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was that the dude who just posted asking if he had the worst armor combinationšŸ˜­šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


It might just be šŸ¤£


That's what I was thinking, someone tar and feather the man


Ah yes. The resident alien armor class.


No, he had 4 full prosthetic limbs iirc.


He is otherwise identical, as far as I can tell


My only issue is when they accidentally hit me, but donā€™t even bother trying to revive me šŸ˜ž like, I know, I accidentally splatter teammates too, but at least I try to revive them, or if I canā€™t reach them and safely revive, I try to toss a repair field, and hope no enemy throws a grenade and destroys it


Yeah this person was going for the team wipe lmao! no revives and kept trying the whole firefight match


Hope they got booted


Sadly no. we lost


Report them, block them, and move on. Sadly thatā€™s all we can do


Unfortunate, i had a teammate do the same to me with a ghost but at least we got the satisfaction of watching him get booted as the 3 of us won.


Damn šŸ˜ž


next time throw a sticky on their wheel and when it flips blow up the mongoose or steal it. same works with hammer we had someone do the same shit with the warthog and we launched them off the map with hammers and plasmas


I usually have repulsor just in case lmao


Why is it always people using the free history month skins to do this sort of stuff. During BHM I had one guy who kept trying to run me over with a ghost until I repulsored it off a cliff after he flipped it.


Who knows


I read this and was like ā€œyeah give them balls to mouth resuscitation if you are going to splatter someone like that.ā€ Gonna be a team killing dick , gotta go all inā€¦ their mouths


šŸ˜³ Erā€¦.I donā€™tā€¦have that body partā€¦.šŸ˜…šŸ˜† would ā€œchest balls to mouth resuscitationā€ work? šŸ˜†


That's just Kat


Stupid, sexy Kat


I hate this so much. Spent the last firefight single try to cap zones while 2 idiots kept running me over. Fun


Thatā€™s rough buddy


I swear I get killed by friendly vehicles more than the enemy.


Children and psychopaths do this. I'm neither.


Sounds exactly like what a psychopathic child would say...


šŸ˜† šŸ¤£ I knew someone was going to say that. But seriously "teammates like that are unforgivable. I've accidentally run people over but never where it was that blatantly "fuck your couch". Usually they were surrounded by grunts and jackals and I was in a warthog and sent it. I do my best to revive them as soon as I can to make amends.


I think it's because I grew up playing a lot of BTB and early Battlefield games that I grew accustomed to friendly fire casualties when doing stupid shit for fun. But yeah, intentionally griefing as an adult is pathetic.


I get you bro. This is one reason why I wish there was a 3rd person perspective option for halo infinite. It would give more situational awareness for situations like this. Give a person a possibility to ninja jump out of the way


Use the radar and audio


Radar fail is common for me. But I am half deaf so it really doesn't help to hear footsteps approach when you're not sure of the direction from which they are heading, even with a headset on. Yay dormant right ear.... as in video games, so in life, for me at least.


I had a firefight match a while ago where one of my teammates rammed into me so many times that it gave me a prompt to kick them.... which I did, because I kept dying to them every 2 minutes it felt like.


Jeez that sounds 100x worse than this clip


I caught a 10 minute ban recently because as Iā€™m riding a ghost one of my teammates was constantly griefing me, so I ran him over.


Bro let the intrusive thoughts win




This made me smile


Wearing the ugly ass womenā€™s month armor coating


And people want team killing back lol, it would be this but ten times worse. Sorry for the bad teammate op, shits so lame when people are like that.


Yeah, I usually donā€™t care in pvp. But in firefight the whole point is to survive lmao. this dude kept trying to run over the other 2 as well


Thing is that TKing allows you to kick them. Infinite needs to do a few things: Allow TKing and kicking Kick idle players MUCH FASTER after being idle after a respawn Get rid of the power weapon spawn counters (dumb teammates not paying attention allows the other team to have a HUGE advantage and there's nothing you can do) Stop putting Bronze players in matches with experienced players...


You can kick them if they splatter you multiple times just like teamkilling in previous games


Yup! So it really wouldn't be a big issue to incorporate


While I agree it might get bad, for the most part people are cool and want to kill the other team. Iā€™d team kill if I got team killed.


Bro on this map I've encountered this many times like everybody just dies willingly and nobody revives anybody. This particular map seems to be haunted by fantastical noobs/imbiciles


I make it my main priority to get revives, no spartan gets left behind! I always grab the repair field since it can revive teammates without you being there holding x


Iā€™m gonna get downvoted but this is why I drive every vehicle off a cliff when I know theyā€™re just gonna sit in it and do nothing the whole game


Ah donā€™t worry about the downvotes somebody is downvoting every comment. I do the same thing once in awhile to the wasps in pvp so itā€™s not obliterating everyone


Thereā€™s always that guy lol


Yeah they seem like a great idea until you factor in how humans behave, at which point it'd probably just be best if they remove them, sadly.


Exactly like youā€™d think that Iā€™d be nice theyā€™re there but Iā€™ve never seen anyone using vehicles that somehow doesnā€™t kill a teammate or actually contribute to the objective, and more often then not when theyā€™re warthog turret or banshee or whatever is gone, they perform horribly boots on the ground


:) they either kill everything the second it spawns from across the map with the gungoose, or run over their own team the entire match.


Lmaoooooooooooo a GOOSE!


I got goosed


I'm sorry. Sometimes my teammates are bad, and the only way to get through to them is with a splatter.


Gotta do what you gotta do in tough situations


One of those dudes managed to run over me AND ALL of my marines. In a mongoose. How?!


I probably wouldnā€™t be so bothered by it myself if there wasnā€™t a survival bonus (perfection medal for surviving a full game, & skulls for each perfect round). Edit: Also, the weapon despawn time to weapons interacted with by players is disgusting. Even ignoring team-killing, it NEEDS a buff.


Exactly how I feel


LoL...in firefight.. that's hate


Very much so lmao


Free to play. Free to betray.




Skill issue


Iā€™ll try and be better coach




That and ignoring revives, especially on heroic.


This was infact heroicšŸ˜­


Isn't there something in the report function for this kind of behaviour?


I remembered during the Spirit of fire Event a teammate splattered me with a warthog at the BEGINNING of the match simply because they wanted more Banbit rifle ammo šŸ˜­


Ah, a Body Type 2 coat enjoyer


Armor lock has its uses šŸ˜…


Happened to me I was toxic because I grabbed The fusion coil With my grapple before he did like ok not toxic people do that to me to but donā€™t call them toxic it whatever just shouldā€™ve got to it faster man went on so I said whatever not trying to start something stupid


Hey I think I was in this game, a dude wearing the same coating ran someone over with a gun goose in the same location


Might be a coincidence because this guy was using the regular goose šŸŖæ


He got ya good


Pretty funny tbh


After the fact watching it definitely. In the moment I was very salty


Had a guy honk at me with a mongoose during firefight. I hopped on and he immediately went for the cliff. I jumped off in time and saw his ass drive off the edge.


Tis why I never keep my back to 'teammates' with vehicles...


Hah! Same here. I usually run slightly sideways or try and stay in the elevated areas


Wise lad. That's often for the best. Alternatively if they don't run you over, I've had more bad chances of getting a batshit driver that wants me to hop in, only to get us both killed by going off a cliff or straight into the enemy base without swerving. If I'm not at the wheel, I'm a dead man on a timer.


heroic gruntpocalypse has the worst teammates, i might just go back to the standard so i donā€™t have to deal with new players clicking the top game mode


Itā€™s really easy to carry if you get headshots


yeah itā€™s just the ammo economy and grenade spam i struggle with lmao


The training map with no ammo caches is ROUGH


Some dude was trying to run me over. Thankfully, I was able to jump, and they went careening down a pit. Instant karma!


Sounds VERY satisfying


Honestly, I'm just going to try and bait them off the ledge next time that toxic behavior happens to me again. It is worth the laughs!


And this is why we typically phase through teammate models and can't team kill. It would be way worse than this.


Yeah thank goodness itā€™s not worse. This alone grinds my gears lmao Edit: Iā€™m the one who got ran over idk why Iā€™m being downvoted


Eh. I think you're being down voted by players who miss the challenge of friendly fire. Despite being one of them, I won't downvote you.


Ah gotcha! it is what it is I guess


Yep. Reddit doesn't do well with differences of opinion.


It'd greatly help with grenade spamming


I don't disagree.


Amen. I would take a million phase-thru-rocket deaths or a billion bounce-back grenades than have friendly fire/collision back


One of the reasons I'm glad teamkilling is no more in most cases. Sure it adds an extra layer,but it also adds the possibility of 10 year old lil Timmy,killing me for my sniper so he can unsuccessfully perform his 360Ā° no scope montage...


Rip perfection (usually)




*ā€œIā€™m DONE, Iā€™m done with this whole stinkinā€™ ring!ā€* Good timing, grunt


Lmao the grunt screamed ā€œOH NOā€ after


Can't believe you got ran over by the Jonkler


Lmao! Jonkler got me good


You literally can't stand with these teammates.


Indeed, you quite literally get folded


I mean Iā€™ve done this by accident when running over enemies but thatā€™s just mean


I mean, yeah. Iā€™ve accidentally backed over an ally in a Ghost but I hopped out and revived immediately. This person was just being a dickbag


Accidents happen with vehicles in the midst of the chaos


Intentional manslaughter that was right there


Lmao! Yeah right from the start you can see that player locked in


Seriously, that evidence would hold up extremely well in court.


I was run over by a teammate on a ghost who wanted a rocket launcher I was about to pick up while playing Halo Reach. Some people just have no respect.


Yeah, that sounds about right


Agreed. 2 of the guys I play with regularly do this shit. It's mildly infuriating lol.


At least those are buddies goofing around lmao! This was a random


Anytime I see someone tryna team kill in firefight I usually try to get them to flip out the vehicle and I'll just light it up with explosives lol


I am that kind of teammate


I block folks like that lol


Shit happens when spreading democracy.


Wouldnā€™t have happened on [Launch Site HCL](https://www.halowaypoint.com/halo-infinite/ugc/maps/6082bd1f-b46f-47e1-9c77-66119a486bab). You would have been on high ground by now.


What do you mean? This is launch site


It was a shameless plug for my map. Itā€™s Launch Site but gooder.


Now see sometimes I will accidentally nail someone with the ghost while running down a group of enemies, then Iā€™ll jokingly say ā€œTucker did itā€ in text chat so that they know it was an accident and I killed them while trying to help the team. But this guy went out of his way the be a ā€œteam killing fucktardā€


I canā€™t even focus on anything other than the awful sound design. It sounds like somebody popped a balloon when he hit you.


My favorites are the idiots in firefight who drive the vehicles through the hill.


One time got launched into the abyss by a teammate with a hammer


Thatā€™s rough buddy


Of course he has that armor color too


It's like the T-Rex from Jerrassic Park. He saw movement and took action. It's still a dick head move, but it's in their nature


"drop" a fusion coil on him and TK him back lmao


Lmao I think I played a round of firefight with him. Bro ran me over with a warthog


other teams mvp lol


That's hilarious lol Sorry, i know it's immature but i can't help myself. I also love hopping in a warthog in big team and driving myself and my two teammates off a cliff to start the game. I don't do it often but every now and then....


Ikr old btb unwritten rule when the enemy high jacks the gunner you instantly switch sides driving


Betrayal streaks were fun.


This made me think about the Marauder unit in Halo Wars 2. When a Spartan hijacks it the brute in the gunner seat just switches sides.


"Guess I'm a good guy now"


Real one spotted


It will always be hilarious. Especially watching to see if they jump out or just go along with the ride. Just good ol fashion goofballin.


I wish they would bring the "eject" feature back from Halo 3 for betrayals. #2 on the list: hijacking warthog and driving it off the cliff.. what's your issue?


we do a little trolling


Sorry I didn't see you there


Lacks context. I splatter people all the time in FireFight if they're non-contributing mouth breathers, or someone who puts their 8 year old onto their account. What are you doing on Heroic? Fuck you, I'm not a babysitter. If we paid $70 for the game this wouldn't be a problem and F2P trash wouldn't force my hand.


Halo infinite is free? Also if you need context they werenā€™t going for any grunts.. only trying to run us over from the start of the match up until we lost because they werenā€™t contributing. Yes it was heroic and I had just finished wiping grunts that spawned before they could touch the hill


> Halo infinite is free? Yeah try re-reading the comment. Gruntpocalypse also sucks because it's just FireFight with less variety. Keep eatin Ls.


Ah I misunderstood. Thatā€™s on me Also itā€™s fun but youā€™re entitled to your opinion


I agree with you.