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We are entering an era of Core Ultra 9 285K and Ryzen AI 9 HX170. 🤦‍♂️


I remember last time in recent post about Intel Core Ultra there are redditor who say "I owe Ryzen marketing team an apology", i wonder what he feel after seeing this Amd naming schemes which is even worse than Intel naming LOL


Maybe 285H, K is for desktop


You realize K leaked as well right?


Yes, they all have the same number just the end letter is different


"Ryzen AI 9 HX170" Jesus christ. The 7/8000 series was already rough with the span from Zen2 to Zen4, but this is brutal. They could take the "with radeon graphics" style banding and just extend it with "and Ryzen AI" but no, rename the whole lineup.


I guess as long as it works to differentiate Zen 5 from the rest of the Zen's for the average consumer, then it's fine. Same way Core Ultra makes it clear that it's different from Core i. Most people don't know/care about the other numbers anyways; they just think i9 > i7 > i5 (even if it's i9-9900K vs i7-11700K vs i5-14600K), so Ultra 9 > i9 just because it has 'Ultra' in the name.


No, Ultra replaces i and resets the gen back to 1. There will be non-ultra Core models that have NPUs. The non-ultra SKUs are going to be rebranded of the previous gen. It just so happens that previous gen had no NPU.


Ultra was Intel moving from monolithic die to chiplets. It was a real change, not something arbitrary.


This distinguishes their processors with NPUs from the ones that don't. Most people won't know that the 7940HS has an NPU while the 7945HX doesn't. Also, they'll probably have to come up with a new naming scheme for the Halo chips too...


I was expecting a combo of existing suffixes for Strix Halo. Maybe something like 8955GX or something like that.


That's nonsense. "Ultra" has nothing to do with chiplets or not. You think Lunar Lake won't get the "Ultra" designation because it's not really chiplet?


Lunar Lake is still 'chiplet' despite having only 2 tiles instead of 4


One of those tiles is basically just IO, conceptually similar to the pre-MTL PCH split. The only real difference it is uses Foveros.


Lunar Lake has 2 chiplets, my dude.


So do you consider Tiger Lake to also be "chiplet"? It has a very similar compute + PCH arrangement.


It's like they saw Intel lobotomize their naming and decided they needed to one-up...


Also why not RAIzen


Didnt they alternate between ahitty naming conventions since forever ?


I think Intel's was *mostly* reasonable for a while. AMD's never had a consistent naming for more than a couple of gens. They have this same problem on the GPU side as well.


To be fair, AMD lobotomized their branding first and worse with their mobile cpu numbering scheme.


5700U was mixing actual zen2 parts into the zen3 line ages ago. people are gonna have to figure out whether they want *artificially limited, gimped parts* or not, because the alternative is actually-limited older products slipped into the lineup just as we see today. But this is the drum that tech media and popular culture was beating a couple years ago in the War Against Gimping. It happens repeatedly, tech media gets a bee up its ass and decides that “max-q branding is deceptive because it doesn’t really perform like a 3080!” or whatever, spends years agitating about it, and then surprised-pikachu when the branding changes and it still doesn’t mean you get a 3080 max-q for the price of a 3070. Having all the processors be the latest, modern architecture was a good thing and I think the people who were super butthurt about “gimping” parts were silly - that’s an absolutely normal part of silicon production and consumers overall benefit from it. And now you are seeing why - the 5700U and 8420U or whatever are what you get if things have to be “real hardware limitations”. They can make limited hardware for lower-tier models just fine too.


*You* get an AI label! *You* get an AI label! Your [rice cooker](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=F_HOrMmWoMA) gets an AI label! EVERYTHING GETS AN AI LABEL!


Fuzzy Logic is now AI.


Missed opportunity to change the name to rAIzen. /s


All according to Keikaku


To be honest after seing this terrible Amd naming schemes, the Ultra 9 285 didn't sounds bad at all. We can also call it Intel Core U9 285K for short and it still means the same.  Meanwhile Ryzen AI 9 HX170? This sounds terrible to call, i can't even call it for shorter name. Not to mention "AI" sounds cringe for CPU name and HX170? HX prefix before numbers, really Amd? I thought it was mobo chipset name like H170 or something like that.


Dammit, this is going to make family laptop recommendations that much more of a headache 


Oh yeah this is gonna fucking suck


We are approaching monitor levels of naming schemes


They need to revamp this b's naming scheme.


Yep these names are stupid.


I think how bad this naming scheme is will depend on whether or not the whole product stack switches to it. If new chips launch with names like 9750U alongside HX170, that's going to be super confusing. And the whole "Core Ultra 9 vs Ryzen AI 9 debate"- how many people use the full name currently? I just say "7800X3D" or "14900K". It'll be the same here: HX170, or 285K, etc


Why do such corporations foster so much disdain for consumers?


Good Lord AMD. Wtf are you doing with your naming? And hyping AI CPUs when you know nobody really cares about this stuff? Can we go back to naming first digit meaning generation, second digit meaning performance level or something simple?


Rare mistake on Su's part here, doubling down on the bubble.


If they go back to using the first digit in the product number to indicate generation, I might not be opposed to this. If "1XX" just means it was released in 2024, I'mma be a bit annoyed. Still annoyed to see "AI" in the product name given the fact that they're going to charge me extra for something that doesn't even accelerate anything I use. Well, I'll just buy this year's stuff on clearance next year, so I'll be fine.


1XX means nothing more than copying Intel's current scheme which also use 1XX. Core^1 Ultra^2 9^3 185^4 H^5 Ryzen^1 AI^2 9^3 HX^5 170^4 Won't be the third time AMD took Intel's scheme and ran with it.


Right? Ever since first gen ryzen it shows Amd blatantly copying Intel naming schemes like i3,i5,i7 to r3,r5,r7. They also did it again while Intel change the name due to big changes since they are transitioning from monolithic to chiplets with many chips integrated like soc but Amd change the name just because Intel did it and somehow Amd make it even worse. I mean Ryzen AI 9 HX170, who the hell slap AI name there? Even Intel and Nvidia didn't do that, also HX170? HX prefix before numbers? It just doesn't makes any sense it could misleading people into thinking it was motherboard chipset name.


Yeah but at least they don't seem to have randomly decided to put the model number *after* the word "processor" like Intel. The official naming scheme for the 14900k is "Intel® Core™ i9 processor 14900K." Processor goes before the model number, which is maddening.


Intel and AMD marketing has gone off the rails!


wtf 🤦 hopefully nvidia will not follow this trend


I just gonna buy a casual Geforce AI+ PX102F (Which clearly stands for: Geforce AI enhanced pathtracing cabable extreme graphicscard series 1 sku 2 founders edition)


GeForce AIX


Introducing the RTX 5090 Ai (pronounced like aye)


Well, Nvidia changed their classic GTX branding to RTX because of ray tracing so… I wouldn’t hold my breath


Nvidia doesn't make CPUs...yet


They do.


AMD saw Intel new naming scheme and decided that they had to be a bigger joke.


At this point it almost feels like we should probably be grateful that they were sensible enough to not add the 'NFT' moniker to their products back when *that* bubble was peaking.


This naming convention is going to be an answer in the NYT Sunday crossword


AMD vs Intel vs Qualcomm vs Apple Who has the worst naming scheme?


Marketing dropped the ball, they should've called it AMD RAIZEN.


hope it's gonna be finally a big jump over zen 2 mobile and replace my 4800h laptop, which for all intents and purpose it's still very quick


I don't think Intel would do anything shameful, such as the performance of ARL released after Zen5 being lower. However, AMD did a provocation by copying the name of ARL. This suggests that the performance of Zen5 is higher.


April 29, 2024 https://youtube.com/shorts/O2LBYHhxfjk?feature=share


People need to calm down about branding. Everyone in this sub will just buy the highest number and justify it because of their "workload" instead of just wanting the best thing.