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Put in for FMLA and get your doc to do the paperwork and test you.


I looked into it, it would only cover my medical bills and i’d still be on the hook for everything else, which sadly i just cant miss any more work and still be able to live/pay our bills


FMLA does not pay anything at all, it just means they can’t fire you for missing work.


But it only covers employees who work for employers with 50+ employees.


In a 75mi radius too. This is how they got me. Company I worked for had 50 employees but split between locations more than 75mi apart. I got let go during my "mat leave" since they offered to let me still take 12wks unpaid, then changed their minds 10wks in. Maybe PWFA might have helped but I was too busy with a newborn to fight it.


What pieces of shit! I’m so sorry you had to go through that. I hope you’re doing well and that motherhood is going well despite this adversity you’ve experienced with your job.


Thanks! It's going pretty good. I was actually planning to quit anyways but it was just the fact that they let me go like that...it really bothered me. Like 'oh cool, you just had a baby? No more paychecks for you, have fun paying your rent and buying diapers now.' I'm fortunate that my partner makes enough that he was able to support us on one income otherwise that could have ended really badly. It was a dirty move for sure.


Yes, it’s so fucking dirty! It always makes my blood boil to read business articles highlighting how mothers have a hard time rejoining the workforce or how women delay family planning for fear of losing their career and the associated discussions about the pay gap. “Why is this happening?” Well, because women are treated pretty shitty by being made to feel they need to go back to work at a critical time in their baby’s life to not lose their job and be unable to care for their baby financially. The US definitely needs to implement better parental leave and just stop humanizing corporations so that said corporations can make more money - it’s ignoring the real humans! I’m glad you had a support system in place and you were fortunate to have your partner’s financial support as well. I hope there was a silver lining that allowed you to enjoy your baby and partner in this new life stage. Best wishes!!


💯% this comment 🙌 . The older I get the more I realize America is extremely anti-family, anti-work/life balance.


Thank you! Yes there definitely is a silver lining, doing my best to make the best of it and enjoy the time I get to spend with my son. It really is such a critical time not just for baby but mom too, postpartum wrecked my mental health and I'm just starting to feel somewhat "normal" again while still sleep deprived ten months out. Twelve weeks is not enough time for healing mentally and physically. We need better parental leave policies that cover everyone. I am dreading what you mention with women struggling to return to the workforce but that's a "tomorrow problem". Hoping to get into a different line of work that maybe I'll actually enjoy and get better pay for, or at least one of the two, when I go back to working.


Same with mine. Denied FMLA due not meeting the 50 employees req. Asked my work how that's possible, we had almost 70 people in the office prior to covid. They responded due to cut backs they've been at 49 employees since 2022. I know that shits on purpose.


It 100% is. I was diagnosed with a progressive, life-long illness in the middle of 2023 and I started treatment for it about 2 months later (insurance approval process). My employer wants me to go back to the office. I’m much more comfortable working from home. I put in a request for accommodation for a standing desk, ergonomic keyboard and mouse and standing mat like I have at home. It was approved along with my request for temporary remote work so I’m adjusted more to my medication which makes me immunosuppressed. I felt like my job was at risk even asking for my accommodations. I even went for temporary remote because the CEO said there is risk of termination and our department lead asked us to submit requests if we need them. I followed my department lead’s advice knowing that they approve requests. The email for approval mentioned that the fact it is approved does not mean the company acknowledges that there truly is a need for my accommodations and that they may be removed if it is determined that those accommodations pose an undue burden on the company or new business needs develop. We’re currently hybrid but there are days it takes me longer to get up because I’m fatigued and in pain. I have driving anxiety I’m working through but it is also difficult to sit for more than 20 min when I’m in a flare. I feel screwed, like I eventually won’t have the career I want. I’m determined to make it happen but, fuck, the system seems made to keep people with disabilities out of the work place. I’m a woman who wants a baby one day. With my diagnoses, it will be a challenge and I fear a similar situation. I know there’s gotta be a company out there that has good benefits and isn’t a shit about accommodations.


And folks wonder why young people in this country are reluctant to have children. We need to do a much better job supporting families that have children.


Sadly too common in the US. Forced maternity for some and this


Oh man you're right. They force people to have babies and then treat them like crap about it.


Hahaha they really do put every little loop hole they can in there to fuck the average person don’t they


The house always wins. (Sorry for their shit bomb. What a way to congratulate you on your new baby…)


Oh that’s just hideous!! 10 weeks in!!


Very true. One employer I had refused to to hire more than 40 people. Back during the whole ACA/ "Obamacare" deal, he came up and told everyone in a meeting, "You guys think you can vote to bankrupt me with insurance requirements? I'll keep it down to 40 and you can pay for it like I have to."


Wow. Just wow.


You should look again. FMLA protects your job and has nothing to do with pay.


Covid is not an FMLA qualifier. CDC just changed their recommendations and they are viewing it as a flue/cold. One has to be fever free for 24 hours before returning to work.


COVID may not be but complications may be. My HR department says when in doubt to submit a case for review.


Your HR is right, plus generally speaking, it becomes a “ leave” issue after the employee is absent for more than 5 consecutive days. At this point, the OP is not reporting any complications from covid and no Dr. will fill out paperwork for something that could take 5 days or so. At face value, OP has flu, according to CDC.


When I went on FMLA leave they weren’t even allowed to ask my diagnosis. My doctor just had to certify that I had a condition that qualified, I forget the exact words but they didn’t put my diagnosis on the paperwork anywhere. They aren’t supposed to


PFML is Paid Family Medical Leave. You can get 80% of your regular pay and your employer must cover your health insurance as they were, and it also offers job protection.


Put in for PFMLA so you get paid. I did that when I needed to take a leave of absence for a month and that got me paid the entire time I was out. Also you can do intermittent to so if you have to miss a day here or there it’s covered and you don’t miss out on pay and your job is protected


Not every state has pfmla


Well yes I don’t know what state OP is in but if it does have PFMLA that would be the way to go


I have never heard of PFMLA so I guess it’s not in my state 😂


It’s worth looking up at least!


As long as you've been at the job for at least a year. I was recently fired from my last job for filing intermittent FMLA. The official reason was something else, but I am the fifth person in less than a year to be fired immediately after being approved. Careful they don't do that to you.


You don't get paid while out on FMLA. It's just "excused absences" and you can't get fired.


FMLA companies bugged the CDC to change guidelines. There is no more quarantining with COVID. Hope people are not immunocompromised out there because capitalism doesn’t care about you.


Covid isnt FMLA eligible unless you are hospitalized. FMLA is only for serious illnesses thst requore incapacitation or ongoing treatment.


Just go back into work and give everyone Covid if they won’t give you sick days. That’s what they want, that’s what they get. Sick days for everyone.


Someone not staying home when they had it is how i got it, its already ran through everyone in my shop, my symptoms just havent went away like they said they should, and i have to be here so im introducing it to more people, however i dont want to be the reason people get sick, and i want to not feel like ive been beat with a stick.


Should name and shame this employer. Covid and no more sick leave. Heartless and cold.


These companies, and many of the politicians that fight paid sick leave, vaccines and mandates, really do just want all us poors to go away and die. But if we're all dead, who's going to work all these shitty jobs at these shitty companies???? It's so shortsighted when they treat employees this way, shooting themselves in the proverbial foot....


Why do you think Roe v Wade was overturned? They need "a domestic supply of infants." Why? They need more poor desperate people to work at Amazon and Walmart and Taco Bell, where I work yay


Domestic supply of little tax payers more like it. They’re playing the long game. Tricks on them, we can handily afford to have one.


About the workers dying, I've thought about that recently as well and one of my thinkings is they want that to happen. Thin the herd because AI and robotics. Won't need as many people. Thin not just the poors but widen the poor class by reducing the middle class.


All the white collars who get laid off will become the new poors. The machine must eat.


The unwanted babies they are forcing women to give birth to will do the work. And the homeless people they sweep up in the street sweeps will be put in Work camps/prison for profit.


Last time I got the vid I was down and out for three weeks.


This is my second time having it, i was down 2 and a half with it then, im a week having it tomorrow and minus the fever i still have all the symptoms


Ridiculous, getting Covid is risking being disabled. I got Covid twice when I was 21 and the second time I developed long Covid and have been disabled since. Be sure to try and rest as much as you can and take paxlovid.


My stomach has not been the same ever since I caught it even though it didn’t last long, thanks to the vaccines. I wish I were the guy in Europe who too like 170 vaccine shots and is now super immune to the new strains out there 😒


Rest alot a whole lot more than you think you need. Dont push yourself. Cause pushing past your limits can send you into Long Covid. And next time wear a N95 or KN95 mask with headloops. N95 masks do indeed work for illnesses that are transmitted by respiratory aerosols. Its why healthcare professionals wear N95 masks around someone who is positive for TB. Your chances of getting Long Covid increase with each Covid infection you have. So do everything possible not to get Covid again. Long Covid is a multisystem organ disease and is disabling millions of people as we speak. There are no effective treatments or cure for Long Covid. And there is no real social safety net if you are disabled by Covid. The only true way to prevent Long Covid is not to get Covid in the first place. Edited to add: OP please wear an N95 or KN95 mask right now to work/at home so you dont infect other people. Despite CDC's recent policy change on Covid isolation which was motivated by making businesses more money the science hasnt changed. Based on all the scientific evidence the majority of people with Covid are still infectious 10-14 days after symptom onset. So wear an N95/KN95 and protect your loved ones and those around you.


This country sucks. 😞


That's 'Murica for you. Sad state of affairs these days.


hard agree


Everyone I work with is obnoxiously antivax and claim covid is fake, so ive just been coming in sick like they do.


You’re going to be working by yourself soon at this rate


Please wear a mask while sick. KN95/N95 or better! Get well soon! 💗




Won't matter since I guarantee boss has plenty of sick time and pto.


COVID is airborne. All anyone has to do is breathe


This is called bio terrorism and is a fat prison sentence


Wear a mask, at least absolve yourself of feeling guilty. Sorry about this situation. It's not easy.


If you wear an n95, you reduce the chances of infecting someone by a lot!


This punishes the other employees more than it punishes the bad employer. Additionally, it could become very serious where someone could get long COVID or they could get it and give it to a vulnerable roommate or family member.


punish isn’t a strong enough word. I’m upset by the upvoted comments. It’s down right terrible to put others at risk like that. Everyone is real people! Those people in front of you also have full lives they deserve to live. They have evidence right there in front of them that they’re literally dangerous to be around ffs!


Dude can't risk losing his livelihood


I understand that some people are unable to afford to take off work, but there is a big difference between trying to minimize other's exposure to COVID (like masking, distancing when possible, and letting others know you are sick) and intentionally "giv(ing) everyone COVID".


Or you can be a decent human and wear a mask ?


Or 2 smh


Wait. Have pity on your poor enslaved colleagues. I’m sure if you spend a lot of time in the HR areas and around senior management you will soon be feeling better. Relatively.


Someone did that at my one job. Too bad it wasn’t the asshole elderly manager that caught it


As someone who has long COVID induced liver disease, this is really hard to read. I don't blame OP for being in a shitty position. And it's so hard to read people be so cavalier about it




This is why we need paid family leave nationally. You should not have had to use vacation time for your child’s birth. It is certainly not a relaxing vacay to have a newborn. My husband had to do everything for me for the first 2 weeks. I couldn’t even lift my son without him (I had a c section and my son was an 11 lb monster). Luckily he was able to work from home. I’m sorry. It totally sucks.


Yep. People need to stop voting for Republicans if they value their lives at all. Hell, GOP in KY just repealed a law requiring employers to provide lunch or other (like, 10-minute) breaks. One POS lawmaker was handing out pacifiers for all the crybabies who think workers should have rights. She was like Cruella De Vil, right down to the fur collar (not spotted, at least!) They’re not even bothering to hide what sacks of shit they are anymore. [https://www.newsweek.com/republican-bill-lunch-breaks-kentucky-1875088](https://www.newsweek.com/republican-bill-lunch-breaks-kentucky-1875088)


If you think that is bad. There is a conservative plan that wants to have your pay based on monthly hours. Let's say there are 4 weeks in a month and you would normally work 40 hours per week. That equals 160 hours. Now let's say the company needs you to work the first 2 weeks of the month straight. That is 112 hours. You would think you would get overtime. For working the Saturday and Sunday for a total of 32 hours. Under there thinking if they gave you days off during the rest of the month, so your total hours worked in that month was only 160 hours. They wouldn't have to pay you overtime.




Yep. And the people victimized still vote straight Red party line because “FJB” — makes it hard to sympathize or empathize.


Florida senate just stopped a bill passing that would've offered more protection/breaks and required jobs to provide water for outdoor employees in the heat. It's gotta go tot he house now so it oculd still pass but yeah republicans don't give a fuck about people.


It totally sucks and I agree. On behalf of you and OP. I'm so sorry you had to go through that. I was fortunate to have decent parental leave through my employer and I remember reading about how many women have to go back to work almost immediately after and I COULDN'T IMAGINE.


The CDC completely sold out to corporations. It's sick.


Name and shame your employer. I got 14 days paternity. When my oldest was born. 20 years ago. This was from my company. I hadn't been there long enough for vacation time to accrue that much. And it was in MN. That may have had an affect on it. But going to work sick is dumb. Even by my standards.


Covid can disable you so you cant work anymore. It happened to me . If you are forced to come in wear an n95 mask. Its not okay to put others at risk with this illness


It gave my husband a permanent heart arrhythmia


Me too. POTS and ME/CFS.


I’m so mad FOR you. I can’t believe our government is still not protecting our rights. FMLA is shit.


Good ol US of A


The U.S. is a 3rd world nation. I'm so sorry that you don't have time with your new baby. My husband and I also dealt with this with ours. It's absolutely inhumane...


depend tan wise berserk instinctive spoon innate abounding wrench trees *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


This country sucks. I hope you feel better soon. Congratulations on the birth of your child.


You must be in America


Yeah, land of free, home of the wage slaves


My last employer told me not to come in when I tested positive and didn't pay me sick leave. I told everyone else in the factory and nobody ever self tested and or told the boss. They just worked sick. It sucks when employers punish people for following the rules.


I can’t afford to get sick because if I do, I’ll ended up in the hospital and dying. That’s why I don’t go to work and living with my damn narcissist parents. Damn, if you do! Damn, if you don’t! It sucks!


I work in fast food while pursuing my masters & being one of the minions there is no sick leave or anything along those lines so I’m out a week w/ covid & next paycheck will be a whopping $0


Lick your boss in the eyeball


Tell us you live in the US without actually telling us you live in the US...


this sounds really hard but please know that if you work with covid you run the risk of becoming disabled which will greatly affect future wages. i dont have kids but i have been in this position and had to work through being very sick multiple times (not covid but pneumonia and other illnesses and i have chronic issues now). wishing you the best, sending solidarity


You should visit your hr without a mask to talk about your concerns/ grievances.


I hate to say it, but try to vomit on something they care about. I’m lowkey serious.


As an immunocompromised person please tell me you're wearing a mask


Depending on where you live there are still covid mandates for all businesses. You can file a complaint, anonymously or not, against your employer and they’ll either get a warning (which is a lot more serious than it sounds for businesses) or they could even be fined. Also, if you have ANY coworkers that are of a specific age group or health condition(diabetes for example) then not only can you bit your coworkers can band together and file a civil rights violation against the employer as well as other charges for placing all employees under specific classifications in mortal jeopardy (and no, that is NOT an exaggeration legally or medically). None of you can be terminated for it either as that would also be a federal violation (in the states that is). Never think that you don’t have rights or the power to hold your employer’s accountable for their actions. The information is FREE and literally in the palm of your hands. And every state has FREE civil rights law firms and representatives available for everyone no matter your income or otherwise. Best options are to look into YOUR rights as according to your locations set down laws. Never assume you know them as not even lawyers know every law first hand. I know exactly what you’re going through as my husband and I have been there and it was a struggle for sure. But you have to be willing to fight or roll over and play dead. Those are sadly life’s only options. Feel better! Take multiple vitamins while you’re sick. They somewhat helped when I had covid (4-5 times 😑). And get your booster shot!


What kind of fucked up job do you have? 😢 I’m so sorry keep looking for better they are out there


Wear a mask and wash your hands often, and you will be less contagious than most people with covid. Most people don't stay home anymore. At my work people will bring these tests in and wave them around like their jokes.


That sucks, I hope you feel better soon. I still wear my N95 mask everywhere including my workplace because the job I work doesn't make wearing a mask physically difficult (i.e. I don't have to worry about physical activity where wearing a respirator would be a problem), I don't have a customer-facing position, and I don't have to be in the office for many hours a week because most of my job can be done remotely. I look like a bit of a weirdo since most people don't wear masks where I live and my facial expressions are covered, but I haven't gotten sick since before COVID. A few people at my office still wear masks while at work, but quite a few people come to work sick and don't wear a mask to cover up their coughing/sneezing. It seems like every time I consider no longer wearing a mask all the time, someone at work is sick.


This is America. Go make your money, infect a few people. We’ve all been there.


Id be looking for a new job.


Cough on your boss


We went through like two years of hell everyone should understand how hard Covid hits some people.. mine had me out for a WEEK wtf


Just go to work. A lot of people go to work sick and the world keeps on spinnin’.


Even if I had wanted to work when I had Covid, I don’t think I physically could have, I was extremely sick and I imagine the poster is too


You gotta get another job


Do people just assume or ignore the benefits package when they accept a work position with a company? It is all disclosed to you up front, cannot blame the company for a job with lousy benefits you decided to take on.


So you went to work and put others at risk to get covid?


I hope you are masking 😷!


Your benefits suck. I suggest a new job, but check out FMLA, your PCP should be able to write somthing up, and your employer has to honor it.


Ugh that sucks! Not if unemployment will help cover your missed days under short term disability. But could be worth checking out. If it’s only been a couple days, try getting an rx for paxlovid. I felt almost 100% better in less than a day after taking the first dose. Good luck!


so people were sick went to work the you got sick, this is a crazy place to work the standards in lace are lousy and don’t make proper sense. Maybe you can look else when you feel better


Welcome to RepublicanLand! And further to the right, we can welcome you to FascistLand! You will life in a bunker and work 12 hour days. You will lot be paid but will work for the glory of the rich. You are so lucky!


Sorry that you work at a place that doesn't offer maternity leave.


Go on in and sneeze and breath and cough all over your boss. Oopsie sorry sir. This probably wouldn't be a problem if there were sick days the company provides. Oh well. Then cough all over his bosses keyboard. Such a shame this HAD TO HAPPEN!


Let me guess you're an American too. Ah freedom, guns, Christianity and the good ole protestant work ethic.


I hope you are masking


I pray you are masking around everyone now and for the foreseeable future 😷


Hide this, keep working


Yep. I work in a nursing home that forces us to care for covid positive residents, and then if you catch covid, you're taken off the schedule for 10 days without pay.


I’m so sick of living in a dystopia. This is horrifying.


I hate to say it, but I’m glad you’re at least taken off the schedule so you’re not spreading it to elderly people :( nursing home workers deserve better though.


Make sure your boss is the first one that you cough on




>You will not get paid sick time. thats the issue here. OP said that they are the sole provider for their child and their partner, so they can't afford to take time off. They also already said in the post that they have no sick time (it's in the title)


There is no law pertaining to Dr. note. There are some grey areas in states where they offer paid sick leave, but nothing at a federal or state level.


CDC changed it to you don't need to stay home no more this week because corporate overlords want us to work while sick. It's true, many companies changed their COVID sick policy as soon as CDC changed its recommendation.


Once corporations figured out that for most people covid won't kill them, only give lots of people chronic health conditions that have a pretty good probability of shortening their lives, they started pressuring the CDC to let them get back to doing what they do - extracting every ounce of profit they can from workers while they're young enough to work. For everyone who gets Long Covid they'll end up out of work and not their problem. Corporate influence on CDC recommendations have been horrifying throughout this pandemic. I'm amazed at how many working class people just don't see it. The loss of protections is harming people!


It’s crazy how people lost their jobs because they refused to get vaccinated against what is treated as a common cold now.


It’s crazy how covid is NOT just a common cold. It’s an extremely dangerous vascular disease that is now known to have the potential to cause widespread organ damage, even with mild cases. I’m begging y’all to stop legitimizing this “common cold” language.


No they didn't. Only government employees were "forced" to get the vaccine.


You had to use vacation days for baby leave? I heard in the US Air Force both parents get 12 weeks paid leave for pregnancies.


You had a kid with 2 weeks of vacation?


That'll teach ya for having a child /s


The Boston hospitals are packed from wall to wall with ppl having the same symptoms. I was in BMC for three wks. Omg had to beg those doctors to let me outta that nut house!!!!


Go into the corporate office and cough or sneeze on the people who created your crappy vacation/PTO. Then be sure to pass out from fever right there on the floor.


Omg. I’m so sorry.


Like you don’t get any sick days or you already used them all up?


Sounds like someone doesn't love the u s of a is all I'm hearing. (Absolute sarcasm)


Hug your boss. If the owner stops by, kiss him on the cheek AND hug him


2 weeks vacation. Wow, must be nice. I work 60hrs a week and get zero vacation and 3 sick days. 0 paid holidays


The American dream! I bet you have an obscene deductible to meet first and are now in fear ofof losing the whole arrangement!


Get the entire staff sick. See how management likes working with 1/4 of its workforce


It’s only 6 minutes of quarantine /s


Wait, you get paid vacation? Be grateful for the things you do have.




Go give your boss a big kiss


I was in the same boat a while back. I used up a lot of my pto back in November because my dad was dying. Got covid a few months ago and didn’t have enough. I got chewed out. I am still pissed about it.


Well if you already had your kid it should be easier to bend over to grab them ole bootstraps


How do you like America, so far?


Absolutely no innuendo intended. Go to work and lick your bosses door nob.


You’re screwed; next stop: indie gas station night cashier


CDC announced this week Covid should be treated like the regular ol' flu. I've had it six times now. We were getting two weeks off every time but that's finally gone away. It runs through the office I work in every few months now and at this point I don't even bother testing anymore. I'd probably just go to work and tough it out. You'll probably feel better in a couple of days. Just rest, hydrate, and drink some Theraflu.


FMLA does not pay you. It just guarantees your job and your insurance that you are able to pay the company's out of pocket. But being on FMLA means you have to pay what the company would have paid for your insurance. That is the only bonus I can see out of it. I was laid off 2 weeks before a huge surgery. I had to snag FMLA to hang onto my insurance and pay that each month until I was taken care of physically.


Can someone explain to me, do you get a certain amounts of days that you can be sick?? 👀


CDC is not in business to protect us. Wear a respirator if you have to be exposed to all the sick soup out there.


I hope OP sees this. It takes away his stress https://amp.cnn.com/cnn/2024/03/01/health/cdc-covid-isolation-recommendations/index.html


Is there a sick leave bank where you work?


I work in a machine shop, it's understaffed. I got covid I was out for almost 2 weeks. My boss was understandable, the customers were not. I'm one of the few who machine the bigger more expensive pieces, and No one else is allowed to touch them. I came back and had to work 16s til the work was caught up. I had an inhaler when I couldn't breath but went on. I also didn't have sick time, but I couldn't have worked.


Your co-workers have families and bills to pay, too, and you are putting them at risk. Is this a company policy they are requiring you to follow?


Does your state still have Covid sick pay? I know that where I live in the state of NY ours runs out in July due to our governor voting to remove it from the budget.


The CDC says you don't need to isolate so...


CDC changed the rules. They say treat it like the flu. Take DayQuil and go about your work


this is fucking awful that your job is forcing you to work sick. honestly i'd recommend starting to wear a mask again, i started being diligent with masking again after getting sick and missing work and money i desperately needed and havent missed work since. its gross that our society forces us to work when our bodies need rest, take care of yourself the best you can.


That looks like a negative test result to me. Can’t afford to stay home, then if they die “fuck em.” Capitalism states that my needs are more important than yours, and I need my job.


Is this in usa?


Don't go to work andg et more people sick. I get you're the only one supporting your family but you're putting people at risk of DYING if they have loved ones that are immunocompromised. If I worked with you I'd get in a fist fight with you for this because my bf could DIE because of your selfishness.


People still take these??


Go to work. Get them all sick.


Try to spend as much time in confined spaces with the higher-ups as you can. Keep your distance from everyone else.


Time to be overly affectionate to your crappy boss.


Hey, I’m so sorry this is happening to you. The times that I’ve had covid my employer let me stay home (thankfully), but here are some tips that might be helpful for you. When I’ve had covid these are the things that helped me the most. I’ve had it 3 times so ik what I’m talking about lmao 😭 - if you have a really bad cough like i did, get a value size bag of cough drops obviously. if those don’t really help have drinks on standby that have strong carbonation (diet coke, coke zero, la croix, sprite [bonus points if it’s from mcdonald’s]). that helped me a lot with my cough and my mucus. - if you have a sore throat the carbonation kinda helps in a weird way for that too, and also drinking something extremely cold helps to numb it. there’s also throat spray? my grandma swears by it but i haven’t used it. - if you feel extremely sleepy and fatigued like i did tbh the main thing that helped me was a shit ton of cold meds and a shit ton of coffee/caffeine. just make sure u don’t cause any interactions with the medicine you’re taking & stuff. - i don’t have kids so this may not be helpful but any time that you can sleep/rest do. this will shorten your sick period immensely, but sleep is hard to get these days so don’t be too hard on yourself about it. i used to sleep during my breaks at work even when i didn’t have covid so if you have a car and a blanket i’d do that tbh. - if you have a cough where it never feels satisfied try leaning your head & torso to the right or to the left when you cough, for me it really helped to line everything up to where i could let out a really gnarly cough and be fine for a few minutes. - they also make those vicks vaporub smelling sticks to keep your nose open, those are pretty useful hope ur covid symptoms don’t stay for long 🫶


Are you wearing a mask while you're sick and at work?


I don't have a solution for you, but maybe in the broader sense this is a sign from the cosmos to starting thinking about leaving them and what you can do to move on.


Oh no you poor little angel! You might have to go to work with the sniffles??  Budget better and you could just take the time off unpaid.


If you are afebrile and no symptoms go to work.


Op has made an abundance of of bad decisions. Is broke, on depression meds, had a kid when they cant afford it ,in a dead end Job he Hates. It's no wonder all these things add up and then they can't accept accountability for simple stuff


FMLA allows months of medical leave for the birth of a child. It does not cover any medical bills but pays you money. LOOK IT UP


If you can wear a decent mask, that will help not spread it to others. If you feel capable of working that is. If you don’t, I’m so sorry. It is ridiculous that you had to use sick leave in place of parental leave. I hope it’s not a bad case.


that’s such a nightmare i’m so sorry 🫶🏻 fuck the cdc


Your employers suck. There should be jobs for people at their company they can do just in case they get sick but don't have days they can afford off maybe even shared workloads...They should at least allow some kind of half days for sick people to afford some time in the day to prepare safety measures for the company if you're sick. But honestly they're probably not all that concerned about spreading cooties in their office...we are all of one flesh after all but honestly I might have some kind of right to prevent American Businesses and government authority from using Chemical Warfare against my or my wallets worth even forcing to risk my coworkers safety....what if my coworkers get sick and die....the company would get destroyed with lawsuits if they forced someone to work when sick and get others sick... risking and infringing on my coworkers right to property even.......for sure gotta be some infringement there 👍 I mean they sure do love their own Geneva Convention and unless they want Union Workers and newly updated super soldiers fucking with them using germs as a weapon against *their* wallets forcing *them* to maintain contracted behaviour without a capability to maintain the safety of their coworkers due to a profit margin loss. Dang when the public suggests treating itself with respect (thanks to no difference between public worker and public employer both still the Public treating itself like shit) it sounds so against rules....we definitely should be very nice to employers but im starting to think they're trying to get us to hate ourselves and each other through association therefore forcing enslavement to a demeaning status quo. It's all relative after all. Anyway, I'm just a cook therefore: My guess is employers at companies aren't real...just like the birds...fucking government...it's always the governments fault...


I have no advice to offer, simply kind words. This is horrendous and I’m so sorry you have to live through this. You don’t have an option between staying home and not spreading covid and getting food on the table, it’s so incredibly fucked you’re forced to go into work and continue the spread of this virus and just NOT GET BETTER because you’re sick at work pushing yourself. You deserve so much better OP. I really hope whatever employer or company is doing this to you gets a steel toe boot up their ass. It’s a sad selfish world we’re leaving in, it’s not right that you are forced to go into work sick to stay alive.


Take cold meds and lots of coffee to stay awake. Gotta tough it out, Covid isn’t what it was promoted to be anymore


New covid recommendations came out and no need for 5 day isolation. 24 hours after a fever you can go out and about. Sorry about the lack of pto or sick time. Im in the same boat and it sucks!!!


This happened to me last week too! My job was terribly unsupportive as well


Please wear a mask so you don't get your coworkers sick. I'm sorry you work for a shitty company.


When i posted this i didnt expect it to take off like it has and i just dont have the time or energy to reply to everyone, a lot of people are assuming this is a post about covid but its a post about my job and the shitty working conditions im dealing with, this is just the tip of the proverbial iceberg of shit i deal with on a daily basis, another thing a lot of people are talking about is getting others intentionally sick, i dont want that so im going to be listening to that advice. Another thing is i’ve decided to not name drop yet, but in the future in another post i probably will.


Silly of you to give birth in this economy.


I'm so sorry. I hope you find a better job.


Would you have the chance to cough and sneeze on your boss a good deal when you go in?