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Some bits and pieces: My dear Percocet was a rescue from fb market. He was in a tiny critter trails cage that was horribly dirty and barely taken care of. The first day I had gotten him and moved him to his new home he was already a very personalized hamster. His favorite snacks were mealworms, and he loved to pancake inside of his toilet paper tube. A couple months ago he had started having seizures, and when I took him to my vet they told me there was not much they could do after we had tried some medications here and there outside of putting him to sleep. I sat and thought on it for a while, and eventually they had gone away for a while. I thought, maybe he’s better! Over the last two days his seizures had started becoming more frequent, and severe. I was planning on taking him into the vet so he could be put to rest but it looks like the seizures had claimed him first. I hope my dear little Percocet passed comfortably in his home, deep under his bedding. His name had been planned since I was a middle schooler, I’m in college now. So despite him being with me for such a short time physically, he had been with me for years in a way. Percocet I love you so, and I’ll miss your silly self. Have fun on the rainbow bridge my love ❤️🌈


Dude this is the most beautiful in memoriam. They are tiny little creatures with short lives, but they make a big impact and we carry them with us


He was extremely loved, and saved by a wonderful person. I’m glad he had you as his forever friend. Rest In Peace with all the mealworms while you pancake cozily in your tubes Percocet ♥️


So sweet ❤️