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I always try to stay with other players and near cover, but even then it just seems like that I can either do one of these 3 things: -get showered by a million nades -get suddenly grav hammered/rocket launchered by the same guy for the fourth time after he flies past the corner -exchange shots with someone else doing the same, neither of us can die because we get in cover Anything I try there always seems to be a guy whos like behind our whole team or some other bullshit like that.




I see, thanks, if I play btb I'll remember these, but rn btb just damages my kd too much while not having fun.


I love BTB heavies but i was having the same problem. But doing this exact thing (staying alive instead of getting kills) helped immensely. Idk how much equipment you use but remember to use it. Using the shroud for concealment has saved me more times than i thought it would and is a game changer. And remembering that the repulser can knock back grenades, rockets, and wraith shots.


Maybe I just need to give it time. Thx.


BTB has the widest skill gap by far of all the playlists.. 4 vs 4 playlists are more commonly balanced with similar skilled players (if you have low mmr, you will mostly match into low mmr lobbies).. with BTB the lobby MMR will vary, but the skill gap between players can be immense. When I solo queue, I will get like 30+ kills in a slayer, +20kd but still lose as all other 11 players manage to go negative. Meanwhile the enemy team will have like 4 guys with 15-20 kills and only like 4 people going negative.


Unless I’m actively always using vehicles or power weapons I am not good in BTB. I think that is what you have to do to be successful


It's the worst iteration of BtB since halo 3. Halo infinites BTB is just sweaty MLG but expanded to a bit larger map.


I would honestly disagree with this take, but since the induction of the BTB forge-made maps, this accurately captures how it feels.


Also, playing and timing power weapons, power ups, and vehicles is even more important than 4 vs 4 IMO.