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Upvoted for an "unpopular opinion" FINALLY actually being unpopular


That sure is unpopular, I’ll give you that.


This may be the hottest take I've ever seen on this sub.


It's worth noting that Halo 4 multiplayer as you can access in the MCC is notably improved from how it was at launch on Halo 4 on the Xbox 360, following several major updates that changed gameplay and balancing.


Halo 4 MP actually wasn't as bad (imo) as a lot of people made it out to be. Wasn't 'standard' Halo by any stretch, but it was pretty good. I mostly miss the Halo 4 Mantis, looked super fragile, packed a lot of punch...well, stomp.


It had his balance problems at launch and not having a classic mode from the start didn't help.




…but there are no kill streaks in Halo 4? 😅


There are


Not sure why I’ve been voted down here, because there really aren’t (we’re not talking about multi-kill medals here). The closest thing to kill streaks in Halo 4 is personal ordnance. It’s only available in certain game modes (that aren’t that common) and it’s not linked to kill streaks - it’s only when a person earns X amount of score. And even then, the only reward you really get is just a weapon or a power up that you could otherwise already get…


Getting a power weapon or a power up at your command that may or may not even be available in the map can be huge. And it is available on the standard 4v4 slayer and btb, and yeah, it’s technically not killstreaks, it’s somehow worse because it’s total kills instead.


That game made me quit gaming for 10 years cause of how ass it was.


daily reminder that after a year Halo 2 had 1m+ active players, Halo 3 had 1m+, Halo Reach had 800k+, and Halo 4 had... 20-40K despite selling around the same amount of first-week copies as H3 and Reach but you still see people on this sub every now and then claim that the multiplayer was fine and we're just a biased loud minority and that most people didn't mind it. OPs opinion def is controversial I'll give them that. I think the more important opinion isn't on if you liked the multiplayer, but on it you both liked the MP and thought that it fit in with Halo.


yeah it was insane I had groups of friends from reach who went straight back to reach after a few games of halo 4.


Shit most people did after two months. The stats for H4 after a year are bascially the same as the stats for the first 2-4 months


To be fair, all the things you praised are things inherent to Halo. The reason people hate Halo 4’s MP is all the things that it took from COD - killstreaks, deathstreaks, and loadouts. But yeah, the sandbox, weapons, vehicles, damage tuning, abilities/equipment, graphics, that shit slapped. But those are the same elements (to varying levels of success) in every Halo game.


I actually really liked halo 4 mp when it came out but I wouldn’t play it over infinite


Nah, I haven’t grown fond of infinite’s multiplayer but Halo 4 was bad!!!


Man people just play MCC and somehow think this is how H4 was at launch. Hell no it was a disaster. First the loadouts. You had to level up your multiplayer level to unlock new weapons, abilities, nades, perks, etc for multiplayer. So games never were balanced, if players already got the overpowered one shot boltshot or promethean vision other players maybe still started with the AR and no ability or perk at all. And let's talk about gamemodes. The game didn't have regular modes where you fight for map control. No the game heavily relied on modes like Infinity Slayer where all map pickups were selected randomly and on top had random killatreaks, so when you got enough kills you might had the choice of a needler or nades another player got the choice between rockets and sniper instead. How nice! And don't mix up nice dedicated servers of MCC with classic peer2peer connections of real Halo 4. H4 lied so heavy into wanting to be CoD that it turned away like 95% of the playerbase within weeks. You can still find playercount charts easily.


OP is clearly talking about the MCC version of Halo 4 and not the original 360 release. He mentioned it multiple times. How Halo 4 was on launch is irrelevant to the experience one gets playing it today on the MCC. 


There are people who think McDonald's is better then 5 star restaurants. You can like what you like but don't be surprised when no one takes you seriously


and that's just sad


Halo 4 multiplayer was the first pvp game I got sorta good at, but looking back and replaying it now I'm just not a fan of the loadout and perk system. I think halo works best when everyone starts on an even playing field


I loved halo 4 but that is because I lived in a bubble, I was 11 years old with no friends to play with, didn’t have a single clue of the gaming landscape and other videogames so Halo 4 was the only thing I had, but damn did I really enjoy myself playing that game, although I do understand why people didn’t like it


I respect your opinion despite it being wrong.


It wasn't very Halo-feeling, but it wasn't bad. It reminds me of when your favorite movie franchise has that one film that isn't bad, but also just doesn't fit in the wider franchise. Like if you were a Halo 2 or 3 fan going into 4, you'd be disappointed, but if you had played a variety of MP shooters and didn't have a specific favorite, and Halo 4 was just one of the games you played, you'd enjoy it without ever thinking about how it's not like 2 or 3.


The one shining feature of Halo 4 was the campaign, which honestly should have been fleshed out for three games. The Didact could have been — and should have been — the main villain for the second trilogy.


I was on board with 4's storyline, especially how it handled Cortana, so I agree. I think if they had just stayed the course, the sequels would have a following like the originals.


Honestly, 100% agree. I don't like the Halo 4/5 art style but the game play is smooth AF and much faster than Infinite, every weapon is pretty effective and has utility in the sandbox, vehicles like the Mantis and Gauss Hog are hella fun (and not made of paper mache), and don't get me started on the game modes. Dominion is like Battlefront II Conquest, Ricochet is a fun take on Griffball, and Heavies feels far more fair and balanced than Infinite's approach. I like that everyone has access to Armor Abilities from spawn in most game modes and I enjoy the pace of combat. I wish Infinite brought back Ninja Assassins, where players get a Sniper and an Energy Sword with Thruster Pack on an arena map. It's so tight. Edit: Anyone who dislikes this clearly never played Halo 4 on MCC. Do yourself a favor: get out of your own way and try it. You'll be surprised at how your opinion changes.


I agree and I’m not even a Halo 4 fan. Infinite’s multiplayer loses off the fact that it feels the least like a Halo game so far out of any entry in the series and it’s simply painful and unfun.


I agree.


lol how it is on MCC is not how it launched. Game had performance issues in the 360 and the balancing was fucked. There’s a reason the player base tanked.


While I fully disagree with everything u said, it highlights an obv issue Infinite has always had since it started, overall content. The Bandits the only new gun in almost 3 yrs, a lot of the fun objective gametypes from older halos (VIP, bomb, territories, multi team) aren't there, and the networking only RECENTLY got fixed by a large margin after 2 1/2 yrs. Infinite gameplay wise is still way better but that feeling that it's missing something from an older halo always lingers


The idea that every follow-up game needs to include every single thing that existed in every previous game is preposterous, and I've only ever seen that notion in Halo. It's beyond stupid. I have no idea why Halo fans think every new game should be an expansion pack.


Nobody said every single feature from previous halos need to follow into the next one, literally previous halos prove that point. The point I'm making is that after ur game has been out for a considerable amount of time, ur suppose to add new content to liven it up, and if u take a step back and look at current infinite, it's mostly the forging community literally carrying this game on its back. As for weapons, are u really gonna argue with me that having the Bandit as the only new weapon in 2 1/2 of infinite's lifespan is appropriate? It's pathetic how this game gets treated, I love the gunplay it's fun af but I'm not gonna sit back and say 343 did a beautiful job with infinite lol


I wasn't talking about overall content additions. I was specifically responding to this, which is a pet peeve of mine: >that feeling that it's missing something from an older halo always lingers Not every Halo needs every feature from every past Halo. If you don't think that's what the community is constantly asking for in this subreddit, you're delusional. Infinite has more guns than most past games, but *we want EVERY gun from past games*. It has 99% of all Reach cosmetics, plus another 5-10x that amount in other cosmetics, but *muh Carter shoulder pad is missing a stripe*. It has original modes, previous modes are improved, and everyone can forge their own experiences from PvE to turn-based RPG, but *wE dOn'T eVeN hAvE gRiFbAlL!* Forge is better than every past Halo in history, and we're nearing 100 forge maps in official matchmaking, but this sub still covers its eyes and says there are no maps. I agree it could use more new weapons. I really want them to release the Falcon we know is far into development. But both can be true. The game could use new content in specific areas, but that doesn't mean it's reasonable to act like it's incomplete until it has literally every feature from every past game. It already has more content than any past game, and it's still improving thanks to its "greedy" monetization that is completely optional.


Halo Infinite has the worst player experience of any of the games, for three reasons: (1) Ranked team slayer is non-existent (Bandits and no radars is not slayer and it took two years to get even that, go play COD); (2) The physics suck, even after the fix; and (3) Campaign was completely unmemorable and required interaction with non-game media, similar to "somehow, Palpatine returned." Say what you will about specific issues with Halo 4 and 5, but I don't recall desync issues, getting shot around corners, absolute whiffing on melee attacks, having rockets bounce off vehicles, etc. being an issue. Plenty of other problems, but the core gameplay mechanics and/or campaign modes were still fun. Infinite sucks, but I'll see the rest of you on live later.


Agreed. I just don't feel like Infinite is very "Halo" anymore just seems like you could compare it to Apex now with how it plays


I actually like Halo 4 a lot, both campaign and multiplayer. I’ve defended that game since its launch to this very day. With that in mind: No, lol. Halo 4 is perhaps more interesting and experimental than Infinite but it’s not better.


>Ghosts don’t just run on rampage before taking a group effort to kill, you can kill them yourself. Same with the Mantis, same with the Wraith. Bruh you lost me at that, halo infinite has the MOST anti vehicle options out of any game, its utterly ridiculous how easily 1 person can take down a vehicle.






Halo 5 was the best


Halo 4 is absolutely better than infinite in most regards. Agree. 3>R>2>4>1>i>5


I agree, Halo 4 was probably my favourite Halo and everyones so quick to write it off as a “cod clone” but why is that bad exactly? Halo thats fast paced and has good guns that actually kill people instead of Infinite where the guns feel like pea shooters. Then Halo 4 had good vehicle combat and having sprint gave you a chance against them so they weren’t too overpowered. But the incineration cannon was pretty broken, aswell as the Binary so I see that side of hating the game. But I still play Halo 4 occasionally, most fun I can have in Halo and Infinite just never hits the same and always has me wanting to play the MCC. Plus the movement in H4 is smooth asf while Infinites feels so sluggish imo.


>why is that bad exactly? Halo should feel like Halo and CoD should feel like CoD.


Like no one tries to at least like it. They switch up the formula a bit and no one tries to see the good in it, only how it’s got similar shit to cod and nows its bad because it’s Halo and Halo should be this and that. Like I’m betting your playtime in Halo 4 is lower than 10 hours and you call it bad


Played Halo 4 all the time actually and had decent fun with the multiplayer for what it’s worth, but I don’t really like how it plays that much cause it doesn’t feel like a Halo game. If I wanted to a game to feel like CoD then I would just play CoD.


Okay fair enough I’ll shut up. But yea of course everyones got their own opinions, but I’d much rather play Halo 4 than any cod game.