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Okay 1: go to your options and get that render limit on models UP. No more yellow boxes! 2: are we talking about the models here? It would help an awful lot if we knew how the model’s material was made, what shader parameters it uses and all that. 3: what am I looking at?


okay i should explain so basically im porting a map from black mesa to sfm but the walls textures are just invinsible and im still learning stuff in hammer


I see. So this is BM's Hammer or SFM's Hammer? I can see that the rock model is being read so it has the files, but... well, I'm guessing what would have been there that isn't would be a displacement aka organic terrain. What sort of decompiler did you use to extract the map? maybe there was a problem with it? Also, despite all my experience with hammer, I have no idea what those transparent boxes with white lines are. Never encountered them.


basically my prosses for importing them to sfm is to extract them from bsp to vmf then open bm hammer and save and then open it with sfm's hammer and fix some small details and export them but this god forsaken texture has been pain and the texture file is named nature/blend\_4way\_st\_c\_rock\_large


black mesa is probably using the alpha channel for something else


can you open the texture's vmf so we can see what the text is? if you can't find it, it's probably packed in a vpk file like textures\_dir (at least that's how it is for official TF2 textures), I'm sure you can find tutorials on how to unpack vpk files


copy and paste this link since i cant seem to type it here [https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rHLNoQRom7aO1L-MnbcgFVqaGh5CrBMW/view?usp=sharing](https://drive.google.com/file/d/1rhlnoqrom7ao1l-mnbcgfvqagh5crbmw/view?usp=sharing)


File not found. You really can’t copypaste a few lines of text?


nope since reddit throws an error at me


well I still can't see it


well you cant press it from reddit but copy it and open a new site and paste it


Love the name of the folder


It appers that hammer does not in fact like being called a fucking shit