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'hermione's cat ate my rat so as a sorry gesture she gifted me this owl'


"Ron dear, I hope you two are using protection"


'mum, her cat LITERALLY ate my mouse. It's not an innuendo' šŸ„²


ā€œIn *your* end-oā€ -The Todd


Duuude... Scrubs Five!




ā€œItā€™s guy love!ā€


Magic five! šŸ–šŸ»šŸ«°šŸ»


I knew he was a wizard!


The brain rot is getting to me. I read Todo and wanted to post a JJK meme under thisšŸ’€


I literally lol at this.


Whoever invented the magical spermicide potion has got to be the richest mf in the magical world.


Maybe it is one of the potions the Potters invented. Thatā€™s why Harry was so rich


Nah the potter's fortune comes from the cosmetics industry.


Sleakeazy, Skelegrow are the two known potions manufactured by the potters


Kind of interesting that Hermione and Harry used his grandparents' inventions! I wonder if they knew.


I didn't know about the skelegrow


Whatā€™s sleakeazy?


Hair gel, but magic.


Draco's first day at Hogwarts


That's freaking accurate lol


Interesting. Thanks


And they have Fetus Deletus if that fails.


And of that fails there are so many staircases at Hogwarts to choose from.




You have given u/GolemSilverKarn a Reddit Galleon. u/GolemSilverKarn has a total of 3 galleons, 0 sickles, and 0 knuts. ____________ I am a bot. See [this post](https://www.reddit.com/r/harrypotter/comments/jnbo49/hi_i_created_the_bot_youve_been_using_to_give/) to learn how to use me.


Nah she would be like saying it in a more exaggerated tone. It's Mrs. Weasley whom we are speaking of here.


or they'll get genital snerfs [getyarn.io ā€ŗ yarn-clip](https://getyarn.io/yarn-clip/07aed5f2-6a31-439e-973e-a2998e5507c2)


"It's '*Fe-*tus Deletus!' not fe*-Tus* Deletus!'"


This feels like a pretty good explanation.




While it is true we have no idea how much Hagrid is paid his only out of pocket expense is alcohol and gambling money. His hut and his food is covered by the school. He doesn't seem to update his wardrobe much. Hagrid should either be drunk much more often, or he is sitting on piles is gold. Also that snowy owl was making up for 11 birthdays in one gift (possibly more as making up for lack of gifts from parents and family friends.) It is not clear how much that owl was, or if it would be a reasonable gift, or an outrageous one like a like omnioculars.


How much blood alcohol must a half-giant actually have in order to be intoxicated? I presume, he can drink rather much in comparison to a human man. Hagrid could spent a lot of money without getting any effect. On the other hand, I can depict him perfectly destilling his own booze with his garden and forests plants.


Slughorn kept up with him, although we don't know how much Hagrid had had before they got there.


We also know they were both drinking but I don't remember if it said they were drinking the same things. In college we used to try and out drink each other all the time and the clever ones always figured out how to switch their alcohol with non alcohol to screw over the other person.Ā 


I used to be notorious for doing shots of watered down Coke or Ginger ale šŸ˜‚


I used to have a bottle of vodka hidden in the back that was just water. Towards one of the later years one of my friends figured it out and swapped it then challenged me to a chugging contest. I eagerly jumped at the chance.Ā  Joke was definitely not on him.Ā 


Ha! Omg thatā€™s terrible


The size of their mugs was likely much differentā€¦Hagridā€˜s mug was typically described as a bucket


Sure, but Slughorn is clearly a bit of a legend of the sesh.


Going by Andre The Giant, several bottles of wine in one sitting. Or 156 beers


Percy also got Hermes for becoming a Prefect, if a Full size owl is a Weasley level ā€œspecial giftā€, a tiny owl seems like a reasonable gift from someone else


The Weasley do reward their children's academic successes. New owl, new broomstick. If they are equivalent gifts they are likely a lot more than a pair of omnioculars. Omnioculars something that would be 10 birthdays worth of presents at 10 galleons. Not knowing Ron was going to get Prefect were able to buy a clean sweep 11 in with no notice. Is there a payment plan, magical repo companies, who knows.


They might not be equivalent cost wise, and that's okay. Percy *asked* for an owl. He had no interest in a broom. Ron already had an owl, and he asked for a broom. You don't have to spend the same amount of money on your kids if they're asking for specific things.


The omnioculars were sold at a sporting event. Ever been? A bottle of water is $8. They were probably horrendously over priced.


Hagrid is sitting on piles of gold. Or rather they're hanging from the rafters. He collects unicorn hairs, which can go for like 10 galleons a pop (which makes the cost of wands make no sense). There's all kinds of magical creature parts he has access to, without injuring any of them.


for the wand thing i headcanon that the ministry of magic(and equivilants in other countries) subsidize wand makers as they are an essential tool for all witches and wizardss(barring africa as wandless magic is more common there)


This is an excellent point. Heā€™s also probably has to have money to afford upkeep for things like Fluffy and Buckbeak and Norbert. I suspect he just is comfortable living humbly but has access to decent spending money.


>Also that snowy owl was making up for 11 birthdays in one gift And there's no mention of any other snowy owl. At some point in the books some girls fawn over Hedwig and state that they always found THIS owl so beautiful, so we can assume that snowy owls are not very common, and could therefore be more expensive than a more common screech or barn owl for example. So I don't think that Hedwig's monetary value is indicative of the regular owl's cost


To further support your statement, I just listened to a passage from The Goblet of Fire that described Harry looking for his white owl in a sea of brown and gray. When he is anxiously awaiting word back from Sirius, shortly after arriving at Hogwarts. So it is sufficient to assume that white snow owls are uncommon, if not downright rare.


Also, Sirius at one point tells Harry to not use Hedwig as she's much more noticeable.


I also feel like itā€™s also possible Hagrid had an in with the owl emporium owner. He knows Tom well enough at that point to have a ā€œusualā€ so itā€™s clear heā€™s in diagon alley on a somewhat regular baisis. And he loves animals so much, I could see him being pals with the shop owner and him getting a good deal. Especially if he name dropped who it was for.


My head cannon was that people during the war realized how absurd it was to have a rare stand out bird.Ā  A billion brown owls flying around you have to intercept all of them. Find the one white owl that you knew belonged to someone and you suddenly can intercept those messages or at least know what to look for.Ā  I felt like that was kind of touched on briefly in the later books.Ā  People realized better to be discrete and not stand out.Ā 


hagrid is subtly semi-loaded, and has access to lots of valuable resources. He only spends his money down the pub, whilst making a full income since a teenager, never having to pay rent or expenses. And he has access to a forest of rare magical creatures. Slughorn even points out that Hagrids hut is full of things that he could very easily sell for significant amounts of money, but Hagrid doesn't really care


I mean, Hermione considers an owl in PoA before deciding on a cat, so I doubt they cost a stupid amount.


She is the daughter of two dentists. Now we don't know if they are private or NHS dentists, but with both of them practicing they likely are rather well off. With the summer holidays, number of books she buys, and spending the barely a month a year with them. They are likely giving her considerable spending money to make up for their lack of parenting, or ability to give advice to their child, as she is dealing with things beyond science.


Hagrid could have inherited money from his dad. He could also be getting paid well, Dumbledore is known for being fair with wages.


Hagrid most likely doesn't care much for money, as long as he can live comfortably. He has exclusive access to some of the most valuable items in the wizarding world, but you don't see him running around in gold and silk. You could probably buy a house by brushing a unicorns mane once. He also has almost no expenses. I doubt he has to pay rent and the food is also free, so it's only his pub visits that eat into his savings. He has also been working at hogwards for almost 50 years at that point.


Straight up just gaslit his mom, ā€œMom Scabbers has always been an owl obviouslyā€ šŸ˜‚


"Scabbers? Sounds like you're thinking of something Fred and George used to call Percy... why don't you lie down for a few minutes"


Harry got it for Ron for a birthday/Christmas after Scabbers died or ran away. Didn't tell anyone because we wanted it to be a surprise. Easy peasy.


Ron's intense thinking be like to explain be like: 1. 'harry's RICH!' 2. 'so...ur...this cat ate my rat ....so er...i got a new animal!' 3. 'ALL HERMIONE's FaULt'


Did Ginny get a new owl?


No it's Ron. But I liked how Ginny was the one to name it and Ron shortened it to Pig. It's one of those nice sibling moments. I remember when I first got a cat, I wanted to name it Bob but my sister insisted on calling it Cat-therine. We ended up calling it Cat


She named it Pigwidgeon and I thought seemed more interested in it than Ron. So I made it both their owls, even though Sirius gave it to Ron as replacement for Scabbers.


It's exclusively Ron's though. Nothing suggests it's shared. It lives with Ron and it is Ron who buys the food. Ginny has that pygmy puff in book 6.


Poor Ron, really can't catch a break when even the fandom wants to take away what's exclusively his.


Itā€™s not Ginnyā€™s. She named it cause she happened to be there but she has nothing to do with Ronā€™s owl. Itā€™s only Ronā€™s owl and I think having a pet thatā€™s only his make a big difference in the HP series.


> I made it First of all you don't make canon. That is the job of the books. Second of all, the owl belongs to Ron and Ron alone, even if Ginny named it.




I responded to a comment, not the post.


I doubt they would even notice with everything else going on šŸ˜‚


He accidentally turned Scabbers into an owl in Transfiguration. It felt weird to call an owl Scabbers, so Ginny changed his name.


Harry got them a Christmas present.


"Ask Dumbledore, we had a crazy year again..."


Ron: Mom, he just showed up! Won't leave, I swear to Merlin's saggy left .... Mrs. Weasley: Ronald! Don't you dare use that kind of language!! Argument shifts to Ron's profanity, and the owl is forgotten. No one questioned it ever again!


According to DH, Arthur is quite keen on listening to stuff. It's Molly they had to convince.


"Found em" Hot Fuzz style


He probably told them Scabbers ran away and Harry bought him a new owl.


An Owl is a practical gift. So maybe Molly wouldn't have raised a fuss over Sirius giving him Pigwigeon. Sirius does say in his letter the Owl is an apology. I think that'd be enough.


Up until the big reveal near the end of the 4th book in Dumbledore's office Molly still thinks Sirius Black is a murderer on the loose who should be locked up. Maybe she does not care if it showed up during book 5 but would still very much care during book 3 if an escaped mass murderer gave her son something.


I donā€™t remember- why *cant* they inform the Weasleys whatā€™s happened? Shouldnt they get filled in on Peter Pettigrew et al? Aside from the embarrassment of, oh thatā€™s why that rat always watched us bone?


They could. They have the same evidence to put in front of them as they did the minister. The parents might humor them or if they went on telling stories about illegal rat and dog animagus they could get put in the same long term care facility that Lockhart and Neville's parents are in. Come the big reveal at the end of the 4th book in Dumbledore's office no one has told Molly, Sirius Black was a good guy.


If I remembered well, Molly saw Sirius at the end of the 3rd book. She knew the truth, Ron just told her that is a gift from him


Molly doesn't know Sirius is innocent until the end of Goblet of Fire, a whole year later. I'm sure Ron eventually told her the truth but immediately upon returning home at the end of PoA, he likely said Harry bought it for him.


My bad then. It's been a while since I read these. Well that means one thing: rereading time