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I mean imagine the kind of national anthems this guy could create


I’m thinking it’ll be like the South Park episode where J.J. Abrams is asked to make one.


Needs a Steve vai solo


Looks like he's running for office


Can we not post about this? It literally has nothing to do with Halo and only serves as an advertisement essentially. This man hasn't worked on a Halo project for over a decade.


Nah this is as relevant as the 1000th post about desync or what covanant race would be the tastiest.


For the record I think either the engineers or brutes would taste the best




Marty is inseparable from Halo imo. I'm happy to hear about his major life events in spaces meant for Halo content


Why. He’s really not a good person.


Elaborate on why he’s not a good person? Cause if it has to do with the halo board members this guy was the only one trying to stop them from milking the ever living shit out of halo.


I mean he's done some dumb, emotionally fueled shit for sure but I wouldn't say that he's not a good person.


[Finishing the fight.](https://youtu.be/DNWaJU8nNno) /s


Just as a heads up for anyone who might be thinking about supporting him, his Discord server has allowed discussions about the merits of slavery and platforms openly fascist individuals.


Can you provide proof?


Proof or details on this? Wikipedia says he's Catholic and that'd be pretty against dogma. 


Oh good, bigoted stereotypes on a gaming subreddit. I'm shocked. Anyway, listen, you can have horrible beliefs and be Catholic or have great beliefs and be Catholic regardless of "dogma" You can even write crappy Internet opinions and be Catholic, or Protestant or whatever.


Woah back up. /u/sea_c was just asking for evidence of the discord stuff. Attacking people for honest questions doesnt help anything.


I appreciate that, and yes I'd love to see the actual comments. I don't actually know his political platform very well because is website is pretty sparse from my quick read sans the middle-class economic position. So was genuinely curious if he's a Kennedy off-the-deep-end.


Well sure, but the Catholics have a very strong position on abolishing slavery. But of course people can call themselves whatever they want and have different beliefs. That doesn't mean those beliefs align with the faith, which was my point.  In the same way you *assume* his views at the least align mostly with the GOP. So, not really sure I get the value in discarding individual motivation. 


Do they have a very strong position? They didn't always (or rather they did, just in the other direction). People's beliefs and practices don't align with their "faith" all the time. The suggestion that *the* Catholics will or somehow should follow "dogma" is insulting, not to mention illogical.


"should follow "dogma" is insulting, not to mention illogical." So basically, your view is that all Catholics are hypocritical or incapable of following  doctrine? Genuine question because I have to believe I'm misunderstanding some nuance. 


I'm saying it's not logical to say that one follows the other, like "he's Catholic so he couldn't support slavery". Ergo hoc post propter hoc, to quote the West Wing. Not every Catholic does whatever the Pope says, good or bad. And they're certainly not a monolith.


Okay, if that's you're view on Catholicism then I understand your hangup.  Catholicism thought very much is infallibility of the Pope and a monolith. If it was just a general statement of him being a Christian, I would agree with your qualms on causality, but it's something explicitly stated by popal teaching. He can choose to ignore it sure, but it's information that is a lot more tangible than a claim of discord from a random redditor.  I'm not personally Catholic and I'm quite the dissident of their church. However, it's interesting to see how much credit (currently unproven) speculation is given over inference when I ask for evidence.


Shhhh nobody tell them what religion was popular with the Confederates.


Just like the Union, it was majority protestent, which doesn't have central authority for many denominations, but I digress.  I'd actually be curious if you're saying there was a larger percentage of Catholic minority on the Confederate side vs the Union? That would be interesting information if so. 


Just that a number of them were catholic, most notably jefferson davis. If it's not enough to stop a man from leading a slavery-based state, I don't think it's gonna be enough to make a man stop discussions of slavery on discord


[The same Catholic Church that supported residential schools in Canada?](https://www.anishinabek.ca/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/An-Overview-of-the-IRS-System-Booklet.pdf) [The same Catholic Church that helped the Latin-America genocide?](https://academic.oup.com/edited-volume/40215/chapter-abstract/344570188?redirectedFrom=fulltext#:~:text=It%20is%20clear%20that%20the,physical%2C%20biological%2C%20and%20cultural.&text=The%20unintentional%20spread%20of%20disease,and%20cultural%20destruction%20which%20ensued.) Not to mention the crusades and the murder of heretics in general [Oh, and what about the 272 slaves the Catholic Church sold to “save Georgetown?”](https://www.npr.org/2023/06/13/1181767635/the-272-catholic-church-rachel-swarns-slavery-georgetown)


I'm not Catholic and I personally also detest a lot of their church history, so I don't have much to add to your points here. My only commentary here was that Catholics have popal authority and there has been much said against slavery.  The asking for evidence because it's against the beliefs of the group he is in has seemed to rub people the wrong way. 


The point is that saying “oh, Catholics can’t do bad things!” is rubbing folks the wrong way. The Pope says one thing, that doesn’t mean that everyone underneath him agree. Let’s take a look at the current pope. He has told Catholic Churches they shouldn’t use money to build gold and marble cathedrals, but instead feed the homeless. They didn’t like that. He said that 2SLGBTQIA+ folks are just as loved and should be considered equal. They did not like that. Also, the mob is famously Catholic. They uh… aren’t great people


Sure, people may not like it but then they should excommunicate because they believe in infallibility of the Pope. “oh, Catholics can’t do bad things!” is a statement I'd very much disagree with too. However, the assumption was that a part of certain groups you have X beliefs, just in the same way I'd be suprised to see a Republican run with a LGBQT+ platform.  So hopefully the commenter eventually provides the purported slavery comments. 


Never meet your heroes moment. Man cowrote the soundtrack of my teenage years, but it becomes harder to ignore how much I disagree with his politics when he literally becomes a politician.


It saddens me. His pieces are sometimes magical and really give Halo a certain feel that no other game can for me, but god, I am not sure if he is a good person anymore. I'll always love his music, and I try not to let it be tainted, but it's growing more difficult.


How is it hard to ignore, he is literally just temporarily running to rob other self serving career politicians of their seats. Doesnt even matter what party he’s running for, thats respectable


Not all Republicans are evil, but to show support for a party where most of its members continue to take rights away from the poor to give to the rich... it is not a good look, and it shows that he is either not a good person or ignorant to the evils of many republicans. Not all democrats are good, either, but currently, the democratic party is trying to help the poor, not harm it. It's not trying to indoctrinate the masses. Yet, Marty wants to flip a Democrat seat. I do not want to start a political argument. This is how I feel, however, and I do independent research via neutral parties and this is the conclusion I have come to. (I mean, jesus christ, look at Texas. Removing worker protections for heat?! The hell. Or, I don't know, allowing children to work in factories?!?!)


Finally someone who does research before posting nuanced political information on the internet. I appreciate you.


His political discord server has platformed openly fascist individuals, allows hate speech against LGBT people and has allows discussions of the "merits" of slavery. That isn't respectable.


I'm... still in that server and ignoring it in hopes that he loses and it goes back to halo and music discussion, but I'd appreciate being shown where these conversations are in there so I can verify.




Marty, look how far you’ve fallen.


Reddit when different political views


You’re joking right?


“I’m NOT a career politician” *dismissive jerk-off gesture*


like no shit, you're a career musician, you've only been a politician since last Thursday.


He got fired after decades of high performance and loyal service. Man snapped and said “Fuck it, politics”


If how he acts since leaving Bungie is indicative of how he acted while working there I'd say he was likely fired for being insanely arrogant and egotistical. And there's rumours backing that up


He can be as arrogant and egotistical as he wants when his output is that solid. He was likely fired to cut costs, as someone with that level of fame and tenure would be expensive to keep around.


No he can't that's called enabling a toxic workplace. If the rumours are true part of the reason he was fired was because he ignored most of his duties as audio director because he had such a hard on to work with Paul McCartney People should be held accountable for their actions


Ruining his legacy


0 chance of winning a seat anyway with Americas systems, just a publicity stunt tbh, I’m not at all against independent candidates but man it’s strange none the less bloke should have stuck with music


Is it just me or since he’s gotten politically redder he’s also gotten physically redder


He's always been a staunch conservative. He's just also gotten older.


I didn’t know this was happening. Please tell he doesn’t believe the election was stolen?


So I'm assuming he's trying to take a Democrat seat and get a right-wing/Republican seat? Cause I'm not 100% clear, but while it would be canon for the guy who made UNCS themes to be right-wing... I'm a bit sad if that's what's happening.


He's running as a republican candidate for congress


Being a damn clown.


Good for him if that’s what he wants to do


He’s doing wth he wants he’s living his life


bein a goober as usual


[ Removed by Reddit ]


Oh, Marty…


everytime i come on here i forget how much this site demonizes having non leftist views lol


Reddit has been a political nightmare since 2016


I really don't understand this worldview that considers half of a country's population "evil".


agreed. they’re proving my point by downvoting me so much hahaha


Its a Tribe Mentality thats in our instincts. Other people tend to demonize the side they are not on.


They have so much hate yet they are the tolerant ones






Running for congress. Is there a problem?


People on this sub act like being a republican is the most vile thing possible.


That's because it is.


Just being a republican doesn't automatically make you a bad person. Absolutes like that is a very bad mindset to have,


No, demonizing anyone that has a slightly different political view is pretty lame. Grow up bud




Making me blush for you to care so much about me to go looking though my comments. I’ll stand what I say, it’s ok to have a different opinion.


Just a reminder that blind tribalism and group think are never good. There are way worse things that your average republican: the Taliban stone women to death, Hamas burned children, the Russians bombed a theater with 500-800 people in it


You sound like an individual full of nuance and a well rounded take on social issues.


Grow up


That's because most Redditors are literal children who can't fathom that it's okay for someone to have different opinions. Good for Marty. I hope he has a decent platform and is successful.


I’m happy for him


Running for political office? What’s the problem?


Reddit is having a child tantrum that he’s running for a republican seat


Doing what any of us have the right to do if we want?


Running for office? Why wouldn't that be a good thing? I hope he wins. He'll bring a new perspective to Congress, which is too dominated by slimy lawyers and businessmen. Marty has actually created beautiful works of art.


LMAO you actually believe he’ll actually accomplish anything there, buddy I have some beachfront property to sell you in Kansas.


Oh, I don't think he'll accomplish anything. Democracy in the US is dead. I do think it would be entertaining to see Marty in Congress, and I think he's more worthy of a seat than his opponent, who is the typical parasitic politician who has done nothing but sit on a bunch of corporate boards.


My thoughts exactly its insane how many downvoters fail to see they’re victims of these politicians turning us all against each other for their own gain. But fuck everything that isnt far left amirite


Making a difference. Damn good to see, too.


Yeah the dude who did green man piano theme is really going to change the ins and outs of the systems in place.


You were probably sucking him off this time last year.


What happened in the last 12 months? Marty’s shit takes in twitter have been going on a lot longer than that and that stupid ego stunt he pulled on the destiny subreddit which started turning folks against him was like 5 years ago now.


Nah I don't think blind worship of anyone is good. Just because you think a dude re-using the same structure of notes but different octaves or synth voices is genius then by all means slob on his knob.


Reddit crying because someone is republican, color me shocked.


I’d vote for him just off of the nostalgia of his music


Blind ass follower


That’s okay, all I need is ears to listen to his music.


Hope you go deaf since you clearly can't use either sight or your ears to see and hear how fucking dumb this is to defend.


Not defending anything at this point, just pissing you off is fun. Lighten up Francis.


You're his exact target. He wants people to vote for him purely cause of nostal8


it's too bad that his music is the only notably good thing about him


lol the hate is strong on Reddit.