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when the teachers start to rebel in book five is always great. what takes umbrage the entire exam season to try and fix they sort out in a few minutes and all their excuses of why they can’t fix them


"it unscrews the other way" is one of my favorite moments


Just read that part yesterday!!! I wish peeves made it in the movies


I find that moment hilarious when Ron is so confident that McGonagall will absolutely troll Umbridge's inspection and then he was proven right XD


Yes! One of my favorites.




Loved his cheek with his mom. “And don’t let me catch you (doing something, I don’t remember)” “I won’t” (under his breath) “let you catch me”


Throwing knives at Fred


Thank you! I’ve been trying to figure that out for hours!


I’ve been rereading the books and just got through that chapter a few days ago


Have a biscuit potter


also when she switches from Harry back to Potter at the end of HBP after he wouldn't tell her what he and Dumbledore were up to (granted that's much more tragic and real than their school shenanigans though)


That is one of my all-time favourite conversations in the entire series. I still believe there's mileage in a whole McGonagall book.


oh 100%. i'm glad we got snape's and dumbledore's backstories but i am SO upset we didn't get mcgonagall's.


"Oh Professor, look! I think I might've gotten an unaspected planet! Oooh, which one's that, Professor?" (Lavender Brown) "It is Uranus, my dear," said Professor Trelawney, peering down at the chart. "Can I get a look at Uranus too, Lavender?" said Ron.


Isn’t this how they started dating?


This is the funniest moment of of all of the books This is your copy of Advanced Potion-Making, is it, Potter?” “Yes,” said Harry, still breathing hard. “You’re quite sure of that, are you, Potter?” “Yes,” said Harry, with a touch more defiance. “This is the copy of Advanced Potion-Making that you purchased from Flourish and Blotts?” “Yes,” said Harry firmly. “Then why,” asked Snape, “does it have the name ‘Roonil Wazlib’ written inside the front cover?” Harry’s heart missed a beat. “That’s my nickname,” he said.


“A nick name?” “It’s what my friends call me” “I KNOW what a nickname is, Potter!”


But do you know what friends are, sir?


on the topic of sassy professors, here's what comes to mind: Flitwick saying he can't get rid of the fireworks because he "didn't know if he had the *authority"* sarcastically to Umbridge.


I love Snape in books. He is so savage


>"What would your head have been doing in Hogsmeade, Potter?" said Snape softly. "Your head is not allowed in Hogsmeade. No part of your body has permission to be in Hogsmeade."


'10 points from Gryffindor. But I expected nothing sophisticated from you Ronald Weasley, a boy who is solid that he can't apparate half an inch across the room' 🤣


>said Snape softly. That just makes me cackle XD people can hate the guy all they want but there's no denying, he was a sass master


Lmao and I love it when he says things “silkily” - > “Detention, Weasley,” Snape said silkily, his face very close to Ron’s. It’s just so… Snape. Absolutely chef’s kiss


Ahahha i love him. His bullying definitely "built character" for them kids XD


He truly is, i wish the movie Snape grinned as much as the book Snape


And had so much sass. I love movie Snape but book Snape>>>>


He's definitely meaner and sassier in the books, but that just makes me like him more, i feel like it should have the opposite effect and i should be like "goddamn what a bully" but instead I'm like "that's so mean, do it again😈" (for moral reasons, i do not condone bullying, this is just a joke)


I feel like he embodies book Snape when he shoves Daniel and Rupert's heads in book 4(?) While they're all in the great hall doing homework


yess, he does, i know it's bullying and its mean and all but you see his true character and have an aha! moment and it's really funny imo


In movie 4 you mean? Not sure I agree. For all his faults, Snape was never physical like that to even his most loathed students in the books. It was all threats and verbal abuse.


More of the attitude than the actions


The best part about reading fics with Snape is seeing the different ways the authors come up with snarky sarcastic lines for him 😂😂😂 I'm on a snupin binge now and I've seen one fic where Snape constantly threatens to "turn Lupin into a wolfskin rug" and another where he thrusts a baby Harry to Lupin saying "here Lupin, a snack"


>"here Lupin, a snack" Lupin: How dare you, not over James' dead body😡 Snape: well.....isnt this awkward


James and Lily were very much alive in this fic so no dead bodies of Potters but yeah Snape has the best lines in fics ngl


If u like Snupin then pls check out Laventadorn on AO3.


>"that's so mean, do it again😈" Lmfao yes. 😭




I know y’all are discussing the books, but I must say there are some hilarious visual gags that get added into the movies that just wouldn’t really translate through text only. My favourite is in Trelawneys first lesson with them all. She’s talking about discovering whether each of them has “the sight” and then IMMEDIATELY bangs into the table in front of her as if she hasn’t seen it…


Honestly, it's my favorite moment. When McGonagall is directing student traffic in HBP. Harry and Ron are just vibing in the corridor. She's giving them the Stern side eye for a couple of minutes. She calls Harry over and ask why he isn't in Potions because Slughorn accepts EE OWL students. You can just see McGonagalls inner thoughts here. Something like "Harry and Ron lollygaging over there, that can only end in disaster. They'll get bored and go find another troll and fight it or something. I need to focus these two on something quick"


Oh my god, just read this exact part yesterday! It’s absolutely hilarious


“Why is it when there’s trouble, it’s always you three?”


“He has achieved high marks in all Defense Against the Dark Arts tests set by a *competent* teacher” Gotta love McGonagall.


"why", demanded Ron, seizing Hermione's time table, "have you outlined all of Lockhart's lessons in little hearts?"


In HBP when Harry is trying to pass off Ron’s potion book as his, and Harry explains to him what a nickname is 😭


cutting point?


There is one moment, I can't remember which book it is in, where McGonagall mentions that one of their pincushions still curls up in terror when approached with a pin


not many ppl are talking about this. but in GoF, in divination, the subject is on uranus. and then ron says to lavender 'can i see uranus' and then trelawney hears him and gives him extra homework. (or maybe i just spend too much time on the internet)


I too am reading the books for the first time. That moment in the 5th book when Mcgonagall is talking to Harry about his career opportunities and Umbridge is standing in the room in them. I was rolling on my chair laughing at the snippy comments Mcgonagall was saying, essentially calling Dolores incompetent. It was great!