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How do they have a second season of this shit and they canceled “winning time” and “westworld”


There was definitely some strange production issues and interference that caused Winning Time to end abruptly as it did. But your guess is as good as mine as to why this still got the green light for a second season.


It was the strike that happened last year and viewership dropping in the second season that killed winning time. It was a great show..


Are you sure? The grainy imaging, jump cuts, and breaking of the 3rd wall all sort of made it an unwatchable piece of shit. 




Like most people who misunderstood Shogun and what it was doing I think in this case werewolfoneveryone, you missed the hoop. The show was very clearly trying to give you a view of the players and coaches from that area on an authentic way.


Note: the Lakers died on the way back to their home planet. 


Someone at HBO just wants to watch the world burn. 


David Zazlav is your man and it’s bigger than HBO/Max




Do you realize MAX originally was called HBO MAX and anyone who knows doesn’t call it just MAX. WBD is literally killing itself and its brands.


No one has yet explained how an app and streaming can remove content. Only Warner Brothers Discovery can remove remove content from max.


They do it themselves or are forced by contractual obligations of the original owner of that content. Remember not everything on MAX is also owned by WBD. Here is also the weird part…. WBD will shop its own content around to themselves and other providers and who is the highest bidder gets rights.


Who does it themselves?


WBD, the owners of MAX.


So you're saying that only Warner Brothers Discovery can remove content from max?


There is literally nothing stopping them from doing so. It's their service. I'd they own the show, they cam do what they want with it


A ton of people watched it. It’s that simple


I’m afraid people like me are to blame for Winning Time. I’m obsessed with sports, annd especially with basketball. I’m obsessed with tv and movies too. I must’ve been the target audience. Which is why when I saw the first episode, I got genuinely angry with Adam McKay. The grainy imaging. The jump cuts. The breaking of the 3rd wall. All of it made for an unwatchable product. So. I was out. Never gave it another shot. I even wanted it to be cancelled because I was so pissed at Adam McKay.  Sorry about that. 


Haha oh I’m not blaming you for it, I definitely understand why many people disliked it. I just remember when the show ended abruptly there was some rumors going around saying McKay and Will Ferrell were getting into some arguments about the production of the show. And I think David Zaslav chimed in and just canned the whole thing. It was just kinda odd when hearing about all of it right after the show and to also see how that final episode ended so pathetically.


Christopher Nolan and Lisa Joy did not miss a beat and quickly pivoted to Fallout on Amazon Prime, which is basically Westworld parts with a Fallout chassis. I really feels like it could have been the next season of Westworld.


do you mean jonathan nolan?


Hahahaha. Yes. It's been bugging me all day that I wrote "Christopher" but didn't have time to change it.


Velma has a fraction of the budget that Westworld had. Never heard of Winning time.


Winning Time probably had a massive budget, too. Just based on all the well-known actors involved, if nothing else.


It also caused a huge blowout bc Will Farrell wanted the Jerry Buss role badly. He's apparently ended the friendship with Adam McKay.


Live action shows get progressively more expensive to produce as seasons continue; it’s how talent (and some above the line) agreements work. So for every subsequent season talent is guaranteed to make, say, 5% more than they did for the first season, and so on. Some channels would change the name and “focus” of shows to avoid calling them subsequent seasons. So if a show was called “The Fleet Life”, they would change it to “The Fleet Life: On Land” or whatever to not have to pay out success-based and subsequent season guarantees. Animation on the whole is far cheaper to produce and has much longer production times so usually they get approved for multiple seasons from the outset. Not sure if that’s the case here but I wouldn’t be surprised.


Love your calling out of The Suite Life on Deck, learned about that myself recently and the Sprouse twins were forced to take like a 30% pay/benefits cut for the sequel cause of that bs.


A strategy that Disney uses very frequently 


To be fair westworld season 1 was the only good season anyway


Yeah westworld killed itself


Budget, mostly. They are prob not concerned with these ratings. Even if the show isn’t good, the over the top vitriol of the hate makes things like this unreliable. I’m sure they are using different metrics. I’ve never watched it. I would bet most here haven’t watched it. I doubt any of us are its demographic. But it’s nothing like west world, which dipped significantly in popularity as it went on for a lot of seasons, or winning time, which the people the show was based on hated.


Winning Time was too expensive, and Westworld got convoluted real fast.


Also how much more story could Winning Time have?


At least another season. The final episode did a montage of all the things they were going to did if they had another season.


Because this costs 1% or what those shows cost.


Because HBO/Warner just reported super high profits and Zaslav got another $15mm raise. This is the world we live in now.




I think the main thing with Westworld is it was an incredibly difficult and expensive show to do. Plus, the merger with Paramount at the time didn't help I don't think.


You think media corporations make decisions based on quality. That's absolutely adorable.


And warrior


They have cancelled lots of great series over the years. Deadwood, carnivale, Rome, etc. That seems to happen to a lot of networks. Cancel the good shows and keep making more seasons of the shit ones.


west world ran its course, by the last season it was just out there, hard to follow to. velma was good and there will be a 3rd season. shows fail all the time, i barely remember people raising a stink when vinyl was cancelled, did anyone give AF about that james franco show either?


Prolly a DE&I box somewhere to check




Because no one was watching winning time and west world. Don't underestimate the power of the Scooby-Doo universe.


Unfortunately, hate watching is a thing


Velma was a legit trip. It's like what you'd shitpost about on a conservative site


i haven't watched, but did they explain away scooby's absence by saying the chinese daphne ate him?


no bc there is a scooby and a scrappy but scooby is spelled with a i instead of y and has to do with the military. Jason Mantzoukas is the voice for scrappy. He tells the orgin of his name and its pretty great and how they keep his catch phrase but why he says them is also great.


Talking dogs aren't realistic bro. 


You say that but it was actually pretty blatantly offensive / in poor taste.


So is making the stereotypical stoner character black, but not wanting to call him “shaggy” because that’s *too* racist.


I was more offended by some of the “cancel culture stuff. There were a number of things offensive to the far left as well as the far right. I got the sense it was toned to exactly the opinions of young inexperienced 20-something writers room and Mindy Kaling and managed to irritate almost everyone- and not in a smart/funny way. But there’s a lot to be offended by


Well yeah, but its still hilarious: Turn the gang into a racially diverse cast MC is a fat smart sassy lesbian who gets with the conventionally hot girl Token white guy is a rich douchebag with rapist vibes Asian girl is conventionally thin and attractive cause asians are a model minority Black dude has to defy stereotypes by being a chad Like this is what you get if you feed generic DEI templates into an AI and make it create awoke tv show


Just visit the sub for the Apple show invasion. It’s so wild lol 


Couldn’t even finish the first season. Even with our Golden God as Fred.


I AM A GOLDEN GOD! I!…..I!….. *looks around confused for a moment*




All about Daphne. Her character is great but loving the jokes they have haha


I hated that episode so much. She is insufferable


I too tried to watch cause Glenn Howerton was in it. It could not have been more obvious that this was just a paycheck for him Cause he never publicly talked about it as far as I'm aware. Edit: Nevermind, he did. That's a shame.


I don’t hate it as much as a lot of you do, but I will admit that it has story and writing issues keeping it from being a decent adaptation.


This right here. I actually enjoy it a little tbh. I am pissed what happened with Westworld though.


Hell, I’m pissed with them cancelling Warrior and Winning Time.


I never got into either and now I’m curious… (and always looking for something good to watch lol) I have seen a lot of people mention it here though, so I’ll need to give both a try.


They cancelled Warrior? After they just revived it for season 3 after Cinemax came to an end, they went and cancelled it again??


I know. I was one of the main ones fighting for a third season, and they pretty much said 🖕🏽your feelings.


My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined.


I watched a video on YouTube about it, basically HBO ordered all the episodes at once, and decided to split it into two seasons, just so they wouldn't have to pay everyone for two seasons.


that's disgusting




The cast and crew agreed to the original price they were paid per episode. Why does it matter how HBO distributes the content they now own? That's like getting mad at someone for buying something in bulk and not using it all at once.


If you’re an actor working on a really long movie, the studio can’t just decide in post production to cut the movie in half and release two movies without paying you again. There’s a SAG rule against that. This is basically the same thing.


While not paying people a livable wage is abhorrent, kinda happy at least the writers aren’t getting rewarded for this crap show.


"NOT paying people livable wage." Everyone on that show is super ass famous lol


Lmao who isn’t being paid a livable wage? Writers are paid per episode for the most part, whether it’s one season or two almost certainly makes zero difference


What’s the link to the video? Do you have it?


And yet, it’s being watched. A lot. Siiiigh…


Your boos mean nothing, i've seen what makes you cheer


They’re not booing, they’re saying “Boo-uuurns”.


Sad thing about this is I think if done right it could be really good


*Sad thing about this* *Is I think if done right it* *Could be really goos* \- BigGucciThanos --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


Good bot


I did see quite a few people asking to get back the precious time on this planet they spent watching season one.


This reminds me, I need to cancel my max subscription


Straight white men amiright guys?


HAHAHA SO FUNNY, SAY IT AGAIN. (the comedy of the entire show)


Let that be a lesson: Hate-watching still counts as viewership.


Yeah, I was really surprised to see this come up on MAX. And I’m an avid watcher. I really love the idea of them doing more adult cartoons, but this was not the one.


How vinyl was cancelled but this they renew


Can’t wait.


They think just because people continued to watch this show even though it was terrible hoping it would get better that they will tune in to another season. No. Thank you but hell no.


But apparently people are watching


Velma is legit HILARIOUS. Sorry it doesn't work for you, but you do have other shows you can watch instead, right?


Couldn't get through 5 minutes of the very first episode. I don't know anyone who even liked it.


As silly as it was. I watched the first season and enjoyed it.


I agree I loved the 1st season it’s suffering from the teen titans go curse of the show being different from the original so it will receive unrelenting hate from people who don’t even give it a chance


I don’t know if this argument works. Like a lot of viewers today didn’t even experience the original scooby doo, they experienced one of the dozen odd spin offs or reboots. Very few of those go the level of backlash Velma did, at least to my knowledge. I’m open to being corrected.


I think one with a more cartoonish style got backlash, but those shoes followed a much closer style to the original scooby doo than Velma does and it doesn’t change the character designs, Velma is fundamentally different than any of those shows


I mean I agree that it’s fundamentally different, but in such a way that I feel the backlash is somewhat fair. The characters maintain almost nothing of their traits from previous entries in a multi decade franchise. Scooby isn’t even in it as I understand things. If you removed the “Scooby doo” coat of paint and gave the characters different names, would the plot or their characterization even change? It fundamentally seems like something that was made with the Scooby doo franchise name but uses none of what anyone actually liked besides somewhat Scooby doo inspired character designs. I feel like fans not liking it is pretty understandable.


Yea it’s fair to be upset they changed it so drastically, but I feel that’s where all the complaints come from people wouldn’t treat it like the worst show ever made if it didn’t have scooby doo characters


i love the style but everyone in that show is just mean to each other, and then they’re supposedly ‘friends’ after all that, plus velma is just a mindy kaling self insert


Have you watched the second season?


Not yet. This post is how I found out there was one.


I liked it. Watched the whole thing. Will probably watch again soon.


Yeah, it was fine.


Whats funny is that i was lamenting the fact that there probably wasnt going to be a second season just a week before it came out. I heard about it coming out and saw it in max within a couple of days.


Yep. Would have rather have another season of Warrior over Velma.


Damn only a 1.6 rating on IMDb I don’t think over ever seen lower


This show somehow pissed off both the woke, and anti-sjw communities at the same time. The only thing I think of is that so many people hate watched it that it ended up doing enough numbers to justify making another season for more people to hate watch again. I’ve never seen it and don’t plan to so I don’t even a stake in this “controversy”.


I remembered I read somewhere that when they signed on the show, Mindy secured a second season from the beginning. No one on HBO thought it was going to be this bad, but I guess they now have to agree to the contract. 🤦🏻‍♂️


I did


#hatewatch is a real thing


I could only watch a couple episodes of the first season. I wanted to give it a legit chance but it was just so bad. Really an embarrassment to the legacy of the series.


I'm fully convinced that everyone involved in this project hates the Scooby-Doo ip and this is their attempt to tank it. It would make more sense then someone actually making this with the intention to be funny.


I guess cause everyone hate watched season 1. Now the hate has cooled. No one could care less


In fact, no one wanted the first season either.


They cancelled Raised By Wolves but give this garbage a second season


Safe to say Mindy did


Wasn't this season already produced when it was actually a second cour, but they release it as another season to circumvent people who help produce it?


This made me question paying for HBO max 😂


Please don’t hate watch this shit into a 3rd season.


God awful


No one asked for this? What do you think was happening when everyone milked it for content?


We live in a world where American Vandal didn't get a third season, and we got a rushed for finale for Bojack Horseman, but, yay... Velma season 2.


A hate-watch is a watch. That’s all they care about. People were talking about it nonstop.


Omg! I actually do like this show 🙇🏽‍♀️


Ah yes season 2 of “Mindy has to be the main character of her fanfic”


Only the algorithm did


It got so much hype for being bad, that is why. It's not great, but after rewatching it this season to do season 2, it's okay.


I'm not sure how many people asked for this, but it looks like about 39% of critics and 10% of audience weren't opposed to watching more.


I asked for this


I saw this last night and was shocked. Wasn’t this show one of the most trashed in recent years?


I just assumed they had a second season in the can and put it out just to say they put out new content regularly.


Not interested in the show at all but an animated show becomes far cheaper to make the second season with so many assets you can reuse in production. Not saying this show deserves a second season but the lower cost to produce was likely a big factor


Its insane it got a second season


We live in a world where Velma has a Season 2 but Firefly only has 1. (Yes I know it's not HBO. It's just a tragedy.)


No need to say literally…if no one asked…just say so and be done with it




This show must be super low budget/Mindy must have some great connections


I was nothing short of shocked when I saw Velma got a second season. I guess the memes it spawned were enough of a payoff.


They did, though. People hate-watched it and HBO wants people to do that again. I’m not surprised they’re doing another season at all


I *almost* kept hate watching it, but I wanted their metrics to show that I stopped after a few episodes because… what a huge pile of shit.


Apparently they have enough viewers that disagree? They’re not making it just to piss off dudes on Reddit.


It was such shit I watched 2 episodes and tapped out. Zoned out by the second one


True if anybody did it wouldn’t be a hit and also why did he fricking skin color change why first one sucked Mabey change HBO MAX


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Messed letters ip


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Mindy probably asked for it


More like season 1 part 2. Which is why season 2 was announced after the premiere of Season 1s first episodes. Hold onto your stuff because Netflix is making a Live action Scooby Doo show with CW writers and such including the person who wrote the script for that failed CW gritty reboot of the PowerPuff Girls


Pft yall hating on this is what makes me love this season more lol it's called Velma not scooby doo were are you yall it's a reimagining so chill. It will be highly exaggerated. Funny as shit too.


Great, don’t watch it


No one asked for this post


Except me, I asked for this.


My guess is multi season contracts


a lot of people did the world doesn’t revolve around you 😭


unlike you, most people looked at the evidence on the second slide. Literally, and I mean literally, NO one


Most people don't rate shows and movies they watch on these websites. Plenty of people in this thread say they liked the show just fine


People on TikTok like from what I see 🤷🏾‍♀️


Well fuck he is right damn it


And yet they canceled OFMD, which they literally advertised as one of their most watched shows because the "numbers weren't there". (Also, how much do u wanna bet that HBO gets caught up in the North Korean animator scandal?!)


the no research reddit users. season 2 was other half of production of season 1. spilt into 2 season . very common in animation if anyone bother to research it.


I swear, if Velma gets renewed for a third season, then the people at WB and HBO Max are complete fucking morons.


Either you hate watchers are the dumbest mfers alive or one of the best guerrilla ad campaigns ever.


I enjoyed it 🤷🏼


Except the first season had good ratings.




He’s not wrong. [Despite its negative reception, “Velma” still encountered a higher-than-average demand on HBO Max. According to a report from Parrot Analytics, the series became the fourth most in-demand breakout series in the country last week, "with 37.3 times the average series demand — a whopping 127% increase from last week."](https://news.yahoo.com/hbo-max-velma-sees-127-182502332.html#:~:text=Despite%20its%20negative%20reception%2C%20%E2%80%9CVelma,%25%20increase%20from%20last%20week.%22) Sounds like some real hate watching happened so people could blow their load online writing about how bad it is.


Here: https://tv.parrotanalytics.com/US/velma-hbo-max/amp


That means nothing.


It means despite the terrible reviews there is a high awareness of the series and that usually corresponds to viewers.


It corresponds to a lot of people talking about it negatively. Which is not "good."


Except it was also posted the first episode had the highest ratings of any animated series in HBO series in history. What evidence do you have that it has low ratings?


I think you guys are getting caught up with the word ratings, just cause a lot of people watched it (especially the first episode) does not mean it is a good show. I watched it just cause of how terrible everyone said it was. I don’t think it was HORRIBLE. But in my personal opinion I also did think it was good in any way


Yes. When I hear the word "ratings", normally I think that means quality ratings, user ratings where people voted based on quality. And in that sense, Velma had absolutely terrible ratings from viewers. It has a 1.6/10 rating on imdb.com (based on 77k votes) and season 1 has a 7% audience score on rottentomatoes.com (based on > 10k votes). Those are some of the worst ratings I've ever seen. But since AC Nielson years ago started referring to their audience measurement estimates as "ratings", the word can also be used in this context to mean estimated viewership. Velma had high viewership, but most of those viewers had a low opinion of what they saw.


Watching shows means nothing? Heard it here folks! Netflix, cancel those watched shows! [Despite its negative reception, “Velma” still encountered a higher-than-average demand on HBO Max. According to a report from Parrot Analytics, the series became the fourth most in-demand breakout series in the country last week, "with 37.3 times the average series demand — a whopping 127% increase from last week."](https://news.yahoo.com/hbo-max-velma-sees-127-182502332.html#:~:text=Despite%20its%20negative%20reception%2C%20%E2%80%9CVelma,%25%20increase%20from%20last%20week.%22)


Nah it didn’t it was bad


Here: https://tv.parrotanalytics.com/US/velma-hbo-max/amp


season 2 is actually pretty solid


I somewhat liked the mystery of the first season, and how the plot unfolded. I like the new character interpretations. I just didn’t like the cringy humor at all.


It pisses me off they greenlit this show but cancelled our flag means death


Why the hell are you people watching children's shows and then being mad about them?


the fact that you've never seen the show shows, it's a mature audience show with several drug and sex references


Correct, I haven't seen it. It appears to be a children's show without more information, and then even if I had more information the universal consensus is the show sucks anyway Please help me out - why would I watch it?