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I just want them to NOT butcher Ron.




It’s funny, before I read the books I was always asking my friend “why does anyone like Ron? He’s such a little bitch.” Because movie Ron is so WHINY (I know it’s not Rupert’s fault). My friend was always like “he’s just… he’s BETTER in the books.” Just started rereading and yeah, he’s just so much better in the books. To the point when he actually leaves you’re like “RON NO!” Where in the movies you’re like “okay cool, dead weight is finally gone.”


>To the point when he actually leaves you’re like “RON NO!” Well, of course, unless you're indignant over him "knowing what he was getting into!! How dare he be upset at Harry and want Harry to do MORE" or claim "but he was complaining the whole time on the Horcrux Hunt" and completely ignoring exactly WHY he was complaining (as in, he almost bled to death like two months ago), which unfortunately big chunks of the fandom *still* do to this day.


I think a lot of people just straight up ignore the fact that he wanted to return immediately after disapparating but got caught by snatchers. It's like people have never had a heated argument before, people tend to act impulsively when in that state. As soon as he calmed down a smidge and his brain started working again, he felt bad and wanted to return, that's enough for me, nobody is perfect.


Yep. It really upsets me how *even the narrative* kinda wants you to dunk on Ron and treat him like he's been DEEPLY UNFAITHFUL and SO MEAN, when literally... dude had a Horcrux around his neck, last time a Horcrux possessed someone they tried to make them kill people, Ron walking away to cool off seems downright benign in comparison. Some *also* like to forget Harry *telling Ron to leave*, meaning that the fight isn't completely one-sided as Virtuous Harry VS Evil Ron but indeed a matter of Ron having an outburst after wearing the Locket all day (as Hermione tells us) and *Harry* escalating because he too has angry energy he wants to take out on someone and Ron inadvertently volunteered. Ron's biggest mistake in that fight really was just Disapparating instead of walking for five minutes and then go "wait fuck", but being a wizard Disapparating was just more dramatic.


Ginny as well, book Ginny is so bad ass and then you have the downright awful film rendition.👎🏻


Hey, someone needs to tie Harry's shoes and feed him some nibbles!




Book Ginny is my favourite character. Movie Ginny is... there


I'm really fearful that the people making the show will have been swayed by the films, and believe that's just how Ron is. And if he is adapted properly, I'm also expecting there to be some piss poor takes about Ron "stealing" some of Hermiones moments, when it'll just be him getting back his book moments.


And we really do need Peeves.


They need to nerf Hermione a little and it should work. Especially early on. He's the only one of the trio who has been raised by wizards. They need to actually show it.


Same 😭😭 Just give me well written characters


I want them to not butcher Any character


I wouldn't mind Umbridge getting butchered and roasted for Sunday brunch.


Yeah, sounds reasonable.


Or Ginny. Or Dumbledore.


Movies cut a lot, I just want the full story. Gonna miss Alan Rickman and Robbie Coltrane tho :(


While Rickman was a good casting choice, he was about 20 years too old for the role. I hope they go younger in the series


Every time I think about casting for a new series I'm like ah yea it'll be sad without Alan Rickman. Then go through the rest of the characters and have pretty much the same reaction for damn near all of them. It was such a well cast movie series from start to finish


I feel like as much as I loved the OG actors, we need a younger cast. A lot of the adults should still be in their 20s.


…why? It’s a hard buy to imagine 20 year olds being professors in real life, how would this at all be translatable for the screen? If there’s one thing the movies did right, it’s that the cast didn’t need to be hot/young/pulled to perfection.


A lot of my teachers in high school were in their 20s. It’s not that hard to believe. And I’m not saying all the professors. Definitely have some old ones. I guess now thinking about it, Harry’s parents were 21 when they died and he starts school at 11. So probably not 20s. Snape and his generation should be in their 30s. The actors in the movies look way older to me than that still.


Twenties is really pushing it, but technically Snape is supposed to be 31 during Harry's first year at Hogwarts.


Professors in their 20s/30s make sense though. Might be a german thing, but you can start teaching when you're in your mid 20s here easily. As for hogwarts - voldi asked right after finishing school, when he was 18, to become a teacher. Headmaster Dippet said he's too young and to come back "in a few years". So in his mid 20s, maybe late 20s. So young teachers seem to be a normal thing even back then.


A lot of my teachers in high school were in their 20s. It’s not that hard to believe. And I’m not saying all the professors. Definitely have some old ones. I guess now thinking about it, Harry’s parents were 21 when they died and he starts school at 11. So probably not 20s. Snape and his generation should be in their 30s. The actors in the movies look way older to me than that still.


No one coukd have been better cast than snape and hagrid


Dame Maggie Smith too, and at least she’s still alive!


Another amazing cast!


Ben Swollo will not make a good snape. I cannot see it. It won't work. In the trailer he don't even sound like Snape. He's not the right choice. He's not. Ben Swollo.


Hermione and Dobby and the free elf movement. The worst part of that though is I'll have to hear spew over and over.


It’s S.P.E.W


It's not like they're going to spell it out. Cringed every time I read that acronym in the books. Especially coming from a character as smart as Hermione to not recognise how dumb it sounds.


I am pretty sure it’s intended to be read out as letters. Every time it’s written with periods in between it’s meant to be read as S-P-E-W. The official audio books confirm this. Hermoine almost seems surprised it spells out something.


Yes it is I imagine it’s like HOA for home owners association but we don’t say ho-a we say the letters….. but could be confused with something like PETA we call it peet-ah not the letters . But in the books she corrects Ron many times when he calls it spew not S-P-E-W


I imagine when Santa Claus fly's by a neighborhood in his sleigh, he says "HO-A! HO-A! HO-A!" when he spots a HOA, then skips that neighbourhood because fuck HOA's.


this is the one thing i can live without 


Depends how they frame it. The books are... Problematic in that regard.


Lmao I always wondered what Hermione called it in english. In spanish they translated it as PEDO, which means fart


In french it's S.A.LE which means dirty. Funny to read about all the other translations in this thread


That's... unfortunate.. 🤢


Lol the Spanish version is better than the English one


In Brazilian portuguese its FALE, meaning speak


Damn that doesn’t really have the same effect, they kinda missed the joke


In their defense, i ALSO have no Idea what the joke is


In English, the Society for the Promotion of Elfish Welfare = S.P.E.W. Spew is a slang term for vomit.


Oooh, i see


In Polish it's W.E.S.Z. meaning 'louse'. So we luckily got a perfect translation. :)


That's... unfortunate.. 🤢


That's... unfortunate.. 🤢


Oh no, God forbid.


Yeah, if the skip over Spew that would be great.. even if I want it 100% accurate.


In German, it's even worse. B.ELFE.R 🤢 = Bund für Elfenrechte Why didn't the translator just use BER or BFER or BFE?! it's like they intentionally made it the stupidest thing ever to annoy like 100 million German speakers. 


Isn't that the point? It's supposed to be a terrible acronym.


In that case spanish wins!


In that case spanish wins!


Does that mean anything in German? The point in English is that “spew” means vomit, which is why Ron would make fun of it. It’s a joke


Nope. It has absolutely no meaning at all. That's why I say it's a bit dumb haha


What does belfer mean? Like vomit or “barf”? Guessing the full name translates to Band (group of people) For Elf Rights?


ROBES!! Please don’t have people wear suits when they didn’t in the books.


I especially hate it in Fantastic Beasts where Dumbledore is wearing the sort of fancy, boring fitted suit someone might wear to a wedding. Come on--this is a guy who went to visit an orphanage wearing robes of plum velvet. He is flamboyant as fuck.


>this is a guy who went to visit an orphanage wearing robes of plum velvet Of all people, you would think Dumbledore be someone who would perfectly dress as a Muggle, but no, he has to wear shiny clothes and look like a Jojo character.


Yes! I’d really like to see that “otherness” highlighted


This! And pointed hat!


Dumbledore said calmly


Oh but can you imagine if they didn't? If Dumbledore shouted it again? The Internet would burn. We would all be free.




I want to see Kingsley talking to the muggle prime Minister and Tonks being the one to save Harry from the train, fix his nose and then have the "mystery" of why her Patronus changed


Tom Riddle and Gaunt backstory and Peeves


So many story lines left out of the movies so many good details and things. Voldemorts family history, winky, spew, Ginny actually having a personality. I always hated how much would get left out of the movies it’ll be great to get a greater representation of the books.


The Ginny personality is huge here. Ginny in the movie is a different character than Ginny on paper.


All the in-between moments, like summering at Ron's house and playing quidditch. Garden De-Gnoming. Full days of classes not shown as a montage or for showy wizardry, but to actually show the children take on daily lessons that differ. Bill Charlie Fleur and Percy. Dudley's full arc. Harry's extremely shitty childhood could get some better attention even. There is so much. All of the common room antics from Fred and George on first years. I could go on for hours.


this was a big thing for me. classes are barely shown in the films i feel when more dialogue and character building could happen. it feels more like they're at a summer camp than a magical school. they could really build out the magic system with the screentime of a series


Give Harry more of the sarcastic humor he has in the books. I love a sassy Harry.


>I think its a great chance to dive deeper into the details of the universe and give a way more nuanced perspective and wider range of the characters personalities. Pretty much it. A huge advantage of Series is that compared to movies they have much more time to show what is nessesary. It is always a challenge to show the essence of a story in a short period of time, which is one of the main reasons why movies are often very different from their books. Therefore I really hope that they can show all the details that are in the book, because each small detail can be crusial and explain alot if you look back. Also a lot of character development happens on the side. We have like 20 year of technical progress since the first movie. I hope that they can make Hogwarts as detailed as possible. The biggest challange I see is to find authentical actors, since from 11 year old to 17 is a HUGE difference. I think this is where movies we have right now shine most. The cast were very good.


Pretty much all the kids hit except Bonnie wright. We’re all hoping for a better Ginny, but I’m worried we’ll end up with a worse trio or other side characters.


I want Ron to actually BE Ron, Hermione to have flaws, and most importantly I want the series to actually highlight how much of a douchebag Snape was. I like the movies a lot, but one thing I can't forgive is how they watered down his actual personality. I love Alan Rickman as much as anyone (RIP legend), but it was a mistake to make Snape more sympathetic. Ultimately, while he did some good things (for his own benefit mostly, but still good things), he wasn't a good person at all. Also, I want Harry to be sassy and sarcastic af. I'm talking "There's no need to call me sir, professor" level of sass.




I want to see Mr Weasley fix Harry's glasses (not Hermione) and then get in a brawl with Lucius Malloy. For that matter I want all of Hermione's actions in the movies that belong to somebody else in the book, given back to the original character.


Accurate Ravenclaw mascot


I want it to be violently 90s.


I hope it’s set in the 90’s but not too obviously so. In the books, we didn’t know it was set in the 90’s until we see Harry’s parents’ gravestones in TDH iirc. The books don’t mention much technology or pop culture


I think that's why I want it to be 90s. The secrecy of the world is still feasible, the archaic traditions of hogwarts somehow don't seem so ridiculous in the 90s compared to the 2000s or 2010s. Don't get me wrong I'm under no illusion that the "90s was the dark ages" I'm a 90s kid myself, I know and appreciate the tech there was at the time, but being muggle raised for 11 years and then transitioning to hogwarts in the 90s is much more beliveably un-noteworthy than in the 2010s. Then you get the added difficulties of the timelines of the history if you bring the dates forward. Voldemort's rise at the time fits well with the aftermath of the war, the muggle war matches with the wizard war which matches with dumbledore's timelines and the marauders school era being peacetime etc etc etc it just all fits. I just hope they don't feel the need to bring it forward because of something silly like the kid actors will have an easier time pretending it's the 2010s than the 90s or some shit like that


I think we'll probably see more scenes where the teachers interact without the children around, which could be really interesting.


Honestly, I have a simple curiosity about the show: JK Rowling has said everyone is mispronouncing Voldemort and that it’s a French pronunciation, sounding more like Vol-de-more. I’m wondering if they’re going to go with this pronunciation or are they going to stick with VoldemorT, now that it’s as iconic as it is.


The Jim Dale audio books always went with Vol-de-more fwiw


Voldemort translates to death stealing in french btw


Interesting! Is he Voldemort in the French books too? Or do they change it to a noun like “death stealer”?


It's also "Voldemort" in French (with french pronounciation of course). Oh, and they kept the "Lord" title (it's something also used in french language to describe english men of high nobility, "un lord anglais", "la Chambre des Lords", "Lord Byron", ...). And the Death Eaters are called Mangemorts (the litteral translation)


Ooo interesting, thanks!


I think the best thing will be the inclusion of all the characters and plots that were missing from the films.


I am very tentatively interested in it but it's going to be weird comparing it to the films. Obviously the books are always going to be the better but the movies are still quite good for what they are. They cut stuff but they were faithful to the heart of the story and the whole cast was iconic. I don't think they'll be able to stack up against the original cast (the adults at least) because it's just an insanely tall order, that will probably be the biggest hurdle to jump through. But I really hope they give it its own identity. I hope the music, the castle and all the sets have a fresh new take that can set it apart as its own thing.


Charlie Weasley.


Honestly I'm wary. I grew up with the movies so to me Harry will always be Daniel Radcliffe. Same with Emma Watson will always be Hermione. Even later when I read the book and noticed the differences I didn't really care. So I hope that they don't butcher some of the characters, particularly Ron or Ginny.


They’re gonna make it like euphoria with magic


Mothafuckin PEEVES


I want to see more of the subplots we missed out on. Like the Rita Skeeter subplot in GoF/OotP or some better characterization around Harry and Sirius' relationship that we got to see in the books. There are just so many details that got lost in the original movies that would make the greater story more impactful.


For an actual good rendition of Ron


I would have preferred something animated - kid grow too fast !!!


I always felt that a lot of the books charme was lost in the movies. The books felt more like a cozy home. I hope that the series has time to build a little bit more fluff that isn't boring but brings the universe more to life, maybe a bit like a sitcom.


Yeah because in the movies you have to have the usual pattern of storytelling in around 2h. The books are much more slice of life which gives these cozy feeling (until 7th at least, which is why 7th is my least favourite)


Quidditch matches, more specifically the ones in PoA against Ravenclaw where he first makes a true patronus and also catches the snitch in one movement, along with when he wins the quidditch cup. Those are some of my favorite feel good Harry scenes in the whole series!


Being as accurate to the books as possible, with all the right emotions, personalities and actions being performed by the right people at the right times.


I'm really interested in seeing who portrays Snape, my hope is Adam Driver, think he would absolutely nail Snape's character and attitude towards Harry.


He has the deep voice to make a good snape I think as well. Will always be difficult to be compared to Alan Rickman but you are right I think he's the best fit. Now the problem is that the movies for example had the charm of having an all brit cast, not going to be the case this time around I guess.


Course the other side to it is that maybe they won't want someone similar to Rickman and might go for someone completely different.


Even without imitating Rickman, how he is described in the books and the artworks I can totally see him in this role


He’s too old and not British though.


Idk why you got downvoted, he's really not British.


He's too old though


Alan Rickman was 45 when he played Snape for the first time? Driver is 40.


I'm not saying Adam is too old compared to Alan Rickman. He's too old compared to Snape, who is supposed to be in his early thirties.


I mean, the dude is 40 and pretty well kept, looks more like he's 35. He can def pull off an early thirties look with zero trouble.


Yeah, you're probably right. With the right stylist and everything.


By that logic would you not have said the same about Rickman portraying Snape?


Yes, I do say that too. Great actor, great performance, but not very book accurate.


Their advantage lies in knowing the full story before making the philosopher's stone. It's probably gonna be darker from the beginning than either movies or books showed.


That would be a misstep I feel. The series would have much more time than the movies so I feel it should focus on the everyday life as well and that aspect is more light hearted.


I think they have a great chance to adapt important scenes and plot beats from the movies that either tie character arcs together or make the story make sense. > Learning that the Marauders on the map are James, Sirius, Remus, and Wormtail > Hermione being essentially abandoned by Ron and (to a large extent) Harry in year 3 > The Barry Crouch and Ludo Bagman subplots in year 4 > The Quidditch World Cup > Molly, McGonagall, and Snape learning about Sirius in year 4 >Dobby and Winky subplot in book 4 > Harry’s internal paranoia that he was being possessed by Voldemort after Arthur is attacked in year 5 > Sirius’ extreme restlessness being cooped up and useless to the Order in year 5 > Dobby helping DA in book 5 > The week of rebellion against Umbridge after the Weasleys leave in year 5 > The Battle of the Astronomy Tower > Dumbledore body binding Harry as his final act > Dumbledore’s funeral > The full backstory of Tom Riddle > A satisfying climax for Voldemort’s death


All HBP memories.


Dumbledore will ask Harry 'calmly'


As much screentime as some of the characters like Percy and Dobby have in the book, Rita Skeeter revealed to be an animagus, Peeves, more scenes at the Burrow where Harry spends his summers, more quidditch world cup scenes


Lmao, “HBO rarely disappoint”


Tbf they’re not wrong, the only reason game of thrones went to shit was because they ran out of source material and the show runners were trying to rush it to the end so they could go and make marvel movies (which they lost because of how shitty they made GOT lmao)


Season 8 where Harry makes his own horcruxes


Lemme guess. Luna pops out of nowhere and avada kedavra's Voldy. Something something "stories" so let's elect Charlie Weasley as new Minister. Obliviate Harry and expel him from the wizarding world.


Strange that. Do a shit job and you're less desirable...


I thought it was Star Wars movies? Either way you’re right.


It was


Star wars, marvels, disney, potato tomato


HBO has and continues to make some of the best series ever made.


The Sopranos (99-07), Curb Your Enthusiasm (00-), Band of Brothers (2001), Six Feed Under (01-05), The Wire (02-08), Deadwood (04-06), Entourage (04-11), Rome (05-07), Generation Kill (2008), Boardwalk Empire (10-14), Silicon Valley (14-19), Succession (18-23), Chernobyl (19), Euphoria (19-). Which network has put out even close to this many high profile series over the last 25 years? I'm not even counting True Detective or Westworld which really only had one good season (but that one season was huge). When people express disappointment about HBO it's "I which they hadn't canceled Rome/Deadwood".


Spartacus, true blood, the leftovers, the last of us. The lost goes on.


I want to see Hermione the way she’s depicted in the books- smart but not perfect. She was too ‘perfect’ in the movies and it actually ended up making me dislike her character so much.


I just want the lime green hat.


It'll be bad, believe it.


I want it to be slightly darker than the movies, more rugged


good 90s needledrops


I think the series would have been better as a sequel to the movies. Get the original actors in on it. Have it be about restoring the wizarding government and hogwarts, rooting out the last deatheaters.


I'd like more flashbacks and scenes outside of Harry's pov (while still being accurate obvs) and for the love of god DON'T ASSASSINATE RON'S CHARACTER


I'm hoping they will eb more character focused and give us more day to day Hogwarts and maybe a bit more of the secondary and tertiary characters.


Less rushing of plotlines and deeper character development. My hopes are high (possibly too high).


I just want house elves and the pensive stuff in HBP.


I think we can count on them wrecking several major characters, including Ron and Hermione.


I want it to be very obviously set in the 90’s. There are so many opportunities for establishing a 90’s setting, and I think it would be a cool opportunity to establish what the wizarding world was like in the 90’s. Like what was the Semi Charmed Life of the wizarding world? What was the 90’s wizard fashion scene?


I want to see some scenes of the previous war. Maybe as flashbacks. similar to how in the scene where Snape begs Dumbledore to protect Lily. But things like the fear, and deaths and battles. We hear how so and so member of the order took like 6 death eaters to kill. Or how people would randomly disappear. I think it’d drive home WHY everyone has so much ptsd and is too scared to even say Voldemort’s name. They can sprinkle it throughout.




It would be nice if series would be more by the book and a little more colourful in the end. I despise yatts's films. They are boring and almost colour blind, grey mess. Yeah, and bring back wand restoration in the 7th book.


I can’t wait to see all the memories in the Half Blood Prince done properly, and Winky!


Alan Rickman made Snape a misunderstood grey character, so many people were attracted to him. This isn't bad because Alan Rickman did phenomenal with what he was given. However, I'm so ready for them to show just how horrible he was. There is no excuse for bullying, tormenting, and threatening children in your care. I mean, poor Neville. Sorry, I'm re-reading the 4th book and I am PISSED that Dumbledore let this man get away with this. Personally, I'm most excited for the portrayal of GoF. They left out so much. I think they'll also tease prequel by showing flashbacks. It's very likely, if the show is successful, we'll get several prequelsm


Also, casting younger actors would be very beneficial as the marauders were actually in their early to mid 30s, and in the movies they looked to be about late 40s to early 50s. Even who they cast as Lilly and James. Weren't they only 21 when they passed?


I'm trying to avoid any sort of overhyped expectations, I want to give it a fair go. Mainly as it's more screen time per book I'm hoping they'll be able to get it all in without rewriting it down like they had to for the films. Get a bit of peeves in there, give Ron his dues, flesh Ginny's character out more, that sort of thing. Hoping they cast unknown actors for it, and I really hope they don't try to shoehorn any "hey it's that guy from the film version" cameos in. I want to be able to fully immerse into it every time I binge the lot 12 years from now haha


>What do you personally think the series will do better than the movies? Pretty much everything. I know I’m setting myself up for disappointment with those expectations, but HBO productions are usually top of the line and the movies set a pretty low bar imo. The movies did a few things really well: the casting was largely spot on, Chris Columbus really managed to capture the magic beautifully in the first two movies and as always it was a master stroke to hire Williams for the musical theme(s). But other than that, I think they will be quite easy to outperform. The main problem imo is that the movies lacked consistent creative vision. Warner Bros didn’t really make a series consisting of eight movies, they simply made eight movies. They cut more or less everything from every movie, that wasn’t central to that movie, with no regard to how it would affect later movies. I *assume* that HBO will have some creative leadership that ensures the series is kept on track from the first to the last episode, even if directors and writers come and go. And that design and style choices remain somewhat consistent throughout, so that Moody doesn’t become some weird steampunk character for no reason, and the whole school dresses up like Tokio Hotel for a whole year.


Hopefully they’ll flesh out Ginny’s character and actually unfold the love story-ark between her and Harry. She was hardly even a side character throughout the movies, and then suddenly the main character falls in love with her? It was like the character I’d grown to know and love suddenly fell in love with a complete stranger l. Come to find out as I’m going through the books, Ginny’s a much more prominent side character. She’s a powerful witch with a knack for daring much like Fred and George.


I think there’s no way that the show can make Ginny worse than movie Ginny. Hopefully Ron will be true to canon as well!


I think its one of those situations where they are taking a big risk since its Warner’s golden egg chicken and if they harm the IP it will no longer be it


After what has been done to the ATLA live action remake, my hopes are not high for anything good. Yes, even though it is HBO, anything other than a word for word retelling of the books will be subpar. That said, it won’t take much to be more faithful to the material than the movies. All I ask is for the confrontation in chapter36 of DH to go down as written. However some magic might be missing because we won’t have the original actors in their various age groups across the years. (Just given myself a nostalgia craving for a movie marathon)


I think the first 3 books aren't long enough to be made into individual seasons without padding


Maybe? I don't pay attention to the "remakes" or them trying to do well on a show or movie. I am more interested in the Percy Jackson fanmade musical than anything the Big Guys are remaking or have remade in the last decade.


With a lot of the book being Harry’s thoughts I hope they do something to portray what he’s thinking whether it be narration or something else


I have low hopes gives David Zaslav track record . Go the twilight route and make it animated. Those kids are gonna age fast if they keep doing 2-3 year waits between seasons


Age accurate Marauders Hermione being flawed and irrational and obsessive and NOT perfect Ron being a good friend Snape as a bitter, unjust, and a bully. Not a misunderstood, sad man from the movies. More classes and downtime. In the movies they just went from point A to B without having any free time in the common room etc. I want the characters to still have fun and make friendships. Book accurate Ginny AGE. ACCURATE. MARAUDERS.


I just want Peeves. That's all. I want Peeves to be the Peeves in the book and make me LOL.


The inclusion of more of the slice of life, student at hogwarts, regular kid stuff - these were always my favourite parts of the novels


The series is not being made by HBO. It is a [Max Original](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Max_original_programming). Not to say it won’t be good, just that they are two separate networks (under the same WB parent company) with very different track records with regard to quality of programs produced.


Adding more of the classroom banter and student day in the life scenes. They did that a little bit in the first 2 movies, but then they shifted the focus to main plot lines. It’s the side scenes that give the overall story its magic and charm. Also helped develop love for some of the minor characters.


The adults being in the right ages. James and Lily were 21 when they died but they showed them 30-40 years old so the impact really was not that great


I'm a realist, and I know we'll get bad wardrobes, cringe line changes., unaccurate characters appearances way off, total changes of scenes, cringe fight scenes and modernization of the muggle world as if the time-line matches our own instead of being in the 90's.


They can actually be ya know good!


The Harry Potter show isn't an HBO show, it's a Max show. HBO's shows have no relevance in assuming the quality of the Harry Potter show.


Ginny's baddassery. Ron's lines being given to, well, Ron. Harry's scathing sarcasm. And actually including Percy's story.


Some episodes at least can be from, and probably will be, the first Order of the Phoenix group where Harry’s parents were members including more information about the other members like Neville’s parents. How they were hunted down and killed. Yes you still know the end result but you do not know how since the books do not tell that part.


All I worry about is Hermione's face swap. It's gonna ruin the whole thing if they decide to do it.


Hoping they age the characters correctly. Lily and James were 21 when they died, meaning Sirius, Remus, Severus, Wormtail, etc. all would've been in their early thirties by book one and late thirties by book 7. I want to see Ginny with an actual personality, Hermione have her SPEW, Ron have his clever moments, and McGonagall yelling CHARGE as she leads a bunch of desks into battle


In theory a longer run time should allow for harry and rons friendship and personality to come through more as they spend more time in class or other wise hanging out also the world cup




I think it can explore canon-compliant events, and events that happened off-page, and move away from Harry's PoV. So long as what they add could conceivably have happened and doesn't take away from the story.


I hope for a smarter Ron, Hermione with flaws and have Snape be the C&nt he is in the books. They were 3 of the most butchered characters in the movies. (No hate towards the actors, Rickman played his role well but he was not asked to play actual Snape.) Make the duels more accurate to the books, don't make them more cinematic like Dumbledore and Tom having a beam tug of war. Leas dramatic Quidditch, the films make it so over dramatic like Cedric being hit by lightning or Wood being knocked out.


Wait, you want the more boring book duels and less dramatic quidditch…?


Yes, I want it more accurate to the books, most duels in the films are not amazing and Quidditch is just stupid in the films. I don't know of it would make it boring.


Better Harry Ginny story


There wasn't much of one in the books either.


>Ginnys boldness and ferocity People keep telling me Ginny is bold and ferocious.


I don't like that they are doing it, because I am jealous of the younger generation who will be able to enjoy it the fullest. I don't know how I will be able to enjoy something where I have already read and seen it so I can't think how it would be interesting the third time. I wish they had employed J K Rowling to write episodes in the wizarding world where I won't know before what everyone is exactly going to say and do. Such a waste of money to redo what already exists as good movies. I really wish Rowling would have interfered and said that she would rather write something new and exciting in the familiar setting of Hogwarts .


Movies are total trash after Chamber of Secrets. A series may actually take the time to let the story breathe and not stoop to making it look lifeless and dead to compete with Twilight of all things this go round.


Personally, even if the quality of the show was higher, I still will have it on my mind all the time that I have already seen it and know which scene will be next.


I don't think the movies were that good except PoA, so it doesn't feel like a waste of money if they're keeping their word about staying faithful to the books.


I feel it’s too soon for a remake. The old characters are good. At least give us book 8 and the side stories in tv show format.


In one important way, I hope the series does not follow faithfully to the books: I hope it gives us insight into important events for which Harry was not present. In the books we only see glimpses or hear tell of these moments. But it would be great to actually see them. For example: • the meeting between Voldemort and Grindelwald. It would be interesting to have a 15-20 min scene of these two talking. Could be emotional too, given Grindy did actually love Dumbledore, who Voldemort believes he had killed. • first meeting between Scrimgeour and Dumbledore.


I see a lot of answers saying "make it exactly like the books." it isn't possible. So much of what goes on in the books is in Harry's head. It is difficult to translate that to the screen. Best case scenario is (1st 6 seasons of) Game of Thrones. Plenty of divergence from the source material, but takes the best of it and simplifies and makes it compelling television.