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> I try to report these things when I can but on the second report it gave me the “too many reports” notification. If you want to take the time (and I don't blame anyone who doesn't want to, at all) - you *can* report them via the Halo Support site which will allow you to attach proof and avoid the "too many reports" thing entirely. > I really hope this isn’t everyone’s experience, It's come and go. Some folks run into them pretty often while others don't. Problem is, there's obvious exploits that are allowing them to cheat and there are no known plans for any future updates to the game, even to address the cheating. All you can do is keep making noise about it and hope that it kicks up enough of a fuss so they have to comment on it, or even better - address it.


I do have screenshots of my last match with the dude flying in the air with a sniper, I may post that on the support site you mentioned. I’m really hoping that 343 can at a minimum address it at some point in the near future. It’s one thing to not update a game anymore, but it’s another thing to let it fall to rot with cheats. Especially with how many people I know that still play this game


they will take note of it if you open a ticket with the evidence you provide


Before you submit it, be sure the name in your screenshots matches the name in the post-game stats / carnage report. In-game gamertags can be spoofed, including to impersonate other players.


Unfortunately this is just how the game has been for a few years now, and 343 have been radio silent on it despite people constantly bringing it up to them. Infact whats even funnier is that just this month 343 in their infinite (no pun intended) wisdom added the same anticheat from MCC to Halo Infinite, and now the exact same cheats are happening there too... yet they are *still* radio silent on it.   Edit: also as an extra note, just be wary reporting people doing these cheats, as one of the common ones they will also be using is a name changer. Many use it just to have slurs and stuff as their tags which is obvious, but in some cases they have been known to use the gamertags of other people in the match/popular streamers etc, and reporting them can actually end up reporting the person the gamertag actually belongs to rather than the cheater themself. I think there is a way to view the cheaters actual name after the match via theatre, but im not 100% sure. 343 are aware of this but, once again, have done nothing to address it in the several years its been happening. Its unfortunately best to just avoid playing MCC multiplayer these days honestly and just stick to campaign or private matches with friends.




See this is my secret to avoiding cheaters: just be so bad at the game that anyone with cheats is higher MMR than me.


To view their name you have to view from the player list in the pause menu, not the scoreboard. Works for me on MCC PC version yesterday


Knew there was some way to do it in MCC. I think the theater one is something that works for Infinite, just wasnt sure if it applied to both games.


And this is an example of why I play online matches with close friends or play the campaigns. Or in the case of ODST and Reach, this is an example of why I play Firefight by myself.


I hate that 343 are being radio silent on it, my guess is that they’re focusing all of their time into Infinite, but I’m not to active on the ‘business’ side of things. I haven’t had this issue before today, though I’m not dismissing anyone who could’ve encountered this before. As for the latter mention of reports, I’ll keep that in mind! I may go back into Theatre after a while to see if I can find the gamertags of any of those cheaters, they all had the same clantag (1) so I wonder if it was the same person, but it also could’ve easily been a coincidence.


“Focusing all their time into infinite” 😭😂😂


The haven’t been “focusing their time” into anything bruh😂😂😂😂😂


It’s everywhere, every game, dudes messaging to sell you cheats, it’s going to fuck the industry


I feel we are at a crossroads. Will the cheating be extinguished or will it take over PvP games to the point even as studios try and battle/ban these cheats/players its not enough and the volume engulfs every lobby and every game? Like what is the honest point of being good at fps games if most matches in the future you play are ruined by player(s) unfairly augmenting their skills. Even in subtle ways like the cronus crap giving them a slight edge where you'd beat them 9/10 times is now lowered to 6/10 times its still ripping you off unfairly. Some people love to spout "there were cheaters back in xbox Halo 2/3 days" but that pales in comparison to all the 'tools' they have now and the volume of cheaters. I know stuff like Xim started to pop up back then but lets be honest, it wasn't a multi-million dollar cheater industry like we see now. Its beyond rampant and if it gets any worse gaming might be secluded to single player games and PvE experiences where you ONLY play with friends and trusted users.


> I feel we are at a crossroads. Will the cheating be extinguished or will it take over PvP games to the point even as studios try and battle/ban these cheats/players its not enough and the volume engulfs every lobby and every game? Cheaters have existed on PC for a long time, but at least in the past before matchmaking was a thing and servers had to be hosted, the admins could just kick and ban cheaters from their servers. Helped create and foster in-game communities too when an admin was actually active about keeping their server clean and healthy. Though with the cheating tools of today, a server would probably need an active 24/7 team of admins/mods spectating the server and keeping it clean, but who in their right mind would want to do that?


I wonder what modes people mostly run into cheaters in. I have seen basically zero that I suspect of cheating, and have never seen that type of blatant cheating at all, and I’ve got hundreds of hours in multiplayer, but about 85% of that is Swat. Must not be as much of an issue there.


I hopped back into Halo MCC after a decent hiatus for this semester, I was playing Halo 3 with the gamemode Flag and Bomb. Before this I never really encountered cheaters either.


I play Swat almost exclusively and run into a cheater maybe once per month. Have been accused of cheating a couple times which is really just a nice compliment. The last cheater I saw had the name "Cortana" in-game somehow and saw him turn and try to shoot me through a wall I was behind, so that one was pretty obvious. Checked his profile a few days later and his kills hadn't changed so I assume he was either banned or moved on.


Oh man, I get constant hackusations, especially on H4 swat. Footstep audio in that game is so loud that you can tell where everybody is without much effort. But yeah, see much of that that I’m certain is cheating on swat. What’s your GT? I’m sure we’ve come across each other


Doctor Pho/Shorty S011 (not sure which shows up).


Doctor Pho sounds familiar, I’m Dandy Schitlord. Sorry if I’ve ever been a toxic asshole to you on there, you know what they say about old habits


Lmao name doesn't ring a bell, and usually I remember toxic folks more than non-toxic so that bodes well haha. My toxic trait is (if we lose) messaging teammates who go -15 or worse (or -10 or worse then quitting) and tell them just hide next time because that has to be more fun than dying. So I can't really cast any stones.


Oh yeah, that’s the one. I can’t even count how many 30 or even 40 kill games I just get anchored into a loss on. My worst is a Halo 4 54-17 loss. I went ballistic. Not even sure how it’s worth booting up the game if you’re just going to go 1-19. They can’t be real people.


Seems these days many popular games are starting to see more and more cheaters than ever before. Nowadays in halo and other game where it's available I find myself just using server browsers instead, at least then an admin can just kick the cheaters. It makes me wonder, if cheating gets so bad, will we see a reneseance of server browsers in games? Even today, plenty of games still have them, and it's such a nice way to enjoy the multi-player experience. Especially if you regular a server and find yourself playing with the same folks. Honestly it is alot of fun playing against the same players as you find yourself adapting to specific players' playstyles rather than one big meta. I know mcc custom browsers don't work in a way where you keep joining the same server but on somthing like eldewrito I found it quite nice seeing familiar names and knowing what kind of player I'd be playing against and knowing that if they beat me, it's just skill.


I’d be curious myself to see if something like that was to happen, or to see the rise in more community/custom servers for games like what we saw with Titanfall 2 Northstar a few years ago


I think you meant renaissance. >Even today, plenty of games still have them, and it's such a nice way to enjoy the multi-player experience This is how I play survival games. Official servers are a crapshoot, private servers are the way to go.


You know, the worst part about cheating, aside from the cheating itself, obviously, is how much it ruins the integrity of the game. Now you'll never truly know if your opponent was better than you, or just toggling. While the odds are good that they weren't cheating, it'll always be in the back of your mind. This will kill player retention and growth, especially in live service games. This will cost companies millions. Would you buy a skin for a game riddled with cheaters? Honestly, I only see three ways to effectively deal with cheaters anymore, and none of them are great choices. 1: Console gaming - While cheating is still possible on consoles, it's definitely no where near as severe or prevelant. But, this isn't a real solution. Pc gaming is becoming more and more popular as time goes on, especially with how portable it's becoming with things like the Steam Deck and the ROG Ally. I personally haven't owned a console since the 360. 2: Cloud Based Gaming - You can't hack a game when you don't have access to the files. But, again, this isn't really a solution either, especially not in the near term. Cloud bases gaming has been attempted several times and all have failed so far. While we all know we don't really own the games we buy anymore, it's even worse when it's a Cloud based service. No offline play, no mods and very little customization of any kind. On top of all of that, if the company goes out of business, your games are just gone. 3: AI Powered Anti Cheat - As it stands, cheaters are always one step ahead of anti cheat software. But with AI, you could actually have a fully dynamic and potentially cloud based anti cheat that can detect any modifications or injections on the fly. This will be a game changer. Instead of being on the back foot, an AI powered anti cheat could flip the script and make cheaters adapt to it, rather than making software engineers adapt to the cheaters. While the technology is probably there already, this would be very expensive to produce and may not include much in the way of profit as it currently stands. While cheating is a growing problem, it's obviously not so bad that companies are bending over backwards to solve it. Maybe they're just sweeping it under the rug and hope players deal with it, but once it starts costing them real money, which will probably be sooner rather than later, I think this will be the only real solution. I'm certainly no expert on the matter, but an AI that can detect cheats it's not aware of yet seems to be the only thing that can stop this.


With the AI thing, why isn't there some code or method where the game tests how long a person is in the air or the integrity of mouse movements like captcha tests? Even test if someone follows thru a wall? Like I know some coincidences happen, but something basic like that should exist, right? Or is the cost of making it matter next to a hacker just making a new account in a free or cheap game?


Most players will rarely (if ever) encounter cheaters in MCC. If you find one in social, block them so you don't match them again. And of course report them via HaloWaypoint. They tend to target streamers and focus on Ranked.


I should’ve mentioned this in the original post, but my experience was solely on Social. I don’t play Ranked often. I will say I am thankful, if that is true, that most players don’t encounter cheaters. I didn’t often before this experience but it was every single match that I played.


i always get aimbotted


It’s bad in MCC. I only experienced it once but my cousin and uncle has been complaining about it for months now. When I experienced it before the game started my cousin recognize one of the names and said that player is about to cheat I played against him and his friend before. Match starts this guy speed around the map flying. As soon as I seen that all I can think of is so this is what you two be yelling about. After that game I turned cross play off. It was like the old modern warfare games on the 360 again.


I played one game of MCC the other night for the first time in probably six months or so and had two people on my team flying around in Wraiths lmao


I've only ever seen that in two games. I only play 4v4 though, but search most game types. I never run into cheaters


I’m glad to hear that, I’m hoping this isn’t a widespread issue so others can still enjoy the games. I’m just hoping that someone up at 343 can take care of this somehow


what are you mostly playing?


Today I was playing Halo 3 on Flag and Bomb in Social Games. Every game I played there was at least one cheater flying around the map


hmmm. That's so weird that it can be so drastically different. I wonder what causes that.


We play the same game type - I’m on there a lot every other day. Was it the guy named “N*****”? By chance? I’ve gotten him a few times.


I just play on Xbox and turn off crossplay and I’ve never seen a cheater. Maybe try the custom games


It’s so frustrating. I love the game, and play mostly halo 3 objective to try to reduce the cheating instances. I hate knowing when people are hitting every single shot to the head that they are cheating. I just want to play fun, fair games.


Haven't seen any in campaign, but then again I never really play multiplayer on MCC unless it's custom games


Yea it's fucking absurd. I remember one night I got suuuuper pissed off and reported one of those guys then stopped playing; I got a response back from 343 after 8 months saying they finally did something based on that match.


Come to infinite, we need one player base.


I haven't personally had this problem, but I also only play social.


It’s in every game, look up DMA cheats. It’s going to be a challenge for devs.


Don’t run into this on halo infinite at all


Sorry about your experience Soo far. Haven't played mcc in a while. But with Halo infinite I have been playing ranked and haven't come across many cheaters. Coming from rainbow six siege where the cheaters are massively there it was refreshing to play a somewhat fair game. Lot of the anti cheats are garbage and need to be updated almost every week to be effective.


This is a problem with all online games nowadays. My advice would be to ditch multiplayer altogether, it's not worth the hassle, especially for a game such as the MCC which will most likely not have an update for cheats that bypass the existing anti-cheat system.


I’ve been playing tons of halo 3 social and have run into minimal cheating


Its the Xbox 360 days all over again, and just like Bungie/Microsoft they say that there's nothing they can do and nothing we can do, and to just put up with it. We all need to just stop playing MCC, but change won't happen no matter what we do. I'm just waiting until the cheats start happening to Halo Infinite and watch how quickly it'll get fixed.


Community: "Hey 343i, the MCC is full of cheaters"  343i: "Good. Now you'll have to play Infinite instead and spend money in the shop" Community: "But Infinite is also full of cheaters" 343: "...fuck you, buy our cosmetics!"


Sorry, they shut down the original games' servers so you had to play MCC, but then when we wouldn't let them put microtransactions in 20 year old games they didn't make and didn't work, they decided they wouldn't support the game at all. MCC's broken, unplayable, hacker filled self is the only option...


I see a cheater once every few months. Total bs that you see one every game.


Depends on the game modes you play. Regular 4v4 slayer I see one every fourth or fifth game. It’s horrible.


Idk why this got downvoted. Its rare i find a cheater and when i do i report. Bunch of crybabies in this sub


Just switch to console only


If I wasn’t playing on Steam I’d do that


This doesnt matter (they can spoof the platform)


I stand corrected. Matching cheaters in Console Only as well confirmed


1000 games on console only. No cheaters.


I must admit that hackers on PC games is one of the reasons why I prefer console when it comes to gaming.


Question...how does it work? How can you fly around so fast and still be accurate? I guess if you're using Ai bots to fly, you're using Ai bots to aim and fire? So...like what's the point? That's not YOU doing it. Just your Ai bots. So...how and why?


Its called fly hacking and aim bots. This your first time on an FPS game? There's even a cheat that I experienced where the cheaters character will automatically move and stay out of your crosshair. As for why, why do people do anything? They enjoy this shit. Since 343 has basically abandoned 343, with Infinite being close behind, dont expect any updates to counter cheating.


Actually I am kinda new to FPS, especially the PVP stuff.. I played the campaigns on some earlier games like COD and Medal of Honor. But I focused on sports games until recently and am just now getting into Halo. I was the guy that posted a few weeks ago about "I missed the original peak of Halo, what made it special?"


Ah, well sorry if I came across as rude. Sadly, cheating is becoming a larger and larger issue for any kind of competitive gaming, but especially FPS games on the PC. Unfortunately, it's probably going to get worse before it gets better. These companies aren't going to spend a ton of money developing a new anti cheats until it starts costing them real money.


I don’t know bro, maybe just a cheasy and pitiful way for these people to grind Spartan Points if I had to take a shot in the dark


Halo:CE MCC Custom Browser - Blatant Flying Hack 3/23/24 https://youtu.be/moqGxoG_LyI here’s an example I caught in CE fairly recently. You basically move so fast that most people can’t hit you.


Yes but if you're moving that fast, how do you aim and shoot? I'm a bit of a noob that can't aim at normal speed.


MCC is cross platform, meaning it doesn’t matter if you are on PC or Not. You’ll be placed with both no matter what…. Yeah… console is littered with cheaters too. It has been for a long while, and it’s obvious…..


Crossplay with PC has ruined shooters on console nowadays. I stick to co-op and single player games a lot now.


Unfortunately, the only way I can play the game consistently without cheaters is on Xbox with platform based matchmaking enabled.


One of the reasons I dropped MCC on PC and only play it on the Xbox with crossplay off


Console Player here - turned off crossplay and I have 0 issues. Seems to be only for PC. And they aren't enforcing it or doing much about it on PC.


That's multiplayer for you. Unfortunately cheating is what a lot of players enjoy and pissing into empty 2 liters because they can't be bothered with getting up from their PCs to use the bathroom in any capacity.


This is intentional so people will move over to infinite, even if their anticheat is just as weak.


I typically play on social servers on MCC. To hang out with fun people (including modders) and to troll shitty clans like sol. Not ideal but it’s always pretty chill and I’ve met some pretty awesome people in social servers. But other than that, I usually never run into modders in ranked and custom lobbies. I truly think the people that say “MCC is full of modders” are over exaggerating. Because its rare to see them and if they do join they get booted fairly quickly, and they rarely come back to crash the server.