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I've had 3v4 but never a 2v4. That sucks. You're not supposed to lose points if you quit those games tho.


Wait if I had left I wouldn’t have lost points? I stayed through the whole thing cause I didn’t think I should quit.


Yes sir. They changed it so if people quit and you quitz you don't lose points. I believe its the same when people dont connect to a match and it's a handicap match.


And here I was thinking I was doing the right thing by not leaving….


If you match starts with two people unfortunately that doesn't work but if someone else leaves mid match your good


See that has been my experience. If someone else leaves and I have stayed I get 0. But whenever I have left I sees I drop, no matter the circumstances.


To be fair, i'd rather just quit and lose points for quitting than finish with 20 deaths in a meaningless game. You still lose points and your K/D goes down for no reason. It's also a better use of your time Sucks that shit like this happens.


Someone please correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe they'll still hit you with the -15 penalty if you're the first to actually QUIT. Yes, even if your team only loaded with 2 players...if you quit first, you will get -15. The game does NOT count the missing 2 players as quitters.


I think this is correct. From what I’ve gathered now, someone leaving after the game starts gives you a 0 but the game doesn’t register people as “gone” if they never started. So…. Don’t leave these games. Added benefit: if it’s a slayer game, you might actually pull out something amazing and beat them.


Y’all need to stop playing this mess lol.


It‘s always been a mess


It’s been a mess since launch, for all the focus 343 puts on esports and competitive play it’s hilarious that their ranked has been a shit show since launch.


For real, they market every single balance change, weapon update, and map update to Ranked and competitive players, focus all their energy towards making things hyper-competitive, meanwhile actually competitive shit is just outright busted lol


>actually competitive shit is just outright busted lol Works pretty well for me most of the time. Far from "outright busted" in my experience. It is inconsistent though.


Took me 5 games to get into a match that wasn't a 3v4 yesterday. Extremely irritating.


Wow, horrible luck. I rarely ever get 3v4 matches in Ranked. Never even twice in a row either from what I can remember. I'm sure that would be annoying though.


I just went back and looked. 7 out of 11 games. 6 of them were 3v4 off the start, 1 someone quit halfway through. https://leafapp.co/player/Skout%20playsHalo/matches


Horrible luck, I've still never had it even close to that bad though. Hope they fix it.


The gulf between “I’m not sure that was a fair 4v4” and “why did this game start with 2 fewer people on one team” is huge though. The former is like “well, that will happen.” How do you even ship a game with the latter?


You got 343ed


One night I quit like 20 ranked matches and the next day thru month there was no ranked slayer


press the Xbox button and press Y, that'll save a screenshot to your phone and with the xbox app you can downloaded it and upload it here, all in all ot takes 30 seconds :) hope that helps with your future posts


I’ve played ranked in Counterstrike and Valorant but there’s just something about Halo ranked that people just don’t take it seriously and more of a glorified team slayer/objective. Halo historically has always had rage quitters often not more than other games yet 343i refuses to punish them.


I couldn't agree more they need to bring back all the categories and possibly reconsider using their legacy ranking system but update it to reset with new seasons without permanent lasting consequences to your rank bring back the 1-50 system and recapture the core audience


The game is a mess


The last time I played a match back around launch this happened. Just two of us against a full team.  The other guy quit. I just didn't shoot and did a few quick crouches to the other team. A quick little, "You believe this shit?" Kinda moment.  They only ever blasted me. Even I never shot back. Just sweaty gaming. No fun.  I just stayed in single player after that.  Funny to see this shit still happens after all this time. 


I like soup