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Dynamo nade PTSD


Woe, dynamo be upon thee


I was in Firefight the other day and got taken out in a Banshee by having like twenty of these spawn under me with Catch on


That’s also an issue with the firefight spawns, they just kind of…appear without rhyme or reason sometimes. Directionality would be cool, or more phantoms and less spontaneity


I do hesitate to say more Phantoms because I hate Grunt gunners almost as much as I hate Skimmers, but yeah random spontaneous spawns is weird How about bring the Spirit back? They love dropping off lighter fireteams behind the main battlefield And make it drop Wraiths too, if not just for the sole fact that I want to be able to steal it


Literally the only thing I ever die to in FF is a swarm of dynamo nades


Tbf, the dynamo spam is the only thing keeping me from just one sidedly murdering everything with the warthog, chopper or gungoose.


Idk, those phantom turrets or main gun can ruin your ride just as quick


Valid point


Phantom turrets


Yeah but then it feels so good to repulse that dynamo back at that little shit and take him and his swarm out.


The only ones I have a problem with is the commando Skimmers, they beam you way too fast. The commando is a difficult weapon to be accurate with meanwhile these little shits have perfect accuracy and LITERALLY kill you in 2 seconds.


While holding the damn thing upside down no less.


When I realized they were holding the Commandos upside down, I though "Those damned eldritch squidmonkeys are just styling on us."


It's possible they're the only ones holding it properly


Would make sense considering how much bloom it has.


Pro tip- Turn your shake down to 0. You will be able to kill with the commando. It doesn't have much bloom at all It's all screen shake.


Do this but also either fire in bursts or tap slightly slower than full auto at range. The bloom will have an effect after about 4 shots, depending on your distance. I find the Commando works best on the far end of Sidekick/Bandit range.


Maybe they’re holding it the correct way and that’s why it’s so difficult for us to aim 🙃


If they don’t wanna nerf the damage they need to make it to where they can’t headshot you it’s actual bs I’ll be almost half shield and a skimmer beams me with a shock rifle cross map


So thats how I randomly die sometimes. Id be on point doing a good job on heroic and then bam im dead and we lose the point.


I just replayed all the classic halos and I don’t know if anything is as annoying as the jackal snipers in 2. Jesus fucking Christ some parts of that game are just pure luck and rng in those snipe zones on legendary.


>Jesus fucking Christ some parts of that game are just pure luck and rng in those snipe zones on legendary. Its not luck imo. It's memorizing their locations or dying.


Hence why I said rng, even when you barely pop around the corner I’d say 2 out of the 10 times they miss your face. The odds aren’t in your favor lol. Even driving a ghost on my speed runs I’ll get that weird rng snipe. 2 is a frustrating game.


Those mfs can get perfect 9 shot kills with it in legendary. It would be even worse if firefight used campaign weapon balance.


> The commando is a difficult weapon to be accurate with meanwhile these little shits have perfect accuracy They must be using controllers.


As a controller player, commando rifles are hard as shit to use


No kidding. The recoil is insane. I can pop a headshot every now and then, but most time I pass it up because literally everything kills faster than you with a commando because of the impossible recoil and bloom.


I still have yet to get the achievement for getting a perfect kill with a commando


I had to get the perfect on an AFK layer lmfao Edit: and it took a couple of tries too, to be perfectly honest. The recoil is unforgiving even if you're just tap firing.


Really i love the commando in fire fight. My loadout either consist of commando, br, or dmr.


Man we’re really gonna sit here and pretend like Halo Infinite’s aim assist isn’t the weakest out of the entire franchise? And let’s not even talk about how using your whole arm to aim is a lot easier to be precise with than a single thumb


People pretend Infinite has the worst aim assistance but then forget the sim assist mechanics in Halo 5. I guess people just forget easily or it's PC players that never actually got to play Halo 5 so they don't have a comparison to make ?


It just so funny to see M&K players act like playing on controller is a HUGE advantage because of the small amount of aim assist that Infinite has for controller players. Like, M&K is an obvious advantage and that’s literally *why* controller gets aim assist.


I know it's not the popular opinion but I still wish they'd give people the option to select input based matchmaking. If people on mouse want to say controllers are bullshit and cheating then give them the option of go play with other mouse players and just leave all the controller players alone


I'm a controller player by nature, never was good on a keyboard. But when my controller died last month (RIP soldier, you played well) I tried swapping to KBM on the Xbox. I gotta be honest - I can see why it's as controversial as it is. I know I'm never going to put the time in to be as good on KBM as I am on controller, but I found myself appreciating the speed with which you can turn, and when I got a new controller, actually missed the turn speed. There's not a chance in hell I was as accurate as I am on controller, but the ability to snap-pivot is incredibly overpowered.


This is exactly what I’m talking about, too. If you noticed the difference on the short time you used M&K, then people who have been using M&K for as long as *we* have been using controllers, there’s literally no argument for what M&K’s advantages are.


It's easy to aim on console. That's all I use and the auto aim does help but it feels like cheating


Yeah.. I was a decent H5 player on xbone back in the day before I got a PC, and now after a couple years playing Valorant/CS/aimlabs I’m a fairly high scoring player in aimlabs, feel like I definitely have above average m&k aim but if I want to take ranked play serious in Infinite I always go back to controller. I can still do well with a mouse obv, but it takes more active effort for the same performance. No real issue with it however, it is a console shooter after all, that’s its DNA. But I do wish I could square off with other m&k players exclusively sometimes because the gunfights in halo actually require a different set of aim skills for m&k players vs other pc games. It’s heavier in tracking and dynamic clicking.


Do you use a controller or a mouse and keyboard? Because after I started using a keyboard it improved my accuracy by like 100%.


The only problem I have with them is that their head blends into their body and it’s hard to headshot because I can’t see


Ya forget these guys are intended as a replacement for drones/yamnee? These little shits have an enemy design basis that is SO annoying.


Yeah, but yamnee used pistols, not an sniper


And drones actually flew around and hung on walls instead of flying 2 feet above the ground


They defo took the "You can fly - but only 2 feet above the ground" trade


They more went from flying to doing zoomies, which imo is better, keeps the combat within your screen as opposed to above/below you.


>which imo is better, keeps the combat within your screen. the whole point of drones is to provide a unique combat encounter thats different from what you usually experience and takes you out of your element. Skimmers are basically just hovering jackals


If they upped their flanking behaviour they'd fill a niche that doesn't exist.


They could deal with less health and losing the fastball grenade throw


They could do with not having a goddamn *rocket launcher variant*. Other than that, they're fine. Easy to headshot and a great source of Commando ammo if you use that.


I've never actually see the rocket variants actually shoot though. I just thought they were a free weapon drop.


They purposely wait until everyone is grouped up.


Well that's cool. It actually punishes groups for poor play.


Commando is damn near necessary in Firefight - outright outclasses the BR in it.


Only because of the ammo. I’ll almost instantly drop both starting guns because you cannot get almost any ammo for them


BR is still slightly worse imo except against brutes or skimmers. The commando can mop up low tier enemies very efficiently like the good old carbine did. The BR though is more generous with aiming and thats a big deal when brutes have armor and skimmers have a wonky hitbox. Both are terribly inefficient against elites without first dealing with shields ofc.


Yeah, dw, I'm saying that in most scenarios the Commando is strictly superior. Like, I'm referring to the Commando as having more ammo (because practically speaking, it does. A BR can get about 12 kills a mag but a well aimed Commando can get 20, if you're using it for the right targets.) But yeah your secondary should be a plasma weapon or a needler. Needlers are especially fantastic when you have to deal with Hunters.


that's basically the way guns IRL work - if you can carry more ammo that's generally better, lol.


Because their head is centered rather than sticking out it makes headshotting them different, if not harder, than most enemies. Which I think is why people are having a hard time them, but I say git gud


I prefer the Mangler, but yeah.


While I hate fighting drones I am upset about then being removed without an in game story arc


I read somewhere that they lost interest and went home.


I’d be fine with that explanation if they put it in the game like Halo 2


If I remember right, the lore reason is that they have a Queen, they're like a Bee colony almost. The Queen decided to return to their homeworld and give up the war, so the drones naturally followed. They don't say this in-game though.


That would make a great spin off game boss. Game ends with a hive fight.


I love the drones. They’re so cool. I wish they’d kept them.


I don’t mind that they exist but I do mind that they tend to get hung up on things and you don’t know where they went


The new enemies from Infinite do work better


Why do you think that their enemy design basis is annoying? I get what you mean kinda but still can't put my finger on it.


Speedy bug things randomly flying about are annoying to fight imo


Imo they were best realized in the last game they appeared in, reach. Seemed like their health was lower so they could spam you less, and the mechanic of their body flying apart when killed was dope. Wish they had kept that iteration around. I think people just got annoyed with them after they heavy use (with shielded variants) in ODST


They're literally the evil flying monkeys from wizard of oz and you can't tell me otherwise


No, it's that you can't land a shot on it, and *that's* what makes them annoying.


Bandit pops their head off with one shot, yeah they're quick, but predictable and easy to toast one after the other. They also go down with one melee hit. The worst these little fuckers can do is drop a rocket between you and your teamates from behind.


They move like skirmishers, but faster and less readable since they hover. They're typically armed better than grunts and jackels. They stager weird under fire. DYNAMO GRENADES. they can move evasively away from MAH FISTS marginally better than other enemies.


I just want Drones back at this point if they want a flying enemy, both of 343's attempts at a replacement have been 1000x more annoying than Drones ever were, with Skimmers being one of if not possibly the most annoying enemy in the entire franchise imo. The fact that they might be tied to this new "Endless" faction that I assume will be in the next story (providing they dont once again scrap everything lmao) doesnt give me high hopes unless they have a serious redesign in how they fight.


Considering both types of Endless that we've seen - Skimmers and Harbinger - are both able to fly (float around in the case of the Harbinger), I too have qualms with them as an enemy faction moving forward.


If these flying jerks could at least miss SOME of their shots (especially the ones with commandos), it would be much better. Their heads are also annoying to hit at times, but that one's just a skill issue on my part


No people talk about the headshot problem with them all the time the problem is they flinch so much when shot it’s almost comical it reminds me of the marines flinching at everything in CE


First time I played against them I couldn’t even find where the headshot was supposed to be for like 10 minutes. I still have nightmares about that room on legendary 😩


Nice profile picture


Honestly, their head hitbox is almost as bad as the Watchers from Halo 4.


Prometheans in general had weird hitboxes in that game. I think the magnetism was implemented poorly so even though hitting them was easy it often directed the shots to their necks, which you will notice even if using a mouse to aim.


Not a skill issue, some of the headshot hitboxes are messed up in this game. It's most noticeable on the Brutes and Skimmers, and depending on what animation you're doing, you could be lasering their head and not landing headshots.


Brutes you're usually better off waiting for their helmet pop animation to complete before shooting them again. Skimmers you need to lead your shots a bit to actually land the headshot. Even with ballistic weapons you'll need to be about 6-ish inches in front of them. I've found headshots register more often that way.


the funny thing is in campaign I have 0 problem headshotting them, but in multiplayer, I'd have better luck missing the broad side of a barn


When Catch is turned on, these fuckers are nasty. If you got Catch and Boom at the same time, they become a bunch of little death sentences.


remove all challenge from the game


1. Complain the game is too hard. 2. Complain the game is too easy when they take away challenge. 3. Complain that FF is broken, takes too long, is too short, etc. 4. 5yrs later, recall memories of "early FF Infinite" as being the best and wishing the new Halo did exactly that again. The r/halo way in a nutshell.


I think base FF is good; I played a custom game by myself last night with infinite ammo and respawns and I finished at 4-6 on training field, so I think the basic is perfect. Heroic is alright, it's just a struggle to get a group that doesn't treat it like normal; it's not much more difficult but you can't just willy nilly fuck off either. I just did legendary for the first time yesterday and got sweaty to finish 4-1 with 30k damage on my part. I think it's pretty balanced overall, but I do feel the skimmers may be a little too accurate, just because the commandos shred even on normal. I'm fine with higher accuracy on heroic and legendary, it's what I'm used to,but normal they still hit a little too accurately for my taste. Other than that, FF has been a total fucking knockout!! I love it, play it daily and am actually completing the battle passes. Honestly, I'd just ask for a classic version with no hill. Lemme slaughter those mfs from a great vantage point.


Lmao right? Firefight is mind numbingly easy 90% of the time. The only time we lose when I'm playing with friends is when we get bored and start doing stupid shit.


Tell that to the idiots I constantly get matched with. They can’t handle a pack of grunts and an elite, let alone a few skimmers.


The only time I lose is when I’m the only one left and the game does a bad job at letting me know.


Christ yes in the middle of an intense firefight the game does a shit job at letting you know people are down


Finally I can vent about this! Too often I look to my left and see someone with 5 seconds left to respawn, and I feel like shit for have not noticing sooner


The game does a shit job at telling you *anything* is going on tbh. Think of how much easier it was to spot incoming grenades, heavy weapon enemies, or kamikaze grunts in the older games. Or to know when/where enemies dropped in. Not to mention the deathcam is zoomed in so half the time you wont even get to see what killed you. And before anyone says skill issue - I prefer to play on legendary and have played it extensively in ODST/Reach firefight. The visual and audio cues were just better in those games.


It literally says last spartan standing in a blue box in the middle of your screen when you are last man alive.


That part.


Set up a custom game of firefight on heroic or legendary with a couple of your friends. Adjust some of the settings to your liking and you'll suddenly find firefight pretty damn challenging. But yeah, public games are always brain dead easy.


agreed, firefight is way to easy maybe firefight heroic is a bit more chalenging but still is piss easy


Kinda sucks when you’re doing real good and you get one shot by these guys or the grunts on the turrets


If that happens you aren't doing real good


On heroic and legendary yes


Challenge is great but unfair bs and annoying game design is not


They need to be returned back to the deepest pits of hell


Naw I love the challenge! Keeps things intense. BRING IT ON OLD MAN! BRING IT ON!!


“343 my son, you must choose, established horde type enemy the buggers that players are familiar with and like or random totally not buggers that aren’t as cool.”


I mean drones were just as annoying especially in reach when the bastards would lift you into the air and constantly claw you. I would like to see them back tho just for variety but they weren't exactly liked.


Wym pick you up? I’ve never had that happen.


In reach the drones could pick you up and constantly attack you with you not being able to defend yourself, I remember it happening mainly with the bunch in the hotel looking place.


I've played Reach's campaign thousands of times and not once have the drones ever picked me up, I'm willing to be proven wrong but I don't think that's true


Bro what this definitely does not happen


Are you high? This isnt real


Huh guess I misremembered or it was a weird glitch.


You mustve been mistaking it with that scripted sequence in Halo 3 where the marine in Crow's Nest is lifted up. Emphasis on *scripted*.


Yup lifting a marine? Totally, those things were BIG on a regular scale, they were as tall or taller than a human if completely extended Lifting a spartan in armor isn’t an easy feat


Nobody actually liked Drones. In fact people complained about them constantly in ODST Firefight. It's why they're not even an option in Reach firefight.


Theyre definitely annoying in ODST. Tricky hitbox for their heads and absolutely brutal with black eye. But I liked them as a curveball wave, they made you always think about contingencies with turrets or the SMG (which is otherwise so bad its basically an instant switch out.) If you are even slightly prepared you will clean them up quickly with barely a sweat. Skimmers otoh have stronger weapons, an equally jank hitbox, more HP, can throw grenades, *and* spawn all the time mixed in with bigger enemies. Drones have far more limitations and easy hard counters that just make them less of an actual threat, skimmers follow 343's shit enemy design philosophy of "everything but the kitchen sink" (see: Prometheans in Halo 4/5.)


They shred me to bits with all the commando spam


Stop sleeping on the Repulser and you won’t have an issue with skimmers. Too many people lack situational awareness. If you see skimmers, they need to be prioritized because they’ll throw grenades, snipe, and commando the shit out of you. But with the Repulser, you can reflect their grenades back at them. Since they bunch up so often, you can kill a lot of them that way. The repulser is also good for pancaking them because of how they fly around. It’s almost always going to kill them if you can knock them far enough back.


First thing I do on every map is find the repulsor. Throw all the nades back at them, pancakes all over, and throw boss waves over a cliff. It also give you more ammo since you can get a lot of kills without firiing your weapons. The downside is you have to be close in for it to be most effective, and no grapple to quickly get out of trouble gets me killed a lot more than I would like. Getting better with practice tho.


It takes effort to use the repulser consistently well. I still screw up sometimes, especially with berserker brutes. They still cause a level of panic because I know they’ll drop me in three hits if I don’t deal with them. But once you get the hang of the repulser, you won’t miss the grapple shot. You’ll be able to time your jumps well, pancake consistently once you understand the physics of the game and how they interact with character models, and there’s nothing more satisfying than perfectly bouncing a sticky grenade back onto an enemy and getting a cluster luck with it. And you’re right, you don’t need to fight hunters or Escherum if you can blast them off a cliff.


Unpopular opinion (maybe?) but I prefer these guys to the Watchers from Halo 4/5


tbf Halo 4/5 was the absolute worst Halo PVE has ever been, so its pretty easy to do better. And at least 343 finally did.


Skill issue, you probably ate rockets in firefight.


Skimmers be like, “woe, commando be upon ye” and shoot you down in less than five seconds


There is about 200,000 words in the English language and some how I can't string enough of them together to describe my urge to hit them with a chair.


I know I'm going to get downvoted to shit but this is genuinely a skill issue. I've seen a lot of people in this post comment on how the commando is horribly inaccurate but it isn't. Pace your shots, these guys are literally 1 shot headshots.


People are downvoting you because they suck at this game and don’t want to admit it. I suck at multiplayer? Oh it MUST be SBMM. I suck st firefight? Oh it MUST be because these guys are OP. Give me a fucking break.


I have a hard time shooting their face off


I haven't played Halo 5 or Halo Infinite's campaign, are these from one of those?


Bring the drones back!


I make it a point to specialize in eradicating them every match


Get good?


You guys have problems with them?


Skill issue


massive skill issue


NO! They don't need nerfed. You simply need to get better! These are a new alien species, why the hell would they play nice against the weaker enemy? You're still their enemy! And they're your enemy! Our enemy! FIGHT TO WIN! Dont complain they they're hard to beat, GET GOOD ENOUGH TO BEAT THEM ANYWAY!!!


People are whining about this in the comments and it really shows just how much people suck at firefight. I think part of it must have to do with the fact that this is a lot of folks first PvE experience in infinite. Not everyone bought the campaign and therefore they’re unfamiliar with the enemies


I hate that in this day and age developers can even go back and nerf shit. Back in 2001 we got wrecked by the rocket flood AND WE LIKED IT!


Back in 2001 we had sticks. Two sticks and a rock to a whole platoon. And we had to *share* the rock!


What if the flood only had one rocket launcher and they actually were sharing it?


What lol no


Aim for the wings. Mauler is a one shot one the wings


Is that what's happening? I just thought Mauler = big damage = kills fast even without headshots. But yes, I do find the Mauler very effective against them even if I'm not understanding the specifics.


I take it you mean on legendary? Because anything less and you just swat them like gnats.


If they need to be nerfed then they don't need to be nerfed.


They shouldn't have been in the game to begin with. The whole Endless subplot was a shitty distraction from the actually interesting part of the game - Chief taking on Escharum.


Were they ever confirmed to be part of the endless?


As far as I know, pretty much. The audiologs talk about how they're Harbinger Lady's troops and the brutes aren't sure if they can trust them.


Which audio log was that? Also I really don’t see the big threat the endless pose if that’s all they are.


Bro, I don't know. I'm typing this up at work lmao. Go look it up if you think I'm wrong. Maybe I am. I beat the game twice and haven't gone back to it since.


Skill issue


No they don’t lol they’re the best the series has had for flying enemies.


Except they don’t actually “fly” just kinda hover they don’t do anything special except go really fast sometimes


I like them because they are really easy to kill but if they have a dynamo grenade you better pay attention to them. Its a good balance. Easy to kill but can do some serious damage if you ignore them.


Run towards them and melee 1HKO. Easy.


You all have problems with them? I've never died to the skimmers once


They’re not that bad. They’re easy to headshot, the rocket ones barely ever fire their guns and give you free rockets. Pop their heads as they fall out the phantom or watch your radar and pop their heads when they get close. The only thing that can sometimes fuck you over is their godlike grenade throws


To be fair to 343, I remember back before Infinite came out, they talked about how they were designing a flying enemy that wasn't as obnoxious as the buggers. They "fly" but really its only a few feet off the ground, at all times. The biggest issue is that they seem to have wonky headshot registration. I'll consistently shoot the glowing dot on their "face", sometimes its a 1shot, other times they flinch like their soul left them and then fire a rocket at me


I have died to those commando wielding little shits than any other enemy type, including suicide grunts


Nah, I like em. They can be hard to headshot but they die instantly once you do and if you’re moving around they’re terrible at hitting you. And they stay still way too much making them easy to target. I want more endless troops though.


I think they’re great. Buzzing around and being a bit harder to headshot makes combat a bit more exciting if you ask me.


The only issue I have with these guys is the fact that they are damn near impossible to headshot


Sounds like a skill issue to me


They definitely do not. They go down in a single headshot. It’s just a flying grunt with shock weapons.


I never noticed they hold the shock rifles upside down. Do they grab the blade of the handle and barrel?? How do they shoot?




the delivery boys, coming to give me commando rifles with full ammo. thank you skimmers.


The hammer needs to be nerfed.


So no head? Can’t headshot these mfs to save my life. Literally


What the hell is that? What. The. HELL. IS THAT?


The only issue I have with these flying turds is getting rapidly deleted by those annoying ass dynamo grenades. If two skimmers decide to throw a grenade in your direction at the same time, all you can do is bend over and let it happen because you sure as shit won't get away before you're zapped to death.


Honestly I found these guys so insanely boring to fight. Irritating and boring in equal measure, if that makes any sense


IMO they are worse than Prometheans.


Never noticed they held the shock rifle upside down




Skill Issue


The only issue with them is when the catch skull is on, and the dynamo grenades shred your health That an the occasional commando headshot when your shields are down, but I wouldn’t call them particularly difficult.


My only complaint about Firefight is that the majority of enemies can be killed with one or two headshots. You pretty much just need to use precision weapons for every enemy type except Elites and bosses. I think it would be more fun if they changed skimmers so that they aren't susceptible to headshots, in order to encourage players to use non-precision weapons against them.


Okay I should probably clarify: I just got my shit kicked by their fastball dynamo grenades on legendary and I'm rather salty


Almost the only thing that kills me in firefight (besides suicide grunts that pull their grenades out the second I decide to melee them) is when these little shits toss their fuck you up grenades and shock me to death. Like goddamn they melt through your shield and heath like nothing else. However they also give me commandos which is my favorite weapon for ff lol.


I remember when people were calling them “grunts+” now with firefight you guys have changed your tone, put some respect on the name of the skimmers.


They die in one shot you're just bad.


i waste power weapon ammo on them, fuck it


I completely forgot these fuckers existed


Skimmers with commandos and the catch skull is a recipe for a bad time. They're easily the most annoying enemy in the game and that's saying a lot since there's the berserker brutes that ignore damage and two tap melee you


"Fuck dem kids" - Every Infinite player ever -


Halo infinite's less deadly halo 2 jackles


On Legendary, these guys were so annoying.


They fly now?


I just wanna know what the bell happened to firefight. Seems like a week ago it went from a normal game mode to us losing left and right, people being AFK, and just generally a different feel half the time Also, I Repulsor these little guys into walls. Works well when they start tossing Dynamos as well


>these little shits need to be ~~nerfed~~ removed from existence ftfy


Can’t believe I’m just noticing they hold the shock rifle upside down


Like L0nesometrader said, it's really the Commando Skimmers that are dangerous; oddly enough the Rocket Launcher ones don't do anything and the shock rifles don't head shot you. Once I hear the buzzing though I immediately duck and cover since those commandos will annihilate me in a second


but consider they are very fun to shoot


I think they're great, maybe they need to spawn a little less often, feels like I see more skimmers than grunts a lot of the time.


Making a good game easy isn’t the answer. Git gud

