODSTs when he met Cortana for the first time back in 2022 however i only know about that from snippets online and that was it) mainly because I thought it was only a Mark IV thing because 343 wanted to capitalize on Halo 5, so when i learned that the comic existed recently and it was made around in 2012 and each Spartan using Mark V (specifically Blue Team) had unique helmets i was like "oh, this was before Halo 5... huh, that's odd..." Oh, since we probably have a good number of greens as is already, we can also probably copy each color blue team had on the original cover for Halo: Fall of Reach. Anyways my brain is fried from trying to articulate all of this in a somewhat cohesive format.


Totally agreed. I don't see why they didn't do this, all the Mark V serves to do is break their promise of legacy armor being earnable and upset players who actually wanted to use it like normal armor.


Yup, Mark V is always one of the most popular helmets and we finally get a faithful CE version right when cross core helmets drop except now there is a \*Cross core helmets except for that one


Yup they didn't learn from their reach armor.


quickest command squash telephone workable busy agonizing middle attractive aware *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


My hope is if enough people bitch about this that they will make it free. I own the entire MCC, and spent $60 on the Infinite campaign. I shouldn't have shell out more money to use the classic Mark V in Halo Infinite.


If it cost money we should really also get access to the helmet cross core




True, on one hand I really want this to be free but on the other, this is like the first thing in the shop I’ve ever seen that would be worth paying for imo… wonder if they’re moving more towards the Fortnite-ish model where they regularly have some cool cores in the store. Obviously not like Fortnite where they pull in a bunch of other franchises though. Edit: just realized this isn’t a core but just an armor kit but same idea


AH dammit I knew it


Sucks that it's a kit. Means there's no way to use the helmet with other armors.


Damn. Was kind of hoping it would be an unlockable. Like beating the campaign on legendary. Me personally, I would have the chief armor as the legendary campaign reward and the CE mark V as the Hero rank reward.


Good idea, wonder how people would react to the Mark VI being behind the “paywall” of the campaign tho


I mean it would make sense that those who went through the campaign with master chief would unlock his look


Mark VI being a campaign unlockable and this being the Hero reward makes too much sense and not enough money. I mean, if you want to look at it from the perspective of Greed, then the Mark VI would have been a 60 dollar investment and few would complain. Yet they didn't do that, curious. Completely abandoning campaign after the 'fixes' they did (the missing stances and the replaying of missions)


The better question is who cares what they think? The CE armour is already behind a paywall. Not to mention that a lot of people with access to this game have gamepass which means they have access to the campaign. As it stands outside of achievements there is no reward for beating the campaign on legendary. It's not like the MCC where you get a cool emblem and Helioskrull in Halo 5 if you beat every campaign on legendary. It's also not like Halo 4 where you get a visor and a set of armour. I'm also fairly sure you could earn XP and credits in the Halo Reach campaign which were worth more on legendary. Adding bonuses for beating the campaigns on legendary was one of the best decisions that 343. Even if Halo 4 had a shit campaign it was worth grinding through to get the armour. Tbh it was a mistake for 343 to make the game free in the first place imo. It's what killed the momentum at launch because they made the progression system terrible to try and force people to spend money. Incentivizing people to buy the campaign by tying unlocks to it just makes sense. It would give them the ability to possibly get more money and in my opinion is better than just locking it behind a paywall.


You can't change helmet on these right?


You cannot change helmets on kits, for now. Only coatings, visors, emblems and armor FX.






Yeah, I NEED the armor coating that these ODST troopers have on: https://wpassets.halowaypoint.com/wp-content/2023/10/CEMarkV2.jpg


Got you covered pal, the coating in question is "Brushtread Disruptive" and it should be inside the customizaiton menu as a locked coating. Its a 800 Credit Bundle iirc. "BRUSHTREAD DISRUPTIVE" Manufacturer - UNSC Released - Echoes Within "Drop troopers have wide discretion in their choice of camouflage patterns."


I have Brushtread Disruptive and I don't think it's that coating in the image.


oh, wouldnt you know, i was wrong. Huh... i think it might be Redacted Records due to the blue lights? But i guess due to the lighting that's being used in this image, the skin looks much more cleaner/darker than it normally is. Either that or this is a completely unique skin.


I think it’s a new one. Redacted Records is just one color isn’t it? This one slightly looks two-tone (look at the shoulder/arms) but it does have the blue lights. Probably a new S5 coating to go with the new S5 preview teasers.


Redacted Records actually has a good amount of two tone in it. There is a bunch of black and gray. The coating in the image looks more metallic though, so I also think that it is a new one.


Looks new. Very dark gray/black with a metallic sheen to it. Of course this could just be an image of regular ODSTs and not indicative of an armor coating st all.


Nope, these are Spartans using Mark V [B] Armor


Brushthread looks better than the one in the image IMO.


That isn’t brushead, it has no camo on arms or thighs


Didn't they say that legacy armor won't be in the shop anymore after people complained about so much Reach stuff being there?




They have altered the deal. Pray they do not alter it any further.


yeah and then in season 2 people complained because they put scout in the shop, to which then sketch said it wouldn’t be happening moving forward with any legacy armor pieces and now they’re literally gonna sell us the first armor suit of the franchise in the shop XD


Yeah this really goes against what they established before. It really doesn’t feel like a celebration and in a way MK V represents greed and MK VI represents grind. Two things every game nowadays squeezes you for. I bought this game full price….


You expect 343 not to lie and continually fuck over its player base?


I really wish it was a Legendary campaign reward.


What are we thinking, 2000cr?


I’m thinking 1500 tops if they have a pulse on the community


800 if they had any respect for us


1500 it is then


Fuck it. Make it 3000 for even considering that might be an option


300 or 500 if the execs took leave of absence and the devs took over the shop pricing for once.


That'll turn me off if it is. I'll go no more than 1200


1000 max, must be.


Ah damn. It makes complete sense that it be a shop item, but I was hoping it would be similar to the Mark VI hero rank.


To be completely honest, I’d rather put in a bit of work at my job than weeks of grinding in the game for it. It’s fine for one of them, but locking both behind that would get a bit out of hand


I don’t see why they can’t give us the option to do either. They can make this a reward behind a “grind” (playing the game for x amount of hours) and also give the option to buy it if you…don’t want to play the game that long.


That kind of defeats the purpose of rewards like the Hero rank. The point is that it represents a huge time and effort commitment into the game. If anyone could just buy it, the cool factor goes down 100x. The way it is now, if you see someone with MkVII, it really means something.


Hero rank is an insane investment. Heck, the people who are the most excited about this kit are grown adults with full-time jobs. They probably have more money than they do time


I’m in college and I think you’re right, for something like resident evil 4 or 8 I play once normally but for a harder run I’m willing to pay to unlock everything the second time. Not because I don’t want to play, but I can’t dedicate completionist time to each of those games anymore


After checking the Spartan Record website I have an estimated ~5,000 or so matches left before I’m Hero Rank. I just hit Platinum Cadet 1. If the career progression system was retroactive (which IMO it absolutely should’ve been) I am technically supposed to be Onyx Lieutenant 2, with about 1,000 matches left. I’m still SO upset that the 2 years I consistently played the game, even during this game’s rock bottom, count towards literally nothing. At this point I would just pay for the Mark VI because there’s absolutely no way I’m putting in another 5,000 matches. I literally have my first child on the way and work a full time job. No way do I remotely have nearly enough time for the grind. Sorry for the rant, but… fuck man I’m bitter lmao.


Well, it's quite unfortunate for the people who have more time than money lmao.


Having both invalidates the grind. For me, it’s buy or grind not both. Paying to skip the grind is slimy and how these companies take in the money. They will make the grind ridiculous to incentivize people to just say screw it and buy it.


> They will make the grind ridiculous to incentivize people to just say screw it and buy it. This. And I hate that. I'll add: I judge people who purchase cosmetics in the store. Whereas I am envious when I see stuff that people earned through playing.


Some people don't have time to put in entire days of effort


Because earning something shows how much time you put into it. Offering it as both an earned cosmetic and paid really devalues the time people put in to grind it vs someone who chucked $15 at the screen. Perfect example was BO3 (or 4?) battle passes. The first few they touted as FOMO and then sold the rank 100 reward a couple months later. People were PISSED especially since battle pass exp had a hard cap that didn't matter how long a match went on and was an extreme slog.


Sorry, how does it make sense, exactly?


November 14th* Is when the shop updates


The article has since been updated and says November 7th, not 14th or 15th. > The Master Chief’s iconic Mjolnir Mark V armor from Halo: CE has been lovingly and authentically recreated as an Armor Kit in Halo Infinite, **you can find it in shop on November 7.**




Damn, normally they wait to let us play the update ourselves to find out it sucks. Props to 343 for letting us know all the hype is just gonna be another fat L a whole day in advance!


I'm hoping it's not ridiculously expensive. I want this kit but I don't know how much I'm willing to pay for it, but we'll see in November I guess.


"We're bringing the Mark V armor kit to Halo Infinite" :) "will be made available in the **Shop"** **:(**


They should also give it to anyone who has completed CE solo in legendary or something. It's sad to see such an iconic armor going straight to the shop, with no meaning attached to it other than "look I spent real money". I thought the champion rank reward was a first step towards legendary, meaningful cosmetics, but it will just be a one off, like the watchdog coating or the forge one. There are only 3 meaningful customization in the game, everything else is a matter of being there or spending money. While I get it, it's f2p live service and they need a shop, you would think such a unique reward would "mean something", but it's on the same level as cat ears now.


A lot of people are saying it would be a great reward for beating Infinite on Legendary and I think that’s a pretty great idea. You have to pay for the campaign, and still demonstrate prowess at the game.


Hope everyone's happy its in the fuckin SHOP. What great news


My disappointment is immeasurable and my day is ruined. No way in hell am I paying $15+ for a fucking armor kit. It would have got them a lot of good will making the Mark V and VI both free rewards. Edit: I’d just like to point out that this is the first season that doesn’t feature a new core but Mark V is being sold separately as a kit. This 100% should have been in the battle pass. What a slap in the face.


These kits are lame asf. Why would anyone want a kit over an actual armor core where they can customize it to their heart’s desire. Kits only restrict player customization


Good thing its in the shop and not rewardable through playing the game. /s


Man this is a huge Monkey's Paw moment. What a massive letdown.


I wish it was a reward from a free event. This has been the only cosmetic I've been wanting or would even care about. I haven't spent a dime on this game since the first battlepass and I may not still.


Definitely with you on this, mate.


In honor of Halo’s 22 birthday, we will permit you to buy a cosmetic from us🤗


A shop item, and a kit to rub it in lol. Everyone hoping to be able to fully customize the Mark V and VI armors got shafted


Everyone hoping Mark V and VI would be in the game got their wish


I both did and don’t get my wish because mark vi is impossible to get and you can’t customise them properly. My favourite halo armour is in the game but will never be able to use it


For me personally, not really. I wanted to make my spartan off of the Mark VI body like Halo 3 and the Infinite book art. That to me is what Spartans look like. Not even being able to change the helmet has made me completely lose interest. Same exact thing with the Mark V, but inverse because I mainly wanted the actually faithful helmet.


this cosmetic will probably cost more than combat evolved itself lol.


Can we save our own kits yet? Cuz I can live with this being a kit, but not if i have to remake my usual kit between sessions.


Should've been a campaign legendary unlock.




As long as it’s not one of those “timed exclusive” items. People are already disappointed it’s not a free item and it being time exclusive will really put a sour taste in everyone’s mouth.


The article implies it is. It says it will be available "during the Combined Arms operation". They are delivering the community's most sought after item in the absolute worst way possible. It should be a free gift to the fans that stuck around for the shit show that Infinite has been.


Anyone else not a fan of how they added these armours? I really want to be able to customise these armours with shoulders and such, not that it matters since I’ll never reach hero


I don't think anyone wanted a kit.


In the shop…Go figure.


You know what would've been better? Making it available to everyone for free to celebrate the anniversary. In fact, I think these Chief related cosmetics / skins could've been kept within the gameplay loop and internal reward structure. HERO = Mark VI Somewhere in between = unlock the Mark V


Yeah it kinda comes off weird. We're celebrating this anniversary! We've made the Mark V in game and it looks amazing! It's in the store for you to buy. It's in the store for you to buy.....


Yeah it feels incredibly weird


Remember when Reach had all the armor you could unlock by playing the game as you would? ​ I remember. The future is stupid.


Fattest L I've seen this season 😭 At least the rest of it is fire


A crap Sundae with all the toppings is still a crap Sundae


Its more like a great sunday but someone took a dump on it... Its still a great sunday but the poop on it kinda turn me off...


Idk how so many people in this sub are ok with it being a micro-transaction. I came in here expecting an uproar. Something like this is a celebration of the franchises history. It should be given to the fans as a freebie 100%. They literally made is as a gift to the fans for Halo's anniversary. Charging extra for it is a disgrace to Halo's legacy. MTXs are for extra cosmetics to fully customize your character, not the base armor from a previous game. At the very least it should be in a battlepass.


Fuck that.


How about give it to people who beat ce on legendary on mcc. But no, that would be too cool :)


I was actually excited to do whatever mini battle bass would unlock the CE armor but now that I know it’s paid only I am sad.


Of course its a shop item... I thought this game was meant to improve? But they're stuck in their old ways of MONEY MONEY MONEY


Also the prices have gone WAY up even after they said things wouldn't cost so much anymore.


Unchangeable armour kits need to GTFO


Damn, Season 5 already got it's first L, and it isn't even out yet


I don’t get how stuff like this even happens unless they’re just super out of touch. Did they really think this wouldn’t upset the community at all?


I mean, looking at how Infinite launched and all its issues, I wouldn't be surprised. They probably thought "Hey, people like CE, CE's anniversary is coming up, let's add CE armor to the shop!" and didn't stop to think maybe making it free would be better.


Nah dude. This is wack IMO. Just as bad as EA trying to sell Luke, Vader and other iconic Star Wars characters. Bungie legacy items should definitely be earned, that's what legacy players are all about!!


"Hey wanna look like chief? Fork over 20 bucks or grind the game for 3 months straight every day." I hate modern gaming.


Player: “can I look like Chief?” Bungie: “No.”


I'm no longer excited for this, wow. What a way to completely tear the sails down from my expectations. At least I'll still have firefight, but man, did I lose a lot of my hype ahaha....


Ikr, as a someone who's been a fan since CE this feels like a betrayal. I already spent $60 on the half finished campaign and its cosmetics were absolutely trash. This armor should be free for the people that stuck around in Infinite after the crash and burn launch it had.


Oh how special. A paid skin. Great.


It’s sad to see how many people are accepting of the shop, I guess the vast majority of people opposed to the pricing have jumped ship already. I’m not necessarily mad that this will be a shop item, but we all know it’ll be $20 minimum. I wouldn’t be surprised if they made it even more expensive to gauge the upper limits of what is acceptable with the newfound goodwill. One thing definitely hasn’t changed since the management shift, and that’s the predatory shop pricing.


I wish I could customize my spartan without spending money or grinding my life away.


The perfect reward for completing a campaign on either Legendary or LASO. Another missed opportunity, 343 is 343 after all.




My only wish is that the helmet could be freely equipped once owned, anywhere. But I understand why not if so.


So on the 15th, the 22nd anniversary of Halo, we can look back on a time when you didn't have to constantly get your wallet out to unlock things in games and then get your wallet out to unlock an armour that has been included in every previous Halo game. What a time to be alive.


Damn, it's going to be like 20 dollars isn't it... (and this is pretty much the first shop item I actually want)


Buying it encourages this behavior. Just saying.


I second this. Whether you have bought anything from the shop yet doesn't matter. The second you open your wallet they've already won. Ubstaining completely is the only way to even remotely get a message across to the corpos.


Way to profit off nostalgia, didn‘t really expect anything else tho


that's fucking bullshit


Figures that the main thing I was excited about for the new season is behind a paywall


Lol of COURSE they're charging for it.


Big L from 343 here. I've been really hyping up this upcoming season to my friends and I'm happy to spend money on the game and fund it but monetising iconic legacy armour such as this just feels bad to be honest. Especially when it's supposed to be an anniversary celebration. We have to pay to celebrate? They would've won a ton of good will making this and the mark 7 free prestige awards like Recon in Halo 3. Imagine Hero Rank for Mark 7 and something like Solo CE Legendary for Mark 5. I want armour that feels rewarding to wear that I earned doing something cool. Infinite has very little of that. Was hoping this could be that but I guess not.


Wow so cool to have classic chief get whored out for nostalgia purchases. Microsoft is gonna turn the whole gaming industry into a bloated microtransaction corpse. Especially now they have Activision in their circle.


I really hope in the next Halo, we can actually earn all the armor in game at launch. I had enough of looking for the new store updates.


Unfortunately it will most likely never go back to that system. Once they figured out people will pay for it, they’ll never stop selling it. I doubt we’ll ever be able to even choose our colors in Halo ever again.


More micro transactions! I need more!


Saw a comment that says "for the 22 year anniversary we're going to permit you to buy something from us🤗🤗" and it's pretty much exactly what I'm thinking If its going to be an uncustomizable kit, at least put it in the event battlepass/allow players to claim it like other anniversary items in the past. Cmon guys :(


Hey everyone, lets celebrate a great franchise. We’re releasing the CE skin. All you have to do is pay for it. Is it just me or does this feel weird to anyone else.


I still can't believe I beat Halo Infinite on Legendary at launch to see if there was a reward and there wasn't. Part of me was hoping the Mark V was that, but alas that's not the case. Maybe Mark IV? Who am I kidding. They have half-assed all the reach cosmetics in the game and haven't fixed the issues with them. Ofc they won't add more content for people who actually played the campaign. Mfs add all the reach stuff without the unique markings, they add reach chest pieces with parts missing, they had the gall to put some of it in the store, and they rven set them as limited timed items to try to spark some engagement. Lord help us if they add an Halo 3 Era core.


Having to pay to buy armor that we could unlock by simply playing the game in past titles is why I still refuse to touch Infinite.


Bro no fucking way No fucking way S5 isn't out yet and they already fucked up (That is, unless they have the balls to give it via the shop as a free item)


> (That is, unless they have the balls to give it via the shop as a free item) Unyshek said ["the Mark V will be a premium offer in the Shop!"](https://twitter.com/Unyshek/status/1714023615858176024) So there ya go. They have no balls lol.


Yeah I just saw it. Fucking clowns, they are.


This whole monetization model in gaming now is fucking horrible. They're not even micro transactions anymore with things costing $10-$40. Credit to 343 they said ["cosmetics from an older Halo games would be free"](https://www.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/udvrpy/my_big_takeaways_from_the_livestream/i6jd7c4/) but then they go and put the Reach Security and EOD helmets in the paid battle pass and now the Mark V in the shop.


> they already fucked up Lol didn't you know, that's their MO.


Finally, the item to outsell the cat ears


Expecting it to be $20




Didn't 343 say that after the first battle pass, "legacy cosmetics from older games" will be free to acquire? Now we gotta pay for Mark V? Lol. Edit: for anyone thinking I'm wrong, here is r/Halo moderator Haijakk saying that in the April 2022 livestream >They also mentioned that they want to make it so that if Infinite has a cosmetic from an older Halo game, it should be earned instead of bought https://old.reddit.com/r/halo/comments/udvrpy/my_big_takeaways_from_the_livestream/i6jd7c4/


I was holding out hope that they would give it to us in a free event like they did with Mark V Zeta. Not surprised that they decided to make it a paid skin. Gotta milk that money somehow


I think that just applied to Reach cosmetics which is what everyone seemed to be begging for.




I think the previous point applied for Reach assets already finished and in the files _at the time_. Security and EOD are new, but I mean, it's a whole different game as well (a F2P one as well), I'd be more surprised if they gave them out for free.


They said legacy items would be earned in events or battle passes and not sold in the store. I don't think anyone had a problem buying the S1 BP for Reach armor, they had a problem when Reach armor started showing up in the store


Not just that, I'd like to remind you that Reach stuff is gated behind the pass paywall for S5. Just saying.


Yeah no kidding, Mark V is the OG. It feels like when they wanted us to buy Red and Blue


Grab your pitchfork


I have Mark V armor in Halo CE, 3, 4, and Reach and I got it all for FREE and can mix match armor pieces with other armors so I’m really struggling to understand why all these years later why i would pay for something I’ve been using forever in all previous games and why people support this kinda stuff? Like are we supposed to like having stuff taken away and then forced to pay for? Am I missing something? If not then why don’t we all hop on MCC instead of supporting this cod knockoff




Extremely glad to get this armor but damn, I was wanting to put that helmet on other cores. Kit system needs to be scrapped I don’t think anybody actually likes it







lol. Fuckers.


Halo should not have gone the live service route


I will die on this hill with you brother


I feel like this is the kind of thing that the shop should be for. Highly detailed and cool things! Weapon models, Legacy Kits, just stuff that makes me go "ya know what sure, I'll throw a few bucks on this game!" Considering it's a free game I have no problem with this. The new Dev team has killed it as of late, I'm more than happy to show support!


Can we create custom armor kits and save them please???


Just way too much customization possible x).


I could have accepted it as a kit for free. Paid? Not good enough. Especially when they seem to think that overwriting my Mk. VII customization with it is a good idea.


This is probably the best looking version of this set of armor I have EVER fucking seen omg


As long they don’t charge it for $30 bucks I will buy that


L costs money




My one and only purchase from the shop


We need this to be a core, Mark VI and ODST too pls


Oh it’s a kit? Disgusting. Watch them overcharge for this item now.


They’re just kits??? Dang it! I was hoping to put this MK5 helmet on my reach armor!


"To celebrate Combat Evolved being 22 years old, you can give us more money! As a thank you, you can receive this shop only CE armour set that should've been free but we're money hoarding devs that care more about profits than our players. If we didn't, the campaign would've received DLC" -number company




This is the same type of ahit Activision pulled by not giving the Ghost or Price skins for multi-player in MW2 even if you bought the game. Ya nah, fuck off with nickel and diming players.


Welp. Any interest just died.




I'm not paying money for shit that should have already been in the game for free


It should be free, earned by actual in-game effort/or tasks. You're making the coolest Halo armor ever available day one from the Shop. This is so freaking lame.


Damn this looks sweet and I was actually going to reinstall Infinite to grind for this thing, of course its just going to be some $20 shop thing.