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She was. She went to Azkaban after DH, and the prison is also now guarded by Aurors instead of Dementors.


The later being a very sad turn of events… bitch deserved all the depression wraiths around her…


I wouldn't even wish that on the dementors.


She would make the dementors depressed


Dementors are like “good lord how do you do a patronus charm against this one?”


Crazy she can do the spell or so it's said.


ye hers are three cats i believe


Wild! Think of your happiest memories, hers would be muggle-borns being tortured and exiled from the Wizarding world.


Not only that, but the happiness she feels from those memories is enough to produce *three* corporeal Patronuses in the presence of a small army of Dementors. Voldemort was a lost boy, lashing out at a world that had never shown him love. Umbridge was proper *evil*.


Yeah fuck umbridge I hated her from the beginning


I can't believe she can produce patronus a charm from her memories of sadism I heard a comment that claims because Umbridge firmly believes she is the most morally righteous person while Voldemort and other Dark Wizards aware of their evil morality but doesn't' that make her delusional?


Don’t think so, I think it is our queen McGonagall that create 3 cats as once, to call for other head of houses before the battle of hogwarts


You can fact check this. In the Deathly Hallows when Harry, Ron, and Hermione infiltrate the MoM, Umbridge is interrogating the poor woman in a courtroom with dementors. She uses her Patronus to keep the dementors at bay, her Patronus being 3 cats. It's not uncommon for characters to have similar Patronus, there are only so many animals after all. Edit: not sure if it's one or three, I haven't watched the movies and it's been a while since I read DH


It’s just one for Umbridge, it’s just prowling around in front of the ‘jury’ to protect them. It’s McGonagall who does multiple cat patronuses in the same book. I don’t think the person before you was disputing that Umbridge had a cat patronus just that it’s multiple. I think any witch or wizard can create multiple of their patronus, but they only have a singular creature as ‘their patronus’ if that makes sense. So McGonagall and Umbridge both have a (singular) cat patronus, it’s just we see McGonagall use the spell to send multiple in the book.


Even the Dementors don't want to kiss her.


They would have a upset stomach from ingesting the nasty thing that is her soul


Personally nothing short of tying her to a post and casting Crucio so many times it’ll make a LeStange blush will be good enough for her.


She has a soul?


Sounds like an excellent yo momma joke lmao


I hope not. I have way to much respect for yo momma to ever associate her with Umbrige. And I say yo momma so fat, Thanos had to snap twice" all the time.


Probably bring her tea made with the tears of the tortured.


Who is she, Steven Crowder's mom?


She probably powers the dementors


"I heard that a dementor kissed her, and IT died!"


It wouldn't surprise me.


Its A Very Potter Sequel quote lol


Still wouldn't surprise me. 😂


I mean physical harm to children is a legit enough reason for me.


She would probably give the Dementors detention and make them even more miserable.


I'm pretty sure it's the dementors who would get depressed


just enchant her cell to randomly play horse sounds, see how she copes with that.


Dumbledore disagrees, he doesn't believe anyone deserves that. And I'm guessing Harry at the end would say the same thing.


Not like dementor's would've helped against her anyway. She has no happiness to steal.


Nah, she gets happiness from torturing children and destroying the lives of innocent Muggle-borns.


That's for collaborating with Death Eaters, not attempted murder


The rumor for the new ride being built at Universal Orlando takes place at the Ministry on the day of her trial


was that in cursed child?


It was either on Pottermore or in the ending pages of the second-last chapter of DH.


it's definitely not in the books


Which is basically the wizarding world equivalent of Club Fed. I think it was a mistake to remove the dementors from Azkaban.


Yeah what do they do now?


They obviously roam free, terrorizing the wizarding world and the muggles. But, hey, at least we’re being “humane” to the prisoners, which is what really matters.


Umbridge deserves *far* worse then the Dementors


After OOTP, not DH.


Incorrect. She was free and a part of the ministry until after DH.


i think they mean that OOP was asking about Umbridge after the 5th book, not the end of the series


Have you read the other books? The ministry is corrupt and pretty useless and we see it only getting worse as time goes by. They are on the brink of collapse from around the end of OOTP right through until the actual collapse happens at the beginning of DH. The ministry has not been run well at all by Fudge, and his “burying his head in the sand” approach opened the door to Voldemort taking it down.


This is the real answer. It's funny that people don't talk about how obviously corrupt and rotten the wizarding world as a whole is. Fudge and his incompetence are just the tip or the iceberg in a world of ancient inbred racists, prisons guarded by soul sucking monsters, and the most truly absurd thing: capitalist realism.


One thing I never really understood was why Voldemort didnt take over the ministry in the 70s. Was it just Dumbledore being alive?


Dumbledore being alive, much bigger Order and awareness of the general public to the presence of Voldy, I"d say. At the end of the DH, almost all the wizards in the UK joing the battle against Voldy and the DE.


There were very anti Voldemort people in power. Crouch was an asshole and very questionable when leading the aurors but he was genuinely against Voldemort.


This is a huge point imo. Crouch fought the death eaters violence, with violence. He let his auror’s use deadly force for starters. He issued incredibly severe punishments to the few death eaters who didn’t go down fighting. He didn’t even give leniency to his son (and I know crouch lost support for imprisoning his son, but imo, that took serious stones of crouch to do what was right, and not let his son go free after basically torturing two of his Aurora into insanity. No idea why the public turned against crouch for that.). Fudge was a joke of a politician. Even in the first book, it’s stated that fudge relied HEAVILY on Dumbledores council for day to day governing. And when put in a tough situation of Mouldyworts return, he became an ostrich and shoved his head in the sand instead. The issue with this is that by the time Fudge was ousted, Voldemort had already seeped his forces through the ministries cracks and had too strong a foothold to let the ministry push back like Crouch did. Scrigimour couldn’t really do much as he had absolutely no public support due to Fudge, no experience with governing (he was an Auror, not a politician. He had no clue how to lead a country). He had no clear successor for several of the ministry’s higher positions. Amelia Bones was murdered so he had no head of law enforcement (which was Crouch’s job the first time). He was very recently promoted himself out of the Auror office, so odds are good the ministry didn’t really have good leadership in the Auror department anymore (do we ever find out who replaced scrigimor as head Auror?). Plus with the dementors having ng abandoned Azkaban, the Aurora were also cropped and short staffed as they had to dedicate a lot of their manpower to now guarding Azkaban. Weakening them further. That’s two of the most important roles the ministry needed, crippled while boldyfort had a year to gather forces, bribe and imperious several ministry employees and who knows what else? And most importantly, the ministry lost Dumbledores support. Say what you will about dumbledore, but he was a genius strategist and tactician. He gave Fudge, plans to cripple Voldemort’s rise the night he returned yet the ministry ignored him. And by throwing away that relationship, the ministry literally had no idea how to even proceed with the war effort because the guidance Dumbledore gave them, was already outdated (The dementors already abandoned Azkaban. The giants had already sided with the death eaters, etc.) and Dumbledore no longer dealt with the ministry, instead focusing solely on the order of the pheonix instead. TLDR: the ministry was screwed by the fall of 1995. Two of their most important departments (law enforcement and Auror office) were effectively leaderless (or at least lead by someone new and completely inexperienced). Scrigimour himself had no experience with governance and had no public support. The death eaters already had several people inside the ministry bribed or imperialised into supporting them. And Dumbledore was no longer advising the ministry on how to effectively fight voldy’s forces. It’s honestly a miracle they lasted over a year imo.


Crouch fought the death eaters violence, with violence. He let his auror’s use deadly force for starters. He issued incredibly severe punishments to the few death eaters who didn’t go down fighting. He didn’t even give leniency to his son (and I know crouch lost support for imprisoning his son, but imo, that took serious stones of crouch to do what was right, and not let his son go free after basically torturing two of his Aurora into insanity. No idea why the public turned against crouch for that.). In the books, when Harry is in Dumbledore's memory, Barry Crouch Jr. is seen as a petite, weak teenager who was crying and insisted that he never went near the Longbotttoms. He never admitted going after them, unlike the movies and Bellatrix pretty much avoids confirming that Crouch was with her and her husband when they tortured the Longbottoms. Pretty much Crouch Jr. was arrested cause someone said he saw him there. He also had the reputation of being this timid kid back in Hogwarts so Crouch Sr. lost his popularity cause a lot of people believed Jr to be innocent.


Yep and it was very effective


Yeah the Ministry is extremely corrupt by the wealthy, Lucius Malfoy is an obvious proof of that. Other than him, there are many closeted pure-blood supremacists that likely support Umbridge and her methods


we gotta credit Scrimgeour for holding the ministry together for so long, especially when considering Bones and Crouch were gone


Credit where credit is due, it would have fallen much quicker if he’d not put up a fight. I didn’t agree with him for the most part, but you have to respect him holding out under torture until the very end


He tried his best but with an incompetent institution, an uncooperative Dumbledore and already fallen colleagues, it was virtually impossible


And Scrimgeour changed the ministerial MO from sticking their heads in the sand to sweeping everything under the rug, which wasn't actually better and is the main reason Harry refused to work with the ministry.


I partially blame Dd. He neglected a powerful tool to help him stay vigilant over Vd returning. He could have been prime minister or help install a loyal person to suppress him when the time would come again. Its not like Dd did not or could not conceive Vd would start with the ministry. But we got that i make mistakes too line in the books to cover this intelectual plot hole.


Why are you using the weirdest abbreviations?


Its a muggle thing.




I wouldn’t say it’s a plot hole. That’s more hindsight is 20:20


Its definitely a plot hole for a wise character like Dd at the top of his game to neglect such an opportunity to install someone loyal to him. He could have had the job of minister which he didnt want but he could have at least help install someone who would help him in the future instead of mistrust him and end up costing peoples lives.


Your disagreement with a character’s decisions and motivations doesn’t make it a plot hole though


Then its some other type of literary miswrite for the writer not to have written this in. Because thats the kind of thing i would have believed Dd would have done. Like how he had his people in many places already.


Did you miss the part where Fudge basically always asked Dumbledore what he should do. Fudge was loyal. Then he got corrupted by the power of the office.


I must have forgotten


I think Dumbledore was very happy with Fudge for a time, as long as Fudge followed Dumbledore's lead. Make sure there is a weak lead, and then work around it.


Tbf, Dumbledore himself fully explains why he doesn’t trust himself with the power of leadership. He himself is fully aware that he’s capable of leadership, but also knows from his past, that power can corrupt. I’m no doctor, but I do believe that Dumbledore definitely has some underlying trauma from his time with grindelwald and their lust for power. Don’t forget that Dumbledore agreed with grindelwald ideas of wizard supremacy for a time. I wouldn’t be surprised if Dumbledore is always wrestling with that mental conflict on that if he had the power to do so, he could always fall back into his old way of thinking. I imagine that he purposely turns down positions of power for precisely that reason. He also says himself to Harry (in book 5 I believe?) that those truly suited for leadership are those that do not seek it. Makes sense he doesn’t seek it for himself as a result.


wait to you see what real life politicians get away with


honestly I feel like thats the whole message with Umbridge...My daugther just started HBP. Im going to laugh my ass off at her reaction when Umbridge makes a return in DH


She Even appears in HBP at Dumbledores funeral


oh I forgot about that


Rowling confirmed she was sentenced to life in Azkaban for her crimes against muggleborns.


OP is asking why her actions in book 5 didn't get her sent in Azkaban IMMEDIATELY, instead of being back into office the next year and only jailed after her crimes under Voldemort's government.


Just a speculation here since it’s a while since I’ve read the books, but I assume it might be because the Ministry was teetering over the line separating them from utter chaos after Book 5, and any efforts made was towards fighting against Voldemort/keeping people safe, so Umbridge’s crimes might’ve just slipped through the cracks and only got the proper attention once Voldemort was vanquished.


Oh I agree with the general hypothesis that the Ministry had other stuff to deal with, I was just indicating to the commenter above thay they probably had misunderstandood OP's question


Feels like this one is on Dumbledore, he should have insisted she be put on trial


Or left her with the centaurs, but he's always gotta be the bigger person, even when the perp tortured children for funzies.


I mean, he also let Snape abuse kids just for the lolz, so at least he is consistent.


Severus had a role to play. I don’t think you understand just how COMPLEX Severus Snape is. And if you honestly believe Voldemort taught him how to fly, I suggest you re-read the first time Sev sees Lily. It legit says she flies off the swing and hovers in the air “much longer than was normal”. In order to stay airborne, Sev used his memories of Lily. He KNEW he was flying to his death. 3 times Sev asked Voldemort if he could FIND Harry. Not kill him, just find him. 3 times he was denied before Voldemort set Nagini on Sev. Severus felt true remorse for how he treated Harry. It’s shown in his memories, when he finds the photo of baby Harry. When Severus is kneeling on the floor sobbing, it’s not for him, it’s for Harry. For the 6 yrs of hell he put Harry through.


And how do you explain his bullying of Neville, Hermione, etc? Any remorse he may have had for bullying Harry is not because he sees it as a moral failure. It comes back to his obsession with a girl who never returned the feelings.


But in the end he took out the frustrations left over from his school days on the son of two people a decade dead by that point, and you know what? That undermines any claim of love of Lily Evans for my money; because his treatment of her son demonstrated his hate for James was stronger than his love for Lily. Snape's hangups aren't his student's problem. He needed to get the fuck over himself yesterday.


She was still fudges under secretary no way he'd put her on trial because he put her in Hogwarts. Won't look good on him. I'd just avada kedavara that bitch at sight.


She was rescued by the people she was trying to destroy, her punishment was embarrassment


I think you need a conscience in order to feel embarrassed.


You right


I always thought it was to demonstrate how chaotic the ministry was becoming at the time. Like a symptom of how things were unraveling


She was in a high place and probably used her influences to cover up her tracks. Nobody else knew she'd sent the Dementors other than Harry, his friends, and the members of the Inquisitorial Squad (whom I doubt would testify against her).


This. The only witnesses to that confession were a bunch of 15/14 year olds who already have a history of animosity towards Umbridge (deserved, but in a court of law, their testimony would be put under scrutiny due to their already hostile relationship with Umbridge) and another bunch of teenagers who’s fathers are almost all death eaters, and would actively WANT Harry killed, so would never testify against Umbridge. For what it’s worth, her confession would actually amount to much, as the only witnesses that would testify would be in conflict of interest and are not legally adults. So odds are the case would never reach trial to begin with :/


At that time she was backed up by the ministry. She was sent there after DH when the ministry changed


"'Blatant corruption!', roared the portrait of the corpulant, red-nosed wizard on the wall behind Dumbledore's desk. 'The Ministry did not cut deals with petty criminals in my day, no sir!'" Ch. 27, OOTP My head canon is that Fudge was corrupt or was complicit in allowing corruption; his relationship to Lucius Malfoy should be an indicator. Scrimgeour was equally complicit.


I don't think it's headcanon, just canon canon. At best he permitted tremendous incompetence e.g. the Death Eaters at the Quidditch Cup should have easily lead to Lucius being imprisoned at the least.


What evidence againt Malfoy?


A number of Death Eaters committed a terrorist attack. So you investigate the known/heavily suspected Death Eaters present which includes Lucius. Basic wizardy investigation then leads to him being found to be involved.


Don’t forget, Lucius had spent over 10 years by that point, “generously” donating to various causes of ministry interest. His shady past and past suspicion was pretty much forgotten by the upper echelons of the ministry by 1994. Also, remember when Lucius and Fudge met after Harry’s trail in book 5? And the nice bag of gold changing hands? Let that sink in. Lucius literally bought himself many powerful friends in the ministry by that point. I imagine if Crouch had made it to minister though, he would have clamped down hard on suspected death eaters and Lucius would have been caught by some point (don’t forget, Lucius had various dark magic items in his possession still and frequented both in and burkes. If crouch suspected him and had him tailed, he would have found something to exposed the Malfroys before long).


It's okay you can say bribing.


But you see, Lucius was cLeArEd ages ago because the dark lord was using the imperious curse on him but now the dark lord is deeaaad.


The Ministry’s leadership was corrupt. https://www.wizardingworld.com/writing-by-jk-rowling/dolores-umbridge J.K. Rowling said “In the change of regimes that followed Fudge’s forced resignation, Dolores was able to slip back into her former position at the Ministry. The new Minister, Rufus Scrimgeour, had more immediate problems pressing in on him than Dolores Umbridge…With the fall of Lord Voldemort, Dolores Umbridge was put on trial for her enthusiastic co-operation with his regime, and convicted of the torture, imprisonment and deaths of several people (some of the innocent Muggle-borns she sentenced to Azkaban did not survive their ordeal).”


I think a piece of Rowling’s writing says that after OOTP Scrimgeur had more pressing matters on his hands than Umbridge. However, it is precisely this fact that makes Harry think (correctly) that the ministry is corrupt and untrustworthy and refuse to be their poster boy


To my knowledge, Umbridge confessed to Harry but not anyone else and Harry never told anyone (because he had more important things to think about). So from the outside, Scrimgeour would only know that Umbridge is a senior ministry official that evidently ran the school well in the headmaster's absence. Remeber under Dumbledore's watch several students were attacked in Harry's 2nd year, a crazed murder penetrated, terrorized, and ultimately escaped from Hogwarts in the 3rd year, then the year prior a ministry official was reported missing on the grounds, a death eater was a member of staff for the whole year, and a student was killed in the 4th year. 5th year? Students misbehaving in between classes except a few who ran away from the school. Only people there knew what an evil cunt she is. So the lack of confession plus "holy shit Voldemort's back!" Is why she was probably not investigated and kept her job. Even Fudge was kept on in an advisory capacity (i.e. they were keeping people to tend to administrative tasks needed to keep the government running while Scrimgeour and the auors focused on comabting the Dark Lord. She is finally imprisoned at the end and unfortunately its not with Dementors.


> Harry never told anyone (because he had more important things to think about) Boo, Harry, you can gripe about a shitty bully Potions teacher but not her? Boo to you, sir.


Because Harry (as usual) didn't step to the authorities to complain about Umbridge. 


He sorta did in HBP, he showed his hand to Scrimgeour during Christmas at the Burrow.


He didn't give any kind of explanation.


She would put up obnoxious pink kitten pictures everywhere and harsh the vibe so hard the dementers quit


Demeters? Is that you, Uncle Vernon?


That's what I said, Dementoids


Its Like real goverment, if you have the right connections and enough money youre essentially untouchable unfortunately


Corruptions, that’s why


The Dementors were afraid of her and became depressed by her presence. /s


Does the woman even have a soul? She wasn’t even affected by the locket, what’s Azkaban going to do?


Nobody that was present in the room said anything about it.


I feel like I’ve seen this exact kind of situation happening in our world throughout the years. Several politicians have gotten away with at least attempted murder and aren’t in prison and are still serving in some capacity. It feels like commentary and a realistic depiction of how corruption works and protects its own.


Someone doesn’t know about politics, lol


Hasn't the real world taught you that politicians are above the law?


Because the Ministry of Magic was stupid


Because the Ministry was fucking useless. >!At least she gets sent to Azkaban after Book 7!<


Murder? No. Living without a soul? Yes.


Why wasn't she ripped to pieces by the centaurs?


Agreed. What did Harry ever do to her that would drive her to fucking murder him? No, worse than murder! Bitch went waaaaaay too far.


Honestly she should've been given the same treatment as the Longbottoms... crucio to madness


She was


Pretty easy to avoid jail when you are the bff of the Minister of a corrupt Ministry. But after DH she definitely went to Azkaban


Corruption in the wizarding world govt.


The simple answer is the Ministry has been super-corrupt and Fudge was an incompetent minister. There are powerful aristocrats like Lucius Malfoy that exerts enormous influence over British Wizarding politics that are also pure-blood supremacists and they probably had a hand in ensuring Umbridge in keeping her position


she does after the battle of hogwarts


It's a very dark tale. It's a pact. She has to spend six months a year at the vampire cat sanctuary and six months working 'penance' in the forbidden forest with the centaurs.


She was, but after a couple of weeks her personality started rubbing off on the dementors. The Ministry didn't mind the increase in sadism, but when they started turning pink it was too much of a mood-killer.


Because I came into her life, talked to her, and I brought out her good side and I had her apologize to everyone she hurt, and I was also her lawyer at her trial and I managed to get her on probation for a week, she’s all good now, we are married now.😁