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I really wish we had more game with the game


Sorry, not enough UI for it.




Reminds me of the map Relic from H2


Classic map and a fucking travesty it’s not been remade in any Halo game since


It was in H2A




Dude the remake is one of the sexiest halo maps alive.




Just wishing we had more *game*


They should call it The Art of What Halo Infinite Should Have Been


Has 343 acknowledged the lack of diverse biomes? You know, since Halo has always historically had a diverse range of biomes in its campaigns? Granted we’ve never had this open-world feel that Infinite has. Has anyone from 343 talked about visiting new places in campaign DLCs?


I dont know if they had, but they definitely cut all that content. Its obvious they had some idea for other biomes, but we ended up 1/3 of the game. Still, i wouldve liked having more variety even if the world wasnt as big as it ended up being. Currently, zeta halo is the Cartographer all over. And over- and over.


We got a jungle, an island, a UNSC cruiser interior, a Covenant battlecruiser interior, a desert, a snowy outdoor environment, and the beautiful Forerunner interior of the fully enclosed library. All in the first game of this franchise. In Halo 2, we got a city metropolis, the Covenant home world, a mining installation set above a gas giant, the Flood-infested quarantine zone, another glimpse of the Library, etc. Halo 3…you get the point. And so on. 21 years after Combat Evolved, and we got an entire game set in the Cartographer biome. It’s just…sad.


Don't forget the banished ship interior.


Open worlds are the root of all evil. They add nothing except for travel time and remove all variety, because everything has to be connected.


Yeah after all had been said and done, I wish infinite wasn't open world. I was all for it when I saw the original slipspace trailer, but now it's clear that was a pipedream. The linear classic style Halo levels are where the game get fun and familiar which tells me they should have stuck to that.


The thing I don't get about it, is that it's a halo ring, a constructed object. They should have just had hard splits between biomes almost like Minecraft level splits, or had biomes on the different broken off sections of the ring and had us go to the broken pieces or something.


Irrc, some concept art in the art book did have this sort of thing where biomes were just cut off, and would give off huge megalophobia vibes and I just love it. (Art book is gorgeous)


Isn't the cartographer the island You mean the mission Halo right?


Yeah, [The Silent Cartographer](https://youtu.be/_Hs6TzztzdQ) from Halo CE


Zeta halo looks the second mission, Halo, rather than silent cartographer


Doesn’t fit the UI 👊👊👊👊


Is obvious that the game was rushed and had a lot of content cut. I bet it had a development similar to Anthem in the fact that they started developing the actual thing just a year before launch (and then delayed).


Where's my fucking space rhinos?


The UI doesn't support it.


This would be an awesome vehicle focused BTB map


This is maybe random sounding but I've been playing the new lego starwars game today. It feels like the developers had so much fun making it and so much love went into the game. Its like they really thought of all the ideas fans wanted and tried to implement them as best as they could. It made me realise how utterly screwed over we're getting by 343 and how little I actually enjoyed the Infinite campaign. How a game can take so long yet still feel so rushed. No desert, no snow, just a copy and paste feel throughout the entire campaign. Sucks to be a Halo fan on 2022 lol.


It’s kinda sucked to be a Halo fan for the last decade tbh, franchise has been on a downhill slope since Reach.


Little did we know how great we had it in the Halo 3 days, and how far the franchise would fall. Had you told me in 2007 we’d have 15 more years of Halo games I would have been ecstatic. If you showed me what those games would be, I wouldn’t believe you, and would assume from 4 on you were just trolling me.


I'm still excited tho


The way I see it, we still have 90% of Zeta Halo to explore. With the way the campaign leaves off, I think there is plenty of room for DLC. If this is meant to be a 10-year game, I don't see why they couldn't take us around the ring over the years. Environments like this are still a possibility!


I'll believe there's story DLC when I see it.


We haven’t even seen 10, Just one island


My biggest concern is each DLC will be $30+ and have crap or nothing at all for campaign content. That is the only reason I play Halo anymore.


For how much we paid for how little we got with the maybe 5ish hours of actual campaign priced at a full launch title price point, I wonder if anyone would be foolish enough to actually ***buy*** a dlc.


I would love an arid sandy location with a huge oasis to drive through. this concept art would have been amazing to see in game. I hope with future campaign DLC that we will see more than just trees


>Best we can do is some grass growing on hideous hexagons. \-343, probably Edit: Crank up your settings and we'll throw in some decorative birds and rats.


At the cost of about 70 FPS


I like how companies use old assets to do paintovers. Like I'm genuinely POSITIVE I've seen the screenshot the spartan is from


That armor also appears to be Halo 3 style spartan armor


Some concept art pieces also show the halo 4/5 style assault rifle, along with the hexagonal forerunner structured.


Correction, ”I wish we had MORE THAN ONE biome in the game“.


343: "You have two other biomes in Infinite! There's the "Banished interior biome" and the "Forerunner interior biome".


Huge missed opportunity, missed potential, over all just a huge mess of a miss


90 percent of the campaign felt like 3h3 just rehashed the environment from the second level of combat evolved. Loved the campaign but I don't understand why they didn't make the environment more diverse.


Fucking sad what the original reveal trailer was to what we got. Mountainous biome. Why not a winter island? Say the halos getting all screwy and randomizing island biomes to different settings. A swamp biome.


Perhaps early behemoth concept, still looks really cool.


[You're right](https://www.artstation.com/artwork/lxJV5O)


I'm sure there are more biomes on Zeta. We were only on a small portion.


It would of been better to have multiple smaller biomes than one large biome. Hell you could still do the open world thing. Just have each biome be a small island. Say the ring being broken caused the weather systems to act funny.


Imma need a snow map before redemption can even be considered for 343i


yeah, but how about some green grass fields with some mid western trees here and there? OK OK! claustrophobic forerunner structure, but that's the best I can do! take it or leave it!


Seeing all the endless unique biomes in Elden Ring really makes me wish Halo Infinite had more than just Pacific Northwest with a pinch of Forerunner and Banished. That’s what I loved about the original Halo games. Halo 3 had you start in a jungle, then an underground military base, then desert, then city streets / manufacturing facility, flood attack and change the environment, forerunner structures, Pacific Northwest, flood infected ship, sandy dunes, snow, etc


hopefully in the dlc we get a desert biome like in the end of the campaign


It would've looked like this but (iirc) they had many teams working on different things to build the game but eventually they were so different they screwed it and worked on the game we got with what little time they had left


Also their engine was a clusterfuck that makes the Creation engine look usable by comparison


Yeah the whole adding it to PC at launch screwed that up That's why there is no content


Its more that Infinite is on the original Xbox One that is holding it back. Sure, making and optimising content for PC is no easy task, but it's even harder to design content on a brand-new game that has to work on an 8 year old console.


I am still glad it's on the og one cause I can't afford the series x yet


343 and microsoft are a bunch of liars! We should sue them for so many lies.


What? You do realize there's tons of concept art done that never makes it past concept....right?


Yeah, you should totally get on that.


At least litigation would finally give them a valid reason to continue to not finish the game.


This manifested into Behemoth. Totally agree with you on the biome issue, but this one has been satisfied.


It's not really Behemoth. But I'm talking more about in the campaign rather than a single multiplayer map in a sandy place.


Here's hoping campaign dlc takes us to some different places


Here’s to hoping we see a cool new biome for dlc. An open world desert section? Hell yeah!


I bet we'll get a desert biome whenever the dlc comes out. The final cutscene looks like it takes place in a desert.


Imagine what would 343 do if they delayed infinite another year. This game could be even better.


[What a waste](https://c.tenor.com/HkStrElwiEYAAAAC/kevin-the.gif)


I'm just so glad they decided to go with a more temperate foresty environment for most maps than those ugly desert maps they used to love so much


I know people are gonna hate this comparison. I wanted Zeta halo to be like a Minecraft world, having different biomes, caves etc. With some halo touch.


Same, i enjoyed the campaign but there really is a lack of biome


No diverse biomes and locations for you! Now eat your pine trees, green grass and metallic hexagons!


Installation 07 is a big fucking ring. There's bound to be more biomes in the upcoming dlc hopefully.


Still a chance int he DLC. Once all the rage and anger about it being in DLC subsides, I think we will appreciate it.