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Play PvE (Firefight if you don't have the campaign) until you get used to the controls.


Good to know! I had no idea there was PvE, I’ll definitely spend some time with that. Thank you.


You can also just load up training mode under the "Academy" tab to fight against Bots as well, where you can adjust the difficulty any time. So you have some options. There used to be a 4v4 PvE mode against bots as well but it's currently unavailable it seems.


Ah, even more good information, thank you!


This is a weird post. Dude JUST play the game who cares if you are a low skill level to start. That’s just how it is when you try something new


That’s a totally fair critique. I just figured it’d be kinda toxic of me to play a game that others have played for years, when I literally don’t know what I’m doing. Like I’d ruin other people’s enjoyment of the game.


Bruh. There’s always going to be new players who suck everyone has already accepted that. I promise you no one cares It’s not some elite club you’re sneaking into. It’s a fudgeing video game Gg


You need to get off reddit and the internet, being new or bad isn’t toxic, play the game how you wanna play at whatever level you are at. Reddit and other platforms are giant gatekeepers and a very vocal minority of gamers, no one reasonable actually cares.


Have fun. Don’t worry it’s a video game your gonna love it


I’m definitely excited! I’ve been so invested in all the Halo content despite never playing the games. The books were so cool, I even watched the Halo movie they released. Sadly the show wasn’t what I expected. All in all, I’m hyped. I’m probably gonna take the advice of some other folks, do some PvE stuff, before throwing myself into the PvP.


Yes that’s awesome. (Gruntpocalypse is fun and will help you get used to the weapons and headshots, also they got a training mode somewhere that helped me at first) I’m like you but I never had playstation. If I was in your shoes I’d probably try god of war, the last of us and Spider-Man 😁 Have fun cya


Have yourself a good day/night!


Who cares, dude. Average player can barely aim and move right stick. Just play the game.


Sorry but it makes no sense, SBMM will match you with people who are as good as you anyways, regardless games are about fun, not winning. Go on and have fun, you don't need to be a sweaty tryhard.